
    Stop thinking small

    enJuly 17, 2024
    What personal experience did the speaker share regarding kidney donation?
    How did the speaker feel about the criticism she faced?
    What advice does the speaker give about finding supportive individuals?
    Why does the speaker emphasize focusing on professional accomplishments?
    How can focusing on your work help avoid negativity?

    Podcast Summary

    • Support SystemSurround yourself with supportive people, even during challenging times. Focus on finding decent individuals who appreciate and recognize your worth.

      It's important to surround yourself with supportive people who respect and understand you, especially during challenging times. The speaker shared a personal story about giving away a kidney and feeling unsupported by those around her. Despite the small-mindedness and criticism she faced, she emphasized the importance of persevering and continuing to believe in oneself. People may use your accomplishments for their own gain, but it's crucial to focus on finding decent, supportive individuals who appreciate and recognize your worth. Keep pushing forward, even when it feels like you're in a small world with small-minded people. Your value and potential are much greater than your current circumstances.

    • Identifying talents, offering as workFocusing on talents and offering it as work can lead to respect and fulfillment, rather than seeking validation in personal relationships which may lead to toxic patterns.

      Focusing on your talents and offering it as a piece of work can lead to being celebrated and respected, rather than being let down in personal relationships. The speaker's experience of receiving praise for donating a kidney was followed by people trying to take credit for her achievement. She then became a workaholic to find fulfillment and respect, but even that was eventually taken advantage of. The advice is to identify your talents, decide who you want to be for the world, and offer it as a piece of work to be celebrated. This shift from seeking validation in personal relationships to finding it through professional accomplishments can help break free from toxic patterns and "chicken pens."

    • Work and self-identityFocusing on your work and being true to yourself helps avoid negative energy and toxic relationships, as your work reflects who you truly are.

      Focusing on your work and being true to yourself are key to avoiding negative energy and toxic relationships. The speaker shares an experience of dealing with gossip and negativity from others, and how she has learned to distance herself from such people and dedicate her time and energy to her work. She emphasizes that the way someone represents their work is a reflection of who they truly are, and encourages everyone to decide on their masterpiece and focus on becoming the best version of themselves through their work. The speaker's transformation from seeking validation and love from others to dedicating herself to her work has been unquantifiable, and she encourages others to do the same. In essence, the work you do is an extension of who you are, and by focusing on it, you can avoid the distractions and negativity of those who do not support or celebrate you.

    • Self-growth and DevelopmentFocus on personal growth and development, prioritize work, and surround ourselves with genuine relationships for self-esteem, self-love, and a sense of purpose.

      We should focus on our own growth and development, rather than seeking validation or approval from others. The speaker compares people to chickens, who are content in their pen and only focused on their next meal, and encourages us to break free from this mentality. Instead, we should take control of our own lives and prioritize our work, as it brings us self-esteem, self-love, and a sense of purpose. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of surrounding ourselves with genuine and supportive relationships, and not wasting energy on those who do not respect our boundaries. By focusing on our own journey and growth, we can overcome challenges, expand our horizons, and bring ourselves back to a place of self-love.

    • Self-growth and DevelopmentFocus on personal goals, gifts, and passions for happiness, respond to disappointments with character, save compassion for those who deserve it, and strive to be the best version of yourself.

      Focusing on self-growth and development is crucial for personal happiness and fulfillment. It's essential to stay focused on your goals, gifts, and passions, rather than trying to please or change others. You will encounter disappointments and letdowns in life, but how you respond to them shows your character. Save your compassion for those who truly deserve it and be strategic in your relationships. Remember, the energy of creation and exploration leads to enlightenment and joy. Don't let negative people bring you down, and always strive to be the best version of yourself.

    • Self-love and LegacyBelieve in yourself, focus on your legacy, and do the work despite challenges. Surround yourself with positivity and seek supportive relationships for growth.

      It's essential to have faith and love for oneself, focus on one's legacy, and do the work, no matter the challenges. Surround yourself with positivity and appreciate those who recognize your efforts. Remember, you are capable of more than you think, and it's crucial to aim high and be expansive. The arts, especially, have the power to inspire and show us what's possible. Don't let negativity or small-minded people hold you back. Instead, seek out supportive relationships and be open to growth. As the speaker shared, even in the face of adversity, one can find the strength to rise above and make a difference in the world.

    • Determination and growthFocus on growth and success, even when faced with obstacles or opposition. Keep pushing forward and eventually, you'll leave these challenges behind and reach new heights.

      No matter how hard it may seem, keep striving for growth and success, even when faced with obstacles or opposition. The eagle in the metaphor represents one's determination to rise above challenges, while the crow symbolizes the distractions or setbacks that may try to hold us back. Instead of engaging with these obstacles, the eagle flies higher and higher, leaving the crow behind due to the lack of oxygen at higher altitudes. This analogy can be applied to various aspects of life, including personal growth, career advancement, and relationships. It's important to remember that every time we try to elevate ourselves, there may be someone or something trying to hold us back. However, instead of getting discouraged or distracted, we should focus on continuing to soar and reach new heights. By doing so, we'll eventually leave our obstacles behind and breathe the rarefied air of success. So, keep pushing forward, even when it feels like the world is against you. Keep soaring, and eventually, you'll reach new heights where your detractors cannot follow. Remember, the only limit to your potential is your own determination and willpower. Stay focused, stay strong, and keep climbing.

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