
    Podcast Summary

    • It's normal to feel tired during the holiday seasonGive yourself a break, be present with loved ones, and remember you have the strength to handle the season's challenges

      It's normal and okay to feel tired during the busy holiday season. Kate Cochrane, from the Volley Network, emphasizes that we're all going through it – work is busy, families need organizing, and there are various distractions and illnesses that make things even more challenging. It's essential to remind ourselves that it's okay to feel tired and not be able to string sentences together. This season, give yourself a break, do what you can do, and be present with your loved ones. Enjoy the holiday spirit, even with a few yawns on the side. So, don't push yourself too hard, take care of yourself, and remember that you have the strength to get through it. If you'd like to embark on a positive journaling journey, check out the Everyday Positivity New Year Journal at journal30.com. Keep in mind that you're capable of handling whatever comes your way. Have a wonderful day!

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    ✨MINDFUL MINISODE: Best Meditation Styles for an Anxious Mind ✨


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    Here’s a glimpse of what’s inside: 


    💭 Getting familiar with that monkey mind and not shaming it.

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    💭 The juicy meditation styles I gravitate towards and how they work for my mind.


    Learning new meditation styles empowers you to make a choice that works for you. 


    Tune in on any given day and ask what style your anxious mind needs. You might be surprised with what it tells you.


    If you listen and enjoy it, share it with a friend you think would benefit from these words.


    Get the Anxiety Alchemy Bundle at getahelmet.co. This is a low price combo of masterclasses and practices that I wish I'd had when I was struggling with anxiety. 


    Lastly, I have some meditations on Insight Timer, if you would like to check them out click here. You can download the Insight Timer app if you'd like the medis while on the go as well as the Prezence app. I do have a beautiful promo code for Prezence which is CAROLINE20.


    Join us on IG: @getahelmet_

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