
    Podcast Summary

    • The Magic Wand: A Cultural Icon of Powerful PleasureThe Magic Wand vibrator is a cultural icon known for its powerful rumble, acting as a trusted confidant for unapologetic pleasure. Its rechargeable, mini, micro, and plush versions all offer the same powerful experience. Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel enhance pleasure and sensations, helping individuals last longer and feel more pleasure.

      The Magic Wand vibrator, often referred to as the "Cadillac of vibrators," is a cultural icon known for its powerful and deep rumble, earning it accolades like "vibrator of the year" for decades. It's not just a sex toy, but a trusted confidant and symbol of unapologetic pleasure. With various iterations available, including the rechargeable, mini, micro, and plush versions, all offer the same powerful rumble. Meanwhile, Promescent's lineup of pleasure enhancing products, such as the legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help enhance summer experiences by extending pleasure and intensifying sensations. Overall, these products aim to help individuals last longer and feel more pleasure, making for a more satisfying and enjoyable sexual experience.

    • An unexpected call leads to a discussion about gender roles and podcast promotionThe podcast episode featured a personal story and promoted Dan Abrams' book and Menace's new project, showcasing the versatility of podcasts as a platform for sharing stories and promoting content

      Dan Abrams wrote his book "Man Down" to prove that women are capable of excelling in various roles, from law enforcement to gambling and leadership, based on evidence and data. Brian, the podcast host, shared an unexpected and intimate experience with his friend Menace, who called him during a late-night tryst and put the woman on the phone. Brian listened in, felt uncomfortable, and ended the call. The conversation led to discussing Dan's book and Menace's upcoming projects, including the Sex Without Me Show on Stitcher. The episode concluded with Brian sharing that he had ended all relationships and was focusing on his work. The conversation showcased the unexpected and personal nature of the podcast, with Brian sharing a vulnerable moment and promoting Dan's book and Menace's new projects.

    • Being upfront about intentions in relationshipsCommunication is key in relationships. If individuals aren't on the same page, it's important to be honest about intentions, even if it means maintaining other relationships. Be true to yourself and don't conform to societal expectations.

      Effective communication is crucial in relationships. A past experience involved going on multiple dates with someone, but neither were ready to commit. The speaker suggested that if individuals are not on the same page, they should be upfront about their intentions, even if it means maintaining other relationships. The conversation also touched upon the importance of being true to oneself and not feeling pressured to conform to societal expectations. Additionally, the speaker shared an anecdote about an old friendship that started from a blind date and has lasted for over a decade. The conversation ended with a discussion about a book that challenges gender stereotypes and the importance of questioning sources of information.

    • Women's Decision-Making Abilities and Emotional IntelligenceWomen make clearer, more detailed decisions and have better emotional intelligence, including the ability to fake attraction and understand partners better than men.

      According to the research presented in the book "Mandown," women are better decision-makers than men, particularly when it comes to providing clear and detailed directions. This is because women are more deliberative and take more time to consider their answers. However, there's a catch - women are also better at faking attraction during initial encounters, which can lead to confusion for both genders. Additionally, women tend to know their partners better than men do. Contrary to popular belief, women are not always faking their interest, but men may struggle to decipher women's true feelings due to missing preceptors. Overall, the research suggests that women's decision-making abilities and complex emotional intelligence set them apart from men.

    • Women's Informed Decision Making and SuccessesWomen make more informed decisions, leading to better outcomes in investment and driving. Despite challenges, women excel in networking and remembering details, and have lower insurance rates as safer drivers.

      Women make more informed decisions, particularly in investment and driving, leading to better outcomes. This is due to their tendency to gather data and think carefully before acting. Contrary to popular belief, women are actually safer drivers, as evidenced by lower insurance rates for women and the success of companies that hire more female bus drivers. However, men make more money in the workplace due to lingering sexism and the fact that women often have additional responsibilities outside of work, such as childcare. Despite these challenges, women excel in various areas, including networking and remembering details. These are just some of the insights from the discussed book, which aims to challenge stereotypes and celebrate women's strengths.

    • Gender Roles and Capabilities: Trends and Individual VariationsStudies suggest women have better memories and gender diversity can reduce corruption, but individual performance varies and should be recognized.

      There are ongoing debates about the roles and capabilities of men and women in various aspects of life, such as politics, leadership, and education. Some studies suggest that women have better memories and that gender diversity in institutions like legislatures and police forces can lead to less corruption. However, it's important to remember that these trends do not guarantee the absence of corrupt individuals or underperforming individuals in any gender. There is also a trending narrative that women are surpassing men in various areas, leading to some men feeling marginalized. This conversation touched on the topic of a book titled "Man Down" and the author's experience with the media and public reaction to his work. The author defended himself against accusations that he wrote the book to get laid or to objectify women, stating that his girlfriend was supportive of his work. Overall, the discussion highlighted the ongoing discourse surrounding gender roles and capabilities, and the importance of recognizing trends while acknowledging individual variations.

    • Exploring women's strengths and capabilitiesMen take risks for higher returns but face a greater risk of failure, while women provide consistent returns on investment

      While the speaker may not have unique insights into women, he believes that enabling conversations about women's strengths and capabilities can be valuable. The book he wrote, which is not intended to change the world but rather to add to the conversation, explores various interesting findings. For instance, men are more likely to be struck by lightning due to their riskier behavior, and hedge fund managers are predominantly men, but women outperform them on average. The speaker finds it fascinating that men's engagement in reckless behavior allows them to hit home runs, but they also face a higher risk of striking out. In contrast, women provide a better batting average with consistent returns. Overall, the speaker's goal is to highlight the importance of recognizing women's capabilities and contributions, especially in areas where they have historically been underrepresented.

    • Women cope better with relationship failuresWomen experience more depression post-breakup but lean on friends for support, while men turn to substance abuse and keep feelings hidden.

      While there may be debates about who is funnier between men and women, research suggests that women are better at coping with failed relationships and have a stronger support system in place. This is evidenced by studies showing that women experience more depression post-breakup, while men turn to substance abuse. Additionally, women are more likely to lean on their friends for support during difficult times, whereas men tend to keep their feelings to themselves. This difference in coping mechanisms can make it harder for men to deal with the emotional aftermath of a breakup.

    • Women's Deliberate Approach to Relationships and InteractionsWomen consider relationships and interactions more thoughtfully, leading to compassionate and effective communication. They were found to be less reactive and more deliberate in dating and business scenarios.

      Women approach relationships and interactions, whether it's dating or business, with more deliberation and thoughtfulness compared to men. This was a recurring theme in the discussion, as evidenced by the comparison of dating scenes in New York and San Francisco, and the study on loan officers. Additionally, women were found to be more compassionate and less reactive, which contributes to their effectiveness in various situations. The speaker also shared his positive experience with Tune Up Media, a sponsor of the program, which helps organize and improve iTunes libraries.

    • The Complex Interplay of Biology and Societal InfluencesRecognize the multifaceted nature of gender differences and avoid oversimplified explanations, acknowledging societal pressures and limited opportunities may contribute to perceived edges in certain areas for women.

      While some studies suggest women's superiority in certain areas can be attributed to evolutionary pressures, it's essential to consider external factors like societal pressures and limited opportunities that may contribute to women's perceived edge. For instance, women may study harder due to fewer options in the workplace or lower pay, leading to better performance in universities. A study revealing women wash their hands more often than men is an example of such findings. However, it's important not to oversimplify these differences and instead acknowledge the complex interplay of biology and societal influences. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of recognizing the multifaceted nature of gender differences and avoiding sexist or oversimplified explanations.

    • Myth of Women's Superiority in IKEA Furniture Assembly DebunkedThe assumption that women excel at assembling IKEA furniture is a myth, and the author, who runs several popular websites, wrote this inspiring book to challenge stereotypes and encourage personal growth.

      The assumption that women are better at assembling IKEA furniture is a myth. This misconception came from a statement made by the head of IKEA, but no concrete evidence was provided. The book, which covers various studies and findings about women's abilities and strengths, is a fun, inspiring, and uplifting read. It's not only for women but also for anyone who wants to be inspired. The author, who has a media empire with several websites, took the initiative to write the book after delegating tasks for a long time. The biggest websites in her media empire are Mediaite, which focuses on media and politics, Stylite for style and fashion, Geeko System for tech, and The Mary Sue, a female geek site created to provide a safe space for women in the tech world.

    • Creating safe spaces for female geeks and holding gossip sites accountableFemale-focused websites like Mary Sue, Geekosystem, and Gossip Cop offer safe spaces and accurate information for female geeks, while new sites like Mogolite focus on industry leaders. Embrace vulnerability and accurate information to foster positive communities.

      There exists a need for platforms that cater to the interests and identities of female geeks and hold gossip sites accountable for inaccuracies. The discussion touched upon the creation of websites like Mary Sue and Geekosystem, which provide spaces for female geeks, and Gossip Cop, which corrects gossip site errors. Additionally, a new site called Mogolite is set to launch, focusing on the movers and shakers of the industry. Danny Romas shared insights from his book "Man Down," emphasizing the importance of embracing vulnerability and expressing emotions. Overall, the conversation highlighted the significance of creating safe spaces and promoting accurate information for various communities. Be sure to check out the websites mentioned and consider picking up a copy of "Man Down" for insightful and uplifting reading.

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    Sex With Emily
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    The Science Behind Sexual Attraction

    The Science Behind Sexual Attraction
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    Sex With Emily
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    As we go through life we collect stories that we will carry with us for our whole lives, they often are evidence of the trials we have survived, but it's how we tell the story of our past that makes the difference.

    In this episode Sarah Elkins and her guest Mike Coleman discuss the importance of our stories and sharing them in a way that will inspire others and give yourself peace. 


    • Find the cracks that let the light in.
    • Tell your story in the way you want to tell it.
    • Be international about the stories you share.



    “There are more important things than the next big story.”

    “It’s incumbent upon us as storytellers to make a story interesting, and the cracks help do that and how we deal with them and how we survive them.” 

    “How can you not be happy? How can you not accept the way you are? How do you get to the point where you can say ‘Yes, I wouldn’t change this about me.’ and I realized I have a lot of work to do to get to that point.”


    About Mike 

    A professional writer for nearly 45 years, Mike Coleman won awards for news reporting and writing for nonprofit organizations and businesses in the technology industry. He went on to launch his own branding and content development firm, which served international technology companies for more than a decade. After retiring in 2020, he wrote THE WAY FROM ME TO US, a memoir about his nearly 50-year relationship with his husband. It's a story of a couple carving out a life for themselves against a backdrop of major cultural change in attitudes toward LGBTQ people. THE WAY FROM ME TO US is scheduled for release in fall 2022 from Riverdale Avenue Books, NYC.

    Connect with Mike on his LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!

    Interested in Mike’s book? Get it here!

    About Sarah

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.

     Show notes by Chinook Bromlie.

    251 Our Magic Is Limited Only By Our Belief In Ourselves

    251 Our Magic Is Limited Only By Our Belief In Ourselves

    251 Our Magic Is Limited Only By Our Belief In Ourselves 

    As we grow we have a tendency to be rather ignorant of our skills and abilities, or we may even downplay just how significant our impact can be. It is only when we look inward and see that despite perceived imperfections we are capable of anything, we just need to get up and do it.


    In this episode Sarah Elkins brings the esteemed Fatima Williams on to discuss the importance of your magic in every setting, from work to interpersonal relationships, and how that magic inspires not just others but yourself as well. 


    • What you do is because of them, the people who believed in you and inspired you.
    • Don’t let the pain destroy your spark.
    • Knowing and thinking about your contribution isn’t enough, you need to actively participate and contribute with your magic to have others see it.


    “Just thinking about it inside your head won’t get you the results you want.”

    “To embrace who we are and what we can do, that is something that is instrumental to illuminating other people’s path and our path in the process.”

    About Fatima Williams

     Fatima Williams is a Career Growth Strategist and a Certified CIPD HR with more than a decade of experience in the industry. She is on a mission to help 100,000 career professionals especially Women in particular to achieve DREAM CAREER MASTERY and build a career they love with the job they love waking up each morning. Her mantra is "It is in giving we receive, in receiving we learn and in learning we grow, shining a light so bright that we light up the path for everyone with and around us."


    Connect with Fatima on her personal website fatimawilliams.me LinkedIn, and be sure to follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. And be sure to subscribe to her Dream Career Strategies Newsletter.

    About Sarah Elkins 

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.


    Interested in NLV? Sign up here!

    Show Notes by Chinook Bromlie

    Growing Mindsets and Making Impacts with Tom Bilyeu

    Growing Mindsets and Making Impacts with Tom Bilyeu
    On today’s show, Dr. Emily is joined by entrepreneur and founder of Impact Theory Tom Bilyeu to talk about why a growth mindset is vital to achieving your goals – in your career and your relationships!   The two discuss what “having a growth mindset” actually means – and how can you get your partner on board, how to limit your negative self-talk so you don’t limit your potential, and what you can do to make sure your connection lasts (hint: communication is key) – because relationships take work.   Follow Emily on all social: @sexwithemily  Follow Tom on all social: @tombilyeu For even more sex advice, tips & tricks, visit sexwithemily.com   Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    In this episode Sarah Elkins reflects on the importance of having people in your life who are willing to point out the mistakes you make with compassion, and why it is so necessary to be willing to change for the betterment of the relationships that are held dear. 


    • Being willing to change and being able to flow with change.
    • Choice and Consequences will define how you want to grow.
    • Find people who will call you out when you make a mistake.


    “If you want to be a leader people have to trust you, they have to know you’ll help them without judging them for needing help.”

    “As a leader you have to create an environment where people will see the positive impact of being there.”

    About Sarah Elkins

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.


    Interested in No Longer Virtual? Check out the details and register at elkinsconsulting.com/nlv-home


    Show Notes by Chinook Bromlie

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    275 Staying In Alignment Despite Chaos and Negativity

    275 Staying In Alignment Despite Chaos and Negativity


    Biases and skeptics exist in everything, however it’s how we deal with this negativity that defines who we are and how we are going to grow. How we address these perceptions and skepticisms is what defines who we are as individuals. 

    In this episode Sarah Elkins and Crystal Whiteakre discuss how important it is to act with compassion and stay in alignment with your values even in the midst of chaos, or the perception of chaos.



    • How do you deal with Skeptics?

    • Acknowledging that certain people won't give you the support you need and seeking it out.

    • The perception of chaos in a room despite there being no chaos and working together to address perceptions using healthy communication.



    “Just pause. Start there. And in that pause that should give you the space to tune into your awareness. So when you're tuning into your awareness, what are you aware of around you that's happening, what are you aware of that's happening within you, and how you are being impacted or activated in any way- Or excited. Whatever that looks like. And that third piece is compassion, so whatever comes next after that pause and after you tune into your awareness, whatever comes out after that needs to be done with compassion even if it's just for yourself.”

    “Give yourself compassion and do the same thing for other people.” 


    Dear Listeners it is now your turn,

    Where will you disrupt bias in your life? How can you do this work to understand what your values are and making sure you’re in alignment with them with all of your actions and behaviors. Because as we talked about already throughout this podcast episode, if you are not acting within the values that you profess to have then you are not going to be satisfied with your relationships and you are going to find yourself not knowing why you’re dissatisfied and unhappy in your life. So go for it, figure this out, jot down some words to describe how you want to be known, and start to make sure that whatever actions you’re taking, the words you’re using are actually going to demonstrate those words.

    And, as always, thank you for listening. 


    About Crystal Whiteaker

    Crystal Whiteaker (pronouns: she/her) is an Inclusive Branding and Leadership Development and Consultant specializing in coaching and consulting for brands and leaders that care deeply about diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Crystal brings over 15 years of creative, relational, process driven experience across multiple industries. She is a self-described "corporate trained, creative hippie” who puts a strong focus on core values to help people elevate their community connections to communicate and lead with clarity and confidence. Crystal is an advocate for leaders and organizations that provide resources and support for healing, particularly in relation to trauma. When she's not working, Crystal enjoys spending time at the beach, connecting with people, and exploring new places.

    Fun fact: Crystal LOVES animals and will stop to show them affection any chance she gets. She is that person who will always ask to pet your fur-baby.

    When you choose to work with Crystal Lily Creative, you’re helping to support organizations that provide resources for women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ communities, as a portion of profits and services are donated annually. 

    Be sure to buy a copy of Crystal’s book Brave Leadership is A Choice, and be sure to check out her website Crystal Lily Creative

    Connect with Crystal on her LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram!


    About Sarah

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.

    Be sure to check out the Job Interview Storytelling Course as well to make sure you nail that next interview!