
    Surprise Pregnancy, Suicidal Thoughts, & Post-military PTSD

    enMarch 29, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing setbacks and learning from themIt's okay to make mistakes and struggle, but important to acknowledge, learn, and keep going.

      It's okay to make mistakes and to struggle, but it's important to acknowledge them, learn from them, and move forward. The speaker, John Deloney, shared his own experience of falling off his health and diet goals, but emphasized the importance of getting back up and continuing to try. He also encouraged listeners to call in and share their own experiences, offering a supportive and understanding space for open conversation about mental health, relationships, and personal growth. The underlying message is that we all face challenges and setbacks, but with humility, a willingness to apologize and learn, and the determination to keep going, we can navigate through them and come out stronger on the other side.

    • Navigating an Unexpected PregnancyAn unexpected pregnancy can bring about fear, uncertainty, and anxiety for young couples, despite having plans for marriage and stable relationships. Seeking guidance and support is crucial during this time.

      Having a baby unexpectedly can be a source of fear and uncertainty for young couples, even if they have been together for some time and have plans for marriage. The speaker in this conversation, who is 23 and has been with his girlfriend for three years, is experiencing this fear and is unsure of what steps to take next. They have discussed the possibility of keeping the baby or putting it up for adoption, but are feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to move forward. Despite having a full-time job and a stable relationship, the speaker is feeling anxious about the prospect of becoming a father and telling his parents about the pregnancy. However, the speaker's concerns may be normal for someone in this situation, as having a baby can bring about many changes and challenges, even for those who are prepared. Overall, the conversation highlights the emotional and practical considerations that come with an unexpected pregnancy, and the importance of seeking guidance and support during this time.

    • Unexpected experiences and hard conversations can lead to growthEmbrace unexpected events and hard conversations as opportunities for personal growth. Communicate effectively with your partner and consider the potential positive outcomes.

      Unexpected events and hard conversations can lead to growth and experiences beyond what we could have planned for ourselves. The speaker shares his experience of being unprepared for becoming a father, but ultimately finding it to be the greatest honor and challenge of his life. He encourages the listener not to avoid hard conversations or important decisions out of fear, but instead to embrace them as opportunities for personal growth. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of communication and being on the same page with one's partner when making major life decisions. Despite initial fears and uncertainties, the speaker encourages the listener to consider the potential positive outcomes and not to miss out on opportunities for growth and deeper connection.

    • Navigating the Complexities of Starting a FamilyCommunicate openly with your partner about feelings and plans, seek support when needed, and reflect on your own emotions to start a family successfully.

      Becoming a father brings significant changes and emotions, and it's essential to communicate openly with your partner about your feelings and plans. The speaker emphasizes that his friend seems unsure about having a child and encourages him to express his thoughts and feelings to his girlfriend. The speaker also shares his own experiences and feelings about becoming a father and emphasizes the importance of having a supportive network and seeking professional help if needed. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open communication, self-reflection, and seeking support when navigating the complexities of starting a family.

    • Intrusive thoughts are common and not a reflection of your characterRecognize intrusive thoughts as passing, not a desire to act upon them, and seek help if feeling overwhelmed.

      Having intrusive thoughts, including thoughts of self-harm, is a common experience and does not make you crazy. These thoughts, often occurring in mundane moments, can be alarming but are not a reflection of your character or mental stability. It's essential to recognize that these thoughts are just passing thoughts and not a desire to act upon them. If you're feeling overwhelmed, it's crucial to reach out for help and support. Remember, it takes courage to acknowledge these thoughts and share them with others. You're not alone, and there are resources available to help you navigate through these challenging moments.

    • Struggles with mental health due to past experiences and limited supportSeek consistent mental health care and build a strong support system to effectively cope with mental health challenges

      The individual's intrusive thoughts and past experiences have contributed to their current mental health struggles. These struggles include suicidal ideation, self-harm, and a history of trauma. The individual's experiences with mental health professionals have been inconsistent, leaving them feeling uncertain about their diagnosis and unsure of how to seek help effectively. The individual's support system has been limited, with few close friends and no one to confide in about their childhood trauma. These factors have likely compounded their mental health challenges and made it more difficult for them to cope with stressors in their life. It's important for individuals experiencing similar struggles to seek out consistent and effective mental health care and to build a strong support system. This can include seeking out therapists who provide a good fit and connecting with community resources or support groups.

    • Sharing deep thoughts with a trusted friend or professional can improve mental healthOpening up about intrusive or suicidal thoughts to a trusted friend or counselor can lead to stronger relationships and better mental health

      Having a trusted friend who knows about your deepest thoughts and struggles is crucial for mental health. These thoughts, which can range from intrusive to suicidal, are common and can escalate if not addressed. People who have experienced abuse, feel like a burden, or come from different backgrounds may find it difficult to open up. However, keeping these thoughts hidden can lead to increased distress and disconnection in relationships. It's important to recognize that these thoughts are not the only coping strategies and that seeking help from a counselor can provide new tools for managing them. Ultimately, sharing these thoughts with a trusted friend or professional can lead to a stronger, more connected relationship and improved mental health.

    • Unresolved childhood traumas impact adult relationshipsUnacknowledged childhood traumas can hinder our ability to connect deeply in relationships and shape our self-perception. Seek help, allow trusted individuals to support healing, and acknowledge the impact of past experiences.

      Unresolved childhood traumas can significantly impact our adult relationships and self-perception. The discussion highlights a woman, Victoria, who experienced abuse from her grandfather as a child, and how this experience shaped her perception of safety and closeness in relationships. Her parents covered up the abuse, leaving Victoria feeling unsupported and leading her to believe that getting too close to others could result in harm. This belief has affected her current relationship with her husband and her ability to fully connect with her daughter. It's important for individuals to acknowledge and address these traumas, seek professional help, and allow trusted individuals, such as their spouse, to support them in the healing process. Victoria's bravery in sharing her story can serve as an entry point for thousands of listeners dealing with similar intrusive thoughts and feelings.

    • Seeking help is crucial for healing from past traumas and preventing suicidal thoughtsReach out for help persistently, don't be discouraged by dismissive responses, and acknowledge the pressures and challenges in relationships and personal life. Remember, you're not alone in your struggles and seeking support can make a significant difference in your healing journey.

      Seeking help is a crucial step towards healing from past traumas and preventing suicidal thoughts. Victoria, a caller on the show, was encouraged to reach out to people and start conversations about her childhood abuse experiences and current suicidal thoughts. She was advised to be persistent in seeking help and not be discouraged by dismissive responses. The importance of community support was also emphasized, as everyone goes through struggles and can help each other heal. Another caller, Lily, shared her concerns about putting too much pressure on her military vet husband, who is dealing with PTSD. She felt that her desire for a better setup for her son was putting extra pressure on him. The conversation highlighted the importance of communication and understanding each other's needs and limitations in a relationship. Both callers' stories underscore the importance of reaching out for help, being persistent, and acknowledging the pressures and challenges we face in our relationships and personal lives. It's essential to remember that we are not alone in our struggles and that seeking help and support can make a significant difference in our healing journey.

    • Childhood instability shapes our adult perception of stabilityRecognize and challenge patterns of seeking stability in material possessions or environments to avoid repeating the cycle of instability in adulthood.

      Instability in childhood can shape our perception of what stability looks like in adulthood, and we may inadvertently seek it in material possessions or environments. Both speakers, having come from unstable backgrounds, are now parents and yearn for stability for their children. However, trying to find stability in material things can lead to repeating the cycle of instability. It's crucial to recognize and challenge these patterns and learn new ways to build a stable life. The speakers, despite their past struggles, have a strong bond and are committed to each other and their family.

    • Healing from past traumas is essential for a healthy relationshipRecognizing and addressing past traumas is crucial for effective communication and navigating life's challenges together, especially for couples with challenging backgrounds. Prioritizing healing and learning new skills can strengthen the foundation of a relationship and create a nurturing environment for children.

      Healing from traumatic childhood experiences is crucial for building a healthy and loving relationship. The metaphor of using the wrong tools for tasks highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing past traumas. Both partners in a relationship, especially those with challenging backgrounds, need to prioritize healing and learning new skills to effectively navigate life's challenges together. The military background of one partner adds an additional layer of complexity, as the transition from soldier to civilian and family man can be challenging. Through vulnerability, humility, and facing past traumas, couples can build a strong foundation for their relationship and provide a nurturing environment for their child.

    • Creating new family legacies through healing and supportSeek help and support, create new family legacies, and remember that healing and learning are possible after facing challenges

      No one should face their struggles alone. During the podcast, veterans and their spouses shared their experiences of overcoming trauma and creating new family legacies. They emphasized the importance of seeking help and learning to love and be loved in return. The podcast hosts encouraged everyone, whether dealing with their own struggles or supporting someone else, to reach out to others and let them know they are loved and valued. It's important to remember that everyone has faced challenges they didn't ask for, and there is healing and learning on the other side. So, don't be afraid to ask for help, and don't hesitate to offer support to those around you. Together, we can create new family legacies and heal from trauma.

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    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

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    Mental Health Expert on The Real Reason You Stay Anxious All Day | Dr. John Delony

    Mental Health Expert on The Real Reason You Stay Anxious All Day | Dr. John Delony

    Dr. John Delony is a bestselling author, mental health expert and host of The Dr. John Delony Show. John has two PhDs and over two decades of experience in counseling, crisis response and higher education. He is the author of the bestselling books Own Your Past, Change Your Future and Redefining Anxiety. His new book, Building a Non-Anxious Life, will release in October 2023. John has appeared on Fox News and Fox Business and been featured in Real Simple magazine, Fast Company, The Today Show, and HuffPost. He has been a guest on The Minimalist Podcast, The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast and the Mind Pump Podcast. John’s goal is to help people navigate tough decisions, improve their relationships, and believe they’re worth being well. Follow John on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Twitter.

    Order his book, Building a Non-Anxious Life

    In this episode you will learn,

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    • How daily anxiety affects our relationships. 
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