
    Tell Me About the Last Time You Had Sex w/ Ian Kerner

    enApril 23, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Powerful Sex Toys and EnhancersExplore powerful sex toys like the Magic Wand and enhance your summer sex life with products like Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel. Prioritize pleasure and open conversations for improved relationships.

      The Magic Wand is more than just a vibrator - it's a cultural icon known for its powerful and deep rumble, earning accolades for decades. Now, there are various versions like the rechargeable, mini, micro, and plush, but all maintain the original's powerful orgasmic rumble. As for enhancing your summer sex life, Promescent offers delay spray and warming arousal gel, ensuring longer-lasting pleasure for both men and women. By prioritizing pleasure and having open conversations about sex, relationships can be transformed, as discussed with renowned sex therapist Ian Kerner in the latest episode of Sex with Emily. So, set an intention for this episode: how can it help you prioritize your pleasure and improve your sex life?

    • Understanding Your Sex ScriptExploring your sex script can help identify issues and enhance pleasure in your relationship.

      Our sexual experiences with our partners form a "sex script" that can either lead to pleasure or reinforce problems. Sex therapist Dr. Ian Kerner explains that by asking couples to recall the last time they had sex, he can understand the sequence of interactions that make up their sex script. Most heterosexual couples he works with have intercourse or desire it but fail to achieve it within a few minutes. This quick progression to intercourse, or lack thereof, can significantly impact the overall sexual experience and relationship. Dr. Kerner's goal is to help couples rewrite their sex scripts to focus on pleasure instead of the problem. By unpacking the sex script chapter by chapter in his book, couples can take their time to address each aspect and ultimately improve their sexual connection.

    • Gay men's sex scripts differ from heterosexual couplesGay men engage in a wider range of sexual behaviors beyond intercourse, and the combinations of these behaviors can be unique to each couple.

      The sex scripts of gay men differ significantly from those of heterosexual couples, with a larger percentage of non-intercourse based sex and a greater variety of combinations of sexual behaviors. A study of 25,000 gay and bisexual men found that only 35% had intercourse during their last sexual encounter, while the remaining 65% engaged in various other behaviors such as kissing, hugging, and manual or oral stimulation. These behaviors were found to be put together in over 1300 different combinations. This highlights the importance of expanding the definition of sex beyond just penetration and encouraging individuals to explore and create their own personalized sex scripts that prioritize pleasure and orgasm. The organization and timing of sexual behaviors can also greatly impact the overall experience, and it's important to remember that sex scripts should not be reduced to just a list of behaviors.

    • Exploring psychological aspects of arousal and desireUnderstanding psychological arousal can enhance sexual connection and deepen intimacy by exploring fantasies, history, or other non-physical means.

      While having a sex script is important, making it psychologically and erotically alive is equally crucial. To achieve this, it's essential to understand the psychological aspects of arousal and desire. This can be done by examining the couple's sex script, focusing on the initiation, cultivation of arousal, absorption, and momentum towards orgasm. Often, problems in these areas can hinder a satisfying sexual experience. To address this, therapists can guide couples in exploring their psychological arousal, which can be generated through fantasies, history, or other non-physical means. By recognizing the power of psychological arousal, couples can enhance their sexual connection and deepen their intimacy. Ultimately, it's essential to move beyond the physical domain and engage in the psychological and erotic aspects of sex to create a truly fulfilling sexual relationship.

    • Exploring new ways to maintain intimacyEngage in psychogenic stimulation through face-to-face interactions and side-by-side activities for a fun and beneficial intimacy experience. Communicate openly with your partner about any concerns or reservations.

      Maintaining intimacy and excitement in relationships goes beyond physical acts and requires engaging in psychogenic stimulation. This can be achieved through face-to-face interactions, where partners share fantasies and create new worlds together, or side-by-side activities, such as consuming sexy media. Despite common beliefs, these activities can be fun and beneficial for both partners. However, it's important to approach the topic with an open mind and have a conversation about any reservations or concerns. Complicated issues, like maintaining intimacy, have simple answers, and with a willingness to explore new avenues, couples can rekindle the spark in their relationship.

    • Exploring Sexual Fantasies and Low-Carb Bread: Challenging Assumptions and Expanding ExperiencesTherapist Ian O'Leary suggests exploring sexual fantasies in a structured way to broaden perspectives and challenge assumptions, while Hero Bread offers low-carb options for those who enjoy bread but want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

      Therapist Ian O'Leary encourages exploring sexual fantasies in a structured and safe way to challenge assumptions and expand one's sexual experiences. He emphasizes the importance of bringing one's erotic self into the picture and offers ways to help individuals who may be hesitant or unsure. Meanwhile, Hero Bread offers a solution for those who enjoy bread but are health-conscious, with low-carb options that taste just as good as traditional bread. Ian believes that breaking down sexual experiences into smaller units and addressing them with focus can lead to interesting discoveries. He encourages communication and bringing one's erotic selves into the picture, offering suggestions and homework assignments to help individuals expand their fantasies. For those who enjoy bread but are concerned about the carbs, Hero Bread provides a solution with their low-carb options, which offer the taste and texture of traditional bread without the carb consequences. Their breads are soft, airy, and perfect for various dishes, making them a game changer for those with health goals. In essence, Ian's approach to exploring sexual fantasies and Hero Bread's solution to carb guilt both involve breaking things down into smaller units and offering alternatives to challenge assumptions and expand experiences.

    • Exploring deeper meanings of sexual actsCommunicate openly, explore fantasies, and grant permission for unique sexual experiences based on emotional and psychological significance.

      Improving sexual intimacy involves moving from identifying problems to creating solutions and turning those solutions into fantasies. This process requires open communication, permission, and understanding the emotional and psychological elements of desired sexual behaviors. For instance, a seemingly simple act like a blowjob can hold deeper meanings such as feeling loved or empowered for some individuals. It's essential to remember that there are various paths to pleasure and that every sexual act can carry unique psychological significance. Ultimately, the key is to foster open communication, explore fantasies, and grant each other permission to express our deepest desires.

    • Exploring Unique Sexual Preferences and ResponsesShift focus from societal norms to personal pleasure, understand anatomy for satisfying experiences, respect desires within safe and consensual boundaries.

      The focus on sexual acts should shift from conforming to societal norms or trying to please others, to understanding the psychological and physiological aspects of pleasure and desire. The discussion emphasizes that everyone's sexual preferences and responses are unique, and it's essential to explore various paths to pleasure within a safe and consensual space. The importance of education and understanding human sexual anatomy was highlighted, as it can lead to more satisfying experiences. The conversation also touched upon the concept of desire frameworks and the need for couples to recognize and respect each other's desires. Ultimately, the goal is to create a sexual relationship built on communication, consent, and a deep understanding of one's own and their partner's needs.

    • Respecting unique sexual desire frameworksUnderstanding and respecting partners' unique sexual desire frameworks is crucial for a healthy and satisfying relationship. Adapting to each other's needs can lead to a more enjoyable and fulfilling sexual experience, preventing misunderstandings and deepening the connection between partners.

      Understanding and respecting each other's unique sexual desire frameworks is crucial for a healthy and satisfying relationship. Some people, like the speaker, have a highly reactive or spontaneous desire framework, which means they respond quickly to sexual cues. Others, however, may have a more deliberative or responsive desire framework, requiring more cues and being more influenced by their environment. It's essential to recognize these differences and adapt accordingly, creating a shared desire framework that considers both partners' needs. This can lead to a more enjoyable and fulfilling sexual relationship. Additionally, being aware of each other's desire frameworks can help prevent misunderstandings and frustration, ultimately leading to a deeper connection and understanding between partners.

    • Achieving mutual flow state through entrainmentSynchronizing brainwaves through rhythmic activities allows for deeper connection and engagement in sexual relationships

      The key to a fulfilling and connected sexual relationship lies in achieving a mutual flow state between partners, a concept known as entrainment. This state is achieved when individuals synchronize their brainwaves through rhythmic activities, allowing them to fully engage with their partner and disconnect from distractions. This concept can be observed in practices like power play and kink, where both partners enter a trance-like state, enhancing their presence and connection during intimate moments. The author emphasizes the importance of this state in her work as a therapist and writer, as it enables individuals to overcome disconnection and engage fully with their partners.

    • Exploring Entrainment for Deeper ConnectionsThe book 'The Multi-Orgasmic Man' by Mantak Chia teaches techniques for synchronizing rhythms in sexual experiences, leading to deeper connections and heightened pleasure. It also offers solutions for common sexual problems and encourages readers to explore new paths to pleasure.

      The book "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" by Mantak Chia emphasizes the importance of entrainment in sexual experiences. Entrainment is the synchronization of two people's rhythms, leading to a deeper connection and heightened pleasure. The book provides exercises to help build up this ability, which can be thought of as entrainment training. The use of sex scripts, including kink, can also facilitate entrainment by providing a routine that allows the couple to move past thinking and into a state of flow. The book also addresses common sexual problems and offers workarounds to maintain pleasure. In recent years, the author has noticed an increase in couples struggling with sexual attraction and suggests deconstructing the monogamy and marriage scripts to prioritize sexual satisfaction. Ultimately, the book encourages readers to explore new paths to pleasure and overcome internal stereotypes and expectations.

    • Exploring Open Relationships and Sexual HealthPrioritize sexual health, communicate effectively, set boundaries, and seek solutions to challenges like ED in open relationships.

      Open relationships and sexual health are becoming increasingly important topics for many couples. More people are questioning the traditional monogamous relationship model and seeking guidance on how to navigate the complexities of open relationships. This includes setting boundaries, communicating effectively, and dealing with potential challenges such as erectile dysfunction. While there are various theories on the causes of ED, increased levels of anxiety seem to play a significant role. It's crucial for individuals to prioritize their sexual health and well-being, and to remember that mind-based arousal is just as important as physical attraction. Embracing challenges and seeking solutions are key to creating satisfying sexual experiences.

    • Seeking advice on personal mattersSign up for a weekly email newsletter for valuable insights, resources, and a sense of community on sex, relationships, and life in general.

      Seeking advice on personal matters, whether it's about moving on from an ex or exploring new experiences with sex toys, can be helpful and comforting. Signing up for a weekly email newsletter can provide valuable insights and resources, as well as a sense of community. Remember, it's normal to have questions and curiosity, and reaching out for guidance can lead to growth and self-discovery. So, if you're looking for advice on sex, relationships, or just life in general, consider signing up for a supportive and informative email list. And don't hesitate to share your feedback and experiences with the community.

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