
    Tales from the Crypto | Part II: Bitcoin Beach

    en-usSeptember 23, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • El Salvador's Bitcoin Experiment in El ZonteEl Zonte, a small surf town, embraced Bitcoin, with local businesses and residents adopting it, but the long-term implications and acceptance remain controversial.

      El Zonte, El Salvador, a small surf town, underwent a transformation into "Bitcoin Beach" over the last 18 months. Ismael, a local resident and aspiring surfer, found a part-time job at Hope House, a nonprofit, which paid him in Bitcoin. The town's adoption of Bitcoin was encouraged by community leaders, leading to a surge in interest and acceptance of cryptocurrency. However, this transformation has been met with controversy and skepticism. Some see it as a potential economic boom, while others view it as a risky gamble with people's money. The future implications of El Salvador's decision to make Bitcoin legal tender remain uncertain.

    • El Salvador's Bitcoin Adoption: A Lifeline in CrisisDuring a crisis, Bitcoin adoption in El Salvador brought financial inclusion and economic opportunities to the unbanked population, creating a successful circular economy without relying on traditional banking systems or state-issued IDs.

      President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador saw the potential of Bitcoin to bring financial inclusion and economic opportunity to his country, particularly to its unbanked population, during a time of crisis. In 2019, Bukele took office with a mandate to tackle corruption, inequality, and gang violence. He identified the lack of economic opportunities and gang membership as interconnected issues. In 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bitcoin became a lifeline for the community of El Zonte when the town was on lockdown. The town adopted Bitcoin as a legal tender and created the first successful circular economy for Bitcoin. This allowed people to receive stimulus payments and conduct transactions without the need for traditional banking systems or state-issued IDs. Bitcoin Beach, a community in El Zonte, became a pioneer in this adoption, with businesses accepting Bitcoin as payment through QR codes. The story of Bitcoin Beach highlights how Bitcoin can provide financial inclusion and economic opportunities in challenging circumstances.

    • Bitcoin Transforms Lives in El Zonte, El SalvadorBitcoin's decentralized nature enables borderless transactions with no fees or need for identification, leading to increased savings, entrepreneurship, financial responsibility, and economic growth in El Zonte.

      Bitcoin is transforming the lives of residents in El Zonte, El Salvador, by enabling peer-to-peer transactions, fostering financial freedom, and reducing reliance on traditional financial institutions. Bitcoin's decentralized nature allows for borderless transactions with no fees or need for identification, making it an attractive alternative for communities like El Zonte. This shift has led to increased savings, entrepreneurship, and even attracted crypto enthusiasts from around the world. The integration of Bitcoin into the local economy has brought hope to a community where financial growth was once unfeasible. People can now save, invest, and grow their wealth, leading to a culture of financial responsibility. This is particularly significant for a community where the culture had been one of spending all earnings in a day. The use of Bitcoin has also attracted tourists and crypto fans, further boosting the local economy.

    • Bitcoin's Impact on El Zonte, El Salvador: Bridging Borders and Enhancing Financial InclusionBitcoin's absence of remittance fees and ability to make micropayments revolutionizes financial inclusion in El Zonte, El Salvador, demonstrating the potential of cryptocurrencies to bridge borders.

      Bitcoin is making a significant impact on the community of El Zonte, El Salvador, particularly through the convenience it offers for remittances. The absence of remittance fees and the ability to make micropayments have been a game-changer for locals like Carla, a barista at Point Break Cafe. This adoption of Bitcoin began when Mike Peterson, an investor and surfer, fell in love with El Zonte 18 years ago and eventually started promoting Bitcoin in the area. Previously skeptical of Bitcoin, Mike's perspective changed as he witnessed the benefits it brought to the community. The story of El Zonte demonstrates the potential of cryptocurrencies to bridge borders and enhance financial inclusion. However, it's important to note that the political landscape surrounding Bitcoin is complex and ever-evolving, making it crucial to stay informed and navigate the constant stream of news and information. Tune in to Wired Politics Lab, a new podcast from Wired, for insightful discussions on the latest developments in politics and technology.

    • A mysterious Bitcoin donor's impact on a communityA Bitcoin donation in its early days led an NGO to explore using it for community projects, potentially transforming El Zonte into a more prosperous place, highlighting Bitcoin's potential to bypass traditional financial systems and bring change.

      Bitcoin, a decentralized digital currency, has the potential to make a significant impact on communities, even when the identity of its benefactors remains anonymous. Mike, an NGO leader, encountered a mysterious Bitcoin donor who donated Bitcoin worth almost nothing during its early days. The donor's condition was for the NGO to use the Bitcoin in real ways and not cash it out. This led Mike to explore the possibilities of integrating Bitcoin into their community development projects, creating a circular economy, and potentially transforming El Zonte into a more prosperous place. The anonymity of the donor does not necessarily mean they had no agenda; it could be part of their generosity or a strategic move to promote the use of Bitcoin. The story highlights the potential of Bitcoin to bypass traditional financial systems and bring about change, even when the identity of the key players remains hidden.

    • Bitcoin's success in El Zonte due to community and educationDespite community adoption and educational programs, Bitcoin's volatility and perceived risks limit its use in El Salvador, with most relying on traditional methods for transactions and remittances.

      Bitcoin's success in El Zonte, El Salvador, can be attributed to the close-knit community and educational programs that introduced its use. The community's willingness to learn about Bitcoin and trust each other played a significant role in its adoption. However, Bitcoin's volatility and perceived gamble-like nature have prevented widespread use in the country. Despite President Bukele's efforts to make Bitcoin an official currency, most Salvadorans continue to rely on traditional methods for transactions and remittances. Critics argue that the government's investment in Bitcoin will primarily benefit wealthy elites and private companies, rather than the average Salvadoran. The controversy surrounding Bitcoin's implementation has led to protests and opposition from academics and political opponents. Ultimately, the success of Bitcoin in El Zonte may not be easily replicated in larger, more complex economies.

    • Criticism of El Salvador's Bitcoin ImplementationDespite President Bukele's efforts to make Bitcoin a national currency in El Salvador, concerns over transparency, accessibility, and opportunity costs persist, with local leaders expressing doubts about the wisdom and feasibility of the move.

      The implementation of Bitcoin as a national currency in El Salvador, as spearheaded by President Nayib Bukele, has been met with criticism due to transparency concerns and opportunity costs. Ricardo Laparra, a local leader, expressed concerns about the lack of access to Bitcoin for the majority of the population due to Internet instability and the high opportunity cost of funds being diverted from education and public university budgets. The decentralized nature of Bitcoin clashes with the centralized implementation by the government, and the lack of publicly available information about the country's Bitcoin holdings adds to the uncertainty. Bukele's controversial political actions and the opposition's criticism further complicate the situation. Despite the president's social media savvy and international attention, experts remain skeptical about the feasibility and wisdom of creating a Bitcoin city.

    • El Salvador's Bitcoin Experiment and Bukele's PopularityDespite international criticisms, El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele enjoys high approval ratings due to Bitcoin adoption and authoritarian actions. However, the Bitcoin experiment's benefits and costs, particularly for the poorest population, and Bukele's balance of power remain debated.

      El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele's popularity, despite international criticisms for suspending civil liberties and arresting suspected gang members, is a complex issue. Bukele's approval rating is high, and his introduction of Bitcoin as legal tender has made him a prominent figure. However, the Bitcoin experiment in El Salvador has raised concerns, particularly from economists and human rights advocates, who argue that the benefits do not outweigh the costs for the population, especially the poorest. The Bitcoin market's volatility has also been a concern, with significant losses in value. While some see Bukele as a visionary for embracing Bitcoin, others view his authoritarian actions as a threat to democratic institutions. Ultimately, the success of Bitcoin in El Salvador and Bukele's political legacy depend on whether the benefits of the technology outweigh the costs for the population and whether Bukele can balance his political actions with democratic principles.

    • Bitcoin's Volatility and Impact on Individuals and EconomiesBitcoin's volatility poses challenges for individuals and economies, but its potential for financial inclusion and economic growth drives continued advocacy.

      While Bitcoin's volatility may not significantly impact wealthy investors, it can have a major impact on individuals whose livelihoods depend on every cent. This was highlighted in El Salvador, where the government's decision to make Bitcoin an official currency led to significant losses in public funds. However, financial analysts and Bitcoin advocates believe that the long-term benefits of Bitcoin as a physical currency may outweigh the initial costs. The adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador and the Central African Republic, as well as the continued efforts of crypto evangelists to spread its use, underscores the polarizing nature of Bitcoin around the world. While the mining profits have decreased, the potential for financial inclusion and economic growth remains a driving force for its advocates.

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    State of the Nation #50: El Salvador Adopting Bitcoin
    Guest: Nic Carter

    Nic Carter, recently verified on Twitter, is a partner at Castle Island and 4-time guest on Bankless. In 2021, Nic has spent much of his time dispelling the common myths frequently pointed at Bitcoin by the mainstream media, and he has been a general in the Green Energy war taking place around Bitcoin.

    Last week, Nic started a Twitter Space to discuss El Salvador adopting Bitcoin as legal tender, a historic moment for crypto. Nayib Bukele, the President of El Salvador, joined the Space as the El Salvadorian congress ratified the bill. This twitter space ultimately garnered over 20,000 listeners, including some of the biggest names in crypto. Bukele showed himself to be savvy with both tech and social media, earning his label as a populist.

    This is a pivotal time for cryptocurrency. The news from El Salvador bring up increasingly important questions like the relationship between nation-states and digital value. There are a variety of motives for El Salvador to adopt Bitcoin including lessening dependence on US monetary policy, as the Dollar was previously the sole currency of the country.

    What does it mean for a country to adopt a cryptocurrency? Is Bitcoin being used for its 'intended purpose?' Is this a populist reprisal? Do these events represent a rejection of the Cantillon effect, and a move against the monetary hierarchy of capital gains taxes? In this State of the Nation, we cover these questions and more as we digest this monumental news and figure out what to make of it.


    Nic on Twitter:
    Castle Island:
    Nic's Podcast, On the Brink:
    Crypto-Fiat Mutualistic or Parasitic:
    Bitcoin Beach:

    Topics Covered:

    0:00 Intro
    8:30 Nic Carter, Global Diplomat
    10:18 Does El Salvador Change Everything?
    15:43 Capital Gains
    20:24 President Nayib Bukele
    26:04 Is this good for El Salvador?
    34:55 Lightning Network
    40:15 Custodial Bitcoin
    43:10 Bitcoin's Biggest Test
    52:13 The First Domino to Fall
    58:01 Is This Freedom or Coercion?
    1:03:27 Pumping their own Bags
    1:09:23 Authoritarian Populism
    1:15:03 Gateway to DeFi
    1:18:30 Physical vs. Digital
    1:21:20 Consequences
    1:23:54 Closing & Disclaimers

    Not financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This video is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

    Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here: