
    Supper Club × Developer Experience with Shawn Wang

    enJuly 01, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • From finance to coding: A developer's journeyContinuous learning and community resources are essential for developers to navigate the ever-changing tech landscape and thrive in their careers.

      Developer experience, or DX, is a crucial aspect of software development that can greatly impact productivity and job satisfaction. Sean Wang, also known as Swyx, a long-time listener and developer, shared his journey from finance to coding and the challenges he faced during the transition to JavaScript during the ES6 era. He emphasized the importance of resources like Syntax in helping developers navigate the confusion and figure out the best practices. Swyx gained a large following on Twitter by sharing his knowledge and experiences, and he encouraged developers to continue learning and growing in their careers. The episode was sponsored by Hasura and LogRocket, two services that can enhance developer experience by providing excellent performance and error tracking features. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of continuous learning and the role of community and resources in supporting developers in their careers.

    • Bridging the gap between code and humansDeveloper Experience (DX) is the collection of practices and tools that enhance the productivity and satisfaction of developers, including documentation, tutorials, workshops, and podcasts, both internally and externally.

      Developer Experience (DX) refers to the meta stuff around code that helps make the code more consumable for developers. It's the bridge between the code and the human, encompassing everything from documentation and tutorials to workshops and podcasts. The term is trendy and often used interchangeably, but it can be divided into two categories: internal DX, which focuses on improving productivity within a company, and external DX, which aims to enhance developer tools and experiences for other companies. Tools like Visual Studio Code can fall into both categories depending on the specific use case. Overall, DX plays a crucial role in making code more accessible and usable for developers.

    • Streamlining the process from new hire to productive developer and from local development to productionAutomating repetitive tasks and focusing on developer productivity can save significant time and resources for organizations, leading to substantial productivity gains and cost savings.

      Improving developer experience (DX) is crucial for productivity and cost savings, especially in larger organizations. DX focuses on streamlining the process from new hire to productive developer, and from local development to production. By automating repetitive tasks and focusing on developer productivity, companies can save significant time and resources. The importance of DX isn't limited to large organizations; even small teams can benefit from it by expanding the feasible trade-off between manual work and automation. A notable example is the shift from custom-built React apps to Create React App, which significantly improved productivity for the React community. Overall, investing in DX can lead to substantial productivity gains and cost savings.

    • Focusing on developer experience and parsimony for simple and enjoyable web developmentVercel's philosophy of parsimony in web development helps developers focus on expressing use cases with fewer integration points, improving productivity and fostering creativity.

      Productivity and ease of use are essential aspects of software development, and companies like Vercel are leading the way in improving developer experience (DX) by focusing on making web development as simple and enjoyable as possible. Vercel's philosophy of parsimony, or providing just the right amount of building blocks, is a key factor in their success. This design philosophy helps developers avoid getting bogged down in learning excessive APIs and instead focus on expressing their use cases with fewer integration points. Parsimony is also inspired by statistical concepts, where it refers to removing unnecessary data to prevent overfitting and maintain a good balance between simplicity and functionality. Overall, productivity might be the base layer of reasoning for developers and businesses, but the true goal is to create a development process that fosters creativity and keeps developers in a state of flow, minimizing disruptions and distractions.

    • Measuring and improving developer productivityShortening feedback loops and reducing latency through tools like Svelte and Hasura leads to significant productivity gains and better retention.

      Improving developer productivity goes beyond just working faster and can lead to increased creativity and better use of technology. The "Accelerate" metrics, based on empirical research, highlight the importance of shortening feedback loops and reducing latency for order of magnitude improvements in productivity. Directly seeing the impact of code changes through tools like Svelte can significantly enhance productivity and retention. Companies that fail to provide productive environments risk losing talent. Tools like Hasura, which simplify the process of creating a GraphQL API, can help alleviate some of the pain points and contribute to a more productive development experience.

    • Exploring Hasura and the Future of ReactHasura simplifies GraphQL API creation and data source connection. React's community may move past useEffect towards new APIs like useEvent.

      Hasura is a powerful tool for effortlessly creating GraphQL APIs and connecting to various data sources. It offers a free trial with a special coupon code for the first 100 sign-ups. React, a popular framework for building user interfaces, was also discussed. The speaker shared his opinion that the community, including the core team, may be ready to move past useEffect, which has faced criticism for its complexity and impedance mismatch with React's functional paradigm. The speaker also noted the emergence of new APIs, such as useEvent, which aim to address some of the challenges associated with useEffect. Overall, the conversation highlighted the ongoing evolution of React and the importance of user-friendly tools and APIs in software development. To learn more about Hasura and its offerings, visit their website and sign up for the free trial using the provided coupon code.

    • Thoughtful API design impacts developer ecosystemWell-designed APIs enhance developer experience, reduce documentation and community support needs.

      Good developer experience (DX) requires careful consideration and design, especially when it comes to APIs. The choices made during API design can have a significant impact on the entire developer ecosystem, including documentation, community, and performance. These decisions can be complex, and it's essential to find the right balance between essential complexity and user-friendly design. As discussed, the consequences of a poorly designed API can lead to increased workload for developers, documentation teams, and communities. For instance, the initial choice of only four viewport units in CSS led to the current complexity of dealing with 16 different viewport units. However, it's important to remember that we, as developers and critics, have the luxury of only dealing with the consequences of these design choices. The people who work on these products face the fundamental complexity that cannot be erased. It's our role to understand these complexities and work towards solutions that benefit both the users and the developers. In the end, designing for a "pit of success" is crucial for good DX. By making thoughtful API design choices, we can create a better experience for developers and minimize the need for extensive documentation and community support.

    • Improving both internal and external developer experienceCompanies are recognizing the importance of collaboration between developer relations teams and engineers to enhance external developer experience and ultimately improve user experience. This includes giving developer relations teams more influence in product development and having developers work on the product directly.

      Both internal and external developer experience (DX) are crucial for building successful software products. Internal DX refers to the tools, processes, and documentation that developers use to build and maintain software, while external DX is about how users interact with the software. Accidental complexity, which can't always be eliminated through clever design, can be documented and addressed through tools like LogRocket. However, external DX often has a more significant impact on the overall user experience, and companies are recognizing the need for developer advocates and engineers to work more closely together to improve it. Companies like Netlify and Airbyte are reorganizing to give their developer relations teams more influence over the product development process, ensuring that the people who interact most with users have a greater impact on the product. Additionally, having developers work on the product as part of their role keeps them sharp and enables them to effectively communicate the benefits and solutions to the community.

    • Authentic developer engagement and community building in DevRelEffective DevRel prioritizes many-to-many conversations, fostering authentic developer engagement, and community building over marketing efforts. Learning in public, constructive feedback, and knowledge sharing are crucial for developer growth and ecosystem success.

      The role of Developer Relations (DevRel) can vary greatly between companies, with some viewing it as an extension of marketing and others prioritizing fostering a deeper understanding of their products among developers. While marketing efforts are important, authentic developer engagement through many-to-many conversations and community building has proven to be more effective and scalable in creating a strong developer ecosystem. Another key point discussed was the concept of "learning in public," where developers share their learning process openly with others. This approach can benefit one's career significantly, but it's not suitable for everyone due to the vulnerability involved. However, examples of successful learning in public can be found across various backgrounds and industries. Moreover, the importance of constructive feedback in the developer community was emphasized. Receiving feedback and addressing mistakes not only helps developers hone their craft but also inspires others by demonstrating that everyone, including experts, is continuously learning. Lastly, the value of sharing knowledge and experiences, even in the form of acknowledging bugs or challenges encountered, cannot be overstated as it provides immense value to the wider developer community.

    • Publicly sharing learning process as a beginnerRecognize the potential risks, be mindful of credibility, and prioritize consistency and preparation when sharing learning process publicly as a beginner.

      While sharing your learning process publicly can be beneficial for experienced professionals, it may not be the same for beginners. For beginners, it's important to recognize that they are still learning and not expected to be experts. They can still engage in learning in public but should be mindful of their credibility and potential negative feedback, especially for underrepresented groups in tech. Regarding technology, the speaker mentioned using an M1 Max MacBook Pro 2022 and loving the new processing speed, which significantly reduces video compilation and export times. The speaker also shared their preference for the Agnoster theme in Versus Code for its prompt functionality. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of consistency and preparation when sharing work publicly to minimize negative feedback. They acknowledged the nuances and complexities surrounding this topic and encouraged those who feel overwhelmed to try it out at their own pace. Lastly, they introduced a new section of the supper club where they ask the same set of questions to each guest, starting with what computer and text editor theme they use. The speaker shared their current setup and preferences.

    • Stay informed about coding through social media, podcasts, conferences, and industry expertsInvest time in social media and podcasts for industry news, attend conferences, engage with experts, and upgrade equipment for productivity and injury prevention. Start with free resources for learning, but consider investing in high-quality courses for comprehensive education.

      Staying updated in the field of coding requires a combination of using social media platforms like Twitter and listening to podcasts. These resources provide valuable information about new releases and trends in the industry. Additionally, attending conferences and engaging with industry experts can also help keep coders informed about exciting topics and emerging technologies. The speaker also emphasized the importance of investing in quality equipment, such as ergonomic keyboards, to prevent injuries and improve productivity. Lastly, the speaker recommended starting with free resources like FreeCodeCamp for learning to code, but encouraged paying for more comprehensive, high-quality courses once a solid foundation has been established.

    • The Debate Between Smart Servers and Smart Clients in Web DevelopmentThe debate between server and client rendering offers developers the choice to optimize for user experience and performance, with emerging technologies like GraphQL, React server components, and Phoenix Live View shaping the web development landscape.

      The debate between smart servers and smart clients in web development is an intriguing and evolving topic. Web developers are constantly exploring alternatives to REST, such as GraphQL, React server components, and Phoenix Live View, as they strive to define the ideal client-server contract. The server rendering side is improving, but so is the client side with local data stores and optimistic updates. This debate is significant because it offers developers the choice to render on the client or server, potentially providing material benefits to users. This debate is gaining attention and will likely shape the web development landscape in the coming years, as new technologies continue to emerge. Additionally, front end engineers may find themselves at a career ceiling if they only focus on front end skills, as the trend towards full stack front end development continues to grow.

    • Discussing Brandon Sanderson's literary accomplishments and learning from a supportive communityBrandon Sanderson, a renowned fantasy author, gained recognition through his prolific writing and creativity, reaching the top Kickstarter campaign in history. Learning from a supportive community is valuable for those seeking career advice or interested in Sanderson's work.

      Brandon Sanderson, an author known for epic fantasy fiction, has gained significant recognition and is considered one of the greatest living authors in the genre. Sanderson's prolific writing ability and creativity have impressed many, leading to his top Kickstarter campaign in history, where he launched four new books. For those interested in learning more about Sanderson's work or seeking career advice, Sean McCelvey, a guest on the podcast, recommends checking out his community at learningpublic.org. The podcast hosts expressed their appreciation for Sean's appearance and look forward to having him back to discuss other topics. Overall, the conversation highlighted Sanderson's impressive literary accomplishments and the value of learning and sharing knowledge in a supportive community.

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    [00:02:00] Daily AI news
    [00:06:45] Jordan's hot takes
    [00:10:40] Explanation of Zapier and examples
    [00:14:40] Quick explanation of ChatGPT
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    [00:39:40] The results of ChatGPT and Zapier

    Topics Covered in This Episode:
    Primary Topic: Introduction and Recommendations for Zapier
    - Speaker highly recommends using Zapier for businesses, having used it themselves for 5 to 10 months.
    - Describes Zapier as a marketing automation platform.
    - Mentions using Zapier for clients in their digital strategy company.
    - Highlights the ability of Zapier to automate tasks and save time.
    Primary Topic: Underutilized Business Tool: ChatGPT with Plugins
    - Introduces ChatGPT with plugins as an underutilized business tool.
    - Believes ChatGPT with plugins will be most beneficial until Microsoft Copilot is released.
    - Discusses the capabilities of ChatGPT for creative content creation.
    - Mentions the lack of comprehensive automation capabilities in ChatGPT.
    - Emphasizes the importance of combining ChatGPT and Zapier for business automation.

    Zapier, marketing automation platform, digital strategy company, ChatGPT, underutilized business tool, Microsoft Copilot, episode, viewers, educational content, generative AI, business, Google, political advertisements, AI, California governor, executive order, risk assessment, energy usage, Apple, conversational AI, AI models, automation, efficiency, ChatGPT plugins, WCI plugin, content creation, SEO, Zapier plugins, scaling businesses, GPT technology, external interaction, conditional logic zap.

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    🦠 Covid-19 or no Covid-19 🦠 - marketers gotta market! And voila! 🎩 🎩 🎩

    It’s time for another edition of the 4 AM Report, and today, we talk returning to the workplace!

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    Have a listen!

    About Kevin

    Kevin Steinberger is responsible for developing global market research for corporate real estate, facilities and workplace teams across all industries of the Fortune 500. This research is used for advising tenants on next steps for their workplace strategy and real estate footprint, and additionally is used to develop the speaking content for the annual Future Offices conferences at IQPC. As the producer for these shows, Kevin brings together the highest level of research and content circling around people, place and technology to ultimately help enterprises develop their next generation workplaces.



    You can also listen to the entire episode, as well as all our previous episodes, over on Apple Podcasts. We'd love it if you could subscribe give us a review! 

    If you're losing sleep over a particular marketing/business related problem during this Covid-19 economic uncertainty, or if you have a guest idea on the topic, let us know. Drop us a line at c+p digital. 

    And as always, sweet dreams…well, hopefully!

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