
    Talking About Maintenance

    enApril 04, 2022
    What is the purpose of the maintenance phase?
    How does physical and mental exhaustion affect maintenance duration?
    What factors should be assessed for maintenance length?
    Why should dieters avoid an all-or-nothing mindset?
    How often should individuals check in on their dieting readiness?

    • Maintaining weight loss: Preserving results with personalized strategiesDetermine maintenance length based on physical and mental exhaustion, past experiences, and weight loss amount. Tailor strategies for personalized success.

      Maintenance is an essential aspect of any weight loss journey, serving as a physical and mental break after dieting. It's about preserving your results without focusing on further weight loss or leanness. The length of your maintenance phase depends on factors like your physical and mental exhaustion, past dieting experiences, and the amount of weight you've lost. Using a simple formula, you can assess these factors to determine how long you should maintain your weight. For instance, if you've felt burned out physically and mentally, have regained some or all of the weight lost, and lost more than 10% of your body weight, you might need to maintain your weight for at least 1.5 times the duration of your diet. Overall, understanding the importance of maintenance and tailoring it to your individual needs can help you sustain your weight loss and improve your overall well-being.

    • Assessing readiness for dieting after maintenanceRegularly evaluate feelings towards dieting, don't let stress or burnout skew results, and only resume a cut when ready.

      Individuals considering a weight loss journey should be aware of their mental and emotional state when self-assessing their readiness to resume dieting after a maintenance phase. A score taken during a moment of stress or burnout may skew the results towards a premature desire to cut again. It's essential to check-in with oneself regularly, ideally monthly, to evaluate feelings towards dieting and assess if the time is right to resume a cut. This process does not dictate a strict timeline for dieting but rather serves as a tool for self-awareness and preparedness.

    • Transitioning from a diet to maintenanceMaintain a minimum diet-to-maintenance ratio, focus on performance goals, set compliance goals, and experiment with new foods during maintenance to prevent boredom and maintain progress.

      When transitioning from a diet to maintenance, it's essential to establish a minimum time frame before considering another diet. The length of this period depends on the individual's progress, with a general guideline of a 1:1 ratio of cutting to maintenance. For instance, if someone dieted for three months, they should maintain for at least three months before considering another diet. This rule is not set in stone and can vary based on individual circumstances. Another crucial aspect is focusing on performance goals rather than weight loss during maintenance. This can help maintain a healthy mindset and prevent excessive focus on body weight and the scale. Additionally, setting compliance goals, such as hitting a certain percentage of healthy meals, can be an effective way to stay on track. If someone finds themselves eating similar foods during maintenance as during their diet, they can experiment with adding new foods or recipes to keep things interesting while still maintaining their progress.

    • Allow time for gradual reintroduction of foodsAfter completing a diet, give yourself at least two weeks to eat basic foods before indulging to prevent overeating and maintain progress.

      After completing a diet, it's essential to give yourself at least two weeks of eating more basic or "template" foods before indulging in less healthy choices. This approach helps prevent overeating and the potential negative feelings and physical symptoms that can follow. As Doctor Melissa Davis and others have noted, the allure of a celebratory meal can be strong, but the long-term consequences may not be worth it. Instead, focus on gradually reintroducing a wider range of foods into your diet in a sustainable way. This can include meals out or favorite treats, but it's important to remember that these indulgences should not make up the majority of your diet. By taking a measured approach to reintroduction, you can maintain the progress you've made during your diet while still enjoying the foods you love.

    • Perception of Amazingness and Diet DecisionsPeople make diet decisions based on how amazing they perceive a treat to be. Long wait times can influence the decision, and food allergies add to the significance.

      For some people, including the speaker, the decision to indulge in a treat or meal depends on how amazing they perceive it to be. If it's a 8 or above on their personal taste scale, they'll go for it. However, if it's a 6 or below, they might skip it. The speaker used the example of a meal they had where they intended to get ice cream but ultimately decided against it due to the calorie count. She also mentioned that she wouldn't throw away the rest of the ice cream if she had bought it, which is something she finds weird. Another interesting factor was the wait time in line, which gave her time to consider the calories and ultimately decide against getting the ice cream. This mental exercise can be useful for people in maintaining their diet, especially when dealing with tempting treats. The speaker also mentioned the limitation of restaurant options due to food allergies, making the decision to indulge even more significant.

    • Considering the value of indulgenceReflect before indulging to ensure it's worth it and consider the impact on body and emotions

      While it's nice to indulge every once in a while, it's important to consider the value of the indulgence and how it makes us feel both in the moment and after. The speaker shared an experience of receiving a free creme brulee on their birthday, but they and their companion didn't find it worth it and left it uneaten. They also acknowledged the influence of peer pressure and the time it took to make a decision, ultimately choosing not to indulge. The conversation also touched on the importance of considering ideal desserts, macros, and how food choices can impact feelings of fullness and bloating. In the end, the speaker emphasized the importance of taking a moment to think past the moment before indulging, and considering the potential consequences on our bodies and emotions.

    • Maintaining a healthy diet despite challengesSetting expectations, acknowledging occasional indulgences, and surrounding yourself with supportive people are key to maintaining a healthy diet.

      Maintaining a healthy diet can be challenging, especially when faced with peer pressure or vacation. The speaker shares their personal experience of sticking to a healthy diet until a planned vacation, where they allowed themselves to indulge. They emphasize the importance of not going "hog wild" and recognizing that occasional indulgences are okay. The speaker also acknowledges the impact of peer pressure and the importance of being around supportive people who understand dietary choices. They suggest setting expectations early on and not letting others' opinions influence your decisions. The speaker's successful maintenance after a diet ends demonstrates the importance of consistency and self-awareness. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of balance and the role of support systems in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    • Focus on personal growth and ignore peer pressureUnderstand weight gain is normal, plan for regain, and maintain a logical mindset for long-term goals.

      Maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves being mindful of peer pressure and expectations, understanding that weight gain is a normal part of the process, and approaching long-term goals with a logical and rational mindset. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not caring what others think and focusing on personal growth, while also acknowledging the impact of those around us on our habits. Additionally, she advises planning for weight regain after a diet and accepting it as a natural part of the process. By anticipating these challenges and staying mentally prepared, individuals can more effectively navigate their weight loss journey and maintain a healthy lifestyle in the long term.

    • Understanding caloric adjustments during maintenanceSmall caloric adjustments during maintenance can lead to weight changes, whether gradually or all at once. Choose the approach that suits your lifestyle and goals.

      During the maintenance phase of a diet, it's important to understand that small adjustments to caloric intake can lead to significant changes in weight. Some people may prefer to gradually increase calories during this phase using a method called reverse dieting, while others may choose to make the jump to their maintenance level all at once. Both approaches have trade-offs. The benefit of a gradual increase is that you get more food right away, but there may be some initial water weight gain. On the other hand, making a larger jump can lead to better workout performance and a quicker mental shift to focusing on fueling yourself for maintenance rather than weight loss. Ultimately, it's up to the individual to make the decision that works best for them and their lifestyle. It's also important to remember that small fluctuations in weight are normal during maintenance and to avoid making unsustainable choices that could derail progress.

    • Maintaining a healthy weight requires regular review and adjustmentConsistently review caloric intake, make gradual adjustments, and be mindful of personal circumstances to maintain a healthy weight.

      Maintaining a healthy weight involves finding the right balance of food intake based on individual needs, and making gradual adjustments over time. During the maintenance phase, it's important to regularly review your caloric intake and make small increases or decreases as needed to stay within a healthy range. The app can help guide these adjustments, but it's essential to be aware of personal circumstances like water weight fluctuations and activity levels. Sudden changes in diet or activity can lead to unwanted weight gain or loss, so it's crucial to make gradual adjustments. Remember, the goal is to find the highest amount of healthy food that can be consumed while maintaining weight. If you go above the recommended maintenance zone, you may need to bring it back down, but this is not a common occurrence. Lastly, be mindful of the impact of increased training intensity or activity levels on your caloric needs. Overall, the key to successful weight maintenance is consistency and gradual adjustments.

    • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires gradual adjustmentsGradual adjustments to diet and exercise routines lead to long-term health and wellbeing, not quick fixes.

      Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires consistency and adaptability. The body doesn't get "broken" or "damaged" from changing diet and exercise routines, but it does need to adjust gradually. During weight loss phases, it's important to maintain high activity levels and focus on lifting, but during maintenance, it's okay to dial back on cardio and focus more on fueling the body for performance. Priorities shift, and it's essential to understand that maintenance is a critical part of long-term results and sustainability. The mindset should be on food as fuel, not just a tool for weight loss. Consistent focus on maintenance, rather than quick fixes, leads to better overall health and wellbeing.

    • Focus on long-term weight loss perspectiveMake sustainable changes for long-term weight loss, develop a mindset that allows for occasional indulgences, and be patient and consistent.

      Achieving long-term weight loss success requires a long-term perspective. It's important to understand that weight gain doesn't happen overnight, so it's unrealistic to expect weight loss to happen that quickly as well. Instead, focus on making sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle, and be prepared to maintain those changes over an extended period of time. Additionally, it's crucial to develop a mindset that allows for occasional indulgences, rather than all-or-nothing thinking that can lead to binges. The longer you commit to a healthy lifestyle, the less appealing unhealthy foods will be. Remember, the key to success is patience and consistency.

    • Learning from mistakes in diet and nutritionAvoid all-or-nothing mindsets and excessive indulgences. Focus on planned cheat meals and enjoy treats one at a time. Learn from others' mistakes to make healthier choices. Avoid keeping tempting foods at home.

      Making mistakes is a part of the learning process, and it's essential to learn from them instead of repeating them. When it comes to diet and nutrition, it's important to avoid all-or-nothing mindsets and excessive indulgences that can leave us feeling miserable. Instead, we should aim for planned cheat meals and focus on enjoying one treat at a time, rather than binge-eating. The appeal of learning from others' mistakes is that we can avoid making the same ones ourselves and make healthier choices in the long run. It's also crucial to avoid keeping tempting foods in the house if we struggle with self-control. Overall, the key is to find a balance and make practical, realistic choices that support our health goals.

    • Making intentional food choicesMaking planned choices about food can prevent poor decisions, but keeping large quantities of unhealthy foods at home can lead to overindulgence. Find a balance and make intentional trips to get desired foods.

      Making intentional and planned choices about your food consumption can help prevent making poor decisions, especially when you're in an emotional or hungry state. Going to a restaurant for a meal with friends can be a good example of this, as you're limited to the choices of that meal and the time spent there. However, constantly buying large quantities of unhealthy foods and keeping them at home can lead to making worse choices and overindulging. It's important to find a balance and make intentional trips to get the foods you truly want, rather than keeping large quantities on hand that may lead to giving in to temptations. Remember, it's okay to have treats occasionally, but be mindful of the quantities and frequency. And, as a reminder, even those with good self-control can still be tempted, so it's important to stay aware and make intentional choices.

    • Keep unhealthy options out of sight and reachMake healthy choices easier by limiting access to unhealthy foods and portioning out portions to prevent mindless snacking

      Making healthy choices is easier when we make it harder for ourselves to access unhealthy options. This means keeping tempting snacks out of sight and out of reach, both for ourselves and our kids. Portioning out food instead of leaving open containers nearby can also help prevent mindless snacking. The principle of "out of sight, out of mind" applies here, as taking extra steps to get to unhealthy foods decreases the likelihood of indulging. Additionally, aim for at least 80% compliance with healthy habits, but don't strive for perfection. Instead, focus on preplanning and making healthy choices the easier option.

    • Evaluating the Necessity of Keeping Items AroundAssessing the value of items, especially food, and getting rid of the unnecessary ones can contribute to weight loss and overall well-being.

      It's essential to assess the value and necessity of keeping certain items around, especially food. The speaker in this discussion shared an experience of having leftover birthday cake and cookies that were no longer wanted or consumed by their family. Instead of keeping them, they made the decision to get rid of them, acknowledging that they didn't need them and that it was a bad idea to keep them around. This decision contributed to their weight loss journey by eliminating unnecessary calories. The speaker also mentioned that they usually try to give away unwanted food to neighbors, fire department, or teachers before throwing it away. However, they also expressed feelings of guilt and understood that some people might find it hard to give away food. The overall message is that it's crucial to evaluate whether items, particularly food, are worth keeping or not and to be mindful of the potential consequences of holding onto them.

    • Focus on long-term benefits during maintenance phaseDuring maintenance, set realistic goals, be creative with strategies, and shift focus to positives for improved energy, workouts, and solidified healthy habits.

      During the maintenance phase of a weight loss journey, it's essential to focus on the long-term benefits and enjoy the process without succumbing to all-or-nothing thinking. This means setting realistic goals, being creative with strategies to avoid temptations, and shifting the mindset towards the positives of maintenance, such as improved energy levels, better workouts, and solidifying healthy eating habits. Don't be too hard on yourself if you need to extend the maintenance phase beyond initial expectations. Instead, focus on the progress made and the opportunity to continue building a healthier lifestyle. Additionally, make a list of things that bring joy and engage in those activities instead of reaching for unhealthy foods during stressful times. Remember, maintenance is not a negative phase, but a positive one that leads to better overall well-being.

    • The importance of long-term maintenance in a healthy lifestyleAfter committing to healthy habits for 8 months, they become deeply ingrained and the chances of backsliding significantly decrease. Focus on the benefits of maintenance for long-term freedom and enjoyment.

      Maintenance of healthy habits, such as eating well and working out, is a crucial aspect of a sustainable healthy lifestyle. After committing to these habits for an extended period, like eight months, they become deeply ingrained and the chances of backsliding significantly decrease. Lori Shaw articulated this concept beautifully by stating that "maintenance is life." It represents long-term freedom and enjoyment. Focusing on the benefits of maintenance is essential, and it should be the primary focus of your efforts. By embracing this mindset, you'll be able to sustain your healthy lifestyle and reap the rewards for years to come.

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    We only back what we use—VersaGrips are a game changer. Snag a pair and save 15%!



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    Freebies From Today’s Episode

    Get a free seat at Susan Hyatt’s Let’s Get Bare online class, as well as a downloadable workbook by going to jjvirgin.com/bare.


    Main Points From Today’s Episode

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    2. Can your wardrobe really affect your weight? Susan answers this question and explains why you should only keep the clothing that sparks joy.
    3. Susan teaches women how to advocate for themselves and others. For many of her clients, when they feel empowered to make a scene, that late-night chocolate cake seems much less enticing.


    Episode Play-By-Play

    [1:25] Susan Hyatt´s career briefing

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    [16:22] Teaching women how to make a scene

    [19:14] In which areas of your life do you need to be more vocal?

    [20:33] The little things can make a big impact.  

    [21:59] One of Susan’s favorite guiding questions: What feels like love?

    [22:58] Get Susan’s amazing free gift.

    [23:54] Your breakfast sets the pace for your entire day. That’s why JJ created All-In-One Shakes to start your day out right!

    [24:35] Listener’s question: I know I should exercise, but I just don’t want to. How do I get myself to do it?

    [25:05] Figure out your “big why.”

    [25: 54] Put strategies in place to make it happen.

    [27:13] Monitor your progress – what you measure you can improve.


    Mentioned in this episode:

    JJ Virgin All-In-One Shakes

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