
    SYSK Selects: Geysers: Nature's Innuendo

    enNovember 08, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Capital One Venture X Card and Kroger brand products offer unique valueThe Capital One Venture X Card rewards cardholders with 2X miles on every purchase and premium travel benefits, while Kroger brand products provide affordable quality guaranteed for customer satisfaction

      The Capital One Venture X Card offers cardholders unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, premium travel benefits like airport lounge access and a $300 annual credit for bookings, turning everyday purchases into extraordinary trips. Meanwhile, Kroger brand products provide proven quality at affordable prices, guaranteed for customer satisfaction. In the realm of science, geysers are fascinating natural wonders that result from biogeochemical processes, but can also be dangerous, as seen in the tragic 1903 incident in New Zealand where four tourists were killed by a geyser jet. Both the Capital One Venture X Card and Kroger brand products offer unique value in their respective domains.

    • Geysers: Complex Interplay of Water, Heat, and Sealed Plumbing SystemsGeysers are rare geothermal features formed by water supply, heat source, and sealed plumbing systems. Their unique plumbing systems result in various shapes and sizes.

      Geysers, which are a type of geothermal feature, are formed through a complex interplay of water supply, heat source, and a sealed plumbing system. These features are relatively rare, with only about 50 geyser fields on the planet, and they are often found in areas with high geothermal activity. The water supply for geysers can come from various sources, including rivers and precipitation, and it percolates through the Earth's crust and comes into contact with hot rock. The plumbing system, which is essential for creating the high pressure needed for a geyser to erupt, is a series of fissures that are sealed shut with silica from rhyolite over long periods of time. This sealing process helps to create watertight pipes that can effectively transport the water and pressure to the surface to create a geyser. The uniqueness and complexity of each geyser's plumbing system can result in various shapes and sizes of geysers, from simple vertical shafts to more intricate configurations.

    • Comparison of Hot Springs and Geysers: Pressure and Explosive EruptionsGeysers have a plumbing system obstruction causing pressure build-up, leading to explosive eruptions, while hot springs lack such obstruction and release heated water continuously.

      While hot springs and geysers both involve heated water, geysers have an obstruction in their plumbing system that creates pressure and results in explosive eruptions. This pressure builds up due to the weight of the water and the heat from deep within the earth. The comparison can be made to a pressure cooker, where the sealed environment and increased pressure allow for cooking at higher temperatures. Geysers take thousands to potentially tens of thousands of years to form, and the pressure and heat build-up eventually lead to boiling and the release of steam and hot water through the geyser's opening.

    • Pressure Changes and Volume ExpansionsPressure changes can lead to significant volume expansions, such as geysers forming when pressure drops and water flash vaporizes, or vegetables cooking when pressure increases.

      Pressure changes can lead to significant volume expansions, as seen in the formation of geysers. When pressure increases, water temperature rises, but if pressure suddenly drops, water can flash vaporize, creating a large volume of steam. This principle can be applied to various situations, such as cooking vegetables or understanding geological phenomena. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the kid-friendly social media platform, Zigazoo. This platform offers a safe environment for children to create content, with moderation and privacy protections in place. Lastly, the potential of sharing living spaces through Airbnb was discussed. Homeowners can earn extra income by renting out their homes or spare rooms during events or when they're away. The process repeats itself, leading to a steady income source, much like Old Faithful's consistent eruptions.

    • Impact of human activities on the rarity of geysersHuman activities like geothermal energy production and mineral extraction can disrupt geothermal systems, altering the conditions that maintain geyser activity and potentially leading to their demise.

      Geysers, these natural wonders of the world, are becoming increasingly rare due to human activities such as geothermal energy production and mineral extraction. These activities can impact the geothermal systems beneath the earth's surface, altering the pressure and temperature conditions that maintain the geysers' activity. For instance, drilling down to these geothermal systems to extract energy or minerals can create artificial release valves, reducing the natural pressure that builds up in geysers. This, in turn, affects their ability to erupt regularly. Human activities can also disrupt the plumbing of geysers, leading to their demise. For example, in Chile, mineral extraction activities killed the second largest geyser field in South America. These findings highlight the delicate balance of nature and the potential consequences of human interference. It's essential to strike a balance between harnessing the earth's resources and preserving its natural wonders.

    • Comparing Old Faithful and Grand Geyser in YellowstoneOld Faithful is a cone geyser with predictable eruptions, while Grand Geyser is a fountain geyser with unpredictable eruptions. Both are famous geysers in Yellowstone National Park. Zigazoo is a kid-friendly social media platform for safe interaction and creativity.

      Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park is a cone geyser, which shoots a jet of water up to 200 feet into the air from a cone-shaped structure. On the other hand, the Grand Geyser, also in Yellowstone, is a fountain geyser, which erupts in a chaotic, unpredictable manner from a pool of water. The oldest known geyser is the Geysir in Iceland, discovered in 1294. Geysers are always called geysers, even if they have stopped erupting. Zigazoo is a social media platform designed specifically for kids, allowing them to upload content, interact with friends, and participate in contests and trends, all in a safe and moderated environment.

    • Explore new opportunities for extra income and savingsRent out a spare room on Airbnb, invest with Betterment, and save on delivery fees with Dash Pass for additional income and cost savings

      You might be sitting on an untapped resource in the form of your home with Airbnb. If you have a spare room or are away, consider renting it out to travelers for extra income. Additionally, Betterment offers an opportunity to make your money work for you through automated investing and savings. Dash Pass is another way to save on delivery fees with DoorDash. Meanwhile, Prince's story serves as an example of creativity and determination to break free from unfavorable contracts. In summary, exploring new opportunities, whether it's with your home, money, or creative pursuits, can lead to significant benefits. For more information on Airbnb hosting, visit Airbnb.com/host. To start investing with Betterment, go to Betterment.com. And for Dash Pass, sign up on DoorDash with code STUFF24 for a discount.

    • Prince's Independence and Unions' RolePrince's independence and unions' power balance labor and corporations, preventing rampant greed and ensuring workers' rights.

      Prince was a captivating artist and a free spirit who went to great lengths to assert his independence, as shown by his symbol and his efforts to break free from contracts. Another key point is the importance of unions in protecting workers' rights and balancing the power between labor and corporations. The speaker shared his personal experiences as a union organizer and emphasized the benefits of strong unions in preventing rampant greed and holding corporations accountable. A notable absence in the discussion was the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, one of the deadliest industrial accidents in US history, which had a significant impact on labor conditions and workers' rights.

    • Podcasts as a Platform for PoliticiansListeners can engage with politicians through podcasts, with the Stuff You Should Know podcast encouraging support for political campaigns and featuring discussions with legislators.

      The Stuff You Should Know podcast not only provides interesting information on various topics but also offers a platform for politicians to share their viewpoints. A listener named Fox, who wrote in about his terrible working conditions and was later revealed to be running for Brooklyn City Council, received support from the hosts. They encouraged their audience to check out his campaign website and offered to help garner him some support. Another politician, a Maryland state legislator, also reached out to discuss human trafficking. The podcast welcomes political discussions and encourages listeners to engage. Additionally, the hosts mentioned a social media network for kids called Zigazoo, which is fully human moderated and verified, ensuring a safe environment for children to express themselves creatively. In the world of music, the 500 Greatest Songs podcast delves into the stories behind iconic and modern tunes, providing insights into what makes these songs great.

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    Try on your kid’s perspective! Perspective taking is the process of getting out of yourself in order to imagine how the world looks from someone else’s perspective. Sometimes this might be in the literal/spatial sense, but more importantly it is about imagining how another person thinks and feels. This is different than empathy, because you are just trying to understand how they think and feel, rather than feel what they are feeling with them. Doing this with your children both helps to promote this skill in your kids, and is a key characteristic of good parenting! When you can imagine how things look from your kid’s point of view, you are much more likely to be responsive to their needs. Allow your children to explain to you their take on the world so that you can gather important information needed to better understand their behavior.

    Working WITH approach instead of a Do TO approach:  When it comes to parenting, rewards and punishments are an easy one-size-fits all approach that lets people go into auto-parenting, but unfortunately does more harm than good. While rewards and punishments may get the short term reactions we are looking for, there is a lot of research and evidence suggesting that this parenting style ultimately damages and holds children back. The alternative is not just the absence of bribes and threats, but an entire complex network of guidelines - the most important being that you let your kids know that you accept them no matter what. With this attitude you can begin to work WITH your child, getting to know their perspective and world, and bring them into decision making. Children learn to make good decisions by making decisions (and learning), rather than learning to follow directions (on making good decisions).

    In the long run, what do I want for my kids? Ask yourself “what do I actually want for my children in the long run?” This will help you set long term goals that will guide your parenting intentions and decisions. Do you want them to develop into adults who are happy, ethical, caring, compassionate, self-reliant, creative, or have other qualities? Once you have your dreams for your children defined, you can reflect on how you are actually parenting in the present, and how what you are doing is or isn’t bringing about these results. Are your actions supporting your intentions?

    You may find when you reflect on this question that some of your present actions are negatively impacting future possibilities. For example, if you want your child to share and you reward your children with a lot of praise when they do, then this could actually lead to a certain level of self-centeredness as your child’s attention will move away from learning to give and take with generosity, and towards doing whatever is needed to get rewarded. Children are highly tuned into ways they can change their behavior in order to get the love they need, and will therefore go to great lengths to meet adult expectations. However, do you want your child to feel like they have to perform in order to receive your love?

    What does my kid need? This is a very different question than the one most parents ask, which is “how can I get my kids to do what I want them to do, when I want them to do it?” Universally and fundamentally most children (well, all of us) have a need to not merely be loved, but to be loved for who they are. Conditional love, the kind in which we offer love when an expectation is met, can be quite damaging as it develops a sense of conditionality in the child’s own sense of self. Punishments and rewards do not help a child learn right and wrong, nor does it help them develop their own sense of motivation and volition. In this way, rewards and punishments usually promote opposite skills and qualities from the intended effects. In order to avoid this power dynamic, in which both you and your child may lose their sense of self and connectedness, it is critical that you learn to love your child with openness, acceptance, and curiosity.

    Practice unconditional love. How are you showing your children that they are loved unconditionally? That you love them for who they are, not what they do? If our love comes with strings attached, than our children will not be able to develop a secure attachment to us, and ultimately to themselves. This can be translated into our adult relationships as well. Nobody wants to be loved by another adult contingently. It should be noted that there is a degree of conditionality in adult relationships (it is okay to have behavior boundaries) that is different than in our relationships with our children. When it comes to our kids, we have to to be there for them no matter what they do or say.

    Turn praise into questions that elicit thinking. Praise is a form of judgement. When we overpraise our children, we further create children who are compliant versus caring. If, for example, your child draws a picture of an animal - instead of saying “I like how you drew that animal”, try just verbalizing what you notice so that they can reflect on what they did. Or, say your child shares a toy with another child, instead of “I love the way you are such a great sharer!”, try asking something along the lines of “Why did you decide to share that toy?” In an effort to build your child’s capacity for independence and confidence, turn your praise into questions, and occasionally reflect on and point out things you notice. This is all a way of working WITH your child, and it models respect, curiosity, and engagement with much more impact than a patronizing pat on the head will do.

    Parenting is about when you are at the end of your rope- somehow you have to manufacture more rope! For the most part we have good instincts for what our kids need, but we have trouble responding all of the time, especially when patience is running low. It is helpful to remember that when we ourselves are stressed out we often revert to older patterns of behavior, and this might look like trying to hold on by wielding power. When we do, our children’s nervous systems usually go into collapse or fight or flight mode, further escalating the situation.

    Take responsibility for your auto-parenting habits, and work to reframe the immediate frustration within a longer term context. Of course there are situations where compliance does become essential, but when we become dependent on demanding and expecting to be obeyed immediately and mindlessly we are going to illicit pushback from our children. Be selective in your response, and build in extra time for talking with your children. Your child doesn’t want to go somewhere? Instead of immediately focusing on how you can make them change their mind, pause and take their perspective. Is there a good reason for your child to feel that way? When we do more asking than telling our kids tend to be more likely to say “okay” in situations when we really need them to go along with it.

    The more you focus on your child’s behavior the more you are missing your child!

    What matters are the needs, motives, reasons, and values that are underlying and informing your child’s behavior, more than the behavior itself. Don’t focus only on the observable outcomes (what you can see and measure) but on the whys of the behavior. To understand the deeper levels, it is necessary to enroll your child in a conversation to help give you a sense of their perspective. Asking your child will not only elicit helpful eye opening information that will help you better set guidelines and limits, but it will also help them develop reflection skills.

    Talk less, ask more!! This very wise bit of council is as relevant in our relationships with our kids as it is in making us better spouses, lovers, managers, and friends. Our tendency to want to impose our beliefs onto others gets us in trouble, alienates us from the connections we crave, and ultimately undermines our ability to form trusting bonds. The process of asking another to share their feelings and thoughts with you, not only models curiosity and respect, but it brings to life this concept of unconditional love!


    Check out Alfie Kohn’s website for more information and his public speaking schedule

    Read Kohn’s books Unconditional Parenting and The Myth of the Spoiled Child

    Visit www.neilsattin.com/parenting to download the show guide, or text “PASSION” to 33444 and follow the instructions to download the show guide to this episode with Alfie Kohn.

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