
    Tara Reade Reveals What Led Her To Russia, and Biden Influence Peddling Revelations and More, with Gregg Jarrett | Ep. 563

    enJune 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Tara Reid Seeks Russian Citizenship After Feeling Unsafe in USFormer aide Tara Reid, who accused Biden of harassment, seeks Russian citizenship due to safety concerns in the US. She plans to stay longer after an interview invitation and feels safe in Moscow.

      Tara Reid, a former congressional aide who alleges she was sexually harassed and assaulted by President Joe Biden in 1993, has announced she is seeking Russian citizenship due to safety concerns in the United States. During an exclusive interview on The Megyn Kelly Show, Tara revealed she was invited to Moscow for an interview about her book and her experience with Biden. While initially only planning a week-long stay, she has since decided to stay longer and apply for Russian citizenship. The Russian television network paid for her plane ticket, and she stayed in a modest hotel during her time there. Tara's intention was to return to the United States, but she had not yet purchased a return ticket. The sudden turn of events comes after Tara's accusations against Biden were largely ignored by the media and those on the left, with some even smearing her name. Now, in Moscow, Tara feels safe and is continuing to advocate for herself.

    • Threats of Arrest or Detainment Prevent Individual from Returning HomeAn individual was warned of potential arrest or detainment upon returning to their home country due to an ongoing investigation and received specific threats from individuals with intelligence ties. As a result, they decided not to travel back.

      The individual in this discussion was receiving credible threats of potential arrest or detainment if they returned to their home country, possibly due to a sealed case opened by the DOJ in 2020. They were advised that this case could be active and potentially lead to an indictment at any time. Additionally, they received specific warnings from individuals with intelligence ties that their travel could result in arrest, not just at their home airport but also at connecting flights. These threats, combined with the ongoing investigation, led the individual to make the decision not to return to their home country. The process of finding out if there is a red notice for them through Interpol and trying to get more information about the sealed case is ongoing.

    • Two warnings for Tara Reid from ex-intelligence agents about Russia arrest riskFormer intelligence agents warned Tara Reid of arrest risk due to potential sanctions violations and her past criticisms of Putin. The ambiguity of new sanctions laws left her uncertain about potential consequences, and there was an ongoing investigation into her Russian activities.

      Author Tara Reid received two warnings from former American intelligence agents that she could be arrested if she left Russia due to potential sanctions violations. These warnings came through a personal connection, and the agents believed she might be mistaken for a Russian agent due to her past criticisms of President Putin. Although her lawyer argued that accepting a plane ticket for an interview wasn't a violation, the ambiguity of new sanctions laws left her uncertain about the potential consequences. Additionally, there was a separate investigation into her possible involvement in Russian activities dating back to 2020. The situation highlights the complexity and uncertainty surrounding modern sanctions laws and the potential risks for individuals caught up in geopolitical tensions.

    • Russia as a safe haven for journalistsDespite Putin's controversial actions, Russia provides safety for some journalists and dissidents, allowing them to speak freely about their home countries' issues.

      While there are valid criticisms against Russian President Vladimir Putin and his policies, it's important to acknowledge the perspective that Russia serves as a safe haven for journalists and others facing persecution in their home countries. The speaker shares her personal experience of being able to tell the truth about what's happening in Ukraine without fear of reprisal in Russia. However, it's crucial to note that this does not excuse Putin's actions that are widely condemned, such as the invasion of Crimea and the ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine. Additionally, the speaker clarifies that she had no contact with Russian officials or agents when making allegations against Joe Biden during her podcast interviews. The complexities of the geopolitical situation demand nuanced discussions and an open exchange of perspectives.

    • Tara's Experience with Solitary Confinement and Concerns about US Prison SystemTara shared her experience of solitary confinement, raised concerns about systemic racism and inhumane conditions in US prisons, and expressed doubts about potential human rights improvements if released in Russia.

      The interviewee, Tara, shared her harrowing experience of being held in solitary confinement and raised concerns about systemic racism and inhumane conditions in the US prison system. She also expressed doubts about potential human rights improvements if she were to be released and face persecution in Russia. Furthermore, she discussed her efforts to obtain records regarding sexual abuse allegations against Joe Biden and her planned collaboration with Congress members Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene for a possible hearing on the matter. Despite these attempts, she has yet to obtain the records and her next step was to go to Capitol Hill to sign a waiver and hand over the records in person. However, her plans were disrupted when she flew to Russia.

    • Gaetz discusses Reade's concerns about arrest and immunityGaetz shared safety concerns based on DOJ/FBI practices, adding to Reade's unease amidst reports of missing whistleblowers and perceived targeting of enemies under the Biden regime

      During a conversation with Congressman Matt Gaetz, Tara Reade discussed her concerns about potential arrest and immunity due to warnings she received about being targeted by the DOJ and FBI. Gaetz, rather than advising her, simply shared his concerns for her safety based on his knowledge of how these agencies operate. The conversation came amidst reports of missing whistleblowers and a perceived mafia-like environment under the Biden regime. While Gaetz's information doesn't definitively prove wrongdoing by the Biden administration, it added to Reade's sense of unease. Additionally, the context of the Biden administration's history of targeting perceived enemies, including parents speaking out at school board meetings and activists like Chairman O'Malley, further fueled her concerns.

    • New law allows detention without charge for up to 18 months, raising concerns for individual safety and access to counselIndividuals may face lengthy detention and targeting of family members if they consider testifying against prominent political figures, leading some to seek asylum abroad to ensure safety and ability to testify.

      The new law allows authorities to detain individuals for up to 18 months without charging them, potentially denying access to counsel. A key figure is considering testifying against a prominent political figure but is hesitant due to the potential consequences, including lengthy detention and targeting of family members. This individual made their decision based on careful consideration and gut instinct, ultimately deciding to seek asylum abroad to ensure their safety and ability to testify. The conversation with a congressman regarding this decision was focused on the investigation into the political figure and expressing concern for the individual's safety. The decision to leave the country was a difficult one, involving the welfare of a beloved daughter and pets, but the individual felt unsafe in the United States and refused to be intimidated or bullied. The issue at hand is the weaponization of FBI and DOJ against private citizens, as seen in cases like Matt Taibbi's investigation into government infiltration of social media.

    • A Former American's Decision to Seek Russian CitizenshipA woman, who worked for democratic figures and criticized U.S. elites, seeks Russian citizenship for safety, freedom, and opportunities. She faces backlash but remains committed, planning to write and learn the language.

      The speaker, a former American who is seeking Russian citizenship, is doing so due to a sense of safety, freedom, and economic opportunities in Russia, as well as a belief in the changing geopolitical landscape. Despite working for democratic figures and expressing criticisms of the U.S. elites and military spending, she insists she is not a traitor and has faced backlash for her actions. She plans to support herself through writing and is committed to learning the language. The complexities of the citizenship process and time zone differences have added challenges, but she remains determined. The conversation also touched on the importance of diplomacy and the dangers of potential conflict between the U.S. and Russia.

    • Tara Reade's Russian Connection and Safety ConcernsTara Reade, who accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, sought Russian citizenship due to safety concerns and past criticisms of US govt, but denies any ties to Russian govt. She's now seeking asylum at UN for protection and fair investigation.

      Tara Reade's decision to seek citizenship in Russia and her past criticisms of the US government have led to accusations of Russian affiliation, despite her assertions of no ties to the Russian government. Reade, who has accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, expressed her concern for her safety and believes her life may have been at risk due to her allegations against the former Vice President. However, the White House has dismissed these claims as false and baseless. Reade also shared her positive experiences in Russia, including the food and the beauty of the Russian Duma, but acknowledged the country's complex approach to human rights, particularly regarding homosexuality. She is currently seeking asylum at the United Nations, hoping for protection and a fair investigation into her allegations against Biden.

    • Freedom of speech under threat: Tara Reid's accusation against Joe BidenIndividuals speaking out against powerful figures face persecution, as shown by Tara Reid's accusation against Joe Biden. The US political climate resembles Russia's oppressive society, emphasizing the need to protect freedom of speech and individual rights.

      Freedom of speech and expression are under threat, and individuals who speak out against those in power can face persecution. Tara Reid, a former US Senate aide, accused Joe Biden of sexual assault and claimed she was targeted and silenced for coming forward. She compared the US political climate to Russia's oppressive society and expressed concerns about the erosion of freedom of speech. Greg Jarrett, a Fox News host and legal analyst, emphasized the importance of challenging such allegations and highlighted the stark contrast between the human rights records of the US and Russia. The interview underscored the importance of holding those in power accountable while also protecting individual rights and freedoms.

    • Russia's Human Rights Issues and Lack of Freedom of InformationDespite Tara Reid's concerns, moving to Russia raises concerns due to its human rights issues and lack of freedom of information, contrasting sharply with democratic values and freedoms of the US.

      Russia, despite its attractive aspects, has significant human rights issues and a lack of freedom of information. Tara Reid's decision to move there, based on her perception of political persecution in the US, may be regrettable. The Russian government's control over media and communication, as well as its treatment of dissidents and marginalized groups, contrast sharply with the democratic values and freedoms of the US. While Tara Reid's concerns about political persecution in the US may be valid, the Russian government's track record of silencing dissent and exploiting vulnerable individuals raises questions about her decision. The Russian government's tactics, such as manipulation and fear-mongering, are concerning and may ultimately lead Tara Reid to regret her decision. The US, despite its imperfections, offers greater freedoms and protections for individuals, especially those who have faced adversity.

    • Tara Reid's Allegations Against Biden Deserve Serious InvestigationControversial claims against Biden require investigation for potential influence peddling and corruption. Media bias and double standards complicate the issue. Ongoing investigation necessary for transparency and accountability.

      Tara Reid's allegations against Joe Biden, although controversial, deserve serious investigation given the potential implications of influence peddling and corruption during his tenure as Vice President. The media's dismissive attitude towards her claims, in contrast to their coverage of similar allegations against other political figures, raises concerns about bias and double standards. Furthermore, the Oversight Committee's findings of large sums of money flowing into Biden family members' shell companies and LLCs necessitate a thorough investigation to determine the original sources of the funds and any potential quid pro quos. The media's focus on the lack of direct evidence implicating Joe Biden himself overlooks the fact that it is illegal for public servants to confer benefits in exchange for money to themselves or their families. The ongoing investigation is crucial to upholding transparency and accountability in government.

    • House vs FBI: Battle over Biden documentThe House is demanding transparency from the FBI regarding a document alleging Biden family influence peddling, threatening contempt charges if not released.

      The ongoing investigations by the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees are crucial for Americans to determine if their president, Joe Biden, and his family were involved in selling American influence. The FBI is in possession of a document detailing unsubstantiated allegations, but the house wants to see it. The standoff between the House and FBI Director Christopher Wray over the document's release has escalated, with the House threatening contempt charges if it isn't handed over. The FBI's stance of trust us is not enough, given the FBI's past missteps, including the Russia hoax and allegedly burying evidence of Biden family influence peddling schemes. The document, an FD-1023 form submitted by a confidential informant, could potentially contain evidence of bribery, which is a serious allegation and an impeachable offense if proven. The House's insistence on seeing the document underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in government.

    • Confidential informant's document at the heart of Biden investigationThe investigation into Biden family's alleged bribery involves a confidential informant's document, but locating the informant is proving challenging due to safety concerns and potential legal issues.

      The ongoing investigation into alleged bribery involving President Biden and his son Hunter hinges on a confidential informant's document, which congressional officials are trying to obtain. The whistleblower who came forward with the document cannot be traced, making it difficult for the authorities to locate the actual informant. This has led to criticism and mockery, but the subpoena for the document is legally authorized. Furthermore, there are concerns for the safety of potential whistleblowers, as many who have come forward with information regarding the Bidens have faced legal issues or have gone missing. The FBI's assistance in identifying these individuals and their related investigations is crucial to moving forward with the investigation. The delay in bringing charges against Hunter Biden despite overwhelming evidence also raises questions about potential political favoritism.

    • President Biden's involvement in son Hunter's business dealings under scrutinyEvidence suggests Biden had meetings with Hunter's business associates, while Trump faces investigation for taking documents from the White House, but the veracity and potential consequences of both cases remain uncertain.

      The ongoing debates surrounding the alleged involvement of President Joe Biden in his son Hunter's business dealings during his tenure as Vice President continue to be a contentious issue. While the President has consistently maintained his innocence, there is mounting evidence suggesting otherwise, including White House records showing meetings between Hunter's business associates and Joe Biden himself. Meanwhile, Trump, who is currently under investigation for taking documents from the White House, has been accused of not complying with a subpoena in the case. A reported tape of Trump discussing a sensitive military document he kept after leaving the White House has fueled speculation about potential wrongdoing, but the veracity of the tape and its contents remain uncertain. Despite the ongoing investigations and allegations, some legal experts believe that the evidence against both Biden and Trump could lead to charges, while others remain skeptical. The political landscape remains complex, with each side maintaining their positions and questioning the motives and credibility of the other.

    • Trump's Handling of Classified Docs: Context, Intent, and LeaksThe investigation into Trump's handling of classified documents raises debates on legality, motivations, and precedent, with complexities from context, intent, and leaked info.

      The recent discussion surrounding former President Trump's handling of classified documents and the ensuing investigation raises questions about context, intent, and the source of leaked information. The legality of the documents' removal and storage, as well as the motivations behind the investigation, are subjects of debate. The lack of clear context and intent behind Trump's reported actions and the leaks to media outlets adds complexity to the situation. The history of document mishandling by various presidents and the role of the Government Services Administration in handling presidential records also adds to the discussion. Ultimately, the criminalization of a civil statute and the use of a phalanx of armed FBI agents to seize documents from a former president's home is a contentious issue, with some arguing it sets a dangerous precedent.

    • Twitter's Handling of Daily Wire's Movie Sparks Free Speech DebateElon Musk's purchase of Twitter raised hopes for less censorship, but the platform's suppression of a Daily Wire movie due to alleged misgendering highlights ongoing debates over free speech and its limits.

      The principles of free speech, which were a major reason for Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter, are being put to the test with the platform's handling of the Daily Wire's plan to air a movie for free, but suppressing it due to allegations of misgendering in the film. This situation has sparked controversy and concern among conservatives who believed Musk would change Twitter's approach to censorship. Meanwhile, the legacy of Clarence Darrow, a legendary lawyer known for his commitment to free speech, continues to inspire as his famous Scopes Monkey Trial case highlighted the importance of protecting the right to express ideas, even in the face of opposition.

    • Darrow's Opposition to Censorship and IndoctrinationClarence Darrow, a champion of free speech, would have opposed censorship and indoctrination in classrooms, including critical race theory, but would have sought common ground while prioritizing free speech.

      Clarence Darrow, a legendary lawyer known for his relentless advocacy for free speech and individual rights, would have fiercely opposed censorship and indoctrination in classrooms, including critical race theory. He would have sought common ground but prioritized free speech above all. On a personal note, Darrow's human qualities and ability to persevere despite setbacks make him an enduring inspiration. A lesser-known story about Darrow's kindness involves his support for Greg Jarrett during Jarrett's struggle with alcoholism. Jarrett's heartfelt account underscores Darrow's compassionate nature and commitment to helping others. These qualities, transcending political or ideological differences, continue to resonate and inspire.

    • Ailes' compassionate leadershipLeaders should embody compassion and support, creating loyalty and appreciation among their team.

      The importance of a compassionate and supportive leader. Roger Ailes, despite his imperfections, was known for his kindness and empathy towards his employees. He viewed challenges as "we" problems, offering help and support instead of casting people aside. This approach created a strong sense of loyalty and appreciation among his team. As we remember Ailes, it's essential to acknowledge his lifetime contributions and not just focus on his lowest moments. The values he embodied, such as compassion and support, should serve as an inspiration for future leaders.

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