
    Suzy Amis Cameron’s Mission To Save The Planet — Rethinking Education, Agriculture, Health & The American Diet

    enDecember 21, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Learning from Susie Amis Cameron: Addressing Environmental Issues through Animal AgricultureAnimal agriculture significantly harms the environment and addressing it is crucial for creating a better world. Susie Amis Cameron's Muse School focuses on preparing young people to live sustainably and make a positive impact.

      Learning from this episode of the Rich Roll podcast is that Susie Amis Cameron, an environmental activist, philanthropist, and founder of Muse School, emphasizes that animal agriculture is a significant contributor to most environmental issues. Animal agriculture causes significant harm to various environmental issues, making it a critical area to address for those seeking to create a better world. Susie's work at Muse School, which focuses on environmentalism and global sustainability, is an innovative approach to preparing young people to live consciously within themselves, others, and the planet. Additionally, the episode highlights Susie's impressive background in Hollywood and her commitment to making a positive impact on the world. The conversation between Rich and Susie is raw, honest, and thought-provoking, touching on topics like mental health, education, and sustainability.

    • Susie and Jim Cameron's Dedication to Environmental CausesThe Camerons' advocacy for environmental causes, including their shift towards plant-based diets, highlights the importance of individual choices in addressing climate change and health crises.

      Susie and Jim Cameron are not only trailblazers in the entertainment industry but also passionate advocates for environmental causes. Susie, in particular, has dedicated the last 25 years to combating global climate change and health crises through various organizations, including Food Choice Task Force. They had planned to attend COP 21 in Paris to raise awareness about the connection between animal agriculture and climate change, but the event was scaled down due to the Paris attacks. The Chatham House study they refer to highlights that animal agriculture is the second largest contributor to greenhouse gases, a fact often overlooked. The Camerons' personal shift towards plant-based diets, inspired by the documentary "Forks Over Knives," reflects their commitment to sustainable living and reducing their carbon footprint. Their story underscores the importance of individual choices in addressing environmental issues and inspires us to consider the impact of our daily decisions on both our personal health and the health of the planet.

    • A Documentary's Impact: Adopting a Plant-Based DietAfter watching 'Forks Over Knives', Jim and his family quickly adopted a plant-based diet, inspired by personal health concerns and family history. They found delicious alternatives and even grew their own produce.

      The documentary "Forks Over Knives" had a profound impact on Jim and his family's life, leading them to adopt a plant-based diet almost immediately after watching it. The documentary, which Jim's friend had recommended, resonated with them deeply due to their personal health concerns and family history of heart disease and cancer. Despite initially being skeptical, Jim was fully engaged during the movie and, within hours, had completely eliminated animal products from their home. The family, which included their 12-year-old daughter and 13-year-old nephew, adjusted to their new diet by discovering delicious plant-based alternatives and even started growing most of their own vegetables on their ranch. While the cold-turkey approach might not be suitable for everyone, Jim emphasizes the importance of finding one's own way through the transition to a plant-based lifestyle and giving permission to experiment.

    • A documentary changed their perspective on animal agricultureWatching 'Forks Over Knives' led them to discover the harmful impact of animal agriculture on health and the environment, despite initial hesitation.

      The connection between animal agriculture and its negative impacts on both health and the environment was a gradual discovery for these advocates. Despite their deep involvement in environmental circles and Jim's extensive knowledge about the issue, they were initially hesitant to fully embrace a plant-based lifestyle due to their beliefs about the importance of animal protein for health. However, watching the documentary "Forks Over Knives" served as a pivotal moment, lifting the veil on the widespread deception surrounding the food industry. They were shocked to find that even in environmental circles, the conversation around the environmental impact of animal agriculture was largely absent. Upon further investigation, they discovered numerous resources, including the UN report and the documentary "Cowspiracy," that laid out the damaging effects of animal agriculture on the environment. Despite this information being available, many organizations in the environmental sector were not addressing the issue. The advocates believe that once you start down this path of discovery, it's impossible to turn back, and the more you learn, the more mind-boggling the situation becomes.

    • Animal agriculture's environmental impact: deforestation, dead zones, biodiversity loss, and ice capsAnimal agriculture significantly contributes to deforestation, dead zones, biodiversity loss, and ice caps melting. Collaboration between health and environmental sectors can promote sustainable food choices and reduce its impact.

      Animal agriculture has a significant impact on various environmental issues, including deforestation, dead zones in the oceans, biodiversity loss, and the melting of ice caps. These issues are interconnected, and animal agriculture is a common denominator. When trying to address these environmental concerns, it's essential to acknowledge this connection and work towards solutions that address the root cause. The health and environmental sectors can collaborate to promote sustainable food choices and reduce the environmental impact of animal agriculture. The Food Choice Task Force is an example of such a collaboration, which aims to link health and environmental initiatives and promote the adoption of more plant-based diets. The Chatham House reports, funded by the Food Choice Task Force, provide scientific evidence of the connection between animal agriculture and climate change, adding credibility to the message and encouraging more significant action.

    • Motivations for Adopting a Plant-Based DietAdopting a plant-based diet offers numerous benefits, such as improved health, potential cost savings, and positive impact on the environment and animals.

      The motivators for adopting a plant-based diet can vary greatly from person to person, but the benefits – for the environment, animals, and personal health – remain consistent. A study in China revealed that women there prioritized having beautiful skin and a healthy body as reasons for going plant-based. Regardless of the motivation, a plant-based diet offers numerous advantages, including improved health and potentially lower healthcare costs. Jim and his partner, who have been following this lifestyle for over three years, have experienced these benefits firsthand, with Jim losing weight and becoming more active. As individuals with the means and platform to make a difference, they've chosen to use their resources to spread awareness and advocate for a more sustainable food system. To reach a broader audience, it's essential to effectively communicate the benefits of a plant-based diet and make it an accessible and attractive option for people, regardless of their circumstances.

    • Empowering Individuals to Make a Difference through Plant-Based DietsAdopting a plant-based diet is a simple yet impactful choice for individuals to improve their health and reduce environmental impact. This decision can inspire families and communities to follow suit, especially when focusing on educating women and mothers.

      Every individual has the power to make a significant impact on the environment and their own health by adopting a plant-based diet. This simple change doesn't require extensive resources or time, unlike other efforts to reduce carbon emissions or renewable energy implementation. Moreover, the ripple effect of this decision can extend to entire families and communities, especially when focusing on educating women and mothers. The story of Jim, who found hope in the power of changing his diet, underscores this idea. Despite the challenges of communicating this message to various demographics and cultures, it's essential to remember that plant-based eating was once a practice of the poor and affluent consumers adopted animal products as a symbol of wealth. The global issue of dietary shifts and its impact on health and the environment highlights the urgency of spreading awareness about the benefits of plant-based diets.

    • Empowering Individuals to Make a Difference with Plant-Based DietsAdopting a plant-based diet can lead to personal health benefits, environmental sustainability, and inspire others. Grassroots efforts and technology can help spread awareness and drive change.

      Every individual has the power to make a significant impact on the environment and their own health by adopting a plant-based diet. This simple change can lead to a ripple effect, creating self-esteem, and inspiring others to follow suit. Despite common perceptions, being plant-based is not elitist but can offer numerous benefits, including improved health, increased energy, and an environmental edge. Younger generations, who are more receptive to environmental messaging, can play a crucial role in spreading awareness. While large-scale policy changes are necessary, grassroots efforts, such as individual conversations and community engagement, are essential for driving meaningful change. The accelerated spread of information through technology allows us to expedite this process and tackle the challenges posed by entrenched interests and resistance to change.

    • Demand for transparency driven by easy access to informationEasy access to information leads to transparency, allowing individuals to make informed decisions and reduce demand for harmful practices.

      The easy access to information available to young people today has led to a growing demand for transparency in all areas of life. This is a significant shift from the past when information was harder to come by and questioning the status quo was more difficult. The Internet and online communities have made it easier for individuals to find support and information on various topics, including health and education. This access to information and resources has led to a ripple effect, allowing people to make informed decisions and reduce demand for harmful practices. The idea for Muse School came about when the founders couldn't find an educational institution that aligned with their values of feeding students well, allowing them to learn at their own pace, and teaching them about the environment. They started the school with a small group of families, but it has since grown into a robust community that celebrates individuality and promotes sustainable living.

    • Jim and his partner's unconventional school grows from 11 students to plans for global expansionUnconventional founders Jim and his partner grew a small school into a global educational movement, inspiring self-esteem, good nutrition, and individualized learning for students and families worldwide.

      Jim and his partner, despite their unconventional backgrounds and self-taught education, were open to the idea of starting a different kind of school. They began with just 11 students in a small one-room schoolhouse and have since grown to nearly 200 students across two campuses, with plans to expand globally through Muse Global. This expansion aims to reach 81 schools around the world, spreading the message of self-esteem, good nutrition, and individualized learning through children and their families. The school, Muse, has been an amazing experience for Jim's daughters, embodying the values Jim and his partner envisioned when they started this educational journey.

    • Personalized Education Based on PassionsThis innovative school increases student engagement and academic growth by building academics around children's passions, resulting in students excelling above state and national standards.

      At this innovative school, education is personalized around each child's passions, leading to increased engagement and academic growth. The school asks children what they love instead of their parents and builds academics around it. This approach results in students working above state and national standards, even in subjects they previously disliked. The community aspect is crucial, with gatherings for parents and inspiring guest speakers. The school, which started in an old summer camp, features unique solar panels that generate 90% of its energy, teaching children about energy usage and sustainability.

    • Open source innovation for sustainabilityDyson's open source hand dryer design promotes sustainability, and the school's commitment to sustainability is demonstrated through reclaimed/recycled materials, on-site produce, and a 100% plant-based lunch menu.

      James Dyson's decision to make the Dyson Airblade hand dryer design open source is a prime example of innovation leading to sustainability. Dyson recognized the potential of his invention and could have kept it proprietary, but instead chose to make it accessible to all. The campus where the interview took place is also a testament to sustainability, with the majority of materials used in renovations being reclaimed or recycled. The school's commitment to sustainability extends to its food system, with 90% of produce used in the kitchen grown on-site, and the surplus provided to local restaurants by bicycle. The students are even involved in the business side of this venture. A notable figure in this area is Steven Ritz, an educator who has transformed underprivileged communities in the Bronx through teaching kids to grow food. The school's recent decision to adopt a 100% plant-based lunch menu has garnered global attention, highlighting their dedication to environmentalism and the potential impact of individual choices.

    • Transitioning to a plant-based menu in schoolsAddressing misconceptions and planning carefully can lead to a successful plant-based menu in schools, benefiting students and the environment.

      Transitioning to a plant-based menu in an educational institution, despite initial fears and resistance, can lead to significant benefits for both the environment and the students. The founder of an environmental school faced opposition when suggesting the switch, but with careful planning and education, they were able to make the change and even attract new families to the school. The misconceptions about protein deficiencies and negative health effects were addressed through scientific research and expert consultations. The campaign "One Meal a Day for the Planet" helped ease the transition, and the community's concern for their children's development was addressed through educational resources and delicious plant-based meals. Ultimately, the school's commitment to being true to its mission attracted like-minded families and inspired other schools to follow suit.

    • Introducing food sustainability and gardening principles to children leads to a lifelong commitment to sustainability.Children who learn to grow their own food and understand sustainability at a young age become advocates for sustainability and contribute to a more sustainable future.

      The principles of education surrounding food sustainability and gardening, as demonstrated by schools like Mews, have a profound impact on children. These principles, when introduced at a young age, can lead to a shift in attitudes and behaviors towards food and sustainability. This change can start with the children themselves, as they learn to grow their own food and share their newfound knowledge with their families. As these children grow up, they become advocates for sustainability, carrying these values with them throughout their lives. This approach not only benefits the individual but also contributes to a larger, more sustainable future. The success of initiatives like Mews shows that it's essential to introduce these concepts to children at an early age, fostering a lifelong commitment to sustainability. The ripple effect of this change can be significant, with children influencing their families, friends, and eventually, their communities. This shift towards a more sustainable future, rooted in the principles of food education and gardening, can start in unexpected places, even in the heart of "middle America," where farming and gardening originated in the United States.

    • Juggling Family, Environmental Concerns, and PassionsSuccessfully managing multiple responsibilities requires effective communication and support from loved ones.

      Susie and James Cameron's daily life is filled with a multitude of responsibilities, from taking care of their children to managing environmental concerns and running a school, all while pursuing their respective passions. Balancing these demands requires strong support from each other and allowing each other to follow their passions. James' current focus on writing Avatar 2, 3, and 4 is a significant part of their lives, with most of his work taking place at home. However, production in New Zealand is upcoming, which will bring a new set of challenges. Despite the complexity of their lives, they maintain a strong partnership by communicating effectively and supporting each other in their various roles.

    • James Cameron's eco-consciousness extends to fashionJames Cameron's team is creating an eco-friendly clothing line, aiming to make sustainable everyday clothes affordable and accessible to the public, encouraging individuals to consider the environmental impact of their clothing choices.

      James Cameron and his team not only push boundaries in filmmaking, but also in sustainability. They strive for challenges and have extended their eco-consciousness to the fashion industry through the Red Carpet Green Dress program. The contest aimed to create sustainable dresses for the Oscars, but Cameron realized the importance of everyday clothing. He is now working on creating a clothing line with sustainable and eco-friendly everyday clothes, acknowledging the vast potential in this market. The challenge is to make these clothes affordable and accessible to the public. The ultimate goal is to spread awareness and encourage individuals to consider the environmental impact of their clothing choices.

    • Exploring sustainable and ethical fashionAdopt a plant-based diet, watch documentaries, and support ethical businesses for a sustainable and ethical fashion industry.

      Creating a sustainable and ethical clothing line with affordable price points is a challenging goal in the face of competition from mass-produced, low-cost garments. However, there is growing awareness and opportunity in this sector as people become more conscious of the environmental and social impact of fast fashion. For those interested in making a positive impact, resources such as "Forks Over Knives," "The China Study," and PCRM's 21-day kickstart program offer guidance on adopting a plant-based diet. Additionally, films like "Game Changers" and "Racing Extinction" provide insight into the benefits of plant-based living and the importance of making ethical choices. The documentary "True Cost" is an eye-opening exploration of the fast fashion industry and its impact on the environment and workers. By making small changes, such as eating more plants and supporting ethical and sustainable businesses, individuals can contribute to making the world a better place for future generations.

    • Project featuring plant-based, sexy guys to raise awarenessSusie Amis Cameron's initiatives promote plant-based living and catalyze change. Connect with her, download the Rich Roll app, and explore her online courses at mindbodygreen.com to make a positive impact.

      The upcoming project featuring "totally ripped, awesome, sexy guys" who are all plant-based has the potential to raise awareness and create important conversations. Susie Amis Cameron's inspiring work, as seen through her various initiatives like Muse School, Food Choice Task Force, and Red Carpet Green Dress, aims to catalyze change and promote plant-based living. To connect with Susie and learn more, check out her websites susieamis.com, foodchoiceforce.org, musechool.org, and redcarpetgreendress.com. Don't forget to subscribe to her newsletter, download the Rich Roll app for access to the entire podcast catalog, and explore her online courses at mindbodygreen.com. Together, we can make a positive impact on our health and the world.

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    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food
    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

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