
    Squirtsville or Splitsville: Population YOU

    enOctober 28, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • The Magic Wand: A Trusted Confidant and Symbol of PowerUpgrade your sex life with powerful vibrators, pleasure enhancing products, and adventurous accessories.

      The Magic Wand, a iconic vibrator, has set the standard for pleasure products with its powerful rumble and cultural significance. It's more than just a toy, it's a trusted confidant and symbol of power. Summer is also a time to enhance your sex life, and Promescent's line of pleasure enhancing products, like delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help make your experiences even more enjoyable. Additionally, the Midnight collection by Sport Cheats offers sophisticated and adventurous accessories to add a special twist to your intimate moments.

    • Exploring Sex with Emily and ParenthoodEmily shares her experiences of becoming a father, the accessibility of her content, and the importance of supporting one's partner during significant life events.

      At Sex with Emily.com, you can easily access and support the show, shop in the store, and subscribe to the newsletter and podcast. Emily also shared her recent experience of becoming a father to a baby boy named Atticus, and the unique way they came up with the name. She joked about already making fun of her son and shared some funny stories about comedians and their children. During her son's birth, Emily's wife gave her specific instructions to stay out of the delivery room, and Emily shared that she would have done anything her wife asked to make her comfortable during that moment. Overall, the conversation touched on the ease of accessing Sex with Emily content, the joy of parenthood, and the importance of supporting one's partner during significant life events.

    • The transformative power of giving birthGiving birth is a complex experience filled with emotions and the realization of the power of sex as the source of new life.

      The experience of giving birth is a complex and profound one, filled with a mix of fear, joy, and the realization of the power and beauty of sex as the source of new life. The speaker describes the surreal moment of seeing her newborn son, who appeared blue and gray, but reassured by the calm demeanor of the medical staff. She reflects on the importance and pleasure of sex, acknowledging its challenges and struggles, but ultimately celebrating its role in creating new life. Additionally, she promotes her upcoming movie project, "Grouper," and invites listeners to attend a brunch event with her team. Overall, the conversation highlights the transformative power of birth and the importance of embracing the complexities of sexuality and new life.

    • Creating the Perfect Lube: Listeners Weigh InListeners are sharing their lube preferences and experiences through a survey on the show's website. The hosts are considering various options like flavored and colored lubes based on listener feedback.

      The hosts of the show, Emily and Wembley, are creating their dream lube and are asking for listener input through a survey on their website. They encourage listeners to take the survey and share their preferences and experiences with lube. Emily expresses her love for lube and shares some funny anecdotes about it. She also mentions that they are getting a lot of responses and are grateful for the listener's participation. Additionally, they discuss the importance of using enough lube during sexual activities, especially during anal sex. They also mention that they have received requests for flavored and colored lubes, and they might consider these options in the future. The survey is not only about lube but also about the show itself, as they are gathering feedback from their audience. Overall, the hosts are excited about creating their dream lube and appreciate the support and engagement from their listeners.

    • New Male Birth Control Pill Offers Alternative to Traditional MethodsResearch on a male birth control pill that immobilizes sperm is generating debate on gender roles and reliability.

      New research out of Portugal suggests the development of a male birth control pill that could be taken right before sex, offering a potential alternative to traditional methods for women. This compound, which acts like a Trojan horse, renders sperm immobile and unable to fertilize eggs. However, the idea of men taking on more responsibility for birth control raises debates about gender roles and trustworthiness. While some see it as a step towards gender equality, others express skepticism and concerns about men's reliability in taking the pill consistently. The development of this male birth control pill could significantly impact societal norms and expectations around contraception and gender roles.

    • Emily Morse shares her political campaign experience and promotes Intensity for pleasureFocus on past techniques for orgasm, communicate openly with partner, and explore Intensity for potential pleasure benefits.

      Emily Morse, the host of the "Sex with Emily" podcast, shared her personal story about working on a political campaign in the 1990s with a team of supporters, including a group of women in their forties. She also highlighted her excitement about the Intensity, a product that was originally developed as a medical device to cure incontinence but was found to provide intense orgasms as a side effect. Now, Emily is encouraging her listeners to submit their questions to her show by visiting sexwithemily.com and using the "ask Emily" tab. A caller named Brooke, who is 24 years old, reached out for advice as she has been unable to orgasm for the past three months, despite being able to squirt in previous relationships. Emily suggested that Brooke focus on identifying the specific positions and techniques that led to her squirting in the past and continue to explore those with her current partner. Emily also emphasized the importance of open communication between partners about their sexual needs and desires.

    • Antidepressants can affect a woman's ability to squirt during sexCommunication, understanding, sex toys, and kegel exercises can enhance sexual experiences despite the temporary side effects of antidepressants on squirting

      Antidepressants, specifically SSRI medications, can impact a woman's ability to squirt during sex. This effect may be temporary, as side effects can subside after a few months. However, it's important for both partners to communicate and understand that sex is still enjoyable and satisfying even if squirting isn't occurring. Using sex toys, such as wands or vibrators, and practicing kegel exercises can help enhance the ability to squirt and achieve stronger orgasms. It's also important to remember that squirting doesn't necessarily indicate a better sexual experience, and that orgasms can still be achieved without it.

    • Exploring Sexual Experimentation: Overcoming Challenges and Enhancing PleasureCommunication, understanding, and self-care can help individuals overcome anxieties and enhance pleasure during sexual exploration and experimentation. Embrace all forms of sexual fluid and practice relaxation techniques to overcome challenges like maintaining an erection during threesomes.

      Sexual exploration and experimentation can come with challenges and anxieties, but communication, understanding, and a little relaxation can help overcome them. During the conversation, Brooke shared her experience with using g-spot toys for more targeted stimulation during masturbation. She emphasized the importance of persistence and self-confidence, even if it takes more time than usual. Glynne discussed the stigma surrounding female ejaculation, reassuring listeners that it's just another form of sexual fluid and should be embraced for the pleasure it brings. Jeff, a caller, shared his concern about maintaining an erection during threesomes. The experts suggested trying to reduce pressure, practicing relaxation techniques, and considering having a drink to help calm nerves. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that sexual experiences can be complex, but with open communication, acceptance, and a little self-care, individuals can overcome challenges and enhance their pleasure.

    • Communication and Support in ThreesomesExpress concerns, acknowledge novelty, use signals, work out, and communicate openly for a positive threesome experience

      Focusing on your partner's pleasure and creating a supportive and open communication environment can help alleviate anxiety and improve the experience of a threesome. The speaker suggests expressing your concerns to your partner and acknowledging that the anxiety may stem from the novelty and excitement of the situation rather than any issues within the relationship. Additionally, techniques such as working out beforehand, using medication to last longer, and having a pre-agreed signal between partners can help ensure a positive experience for everyone involved. It's important to remember that a threesome is not something that can be scheduled and planned down to the last detail, but rather a spontaneous and consensual experience between three adults.

    • Importance of communication in sexual relationshipsOpen dialogue and a willingness to work together can lead to positive outcomes in addressing sexual concerns.

      Communication and understanding are key in maintaining a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship. The discussion touched on various experiences, from encounters at the farmer's market to challenges in long-term marriages. A common theme that emerged was the importance of addressing issues and finding ways to meet each other's needs. Whether it's overcoming anxiety during new experiences or dealing with a lack of sexual fulfillment in a marriage, open dialogue and a willingness to work together can lead to positive outcomes. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the importance of recognizing and addressing underlying issues, such as depression, that may impact sexual health. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of addressing sexual concerns and working together to find solutions.

    • Rebuilding trust after an affair involves deeper emotional issuesOpen communication and seeking professional help are crucial to addressing deeper emotional issues impacting a relationship.

      Rebuilding trust after an affair is a challenging process, and it may involve deeper emotional issues that require professional help, such as therapy. The discussion suggests that the husband may be repressing emotions and dealing with phobias, which could be impacting their sexual relationship. Despite his claims of forgiveness and constant thoughts of his wife, the lack of sexual intimacy and communication could indicate deeper emotional issues. The wife's efforts to initiate intimacy have been met with excuses and avoidance, leading her to question their marriage. The husband's reluctance to seek therapy and his preference for shower sex could be signs of OCD tendencies or other underlying emotional issues. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open communication and seeking professional help to address deeper emotional issues that can impact a relationship.

    • The Importance of Effective Communication in RelationshipsSeeking help through therapy can provide valuable tools for understanding and expressing emotions. Focus on enjoying conversations and being present in the moment to avoid coming off as creepy.

      Effective communication is a learned skill that is crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. In the discussed conversation, Sam and Anderson's communication issues were highlighted, with Anderson expressing his reluctance to attend therapy despite his struggles. Sam emphasized the importance of seeking help, as therapy can provide valuable tools for understanding and expressing emotions. Eric, another caller, shared his anxiety about coming off as creepy when pursuing relationships, and Sam offered advice on enjoying conversations and focusing on the present moment. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of communication and self-awareness in navigating relationships and personal growth.

    • Approaching new people: View them as friends or neutral acquaintancesPractice conversing with new people in everyday situations, view them as friends or neutral acquaintances, and employ mental tricks to reduce anxiety

      Approaching new people, especially women, can be intimidating and lead to anxiety, but it's important to remember that it's just a conversation. The pressure can be taken off by practicing in everyday situations and viewing the person as a friend or neutral acquaintance. This approach can help build confidence and improve conversation skills. Additionally, employing the help of friends and using mental tricks like pretending the person is someone else can make the experience less daunting. Remember, it's a skill that takes time and practice to master.

    • Approaching someone new: Embrace the uncertaintyFocus on genuine conversations, being yourself, and communication for any interaction, whether romantic or not, to grow and learn from the experience.

      Approaching someone you're attracted to, especially if they seem out of your league, can be a valuable experience even if the outcome is uncertain. Rejection is a common fear, but it's important not to let it cripple you. Instead, focus on starting genuine conversations and being yourself. As a woman, I can attest that most men are not creepy unless they're being inappropriate or intoxicated. Additionally, if you're considering exploring non-monogamous relationships or the swinging scene, approach it with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Communication and consent are key in these situations. Remember, every experience, whether it leads to a romantic connection or not, is an opportunity to grow and learn.

    • Exploring the Swinging Lifestyle: Intellectual Curiosity, Personal Desires, and Relationship DynamicsMarcela should communicate openly with her boyfriend, educate herself, set boundaries, and approach the swinging lifestyle with thoughtfulness and self-awareness to ensure a positive experience for both parties.

      Marcela's decision to attend a swinger party with her boyfriend, who is also a swinger, stems from a complex mix of intellectual curiosity, personal desires, and a desire for acceptance and understanding within their relationship. However, there are concerns about her motivations and potential emotional risks, especially given her young age and idealistic perspective. To navigate this situation, Marcela should consider having open and honest communication with her boyfriend about her intentions and feelings. She should also educate herself further about the swinging lifestyle and its potential implications for her and her relationship. Additionally, she should be aware of the potential emotional risks and take steps to protect herself, such as setting clear boundaries and being mindful of her own emotional well-being. In terms of practical advice, Marcela can explore various resources such as meetups, apps, and local sex toy stores to learn more about the swinging scene in her area. It's important to remember that everyone's experiences and motivations are unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Ultimately, Marcela should approach this situation with a thoughtful, open-minded, and self-aware attitude to ensure that she makes decisions that align with her values and desires.

    • Exploring the Swinging Lifestyle: Safety and EtiquetteAttend meetups and online events to meet like-minded individuals, prioritize safety with condoms, respect rules, communicate boundaries, and prioritize comfort and well-being.

      If you're interested in exploring the swinging lifestyle but don't have any connections, attend meetups and online events to meet like-minded individuals. Safety is crucial, and condoms are typically used. Private parties may have specific rules, such as only allowing couples and single women. It's essential to remember that everyone is there to meet new people, but no one can force you into anything you're uncomfortable with. Always be prepared to say no and watch your alcohol and drug intake. Before attending, research and check with the organizers for any specific guidelines. You don't have to be physically involved if you don't want to, and it's essential to prioritize your own comfort and well-being.

    • Exploring new sexual experiences and addressing the orgasm gapCommunication, trying new things, using tools like the Black Pearl prostate massager and Promescent delay spray can lead to more satisfying and enjoyable sex for both partners, helping to bridge the orgasm gap

      Exploring new sexual experiences and addressing the orgasm gap can lead to more satisfying and enjoyable sex for both partners. During the discussion, the importance of communication, trying new things, and using tools like the Black Pearl prostate massager and Promescent delay spray were emphasized. The Black Pearl can help introduce anal play and provide stronger orgasms and longer-lasting erections for couples. Promescent, on the other hand, can help men last longer during intercourse, reducing performance anxiety and enhancing the overall experience for both partners. By addressing these issues, couples can bridge the orgasm gap and enjoy more fulfilling sexual encounters.

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    Find Dr. Padilla-Walker’s book “A Better to Teach Kids About Sex” here.


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    Follow us @ladies.talkinglove on Instagram or visit ladiestalkinglove.com


    This podcast does not replace professional or medical advice. We will be talking about sex, so some content may not be suitable for children and could be triggering to some individuals. Everything discussed is for general information only and is not to be used to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological conditions.

    Music: MastaBlack_fK and https://envato.com/


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