
    Systems Leadership for Disruptors and Incumbents

    enJuly 24, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Bridging the gap between digital and physical realmsIn today's business world, both incumbents and disruptors need to understand and adapt to both the digital and physical aspects of their industries to succeed.

      That in today's complex business world, both incumbents and disruptors need to understand and adapt to both the digital and physical aspects of their industries. Robert Siegel, Jeffrey Immelt, and Jeff Jordan, all experts in business management, discuss the importance of systems leadership and the need for companies to bridge the gap between the digital and physical realms. They argue that a false dichotomy has emerged in Silicon Valley, with leaders focusing solely on software and disregarding the physical world. However, understanding the physical aspects, such as logistics and supply chain, is crucial for designing great products and delivering physical services. Companies like Instacart and Airbnb, which operate in the online-to-offline (O2O) space, illustrate this concept. Ultimately, digitization is necessary but not sufficient, and companies must embrace the whole system to succeed.

    • Understanding business partnerships with the 2 by 2 matrixCompanies need to determine what aspects of their business they need to own and what they can effectively outsource or partner with others for, using the 2 by 2 matrix to understand dependence and influence in partnerships.

      In today's business landscape, companies need to adapt to the "and" generation, where they can either lead an ecosystem or effectively partner with others to deliver a great customer experience. Apple, as an example of a company with significant control, sets the bar high for influence and ownership. However, most companies cannot replicate Apple's level of control. Instead, they must determine what aspects of their business they need to own and what they can effectively outsource or partner with others for. This is where the 2 by 2 matrix, based on professor Robert Ergleman's research, comes in handy. It helps businesses understand the relationship between dependence and influence in partnerships. For instance, if a supplier is highly dependent on a company like Apple but has low influence, it can be a challenging position. Understanding these dynamics can help leaders make informed decisions about their partnerships and ecosystems.

    • Strategic interdependence in Instacart's four-sided marketplaceInstacart's efficient marketplace connections between grocery stores, customers, shoppers, and CPG companies lead to valuable insights and performance marketing opportunities, optimizing operations and driving growth for all involved.

      Successful business relationships can come in various forms, but the most beneficial ones are those with mutual dependence and influence, leading to strategic interdependence. This concept is exemplified by Instacart's four-sided marketplace involving grocery stores, customers, shoppers, and CPG companies. Instacart's ability to efficiently connect these parties allows for valuable insights and performance marketing opportunities for CPG companies, ultimately driving profitability and growth for all involved. By focusing on strategic interdependence, businesses can optimize their operations and create mutually beneficial partnerships.

    • Power dynamics in business shift over timeCompanies can evolve from subordinates to dominants, or vice versa, and timing is crucial but not the only factor in this evolution.

      The dynamics of power and influence in business can shift dramatically over time. Companies that start as subordinates can evolve and become dominant, while once-dominant players can find themselves playing a subordinate role. This constant movement is not just seen on a macro scale, but also in the micro as companies grow and interact with their partners and the broader ecosystem. Timing is crucial, but it's not the only factor. Companies like Instacart and OpenTable illustrate how a startup's initial position can change as it evolves and demonstrates success. Conversely, even established companies like Disney have shown they can reclaim dominance in their industries. The importance of content versus technology in the streaming industry is a recent example of how these roles can flip.

    • Staying Competitive in a Disruptive MarketCompanies need to adapt quickly, embrace change, and have the right talent and culture to drive innovation. Tools like influence maps and heat maps can help identify threats and opportunities.

      Companies, even those with significant resources and expertise, can struggle to keep up with disruptive innovation, particularly in the tech sector. As the speaker shared, companies like PayPal and JPMorgan have faced challenges in staying competitive as new, nimble players enter the market. The ability to adapt quickly and embrace change is crucial. Leaders can use tools like influence maps and heat maps to understand their industry's dynamics and identify potential threats and opportunities. The speaker also emphasized the importance of having the right talent and culture to drive innovation. Companies must be willing to take risks and give their innovative initiatives enough autonomy to succeed. The success stories of companies like Stripe and Netflix illustrate the importance of staying agile and responsive in the face of disruption.

    • Understanding Influence Maps and Heat Maps for Effective LeadershipLeaders must regularly assess ecosystems, identify key players, and adapt strategies based on influence dynamics to navigate complex business landscapes and succeed in today's fast-paced, technology-driven world.

      Effective leadership in today's complex and dynamic business ecosystems requires constant understanding of influence maps and heat maps. These tools help leaders identify key players, their interactions, and those under stress within their ecosystem. This understanding is crucial for shaping strategies, adapting to changing market conditions, and staying ahead of competitors. An influential example of this is the Android ecosystem, where Google manages an open-source platform with various stakeholders like handset makers, carriers, application developers, governments, and suppliers. Leaders at Android must consider factors like market conditions, technology trends, and partnerships to ensure the platform's success. Moreover, the planning horizon in technology industries is shorter compared to industrial economies, necessitating a more offensive and defensive approach. Companies must be willing to take risks and innovate to win market share. In summary, leaders should regularly assess their ecosystems, understand the influence dynamics, and adapt strategies to respond to changing conditions. This constant effort will enable them to navigate complex business landscapes and succeed in today's fast-paced, technology-driven world.

    • Navigating Government Involvement in BusinessEffectively managing government involvement in business requires influence, dependence management, and understanding motivations. Identify emerging markets and adopt effective strategies to stay competitive.

      In today's complex business landscape, understanding the role of government as both a regulatory force and a potential partner. Government's involvement in business is not a disadvantage but an opportunity that can be managed effectively with the right approach. Jeff Bezos referred to it as a "business partner," and former Kaiser Permanente CEO Bernard Tyson advocated for empathy towards government. The ability to navigate the government ecosystem is a brawny skill that requires influence, dependence management, and understanding the motivations of those in power. Furthermore, following the money and identifying emerging markets, as exemplified by Stripe's success story, can help businesses stay competitive. For those not endowed with extraordinary market intuition like Patrick Collison, adopting effective business strategies and tools is crucial for success. The healthcare industry, with its complex ecosystem of digital innovation, biotechnology, and government regulations, is a prime example of the need to understand both the brains and brawn aspects of business. The acceleration of digital infrastructure and the COVID-19 pandemic have created opportunities to bypass physical silos through soft systems like software. Embracing this reality and staying adaptable is essential for businesses to thrive in the increasingly connected world.

    • Navigating the balance between partnership and independenceCompanies should consider what they need to control for competitive advantage and when to partner versus building in-house competencies.

      In today's interconnected business landscape, companies face constant decisions about partnership and collaboration versus independence. Stripe's journey illustrates this challenge, as they navigated the balance between growing their core business and expanding into new areas. Initially, they focused on making it easy for developers to accept credit card payments, which helped them quickly gain a large user base. However, they later realized that partnering with Shopify would allow them to grow even larger by providing Shopify with the specific features it needed, rather than insisting on a one-size-fits-all approach. This example underscores the importance of being open to new opportunities and reassessing business strategies as the market evolves. Companies should consider what they need to control for competitive advantage, and when to partner versus building in-house competencies. Ultimately, the most effective approach depends on the specific context and industry.

    • Understanding the Interplay Between Building and Buying for Business GrowthSystems leaders must navigate the decision to build or buy based on the impact on customer experience and market share. They need to manage both internal and external aspects, long-term and short-term goals, and key technologies while treating developers as creatives.

      Building versus buying is a crucial decision for businesses, especially when it comes to differentiating the customer experience. A systems leader plays a vital role in navigating this world by understanding the interaction between different parts of an organization and possessing competencies in both the digital and physical worlds. Talent is a key factor in building capability, and companies should treat developers as creatives who shape the product from the beginning. However, when it comes to back-room systems like ERP or CRM, buying is usually the better option. When it touches the customer and determines market share, building becomes essential. Systems leaders need to break down the dichotomy between brain and brawn and manage both the internal and external aspects of the business. They must be able to manage long-term and short-term goals, people, and key technologies like AI and additive manufacturing. In essence, systems leaders must understand the complexities of how different parts of an organization interact and make informed decisions based on that understanding.

    • Operating at intersections, managing context, product mindset, and going risk-on are essential attributes for systems leaders.Effective systems leaders combine business models and technology, manage complex contexts, understand customer needs, and seize opportunities during disruptions.

      Effective systems leaders possess four essential attributes. First, they excel at operating at intersections, combining innovative business models and technology to create force multipliers. Second, they manage context, understanding that facts alone don't define truth, and providing the necessary nuance to their teams. Third, they possess a product manager's mindset, understanding customer needs, product development, and sales strategies. Lastly, they go risk-on during times of disruption, recognizing that volatility presents opportunities for growth and innovation. Jeff's phrase, "truth equals facts plus context," highlights the importance of understanding the nuances in a complex world. Systems leaders must adapt to the modern, horizontally-focused business landscape, collaborating across industries and functions to succeed.

    • Embrace Complexity and Adapt to ChangeEffective leaders embrace uncertainty, stay informed, recognize strengths and weaknesses, and have a flexible approach to adapt to changing circumstances.

      Effective leadership in today's complex business ecosystem requires embracing uncertainty and understanding the interconnected nature of various systems. Leaders should be aware of their biases, stay informed about changes in their industry, and be open to new ideas. They should also recognize their strengths and weaknesses and seek to keep themselves and their teams current with the latest developments. While it's impossible to predict the future with certainty, great leaders are prepared to take advantage of opportunities and challenges as they arise. They don't try to overprepare for every possible scenario but instead have a flexible approach that allows them to adapt to changing circumstances. In essence, the ability to navigate the unpredictability of the business world lies in the hands of leaders who can embrace complexity, adapt to change, and stay curious.

    • Leadership during crises: self-awareness and teamworkSelf-aware leaders build high-performing teams by understanding their strengths, recruiting complementary skills, and leveraging team members' superpowers. Crisis management requires an ecosystem-focused mindset and effective teamwork.

      Effective leadership during times of crisis, such as a global pandemic, requires self-awareness and an ecosystem-focused worldview. Leaders should be aware of their strengths and weaknesses, recruit for complementary skills, and understand their team's superpowers to build a high-performing team. By becoming a coach and general manager, leaders can put together the best team to succeed. Jeff Immelt and Jeff Jordan, renowned business leaders, emphasized the importance of self-awareness and teamwork in managing a hypergrowth business and leading organizations in the digital and physical world. Robert, the author of "The Brains and Braun Company," also emphasized the importance of these qualities in his book. In summary, self-awareness, teamwork, and an ecosystem-focused mindset are crucial for successful leadership in any business environment.

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    Link to the Gen AI 100: https://a16z.com/100-gen-ai-apps

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    Find Olivia on Twitter: https://x.com/omooretweets


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    Listen to more of In the Vault: https://a16z.com/podcasts/a16z-live

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    Find David on X: https://twitter.com/dhaber


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    OpenAI’s Spring announcement: https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/

    Google I/O announcements: https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-io-2024-100-announcements/


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    Remaking the UI for AI

    Remaking the UI for AI

    Make sure to check out our new AI + a16z feed: https://link.chtbl.com/aiplusa16z

    a16z General Partner Anjney Midha joins the podcast to discuss what's happening with hardware for artificial intelligence. Nvidia might have cornered the market on training workloads for now, but he believes there's a big opportunity at the inference layer — especially for wearable or similar devices that can become a natural part of our everyday interactions. 

    Here's one small passage that speaks to his larger thesis on where we're heading:

    "I think why we're seeing so many developers flock to Ollama is because there is a lot of demand from consumers to interact with language models in private ways. And that means that they're going to have to figure out how to get the models to run locally without ever leaving without ever the user's context, and data leaving the user's device. And that's going to result, I think, in a renaissance of new kinds of chips that are capable of handling massive workloads of inference on device.

    "We are yet to see those unlocked, but the good news is that open source models are phenomenal at unlocking efficiency.  The open source language model ecosystem is just so ravenous."

    More from Anjney:

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    Making the Most of Open Source AI

    Safety in Numbers: Keeping AI Open

    Investing in Luma AI

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    Derrick Harris

    Check out everything a16z is doing with artificial intelligence here, including articles, projects, and more podcasts.


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    a16z Podcast
    enMay 16, 2024

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    If you're interested in learning more about CBIP Logistics or Nick, be sure to check out their website at CBIPLogistics.com. There's a wealth of information there about their digital products, sustainability policies, and more. You can also connect with Nick on LinkedIn or Twitter.

    Thanks again to Nick for taking the time to speak with me today. I hope you all enjoyed this episode of the Digital Supply Chain podcast as much as I did. Until next time, stay safe and keep on innovating!

    Don't forget this podcast is also now available on YouTube, so feel free to check it out there too.

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    • Krishna Kumar
    • Olivier Brusle
    • Alicia Farag
    • Joël VANDI
    • Luis Olavarria
    • Alvaro Aguilar

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    017 - Passion economy y cómo sobrevivir a crisis económicas, con Josep Mitjà (CEO @ LaTostadora.com)

    Josep Mitjà lleva emprendiendo desde que creara OpenBravo en el año 2006. Posteriormente ha pasado por WuakiTV, donde fue co-fundador y director de operaciones, y ahora dirige LaTostadora.com, un marketplace de creativos de diseño de piezas de ropa.

    Josep es una persona altamente experimentada en superar crisis y hacer crecer sus empresas durante las mismas. Es por ello que nos sentamos en su oficina a charlar con él y ver qué ha aplicado durante la crisis que estamos viviendo ahora mismo de todo lo que aprendió en sus anteriores empresas.

    En este episodio, hablamos de recortar gastos y replegar velas para navegar mares inciertos como la pandemia del COVID, de cómo gestionar cashflow en B2C, de cómo escalar operaciones y experimentar en tiempos de crisis, entre muchas otras cosas.

    Josep sabe de muchas cosas, como emprendedor experimentado que es. Sabe tanto, que incluso nos atrevimos a preguntarle por sus predicciones para el año... 2001. Sí, lo habéis leído bien, el año 2001 😅

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    Niels Jaspers: Marketplaces - Kitty Koelemeijer Podcast #37

    Niels Jaspers: Marketplaces - Kitty Koelemeijer Podcast #37

    Niels Jaspers is Managing Partner van Operai, onderdeel van Xplore Group, dat bedrijven adviseert en ondersteunt bij het opstarten van een eigen marktplaats. Niels is daarnaast voorzitter van de Expertgroep Marketplaces binnen het kennisplatform Shopping Tomorrow. Kitty Koelemeijer is hoogleraar, toezichthouder en ondernemer. Kitty spreekt met Niels over de opkomst en succesfactoren van gespecialiseerde marktplaatsen en wat er zoal komt kijken bij het opzetten van een eigen marktplaats businessmodel. Welke succesfactoren zijn er voor niche marketplaces?