
    Special Insights From RP Expert Coach Robert Santana

    enJanuary 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Robert Santana's Educational Background in Health and FitnessRobert Santana, a health and fitness expert, earned a PhD in nursing and health innovation, built on a foundation of a bachelor's in dietetics, master's in kinesiology, and a dietetic internship. His passion for health began as a swimmer, leading him to become a Starting Strength coach.

      Robert Santana, a longtime RP coach, recently earned his PhD in nursing and health innovation. He shared his educational background during a recent podcast interview, revealing his bachelor's degree in family and consumer sciences with a focus on dietetics, a master's degree in kinesiology, and a dietetic internship. Robert's journey into the field of health and nutrition began in his teenage years when he was a swimmer and discovered the importance of proper lifting techniques. He went on to become a Starting Strength coach in 2014 and has been helping clients learn the methods and style of lifting ever since. With his new PhD, Robert continues to innovate and expand his knowledge in the health and fitness industry.

    • Importance of gaining in-person coaching experienceInteracting with clients in person helps develop communication and social skills, builds a client base, and establishes credibility for online coaching

      Gaining experience in person is crucial for anyone looking to become a successful online coach. The speaker, who is a lifting coach and PhD, emphasized the importance of interacting with people in person to develop essential communication and social skills. He also noted that starting as an in-person coach allows one to build a client base, gain testimonials, and establish a reputation that can be leveraged when transitioning to online coaching. Without this foundation, it can be challenging to establish credibility and attract clients in the digital space.

    • The importance of in-person coaching for lifting and exercise techniquesOnline coaching is effective for diet but falls short for lifting and exercise techniques as they require in-person instruction for proper technique to avoid ineffective workouts or injuries.

      While online coaching can be effective for some aspects of fitness, such as diet, it falls short when it comes to in-person instruction for lifting and exercise techniques. This is because human movement involves complex techniques that require an experienced coach's eye to correct and adjust. Without in-person feedback, clients may not perform exercises correctly, which could lead to ineffective workouts or even injuries. As the speaker explained, even simple exercises can have room for improvement, and more complex movements like the snatch require a high level of expertise to master. The speaker also emphasized that most clients who seek coaching are not natural athletes and need more guidance than just an Excel sheet or a video can provide. The challenge of teaching proper technique to a novice was illustrated by the speaker's experience with a research participant who struggled to learn even basic movements. Overall, the importance of in-person coaching for lifting and exercise techniques cannot be overstated.

    • Stories of two individuals with different backgrounds and abilities demonstrating the importance of good form in weightliftingProper posture and form are essential for effective and efficient weightlifting, regardless of one's background or fitness level

      Good posture and proper form are crucial when lifting weights, regardless of the equipment used. The speaker shared stories of two individuals with distinct backgrounds and abilities, yet both demonstrated impressive results due to their understanding of correct form. The first was a woman who, despite not being a competitive powerlifter, learned proper lifting techniques over the internet and quickly mastered them. The second was a former NBA player, Pat Garrity, who, despite being slender and tall, displayed remarkable strength and athleticism during their training session. These stories highlight the importance of good posture and form in weightlifting, which can lead to effective and efficient workouts for individuals at all fitness levels.

    • The importance of adapting workouts to individual abilities and coordination levelsGaining experience in person coaching before transitioning to online is recommended to better understand diverse client needs and adapt workouts accordingly.

      Experience in person coaching is valuable for online coaching. The speaker shared an experience of working with a woman in her fifties who struggled with basic exercises like squats. This experience taught the speaker the importance of adapting workouts to individual abilities and coordination levels. The speaker also discussed how they evolved towards using more machine-based exercises online to make workouts less complicated and more accessible for clients with varying skill levels. The speaker emphasized that working with clients who face challenges is a great learning experience for coaches, as it pushes them to think creatively and adapt their approach. Therefore, gaining experience in person coaching before transitioning to online is recommended, as it provides valuable insights into the diverse needs and abilities of clients.

    • The Power of Perseverance in Achieving Fitness GoalsDespite physical limitations or setbacks, dedication and hard work can lead to impressive fitness results. Learn from those who have had to work harder than others to achieve their goals and stay committed to your fitness journey.

      Dedication and hard work can lead to impressive results, even for those who may not have the ideal physical attributes or circumstances. The speaker shares his own experience of making progress in strength training despite being less dense and encountering setbacks. He encourages learning from individuals who may not look the most impressive but have had to work harder than others to achieve their goals. The podcast will be released in early January, a time when many people are refocusing on their fitness journeys after the holiday season. The speaker acknowledges the challenges that come with staying committed but emphasizes the importance of perseverance.

    • Navigating the Holiday Food TemptationsStay aware of your intake and maintain physical activity during the holiday season to prevent weight gain and get back on track in the new year.

      The holiday season from Halloween to New Year's can be a challenging time for maintaining healthy eating habits due to the abundance of food and various social events. Many people, even those in the nutrition industry, struggle with this issue. The holidays are not a time for perfection, but rather for reworking expectations and practicing damage control. It's important to remember that food is everywhere and highly caloric, high fat, high sugar options are often easily accessible and appealing. Historically, we didn't have the same issue with excess food, but now, it's a constant battle. The key is to stay aware of your intake and maintain some level of physical activity. Even if you indulge during the holidays, you can get back on track once the new year begins.

    • Accepting weight fluctuations and focusing on progressUnderstand that weight loss is an ongoing process with ups and downs, focus on staple foods most of the week, be flexible, and make informed choices when possible.

      Weight loss and maintenance is an ongoing process with ups and downs, and it's important to set realistic expectations. We can't have perfect control over our food intake all the time, especially when dealing with unbalanced meals or events. It's essential to focus on staple foods most of the week and use estimation and judgment when dealing with off-balance meals. Weight is not a static measure, and it's normal to experience fluctuations. Accepting this and being flexible can help make the process more sustainable. Additionally, understanding that food companies formulate their products to be appealing and sometimes unhealthy is crucial. We can't blame them, but we should be aware and make informed choices when possible. Remember, perfection is not the goal; progress is.

    • Enjoying food during social eventsBe mindful during social events and consider saving appetite for a larger, more enjoyable meal later.

      It's important to enjoy food and not approach nutrition like a lab rat being fed a specific amount. The speaker shared an experience of ordering excessive pizza for a large group, which resulted in every piece being eaten. While it's tempting to overeat during social events, the speaker suggests being mindful and perhaps eating less during the day to save appetite for a larger, more enjoyable meal later. However, this approach may not be suitable for everyone, and it's essential to consider individual circumstances and comfort levels. Ultimately, the key is to find a balance that allows for enjoyment of food while maintaining overall health and well-being.

    • Establish a consistent routine and sufficient caloric intake firstBegin by creating a stable foundation with routine and adequate calories, then make adjustments for optimal nutrition

      When starting a nutrition plan with a client, you should prioritize establishing a consistent routine and sufficient caloric intake before adding complexity. This approach helps ensure the client doesn't feel overwhelmed and sets them up for success by eliminating distractions like hunger during the initial stages. Additionally, starting with a slightly higher caloric intake can lead to weight loss due to water weight reduction and encourage clients to trust the process. Once a routine is established, adjustments can be made to further optimize the nutrition plan.

    • The Importance of Consistency in Nutrition and FitnessConsistently showing up to workouts and checking in with coaches leads to more progress than sporadic attendance, even during challenging times.

      Consistency is key in both nutrition and fitness. It's not just about hitting a specific number of calories or macros, but rather establishing a routine and showing up consistently. This applies to everyone, regardless of their fitness level or lifestyle. Even if progress is inefficient at times, simply continuing to make an effort will lead to improvement over the long term. This concept was observed in both lifting and nutrition, with people who consistently showed up to workouts or checked in with their coaches making more progress than those who didn't, even if their progress wasn't perfect. So, for those looking to get back on track in the new year or for coaches working with clients, the message is to focus on the importance of consistency and reminding each other to keep showing up, even during challenging times.

    • Maintaining momentum despite small setbacksSmall setbacks don't have to derail progress completely. Instead, focus on getting back on track with the next meal and view progress as a long-term process.

      Small setbacks, such as indulging in unhealthy food choices, should not derail your progress completely. Instead, you can get back on track with the next meal. This simple mindset can help maintain momentum and make it easier to get back into good habits. However, starting or recalibrating can be challenging for some individuals, and it may take time to overcome inertia and build momentum. It's essential to remember that progress may not always be linear, and setbacks are a natural part of the process. Additionally, the idea that significant results can be achieved in just 12 weeks is unrealistic for most people, as life factors often interfere and cause delays. Instead, progress should be viewed as a long-term process, with consistent effort and patience leading to eventual success.

    • Managing multiple stressors impacts progress efficiency and recovery timeUnderstanding that everyone's progress can vary and focusing on consistent effort despite setbacks is crucial for long-term success in lifting

      Managing multiple stressors in life can make progress less efficient and require more recovery time. The body doesn't distinguish between good and bad stressors, and the more stressors you have, the longer it takes to adapt. Progress may not be as consistent or rapid as in ideal situations, such as a well-controlled lab or a bodybuilder's contest prep. It's important to understand that everyone's lifting career and personal progress can have different stages, and PRs can change based on factors like weight, focus, and approach to lifting. The key is to keep showing up and trying to make progress, even if it's a little at a time. As one person put it, "we're all working towards something, even if it's an overall decline."

    • Embrace new PRs in different life stagesContinually setting new goals based on current abilities leads to improvement and happiness, while strength training enhances overall health and well-being at any age.

      It's important to embrace new personal records (PRs) in different stages of life, rather than constantly comparing yourself to your past achievements. The speaker emphasizes that everyone's journey is unique, and setting new goals based on current abilities can lead to improvement and happiness. He also highlights the importance of strength training for overall health and well-being, regardless of age. Lifting helps improve bone density, muscle mass, and connective tissue strength, making daily activities easier. So, whether you're just starting or have been lifting for years, remember that every PR, no matter the age or weight, is a step towards better health and a stronger body.

    • Hiring a coach provides accountability and troubleshootingWhen you hire a coach, you get more than just information. You receive accountability, real-time solutions, and personalized guidance to help you stay committed and overcome challenges.

      When you hire a coach, you're not just paying for the information, which is readily available online. Instead, you're buying accountability and troubleshooting. The accountability ensures that you stay on track and follow through with your goals, while the troubleshooting provides real-time solutions to any issues or challenges you encounter. The comparison was made to the Dansinger study, where different diets were compared, and none of them were successful because people weren't held accountable or provided with the necessary support. Similarly, when learning something new, such as playing the guitar, having a coach provides valuable guidance and feedback that can help you improve more effectively. Ultimately, the coach serves as an insurance policy that you'll stay committed to your goals and have someone to turn to when you encounter obstacles.

    • The value of working with a coach for nutrition and health learningWorking with a coach enhances learning experience, provides diverse perspectives, and supports a successful and fulfilling health and nutrition journey

      Working with a coach is highly recommended for anyone looking to delve deeper into the world of nutrition and health. Coaches offer unique perspectives and nuances that can enhance your learning experience. The RP certification program is designed to systematize knowledge but also provides opportunities for interaction and learning from others in the Facebook group. You don't have to be an expert to share valuable information. Robert Santana, a guest on the podcast, emphasized the importance of starting with a coach and shared his experiences learning from various coaches. He also encouraged experimenting with multiple coaches to gain diverse perspectives. You can find Robert on Instagram (@d_robert_santana) and Facebook (Robert Santana) for more information and to ask questions. Overall, the benefits of working with a coach and engaging in a supportive community can lead to a more successful and fulfilling health and nutrition journey.

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Don’t forget to connect with me on IG @a_healthy_attitude and DM me if you’d like to chat more!


    Until next time!!

    Xoxo- Coach Sunny ☀️💁🏼‍♀️

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     Show Notes:

    Don’t wait until you feel fit, build your fitness from where you are now.

    People in fitness classes aren’t looking at you as much as you think they are.

    The Navy had a big impact on Kelvin Thomas.

    Goals require steps to follow to build up to your desired outcome.

    Make an appointment with yourself to work towards your fitness.

    You are never too old to do new things.

    Challenge yourself by working out with younger people.

    Being healthy isn’t as challenging as we make it to be—you just need the desire.

    “The Boiling Point” radio show will air on KSER 90.7FM in Everett, Washington. http://www.kser.org/

    Kelvin Thomas has invented a portable fitness product for people with mobility issues. Follow him online for updated details. Sign up for the waiting list here ==> http://373degreeskelvin.com/devicewaitlist

    3 Key Points:

    1. Goals can make us feel like failures if we don’t know how we will meet them.

    2. Make an appointment with yourself to accomplish things.

    3. Age gracefully as you get older by learning how to grow younger.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    - “Brave is better than perfect.” – Janae Fletcher.

    - “Build on where you started.” – Kelvin Thomas.

    - “If you aren’t working on it…it’s just a pipe dream.” – Kelvin Thomas.

    Resources Mentioned:

    JanaeFletcher.com – Website for Janae Fletcher

     janae_fletcher - Instagram

    373DegreesKelvin – Website for Kelvin Thomas

     Studio373Degrees Fitness & Health – Facebook

    @kelvin.studio373 - Instagram



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    Show notes and more on our website: meatheadtestkitchen.com

    A Hurrdat Media Production. Hurrdat Media is a digital media and commercial video production company based in Omaha, NE. Find more podcasts on the Hurrdat Media Network and learn more about our other services today on HurrdatMedia.com.

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