
    Podcast Summary

    • Learning the Basics of EntrepreneurshipIdentify viable business ideas, conduct market research, create a business plan, avoid common mistakes like overreliance on social media and ineffective email subject lines.

      Entrepreneurship is a learnable skill, and starting a business involves understanding the fundamental principles. In the first episode of Planet Money's summer school series, listeners will learn the basics of entrepreneurship from a business school professor, Angela Lee, who has experience as an entrepreneur, a teacher, and a venture capitalist. The series will use case studies and insights from business experts to provide practical knowledge for those considering starting their own businesses. The episode covers the initial steps in starting a business, including identifying a viable business idea, conducting market research, and creating a business plan. Listeners will also learn common mistakes to avoid, such as relying too heavily on social media for customer acquisition and using ineffective email subject lines. Overall, the series aims to provide valuable insights and practical advice for anyone interested in starting a business.

    • Finding Opportunities in AdversityEntrepreneurs can identify and address problems even in challenging circumstances, leading to successful businesses.

      Even in the most challenging circumstances, entrepreneurs can find opportunities and turn them into successful businesses. This was exemplified in the story of Frederick Hudson, who, despite facing federal prison time for attempting to deliver marijuana using UPS and FedEx, used his time in prison to write business plans and identify problems that needed solving within the prison system. One of these problems was the overpriced and monopolized commissary, which led him to consider starting a business that would provide competitive prices for essentials like soap and phone calls. This story underscores the importance of identifying and addressing problems, even in seemingly impossible situations, and the resilience and determination of entrepreneurs to turn adversity into opportunity.

    • Turning Challenges into Business OpportunitiesIdentifying a unique need and providing a solution can lead to successful businesses, even in unexpected circumstances

      With determination and creativity, even seemingly insurmountable challenges can be turned into successful business ideas. Frederick, a man in prison, was unable to receive photos from his girlfriend due to the restrictions on technology. This problem sparked an idea for a business called Pictogram, which would make it easier for people to send printed photos to inmates. Despite being in a halfway house and facing numerous obstacles, Frederick pursued this idea, even sneaking in conference calls to pitch potential vendors. His unique market niche, targeting inmates, set Pictogram apart from other photo-sharing apps. This story illustrates the power of identifying a need and finding a solution, no matter the circumstances.

    • Embracing Past Challenges to Serve Unmet NeedsFinding success in overlooked markets requires recognizing unique experiences and past challenges as assets, and creating innovative solutions to meet unmet needs.

      Frederick Hudson's unique background and experience, which he initially saw as a liability, became his greatest asset when he started Pigeonly. His company, which began as a way to send pictures to prisoners, pivoted to focus on serving their families instead. The success of Pigeonly came from recognizing the untapped potential in this overlooked market. Despite the challenges of being a convicted felon and starting a business, Hudson's determination and innovative approach led him to overcome obstacles and build a thriving company. This story highlights the importance of embracing one's past and finding creative solutions to serve unmet needs in the market.

    • Understanding Customer Needs and Solving ProblemsTo build a successful business, focus on understanding your customers' needs and solving their problems. Identify demographics, psychographics, and pain points. Communicate value proposition in a human voice. Respond to data and experiment.

      Learning from the discussion about Frederick Hudson and his entrepreneurial venture, Pigeon Post, is the importance of understanding your customers' needs and solving their problems. Hudson took a seemingly disadvantageous situation and turned it into a business opportunity by providing picture services to people in prison, but he also offered other services like letters, articles, and even money transfer. The key lesson for aspiring entrepreneurs is to move beyond having a vague idea and turn it into a workable business. This involves identifying your customers' demographics, psychographics, and the problem you are solving for them. Hudson knew the typical response rate for direct mail and tried different customer acquisition channels to figure out what worked best. Great entrepreneurs are data-driven and respond to data, but they also need to be able to communicate the value of their product or service in a human voice. The unique value proposition should encapsulate the pain point you're solving for your customers in a few words. In the case of Pigeon Post, the pain points for prisoners were the difficulty and cost of getting pictures of their loved ones and using basic services like telephones. So, if you're thinking about starting your own business, take inspiration from Frederick Hudson's story and focus on understanding your customers' needs and solving their problems. Talk to your customers, experiment, and respond to data to build a successful business.

    • Understanding customer needs and testing assumptionsIdentify customer pain points, test solutions, and be willing to pivot based on feedback for business success

      Starting a business involves understanding your customers' needs and testing your solution before focusing on making money. The story of Ryshawn and Lashaun Middleton, two trained chefs who lost their jobs during the pandemic, highlights the importance of this approach. While waiting for restaurant jobs to return, they identified a gap in the market for delivered steamed crabs. Despite their initial hesitation, they tested their idea by creating flyers and putting them up in their neighborhood. They were surprised by the immediate demand, which led them to set a price and officially start their business. This experience underscores the importance of talking to customers, testing assumptions, and being willing to pivot based on feedback. Ultimately, the success of their business came from their deep understanding of their customers' pain points and their ability to provide a solution that met their needs.

    • Learning from challenges in business growthDetermination, adaptability, and learning from mistakes are crucial for entrepreneurial success. Be cautious when entering partnerships with friends and family.

      Starting and growing a business involves making crucial decisions and learning from mistakes. Rayshawn and Lashawn Middleton, the crab sisters, found success with their home delivery service during the pandemic but faced challenges when they tried to expand into a brick-and-mortar store. They lacked knowledge and resources to hire employees, secure loans, or trust outsiders with their business. Despite these challenges, they decided to reinvest their profits and take risks. However, they encountered difficulties when they brought on a business partner who tried to take control, leading to conflicts and legal issues. Ultimately, they learned a valuable lesson about the importance of maintaining control and being cautious when entering into business partnerships with friends and family. The sisters' story highlights the importance of determination, adaptability, and learning from mistakes in entrepreneurship.

    • Entrepreneurship involves hard work and dedicationStarting and running a small business requires passion, resilience, and the ability to generate enough revenue to fuel growth. Entrepreneurs can choose to bootstrap or seek external funding, each with its advantages and disadvantages.

      Entrepreneurship comes with significant challenges. The Krabbe twins' story serves as a reminder that starting and running a small business involves hard work and dedication. They bootstrapped their business, meaning they relied on their own revenue to grow instead of seeking external funding. This approach allowed them to maintain full ownership and control over their company, but it also meant they had to generate enough revenue to fuel their growth. The twins' experience also highlights the importance of passion and resilience in entrepreneurship. Despite the challenges, they found joy in their work and were grateful for the opportunity to build something of their own. For aspiring entrepreneurs, it's crucial to understand that the journey won't be easy and that there are different ways to finance a business, each with its pros and cons. Ultimately, the decision on which route to take depends on personal goals, resources, and risk tolerance.

    • Understanding the Challenges of EntrepreneurshipAngela Lee advises potential entrepreneurs to speak with founders in their third year of business for a realistic perspective, emphasizing the importance of understanding the challenges and hard work involved in entrepreneurship. Bootstrapping is also a viable option.

      Starting a business with venture capitalist funding may not be the best choice for those seeking a balanced lifestyle. Instead, entrepreneurs should consider their long-term goals and the realities of running a startup before making a decision. Angela Lee, a professor at Columbia Business School, emphasizes the importance of understanding the challenges and hard work involved in entrepreneurship. She advises potential entrepreneurs to speak with founders in their third year of business to gain a realistic perspective. While the journey may be difficult, those who are excited and motivated by the challenges should pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. Remember, demographics and psychographics are essential in understanding your customers and their pain points, which your unique value proposition can address. Bootstrapping, building your business with no outside investment, is another viable option. Tune in to Planet Money Summer School every Wednesday until Labor Day for more insights and advice.

    • Exploring truth and lies in mediaThe value of truth and thoughtful questioning are explored in 'The Veil' on Hulu and 'It's Been a Minute' on NPR

      Importance of truth and the consequences of keeping secrets. This theme is explored in FX's new international spy thriller, "The Veil," which follows two women engaged in a dangerous game of truth and lies. Meanwhile, on NPR's "It's Been a Minute," the show's wonderful interviewer engages with cultural icons like Barbra Streisand, Tracy Ellis Ross, and Christine Baranski, revealing the questions they loved to be asked. Whether it's in a thrilling TV series or an insightful podcast, the value of truth and the power of thoughtful questioning are central themes that resonate across various forms of media. So, be sure to download the latest episode of "It's Been a Minute" and check out "The Veil" on Hulu to explore these themes further.

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    *** For Show Notes, Key Points, Contact Info, & Resources Mentioned on this episode visit here: Jamey Price Interview. ***


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    “The main difference was that I was willing to outwork and outdo every competitor who walked in through that door.” — Ann Miura-Ko

    Ann Miura-Ko (@annimaniac) has been called “the most powerful woman in startups” by Forbes and is a lecturer in entrepreneurship at Stanford. The child of a rocket scientist at NASA, Ann is a Palo Alto native and has been steeped in technology startups from when she was a teenager. Prior to co-founding Floodgate, she worked at Charles River Ventures and McKinsey and Company. Some of Ann’s investments include Lyft, Ayasdi, Xamarin, Refinery29, JoyRun, TaskRabbit, and Modcloth.

    Due to the success of her investments, she was on the 2017 Midas List of top 100 venture capitalists. Ann is known for her debate skills (she placed first in the National Tournament of Champions and second in the State of California in high school) and was part of a five-person team at Yale that competed in the Robocup Competition in Paris, France. She has a BSEE from Yale and a PhD from Stanford in math modeling of computer security. She lives with her husband, three kids, and one spoiled dog. Her interests are piano, robots, and gastronomy.

    Please enjoy!

    This episode originally aired in 2018. You can find the show notes here: https://tim.blog/2018/08/02/ann-miura-ko/


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    This episode is also brought to you by 80,000 Hours! You have roughly 80,000 hours in your career. That’s 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year for 40 years. They add up and are one of your biggest opportunities, if not the biggest opportunity, to make a positive impact on the world. Some of the best strategies, best research, and best tactical advice I’ve seen and heard come from 80,000 Hours, a nonprofit co-founded by Will MacAskill, an Oxford philosopher and a popular past guest on this podcast.

    If you’re looking to make a big change to your direction, address pressing global problems from your current job, or if you’re just starting out or maybe starting a new chapter and not sure which path to pursue, 80,000 Hours can help. Join their free newsletter, and they’ll send you an in-depth guide for free that will help you identify which global problems are most pressing and where you can have the biggest impact personally. It will also help you get new ideas for high impact careers or directions that help tackle these issues.


    This episode is also brought to you by GiveWell.org! For over ten years, GiveWell.org has helped donors find the charities and projects that save and improve lives most per dollar. GiveWell spends over 20,000 hours each year researching charitable organizations and only recommends a few of the highest-impact, evidence-backed charities they’ve found. In total, more than 50,000 people have used GiveWell to donate as effectively as possible.

    This year, support the charities that save and improve lives most, with GiveWellAny of my listeners who become new GiveWell donors will have their first donation matched up to $250 when you go to GiveWell.org and select “PODCAST” and “Tim Ferriss” at checkout.


    For show notes and past guests, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

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    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren Aronofsky, and many more.

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