
    Struggling With the Ability to Trust People? Listen to this... | Throwback Thursday from 8/14/2018

    enNovember 10, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Give trust freely to build a successful teamGive trust to empower team members, learn from mistakes, and build a successful team. Be secure in oneself to avoid entitlement.

      According to Gary Vaynerchuk, trust is a powerful tool that should be given freely instead of being earned slowly. He believes that people often hold back trust due to fear of ramifications or ego, preventing growth and scaling. By giving trust first and only taking it away when someone proves themselves incapable, individuals can empower their team members to make decisions and learn from their mistakes. However, it's important to note that giving trust too soon can lead to entitlement. Ultimately, Gary emphasizes the importance of being secure in oneself and trusting others to help build a successful team.

    • Leading with trust and freedomEffective leadership involves trusting employees to succeed or fail, allowing natural growth, and emphasizing emotional intelligence, kindness, and compassion.

      Effective leadership involves giving employees the freedom to succeed or fail, rather than micromanaging them. Trusting people blindly can sometimes lead to unexpected challenges, but it's important to allow individuals to naturally develop and grow. The speaker believes that emotional intelligence, kindness, and compassion are essential skills that will become increasingly important in a world where people are more transparent. As an alpha leader who values empathy and kindness, the speaker has always believed that these skills are crucial for success. However, in a world where people can hide behind closed doors and social media, bad behavior has become more prevalent. Ultimately, the key is to lead with gratitude, empathy, and compassion, and to give employees the freedom to roam and expose themselves to opportunities for growth.

    • Understanding Others: A Powerful Leadership TraitEmotional intelligence, the ability to empathize and respond appropriately, is a valuable leadership trait. It allows for strong relationships, thoughtful decisions, and positive change.

      Emotional intelligence, the ability to empathize and understand others, is a significant strength for leaders, even those traditionally seen as alpha males. This trait, often associated with softness or weakness, is actually a source of power and success. Emotional intelligence allows individuals to connect with people, build strong relationships, and make thoughtful decisions in the heat of the moment. It's important to note that emotional intelligence can be used for good or ill, and the ambition is to use it to create positive change. Emotional intelligence goes beyond charisma and is a complex skill that requires the ability to feel others and respond appropriately. The speaker aspires to use emotional intelligence to bring about good and make it popular once again. The color pink and blue example illustrates how societal norms have changed over time, and the speaker believes that emotional intelligence will be the next era's defining characteristic for successful leaders.

    • Being misunderstood can be a strengthEmbrace being misunderstood as an opportunity to bring people around to your perspective, rather than focusing on being judged as a good or bad person.

      Kindness is an effective approach in life, but being misunderstood and having polarizing reactions can also be a strength. The speaker believes that there will always be people who believe in him and those who don't, with the largest group being undecided. He suggests that people are drawn to what they're looking for, and those who appreciate his content are either optimistic or enjoy candor. Those who are cynical or negative may struggle with him at first, but the speaker sees being misunderstood as an advantage, allowing him to gradually bring people around to his perspective. He emphasizes that debating whether he is a good person or not is a waste of time and encourages focusing on action rather than judgment. The speaker's recent reflections on this topic have resonated with him, and he invites further discussion on the subject.

    • Avoid Judging Others Based on Limited InformationRecognize the complexity of each person's situation and avoid final judgments to show compassion and respect, contributing to personal growth and empathy.

      It's important to avoid judging others based on limited information or context. The speaker emphasizes that we don't truly know what goes on in other people's lives, and even those closest to us may have complexities that we're unaware of. By recognizing the complexity of each person's situation and avoiding final judgments, we can show compassion and respect for others. This not only benefits our relationships with others but also contributes to our own personal growth and self-awareness. Instead of focusing on judging, we can strive to understand and appreciate the unique experiences and perspectives of those around us. Ultimately, recognizing the gray areas in life and embracing the complexities of others allows us to live with more empathy and compassion.

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