
    Podcast Summary

    • Broadening business perspectives, focusing on consumer-facing strategiesIn the business world, particularly B2B, there's a need to prioritize consumer-facing conversations and understand their value, as emphasized by Gary Vaynerchuk, through data-driven marketing and exploring B2C strategies.

      According to Gary Vaynerchuk, the business world, particularly in the B2B environment, needs to stop overvaluing things that are not fully understood and start focusing more on consumer-facing (B2C) conversations. Vaynerchuk, who grew up in a retail business background, emphasized the importance of data-driven marketing, which he sees as a fundamental aspect of business that has been around for decades. He also criticized the industry for being too insular and not talking enough about consumer-facing strategies. During a talk at the MediaLink conference, he encouraged listeners to explore B2C conversations and understand their value in the business world. Vaynerchuk plans to spend more time on this topic as he believes it will bring the most value to his audience. Overall, his message is to broaden our perspectives and not undervalue the importance of consumer-facing strategies in business.

    • Tailoring marketing messages based on audienceUnderstanding audience leads to personalized, effective marketing, even if it costs more. Creative content at scale drives consumer action, despite data availability.

      In marketing, it's essential to understand your audience and tailor your messages accordingly, even if it means spending more money. This was a key innovation in 1996, when the speaker sent customized postcards to different neighborhoods based on income level, rather than sending a one-size-fits-all message to save on cost. While this approach may have seemed expensive at the time, it led to greater success with consumers. Another important point made during the discussion was the increasing importance of creative content at scale, despite the availability of unlimited data. While data is valuable, it's ultimately the creative that drives consumer action. As the industry continues to grapple with data and its use, it's crucial to remember that understanding your audience and delivering personalized, effective creative remains the key to success. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the importance of signing up for the weekly newsletter, which was recently revamped and has received overwhelmingly positive responses.

    • A new era in marketing: prioritizing common sense and practicalityGary Vaynerchuk discusses the shift towards visually appealing and easily consumable newsletters, the need for industry debates on creative subjectivity and effectiveness, and the reevaluation of traditional media and creative budgets.

      We are on the brink of a significant shift in the marketing industry, particularly in the realm of newsletters and creative production. The speaker, Gary Vaynerchuk, has seen only a few major changes in the newsletter's history, but this current transformation is unprecedented. The newsletter, which is visually appealing and easily consumable, offers a unique way to stay informed about opportunities and relevant information. Furthermore, the speaker expressed concern about the lack of common sense and theoretical conversations at industry events like CES. He believes that a debate around the subjectivity of creative and the importance of effectiveness over production value is long overdue. Companies are starting to question the traditional 80/20 split between working media and creative budgets and considering whether it's worth spending exorbitant amounts on videos or other content that may not reach a large audience. Overall, we are at the beginning of a new era in marketing, where common sense and practicality are prioritized over traditional industry norms.

    • Data-driven marketing may not be valuable for all businessesSmall business owners should evaluate marketing options based on their value to the business, not just targeting capabilities.

      Data-driven marketing, while impressive, may not be the most valuable investment for every business, especially for small business owners who need to focus on putting food on the table for their families. The speaker argues that targeting is remarkable, but ultimately, it's just a cost of attention. In a world without government intervention, businesses must evaluate various marketing options based on their value to the business. The speaker encourages everyone to become practitioners and gain hands-on experience in marketing to have a deeper understanding of the industry and make informed opinions. The speaker also challenges the room full of non-practitioners to question their opinions, which are often based on headlines or financial interests, and to gain practical experience to add value to the conversation.

    • The Power of Listener ReviewsListener reviews provide valuable context and help spread the word about podcasts, offering insights, motivation, and accountability for personal and professional growth.

      Learning from this podcast episode is the profound impact of listener reviews. The hosts expressed their deep appreciation for those who take the time to leave positive reviews, as they provide valuable context and help spread the word about the podcast. According to the reviews mentioned in the episode, the podcast, hosted by Gary Vaynerchuk, offers valuable insights and practical advice that can help anyone improve their personal and professional lives. The hosts emphasized that listening to the podcast is not just an informative experience, but also a source of motivation and accountability. The listeners' testimonials highlighted how the podcast has helped them gain common sense and take control of their goals. Overall, the episode underscored the importance of taking action and being proactive in one's own life, and the value of positive feedback and support from others.

    Recent Episodes from The GaryVee Audio Experience

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    The Single Most Important Asset To Achieve Anything In Life l The Mo Show

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    Related Episodes

    The Right Way to Get Quality Referrals

    The Right Way to Get Quality Referrals

    Have you ever been asked by a salesperson after a sale, “Hey, who do you know who would be interested in my product?”. That has to be one of the most annoying and ineffective ways of getting referrals. Let’s talk about how to do it right.


    • There are strong and weak referrals.

    • A good referral is an introduction to a prospect that has some trustworthy source that is qualified and is looking for a solution like yours.

    • Trust is critical and there are many ways to build trust. Time, testimonials, referrals, etc. are all ways to build trust.

    • When someone vouches for you, they have transferred their trust to you.

    • You need to make sure that your circle of influence understands what exactly you provide and what a great client fit is.

    • Trying to cater to referrals can damage the relationship with the person that referred the prospect if you are not actually a good match for the prospect.

    • A referral is only a true referral when the prospect needs the service now or very soon.

    • Simply asking a client if they know another prospect that could use your service is a bad idea.  It can quickly turn a pleasant transaction into something sour.

    • The best way to get referrals is to provide outstanding service to your clients.

    • Clients that are excited about your service will not need to be asked for referrals. They will do it because they want to.

    • Design a system to make it easy for people to refer business to you.

    Get a New Employee Profitable Quickly

    Get a New Employee Profitable Quickly

    In this episode, Robert talks about onboarding new hires quickly so that they become an asset quickly so that they can add to the bottom line instead of being an expense. He discusses a new system that his company has recently tried with great success.


    • It can be difficult to convince people to take the time to explain or capture their role in a way that is efficient.
    • There are consequences of not cross training and having multiple people that can do each role. If someone leaves the company and nobody else understands their role, then it can be a problem.
    • Many people believe that proper training is only for larger companies.
    • There are 3rd party people that can be contracted to write instructions and procedures for you.
    • Using a screen capture video for each task while doing the task is a great way to document the processes.
    • Send that screen capture video to the contractor and let them draft more professional training documents.
    • Then the contractor can take all documents and create a step-by-step training plan.
    • Having this process in place can accelerate the onboarding.
    • The cost of paying a contractor can offset months of cost in a new hire’s efficiency.
    • Having an effective onboarding removes stress from many others in the company while trying to train and answer questions.

    Sell Benefits, Not Features, Right? Wrong.

    Sell Benefits, Not Features, Right? Wrong.

    Episode Summary

    In this episode, Robert talks about what you should be talking about with clients instead of the traditional features and benefits-based sale.


    •  At some point almost everyone that works at a company is called upon to explain what the company does. 

    • Poor salespeople will focus on features.

    • Good salespeople focus on the benefits to the prospect. How the features actually help the prospect.

    • Many people will try to convert your benefits back to your competitors and turn it into a battle of price and features.

    • Great salespeople focus on the result of what the prospect wants. 

    • Most prospects are looking for one major priority and that will be a result.

    • If a prospect starts asking about features or pricing too early then you probably haven’t done a good job on focusing on the result that the prospect will get.