
    Straight Talk On Sales, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO5

    enJuly 07, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the importance of hard work and self-reliance on the MFCO podcastThe MFCO podcast offers raw, unfiltered advice for those seeking to become successful, emphasizing the importance of hard work, self-reliance, and not being lazy. Host Andy shares his journey of growing a company from a small budget and encourages listeners to engage and leave reviews.

      The MFCO podcast, hosted by Andy and Vaughn, provides raw, unfiltered advice for those looking to become successful. Andy shares his own journey of starting a company with a small budget and growing it into a multi-million dollar enterprise. He emphasizes the importance of hard work, self-reliance, and not being lazy. He encourages listeners to leave reviews and engage with the podcast to help it reach a wider audience. During the episode, they discuss various topics, including music that inspires them. Andy shares his fondness for 80s rock music, while Vaughn, who goes by "grandpa Vaughn," enjoys a wider range of genres. The podcast offers a refreshingly honest perspective, free of sugarcoating or special sauce, and aims to provide valuable insights for those seeking to improve themselves.

    • Embrace the art of selling for stronger relationshipsSales is about more than closing deals, it's about engaging and connecting with people effectively. Learn from books like 'The Magic of Thinking Big' and 'Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless' to improve your sales skills and build stronger relationships.

      Sales is an essential skill for building positive relationships and creating opportunities, regardless of your goals. The speaker emphasized that sales is not just about closing deals, but also about being interesting and engaging with people effectively. He recommended several books, including "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David Schwartz and "Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless" by Jeffrey Gitomer, to help listeners learn how to sell themselves and connect with others. He also noted that there is no one-size-fits-all guide to sales, as the field is constantly evolving. So, whether you're looking for motivation or business advice, don't tune out when you hear the word "sales." Instead, embrace the opportunity to learn new skills and build stronger relationships.

    • Shift from marketing-driven sales to value-driven salesFocus on creating solid products that solve real problems for customers, prioritize product value over sales pitches, and build trust through genuine value to foster organic growth

      In today's digital age, the old school way of manipulating customers into buying products no longer works. Instead, businesses need to focus on creating solid products that solve real problems for their customers. With the ease of instant feedback through social media and online reviews, customers can quickly share their experiences, making it essential for businesses to prioritize product value over sales pitches. The shift from marketing-driven sales to value-driven sales requires businesses to adapt and provide genuine value to their customers. This not only builds trust but also leads to organic growth through positive word of mouth and customer recommendations.

    • Shift from mass marketing to micro-marketingEmpowered consumers demand personalized solutions. Focus on long-term relationships and effective problem-solving to build a powerful marketing engine through word-of-mouth.

      In today's digital age, businesses need to shift their focus from mass marketing to micro-marketing and solving customers' problems individually. The internet has empowered consumers, making it essential for companies to adapt to this trend. A good product is no longer enough; businesses must go above and beyond to create value, build relationships, and provide solutions to adjacent problems. The sales approach should be about helping customers rather than just making a sale. By focusing on long-term customer relationships and solving their problems effectively, businesses can create a powerful marketing engine through word-of-mouth recommendations.

    • Meet people where they are and validate their decisionsRespect others' choices, build common ground, and offer improvements based on their foundation to foster positive interactions and stronger relationships.

      In sales and communication, it's crucial to understand and respect the other person's decisions and trust in their choices. Instead of criticizing or dismissing their current solution, try to build common ground and offer improvements based on their existing foundation. This approach fosters a positive and collaborative interaction, as opposed to coming off as condescending or dismissive. The speaker emphasizes that it's essential to meet people where they are and validate their decisions before proposing potential enhancements. This not only makes the sales process more effective but also builds stronger relationships.

    • Shift from selling to helpingHelping builds trust and loyalty, selling can come across as disingenuous, focus on educating and building relationships for long-term success.

      The approach to helping or selling makes a significant difference in how people perceive and respond to us. Selling with a preemptive strategy and an intention to close a deal can come across as disingenuous and rude, whereas helping with a genuine intention to find solutions builds trust and loyalty. The mentality of helping is the side that builds empires and positive opinions. People leave interactions with a lasting impression based on the opinion they form, and the bigger the transaction, the more influential that opinion becomes in their community. Therefore, it's essential to shift the mindset from selling to helping and focus on educating and building trust to create loyal customers.

    • Focus on helping people and solving their problemsEffective sales strategy is to offer high-quality products, affirm customer decisions, provide exceptional customer service, and approach potential customers with a genuine and helpful attitude to build long-term relationships and create positive sales experiences.

      The most effective sales strategy is to focus on helping people and solving their problems. This approach starts with offering a high-quality product but goes beyond that by affirming the customer's decision, making them feel good, and providing exceptional customer service. By genuinely caring about the customer's needs and offering solutions, salespeople become valuable and build long-term relationships. This strategy not only applies to selling products but also to selling oneself or a business. By focusing on giving rather than taking, salespeople can create a positive sales experience and ultimately succeed in today's economy. Additionally, salespeople can create awareness of products that people may not know they need by approaching them with a genuine and helpful attitude. This approach builds trust and reduces resistance to the sales pitch. Overall, the key to successful sales is to help people get the results they want.

    • Provide value and build trust before upsellingEarn trust by solving initial problem, then offer additional solutions sincerely and effectively.

      Being genuine and solving customers' problems effectively is key to building trust and earning opportunities for upselling. The use of high-pressure sales tactics, like upselling in a way that feels insincere or intrusive, can turn customers off. Instead, it's important to first establish trust by providing value and solving the customer's initial problem. Once that trust is earned, the customer will be more open to considering additional offerings. This approach may require patience, but it ultimately leads to stronger, long-term relationships with customers. The example of a supplement store interaction illustrates this concept well - by providing the customer with the right advice and guidance upfront, the store was able to build trust and eventually earn their business for additional products.

    • Building long-term customer relationshipsFocus on honesty and loyalty to turn customers into advocates, avoid shortcuts and quick fixes, and prioritize customer satisfaction for long-term growth and profitability.

      Focusing on short-term gains at the expense of long-term customer relationships can be detrimental to a business. The speaker emphasizes the importance of telling the truth and earning trust to turn customers into advocates. Shortcuts and quick fixes are unlikely to lead to long-term success, and it's essential to avoid the temptation to "trick" customers into buying unnecessary products. Building a business based on honesty and loyalty takes discipline and commitment, but it's the key to long-term growth and profitability. The speaker encourages business owners to adopt a long-term perspective and to prioritize customer satisfaction over short-term profits.

    • Staying the course for long-term successFocus on productivity, loyalty, and using tools like social media to build a successful business or career, rather than quitting and starting anew multiple times.

      Building a successful business or career takes time and consistent effort. It's easy to get discouraged and want to quit after a few years, but quitting and starting something new multiple times will not lead to long-term success. Instead, focus on being productive and valuable, and building loyalty with customers or employees. This will lead to exponential growth for your brand without requiring a lot of money. Additionally, the use of tools like social media and the internet can help accelerate growth. Don't be discouraged by how long it took someone else to succeed – use their story as motivation to do it better and faster. And remember, the resources and opportunities available to us today were not available in the past, so take advantage of them. Check out our website, MFCEO.com/podcasts, for more resources and information.

    • Providing value and solving problems leads to growthEngage customers, offer incentives for reviews, share success stories, and provide a solution to a problem can lead to significant business growth.

      Providing value to your audience and solving their problems can lead to significant growth for your business. The speaker in this conversation emphasized the importance of reviews and engagement from their customers, offering incentives to leave reviews and sharing stories of how their product solved a problem for them personally. They also highlighted the power of the Yeti cup as an example of a product that effectively solves a problem and has generated buzz and interest among their network. The speaker's personal experience with a persistent problem with their PC and eventual switch to a Mac illustrates the frustration and determination to find a solution that works, ultimately leading to growth and a change in perspective.

    • Providing exceptional customer service builds customer loyalty and advocacyPersonalized and helpful customer service creates memorable experiences, leading to customer conversion and advocacy

      Providing exceptional customer service can lead to customer conversion and advocacy. The Apple store employee went above and beyond to help the customer understand the benefits of Apple products, rather than trying to sell them. This approach led to the customer's conversion from a PC user to an Apple advocate, resulting in significant sales for the store. The employee's enchanting and personalized approach created a memorable experience for the customer, who then became an advocate for Apple, both online and offline. This illustrates the importance of providing personalized and helpful customer service to build customer loyalty and advocacy.

    • Investing in the right tools and people for long-term successInvesting in costly tools and skilled team members can lead to improved efficiency, productivity, and long-term growth. Seek advice and ask questions to overcome challenges and grow your business.

      Investing in the right tools and people, even if they come with a higher price tag, can lead to long-term success and growth for a business. The speaker shared his experience of transitioning his store's systems to Mac-based solutions and inventory control software, which resulted in improved efficiency and productivity. He also emphasized the importance of building a strong team and trusting them to deliver results, even if it means relinquishing some control. The speaker's story highlights the value of making the right decisions, even if they require an initial investment, and the importance of staying focused on the long-term goals of a business. Additionally, the speaker encouraged listeners to ask questions and seek advice from experts to help them overcome challenges and grow their own businesses.

    • Expanding Business and Trusting EmployeesMost people are trustworthy, help employees find pride in work, view mistakes as learning opportunities, and allow employees to grow together as a team.

      Expanding your business and hiring employees can be a terrifying experience, filled with fears of dishonesty and mistakes. However, it's essential to remember that most people are good and can be trusted. As a leader, it's crucial to help your employees find pride in their work and treat them right. Mistakes are an inevitable part of the growth process, and they should be viewed as learning opportunities rather than reasons to terminate employment. In fact, the mistakes made early on in the business's growth can lead to significant losses if not learned from. Therefore, it's essential to allow your employees to make mistakes and grow together as a team. In essence, the stress and anxiety of hiring employees are temporary and necessary for business growth.

    • Be authentic and express genuine thoughtsExpressing genuine thoughts and ideas, drawing inspiration from various sources, providing value, and being consistent with voice and persona are keys to building a following on social media.

      Being authentic and true to oneself is key in creating engaging content and building a following on social media. The speaker emphasizes the importance of expressing genuine thoughts and ideas, drawing inspiration from various sources, and providing value to the audience. He also highlights the significance of being consistent with one's voice and persona, whether it's on social media or in person. The speaker also mentions the value of platforms like Snapchat and Periscope for showcasing real-life experiences and engaging with followers in a more personal way. Overall, the message is to be authentic, express yourself, and provide value to build a strong online presence.

    • Committed to addressing audience's questionsTeam is open to communication and willing to engage with audience, despite uncertainties and mistakes.

      Despite some uncertainties and mistakes, the team is committed to addressing the audience's questions and providing information. They may not have a clear product or message at the moment, but they are open to communication and willing to engage with their audience. It's important to note that Vaughn made a mistake during the show, but the team is encouraging people to reach out to them directly for further information. Ultimately, they aim to provide valuable insights and answers to the audience's queries. So, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask Andy at MSCO.com, and the team will get back to you as soon as possible.

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    Michael McCastle website
    The Mojo Sessions website
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    Full transcripts of the show (plus time codes) are available on Patreon.
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    If you like what you hear, we'd be grateful for a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Happy listening!
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