
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Summer Pleasures: Tools and Products for Passion and ExcitementDiscover tools and products like Promescent's delay spray, warming arousal gel, Magic Wand vibrator, and Emily and Tony's massage oil candles to enhance summer experiences and explore sexuality.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration, and there are various tools and products that can help enhance the experience. Promescent's line of pleasure-enhancing products, such as their legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help individuals last longer and heighten pleasure for both men and women. Additionally, the Magic Wand, a cult-favorite vibrator, continues to be an iconic symbol of power and unapologetic pleasure. Lastly, Emily and Tony's new premium skincare brand offers massage oil candles that can help set the mood and enhance sensual experiences. Overall, these products can help individuals make the most of the summer season and explore their sexuality in new and exciting ways. For those interested, Promescent is offering a discount at promescent.com/emily, and Emily and Tony's skincare products can be purchased with a 20% discount using the code "Emily" at emilyandtony.com.

    • Sex with Emily expands to new platforms and becomes interactiveSex with Emily, a podcast and radio show about sex and relationships, now reaches a wider audience on Stitcher Radio, Tradiov.com, and Bravo TV. Host Emily Morse encourages listeners to ask questions and shares her expertise on topics like threesomes, emphasizing communication and consent.

      Sex with Emily, a podcast and radio show about sex and relationships, is expanding its reach with new homes on Stitcher Radio, Tradiov.com, and Bravo TV. Host Emily Morse shares her expertise on various topics, including threesomes, and encourages listeners to submit their questions. The show is now interactive with video and audio options, allowing call-ins and Skype appearances. Emily emphasizes the importance of communication and consent in threesomes and shares her experiences. Listeners can engage with the show on various platforms and receive responses to their questions.

    • Expert Emily Morse advocates for using sex toys, especially cock rings, to enhance sexual experiencesSex expert Emily Morse promotes the use of sex toys like cock rings to enhance sexual experiences. She even collaborated with Good Vibrations to host a workshop and encourage people to explore their sexuality with new experiences.

      Emily Morse, the sex expert, emphasizes the importance and popularity of using sex toys, particularly cock rings, for enhancing sexual experiences. She is a pioneer in promoting their use and even collaborated with Good Vibrations to host a kissing workshop for a TV show episode. During the workshop, she had to kiss a sex educator named Reid Mahako, who experiences a condition called "turned on Tourette's," causing him to shake violently while getting aroused. Despite the unusual situation, Emily found the experience amusing and encourages people to explore their sexuality and try new things with the help of sex toys. To shop her favorite products, visit her page on Good Vibrations' website.

    • Improving romantic relationships through effective communication and understanding each other's kissing preferencesEffective communication and understanding each other's kissing preferences can lead to deeper connections in romantic relationships. A simple technique to improve this is to teach each other how you'd like to be kissed and then switch roles.

      Effective communication and understanding each other's preferences can significantly improve the quality of a romantic relationship, even in areas as intimate as kissing. During a workshop, the speaker learned that teaching people to kiss by imitating how they'd like to be kissed and then switching roles can help couples connect better. The speaker applied this technique with her partner Menace during a live show, resulting in a deeper connection. Despite their long-standing working relationship, they had only experienced a strong kissing connection with each other a few times. While the audience may have wanted them to be together, the speaker believed that their connection was stronger due to the presence of cameras. The importance of waiting for sex and the possibility of a live show after the East Coast airing of their Bravo show were also discussed.

    • Speaker discusses Amy and Julia's personalities and dating preferences on a reality TV showThe speaker criticizes Amy for her fitness obsession and intolerance, expresses love for both women, and speculates about Tom Cruise's relationships and a new trend in sex therapy

      The speaker has strong opinions about the personalities and dating preferences of two women on a reality TV show, Amy and Julia. She criticizes Amy for being too focused on working out and being intolerant of partners who don't share her lifestyle. The speaker expresses her love for both women and believes that only someone equally fitness-obsessed can date Amy. She also discusses Tom Cruise's divorce from Katie Holmes and speculates about his past relationships and their impact on his marital history. Additionally, she mentions a new trend in sex therapy called Kareza, where couples practice having sex without orgasms for improved intimacy. The speaker seems intrigued by this concept but doesn't share her personal experiences or opinions on it. Overall, the speaker's conversation covers a range of topics related to relationships, celebrity news, and sex.

    • Exploring Tantric Sex: Emotional Connection Over OrgasmsTantric sex emphasizes emotional bonding and consciousness, potentially deepening relationships and strengthening marriages by preventing dopamine crashes and fostering closeness without intercourse.

      There's a non-traditional sexual practice called tantric sex, which emphasizes emotional connection and consciousness over orgasms. Practitioners suggest it can deepen relationships and even strengthen marriages by promoting closeness without intercourse. The absence of orgasms is believed to prevent the dopamine crash, leading to a more sustainable emotional bond. While some may find the idea intriguing, others may prefer the traditional approach to sex. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the importance of communication and the complexities of modern relationships, including the concept of polyamory.

    • Discussing sexual intimacy and relationship milestonesWomen should wait until they've had the conversation about long-term plans before having sex to protect their heart and time.

      Communication and boundaries are crucial in relationships, especially when it comes to sexual intimacy. During a discussion about a TV show, the topic of anal sex during scrabble came up, which led to a conversation about waiting to have sex until certain relationship milestones have been reached. The importance of protecting one's heart and time was emphasized, especially for women, who may have more to lose in a relationship. It was suggested that women wait until they are exclusively dating someone and have had the conversation about long-term plans before having sex. The idea is to avoid getting attached too quickly and potentially wasting time on relationships that may not lead to marriage or starting a family. The overall message is to prioritize communication, boundaries, and taking the time to get to know someone before becoming sexually intimate.

    • The challenges of relationships and societal expectationsSocietal norms and expectations can make maintaining relationships and associated costs difficult for some individuals, particularly men. Childhood experiences can impact cooking skills and learning new abilities later in life.

      Having a relationship and the associated costs, such as paying for dates, can be a challenge for some individuals, particularly men, due to societal norms and expectations. This conversation also touched upon the topic of cooking skills and how they can be influenced by childhood experiences. The speaker expressed that they never learned to cook growing up because they were always on the phone with friends instead. Additionally, the speaker mentioned an invitation to New York, which they seemed hesitant about, and suggested that they might not want the person they were speaking with to attend an event with them.

    • Breaking the Taboo of Sexual DiscussionsNormalizing conversations about sex and recognizing its importance at any age can help reduce stigma and create a more open society.

      Despite the prevalence of sex in society, it remains a taboo subject in many ways. As demonstrated in the discussion about Jane Fonda's candid interview about her sex life, there is still a stigma attached to open discussions about sex, especially for older individuals. However, it's important to normalize these conversations and recognize that sex is a natural and enjoyable part of life at any age. Additionally, technology has made it easier than ever to access and engage with sexual content and discussions, yet many people still struggle with feeling comfortable or even ashamed to talk about it. The "Sex with Emily" podcast aims to challenge these taboos and create a safe and open space for people to ask questions and explore their sexuality.

    • Exploring Relationship Norms with EmilyConsider self-reflection to determine if monogamy aligns with personal happiness and fulfillment, and seek therapy for guidance if needed.

      The Sex With Emily Show aims to normalize conversations around sex and relationships, as there's a lack of smart and accessible resources for such information. Jessica, a listener, shares her struggle with monogamy and her current unhappy marriage. Emily, the host, emphasizes the importance of introspection and self-reflection to determine whether the relationship or personal circumstances are the root causes of her dissatisfaction. Monogamy may not be the solution for everyone, and it's crucial to consider underlying issues such as personal happiness and fulfillment. Emily encourages Jessica to consider individual or couples therapy to help figure out her desires and what kind of relationship truly suits her. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-discovery and the need to challenge societal norms around relationships and monogamy.

    • The Power of Self-Reflection and Couples TherapySelf-reflection, communication, and compromise are essential in relationships. Couples therapy can improve understanding and potentially save or end a relationship.

      Exploring one's own feelings and considering couples therapy can be crucial in addressing relationship issues. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, communication, and compromise in relationships. They also mention the potential benefits of couples therapy, which can help couples understand each other better and potentially save or end the relationship. The speaker shares their personal experience with therapy and encourages openness to new perspectives, even if they come from unexpected sources. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with positive influences and avoiding negative relationships.

    • Surround yourself with positivitySurround yourself with positivity to positively impact your outlook on life. Be intentional about the people and thoughts you allow in your life.

      Surrounding yourself with positivity and positive people can greatly impact your own outlook on life. Negativity, whether it comes from external sources like the news or from people in your life, can bring you down. It's important to acknowledge negative situations but focus on the positive aspects and things you're grateful for. For those struggling with determining social cues in intimate situations, it can be helpful to be more confident and aggressive, but not to rush things. Remember, every situation is unique and it's important to trust your instincts and communicate openly with your partner. Overall, working on your mindset and being intentional about the people and thoughts you surround yourself with can lead to a more positive and fulfilling life.

    • Fear of Rejection and Missed OpportunitiesDon't let fear of rejection hold you back from making meaningful connections. Remember rejection is natural, put yourself out there, and learn to handle it.

      Fear of rejection can hold us back from making meaningful connections with others. The speaker shares his personal experience of being afraid to make the first move with women, leading him to waste time and miss opportunities. He encourages everyone to remember that rejection is a natural part of life and not a death sentence. To increase chances of finding a compatible partner, it's essential to put oneself out there and meet new people. The speaker also mentions that rejection can be hurtful initially, but with time, it becomes easier to handle. Lastly, he emphasizes the importance of releasing fear and taking calculated risks to improve one's love life.

    • Communication is key in threesomesDiscuss boundaries, expectations, and limits before engaging in a threesome to ensure a positive experience for all involved.

      Effective communication is crucial before engaging in a threesome. This means setting boundaries, discussing expectations, and respecting limits. Threesomes are not for everyone and can potentially harm relationships if not approached with care. It's essential to have an open and honest conversation with your partner about fantasies and desires before bringing in a third person. If you're the one pushing for a threesome, let your partner choose the third party and respect their decisions. Clear communication about penetration, sleeping arrangements, and other details can help ensure a positive experience for everyone involved. Remember, the goal is to enhance pleasure and exploration, not cause harm or misunderstandings.

    • Communication, preparation, and consent are key to successful threesomesClear communication, preparation, and consent are crucial for a positive threesome experience. Focus on shared experiences, openness, and foreplay to create a positive atmosphere. Avoid trying to please multiple partners at once and keep everyone feeling appreciated.

      Successful threesomes require clear communication, preparation, and consent from all parties involved. The speaker shared their personal experiences, some of which ended positively and others which did not. They emphasized the importance of being on the same page and avoiding expectations or hard feelings. The speaker suggested starting with a shared experience like taking a shower together, and encouraged openness, cleanliness, and foreplay to create a positive atmosphere. They also warned against trying to please multiple partners at once and advised focusing on the moment and being complimentary to keep everyone involved and feeling appreciated. Ultimately, threesomes require extra effort and attention to ensure all parties are comfortable and enjoying themselves.

    • Communication, comfort, and consent are crucial for a successful threesomeEffective communication, comfort, and consent are essential for a satisfying threesome experience. Prepare, practice, and maintain open communication to ensure everyone's enjoyment and relationship health.

      Having a threesome can be a unique and enjoyable experience, but it requires communication, comfort, and consent from all parties involved. It's important to remember that everyone's experience may be different, and it's okay to set boundaries and decide what works best for you. Preparation, such as watching instructional videos or practicing Kegel exercises, can help make the experience more enjoyable for everyone. And don't forget, open communication and reassurance are key to maintaining a healthy and satisfying relationship after the experience.

    • Exploring new methods to enhance sexual experiences and deepen connectionsUse discreet and convenient tools like Kegel balls for pelvic floor exercises, try flavored oral sex masks for improved taste during oral sex, and communicate openly to keep intimacy alive in relationships. Explore options from Good Vibes for a wide range of sex toys.

      There are various tools and products available to enhance sexual experiences and improve intimate relationships. Kegel balls, for instance, can be used for pelvic floor exercises, making them discreet and convenient. Another product mentioned is MASQ, which are flavored oral sex masks to help improve the taste and experience for both partners during oral sex. The discussion also touched upon the importance of open communication and trying new things to keep the intimacy alive in a relationship. Good Vibes was recommended as a source for these and other sex toys, offering a wide range of discreet and powerful options. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of exploring new methods to enhance sexual experiences and deepen connections.

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    Sex With Emily
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    Love, Sex, and Success with Gabby Reece
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    Best Of: Ready to Get Naughty?
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