
    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the Making of 'Suit Warehouse' with Director Matt SohnJim's new business is revealed, and the Athlete offices are established with contrasting designs to Dunder Mifflin.

      The Office's Jenna Fisher and Angela Kinsey, in their Ultimate Office Rewatch Podcast, discuss the making of Season 9, Episode 11, "Suit Warehouse." The episode features Dwight and Liz Clark's father-son act to win a new client, Daryl's interview with Jim's new company, and the chaos caused by a new Nespresso machine. Director Matt Sohn, a longtime friend of the cast, shared behind-the-scenes stories and details, including revealing Jim's new business and the design of the Athlete offices. Matt and Jenna reconnected, went on a neighborhood walk, and discussed the podcast. Matt sent numerous audio clips for the episode, which the hosts plan to share with listeners. This episode marked the establishment of the Athlete offices, which contrasted greatly from the Dunder Mifflin set with high ceilings, windows, exposed brick, and hipper designs.

    • Creating the new Athlete office setThe art department overcame challenges to create a larger, more impressive office space, with the addition of a steel stairway and the contribution of film legend Ed Lauter.

      The transformation of the Dunder Mifflin office space into the sleek and modern Athlete office was a complex process. The art department, led by Matt Flynn, faced several challenges in creating the new set, including building it without a conference room and adding a steel stairway at the last minute. Despite these obstacles, they managed to create a space that significantly increased the sense of scale and importance. Another interesting detail is the contribution of Ed Lauter, who played Mr. Stone, a film and television legend with over 200 credits in his career, who brought energy and depth to the show before his passing in 2013. The behind-the-scenes details of the set design and casting demonstrate the intricacy and dedication that went into creating the Office's iconic environments.

    • The Power of Making a Memorable Entrance and Leaving a Lasting ImpactActors like Ed O'Neill and characters like Dwight Schrute demonstrate the importance of making a significant impact through memorable performances or unique approaches to sales.

      Actor Ed O'Neill had an impressive career with notable roles in films like "Death Wish 3," "Family Plot," and "Born on the 4th of July." He was also known for his ability to make a significant impact on a story, earning the nickname "turn actor." Meanwhile, in "The Office," Dwight Schrute employed an intricate method for pitching to family-owned businesses, complete with elaborate costumes and backstories. This episode showcased Dwight's dedication to his sales role and his unique approach to creating a convincing persona. The humor in the scene came from Dwight's meticulous planning and Jim's reluctance to participate. Overall, both Ed O'Neill's career and Dwight's sales tactics illustrate the power of making a memorable entrance and leaving a lasting impact.

    • Unexpected office moments and hidden secretsDaryl's job interview leads Pam to take a day off, Clark's return sparks curiosity, and characters' quirks add humor to the office environment

      The office dynamics of "The Office" are full of unexpected moments and hidden secrets. For instance, Dwight's motorcycle never moves, and Angela once yawned publicly during a mundane moment at work. In this episode, Daryl's sudden announcement of his job interview leads Pam to take a spontaneous day off, and Clark's return from a trip sparks curiosity about his romantic life. The humor lies in the characters' candid conversations and their quirks, such as Clark's refusal to discuss his love life and Meredith's unexpected wig reveal. These moments showcase the unique chemistry and unpredictability of the office environment.

    • Authentic connections between fans, characters, and brandsThe Office's genuine exchange with Nespresso led to fan excitement and eco-conscious product integration, demonstrating the potential for authentic collaborations between shows, characters, and companies.

      The relationship between the characters in "The Office" extends beyond the office walls, leading to genuine fan interactions and product collaborations. This was evident when Jan and Clark's fondness for espresso resulted in the gifting of a Nespresso machine to the office, which was not a paid product placement but a genuine exchange between the show's writers and Nespresso. Fans were thrilled with the integration of the machine into the show, and the company's commitment to recycling added an eco-conscious touch. Additionally, Dwight saw this as an opportunity to expand his sales team, offering Clark the role of "Dwight Jr." to help him land a sale. The collaboration between the show and Nespresso showcases the authentic connections that can be formed between fans, characters, and brands.

    • Open communication prevents misunderstandings and strengthens relationshipsClear communication and transparency are essential for maintaining healthy personal and professional relationships, preventing misunderstandings, and fostering bonding.

      Communication and transparency are key components in maintaining healthy relationships, both personal and professional. In the discussed scene from "The Office," Erin's overwhelming stress over a shipment of pins and Pete's confusion over their relationship status highlight the importance of open communication. Additionally, Pam's lack of knowledge about Jim's office renovation project underscores the significance of sharing updates and excitement with those close to us. Effective communication not only helps prevent misunderstandings but also strengthens bonds.

    • Small production details add depth to showsProps and wardrobe can convey meaning and spark fan interest, even if ultimately cut from the final product

      The small details in television production, such as props and wardrobe, can add significant meaning to a scene, even if they are ultimately cut from the final product. For example, in "The Office," Pam's oversized puffer coat covered the coat rack at Athlete, making her feel out of place among the sleekly dressed employees. Similarly, the Mallard duck on Mr. Stone's desk at Stone and Sun was not the same as the one Dwight had used to bug Jim's office, but the detail sparked fan interest and even inspired a deep dive into the biology of mallards. These small details add depth and richness to the show, even if they are not explicitly mentioned in the dialogue.

    • Complex behaviors of Mallard ducksMallards exhibit monogamous relationships and extra-pair copulations, are strong flyers, and can live up to 27 years. Identify them with Bird Academy's duck ID course.

      Mallard ducks, which can be commonly found in backyards with ponds or marshy areas, have complex behaviors including monogamous relationships with a main mate but also engaging in extra-pair copulations. These copulations can be forced by multiple males chasing a single female. Mallards are strong flyers and can travel at high speeds during migration. The female's quack is the well-known sound of these ducks, while males make a quieter, raspy sound. The oldest known Mallard was at least 27 years and 7 months old and was banned from Louisiana since 1981, but the reason for the ban remains unknown. If you're interested in learning more about identifying waterfowl, consider taking the duck and waterfowl ID course offered by Bird Academy.

    • Unexpected bonding moments at Dunder MifflinUnexpected events and quirky behaviors can foster connections and lead to deeper insights in the workplace. Adaptability and openness to new experiences are essential in building strong relationships.

      Even in the most mundane office setting, unexpected events and quirky behaviors can bring people together. During a coffee tasting session at Dunder Mifflin, the staff bonded over their shared experience and agreed to try every flavor. Angela's unscripted habit of licking her fingers to separate napkins added a relatable touch, reminding us that some behaviors, like being cautious about germs, have become more relevant in the post-pandemic world. Meanwhile, Dwight and Clark's interaction revealed a deeper issue between Mr. Stone and his son, leading them to pivot their strategy. A seemingly ordinary day at the office turned into a series of surprising moments, highlighting the importance of adaptability and connection in the workplace.

    • People react differently to new experiencesErin's energy surge and Jim's impressionable moment highlight how individuals respond uniquely to new situations

      Everyone has their unique way of handling new situations and challenges, whether it's being a busybody or a lazy bones. In the Office episode discussed, Erin's acceptance of a delivery of pins led to her being more energetic and unsure of what to do next. Similarly, Jim undersold his startup office to Daryl, but it still impressed him. These moments show how people react differently to new experiences and how their personalities shape their responses. Additionally, the episode included humorous bloopers and scripted lines that added to the overall enjoyment of the scene.

    • Espresso or Water? The Office's Quirky Coffee DiscussionThe Office scene featured characters discussing espresso, but it was revealed they were just drinking water. The conversation included humorous moments of over-caffeination and character dynamics.

      Despite the characters in the scene appearing to drink various types of espresso, they were actually just drinking water. The discussion also revealed some favorite and least favorite espresso flavors mentioned in the show, but their authenticity is uncertain. Additionally, the scene featured moments of over-caffeination leading to humorous situations, such as Toby's phone call to the prison and Creed and Meredith's dance team idea. The conversation also touched upon Dwight and Clark's bickering and the revelation of Sam Jr.'s involvement in the business. Overall, the scene showcased the quirky and humorous dynamics between the characters.

    • Actress's Determination Leads to Role on TV ShowWill Greenberg's persistence paid off when she landed a role on 'The Grinder' through her past experiences and connections with Rob Lowe

      Will Greenberg appeared on a TV show called "The Grinder," which is not related to the hookup app of the same name. Greenberg's connection to the show came through her persistent attempts to join the cast, and her previous experiences working with Rob Lowe, who also starred in "The Grinder." Greenberg's first encounter with Lowe was in an indie film where she had three lines, but was later recast. They worked together again in a London-based TV show, but did not share any scenes. It was only in "The Grinder" that they had significant interaction. Despite Greenberg's past experiences with Lowe, she was unaware of his involvement in the show until she joined the cast.

    • Sharing memories and experiences through a podcastThe Dunder Mifflin employees' podcast allows them to relive and share past stories, bringing joy and a sense of appreciation for their shared history.

      The podcast serves as a platform for the colleagues to share and preserve their memories and experiences, some of which might have been overlooked or forgotten over time. During one conversation, they reminisced about their past encounters, including a scene where Jenna played a crazy ex-fiancé in a film and met Rob Lowe during a charity ping pong event. Meanwhile, Dwight's team made a successful sale, but Daryl struggled during an interview. To lighten the mood, Pam shared a funny anecdote about trying to log onto the office Wi-Fi with a complicated password. Overall, the podcast not only brings joy and entertainment but also acts as a tool for remembering and appreciating their shared history.

    • Creating Authenticity in Small ScenesGreat attention to detail and planning can bring authenticity to even the smallest scenes in a production, enhancing the viewer experience.

      Behind every scene in a production, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, there is a meticulous process involving careful planning, execution, and attention to detail. This was evident in the scene where Daryl accidentally electrocutes the fish in "The Bear." The team went to great lengths to ensure the authenticity of the fish, rigging the light to fall into the tank and even dealing with the unpleasant odor of real dead fish on set. These efforts paid off, creating a memorable and entertaining moment for viewers. However, it's important to remember that not all startups may have the resources to invest in such elaborate stunts, and priorities may shift as the company grows.

    • Unexpected bonding moments and revelations between Daryl and Pam, office's caffeine challenge leads to chaosDuring a job interview, Pam reassures Daryl about his future in Philly, leading to an unexpected love for the city and a series of comical situations due to the office's caffeine challenge.

      The dynamic between Daryl and Jim leads to unexpected revelations and bonding moments, while the office's caffeine challenge results in a hilarious escalation of sweaty chaos. During a job interview, Pam reassures Daryl about his future in Philly, and his sudden love for the city surprises everyone. Meanwhile, the office workers become increasingly amped up on caffeine, leading to heavy sweating and comical situations. The scene where Angela tries to open a fake window and reveals her giant armpit stains became a fan favorite due to the unexpected humor. The cast had a great time filming the scene, and the heavier sweat made the humor even more effective.

    • Finding joy in unexpected destructionImprovising and discovering hidden gems can lead to unexpected joy and excitement, even in chaotic situations

      Given the opportunity to destroy or change something, people can find joy and excitement in the process. This was evident in an episode of "The Office" where the office workers discovered beautiful hardwood floors hidden beneath old carpet. The scene was improvised, with car movements carefully planned and all dialogue being improvised on set. The scene resulted in a chaotic parking lot scene with no dialogue scripted, only sounds of honking horns and yelling. The episode brought Pam and Daryl together for a rare storyline, and the actors had a great time filming the scene, with Craig's infectious energy leading Pam to join in his singing. The scene required a lot of work, including ripping up and replacing the carpet, but the end result was worth it. This episode shows that people can find happiness and excitement in the unexpected, even in the midst of chaos and hard work.

    • Jenna and Craig's strong bond brings joy during work projectsThe camaraderie between Craig and Jenna from 'The Office' brought them joy during recent work projects, resulting in a memorable improvisation and a potential for future collaborations.

      The camaraderie and chemistry between cast members Craig and Jenna were so strong that they brought joy to each other during their recent work projects, reminding them of their time on "The Office." The duo had to pay to sing a song from an earlier episode, and Jenna improvised a line during filming that made it into the final scene. Despite the chaos of a pen disaster at the office, the pair was proud of their improvisation and appreciated the support of their fans. Overall, their shared experiences and connection to their past project brought them joy and excitement for potential future collaborations.

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    Follow Elyse Myers on Instagram - @elyse_myers 

    Follow Micka on Instagram - @ultramike

    Follow Kate Walsh on Instagram - @katewalsh


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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


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    Check Out the IF Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mb2187ZQtBE


    Follow If on Instagram: @IFmovie

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    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 15, 2024

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


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    Sex Talk With My Mom

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