
    Podcast Summary

    • Childhood crushes and their lasting impactChildhood crushes, though often fleeting, can leave a lasting impact on our memories and shape us in significant ways.

      First crushes, no matter how embarrassing or fleeting, can leave a lasting impact on our memories. During this episode of Endless Thread, hosts Ben Brock Johnson and Amari Sivertson shared their personal stories of childhood crushes, reminding us that these experiences, though often not meant to stand the test of time, can shape us in significant ways. Richie, a guest on the show, shared a story from his fourth-grade days when he developed a crush on a classmate named Camille. He was so embarrassed by the teasing from his classmates that he denied his feelings to her face. In an attempt to make things right, he wrote her a note confessing his true feelings. However, his strategy backfired when a classmate discovered the note, making the situation even more awkward. Despite the embarrassment, Richie's experience with Camille stayed with him for decades, serving as a reminder of the intensity and importance of childhood crushes.

    • People can change over timeFirst impressions aren't always accurate and people can grow and change, making it important not to judge them solely based on past experiences.

      First impressions can be misleading, and people can change over time. In the story, Ritchie was once a source of embarrassment for Camille when he confessed his childhood crush on her in a public way. However, years later, they reconnected online and discovered they had a connection. Despite her initial hesitation and mean behavior towards him, they eventually hit it off and developed a relationship. This shows that people can grow and change, and that it's important not to judge them based on past experiences alone. Additionally, the story highlights the power of social media in helping people reconnect with old acquaintances and potentially find new relationships.

    • Long-distance relationships: Secretly starting one and making it lastLong-distance relationships can thrive with effort, communication, and support from both partners, even when faced with doubts and challenges.

      Long-distance relationships can be challenging and unconventional, but they can also be deeply romantic and enduring. The speaker in this discussion recounted her experience of starting a long-distance relationship with someone she had known since childhood. They had reconnected in high school and began dating after he visited her in Minnesota. Due to her family's reluctance to discuss romantic relationships openly, she had to keep their relationship a secret for several months. Her boyfriend's family, on the other hand, was supportive and encouraged the relationship despite the challenges. The relationship lasted for six years, and the speaker's mother eventually learned about it when she noticed her daughter's change in her behavior. Despite the doubts and challenges, the couple remained committed to each other and proved their skeptics wrong. This story illustrates that long-distance relationships can be successful if both partners are willing to put in the effort and communication to make it work.

    • Long-distance love that defied time and distanceLove can be unexpected, surprising, and defy time and distance. Cherish it and hold on to it, even when it seems impossible.

      Love knows no boundaries, not even long distances or time. The story of Camille and Richard, who started their relationship at the age of 17 and were able to maintain it through six years of long-distance, proves this. They found each other again through a shared experience on Reddit and were able to reconnect, leading to their marriage. The discovery of a note from their past further solidified their belief in their love and their ability to overcome any obstacle. Love can be unexpected and surprising, and it's important to cherish and hold on to it, even when it seems impossible. The BBC, as a provider of stories that connect us beyond borders, reminds us that the best stories make us think and inspire us to see the world in new ways.

    • The unexpected power of human connectionStay informed about Internet culture and embrace the power of human connection, whether online or in person.

      The power of human connection, whether it's online or in person, can lead to unexpected and meaningful relationships. This was exemplified in a story shared by the hosts of IcyYMI about how they met back in 1969 at a bar in Middletown, New York. The hosts, Nick and Bobby, met through a mutual friend and hit it off, eventually leading to a romantic relationship. The backdrop of their meeting was the historic Woodstock music festival, where a massive crowd of people came together for a shared experience of music and connection. Fast forward to today, and the hosts recommend the podcast "IRL" from Mozilla, which explores the complexities of life online and the disconnect between our online and offline selves. The podcast covers topics like privacy breaches, hacking, fake news, and cyberbullying, and a recent episode focused on relationships both online and in real life. Overall, the hosts of IcyYMI encourage listeners to stay informed about Internet culture and the stories that shape our online world, while also recognizing the importance of human connection, whether it's through a shared love of music at a festival or through the digital connections we make online.

    • A communal experience like no otherOver 450,000 people came together, creating a unique atmosphere through shared community and camaraderie, despite the lack of modern amenities.

      The Woodstock Music Festival of 1969 was not just about the music, but the collective experience of the massive crowd. With 450,000 people gathered in one alfalfa field, the shared sense of community and camaraderie stood out. Despite the lack of modern amenities like water stations and bathrooms, attendees supported each other, creating a unique atmosphere. The music was the initial draw, but it was the crowd's energy and unity that left a lasting impact. The festival was a kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, smells, and experiences, all contributing to the legendary status of Woodstock.

    • The enduring love story of Nick and Bobby Erkaline captured on Woodstock album coverThe iconic Woodstock album cover featuring Nick and Bobby Erkaline's moment of affection has resonated with people for decades, symbolizing love and unity in the face of adversity.

      The iconic cover image of the Woodstock album featuring Nick and Bobby Erkaline, who were unknowingly captured in a moment of affection, has resonated with people for decades due to their lasting love story. This couple, who met at the historic music festival in 1969, became the face of the Woodstock movement and went on to marry and start a family. Their enduring relationship and the happy memories associated with the Woodstock festival offer a contrast to the turbulent times of the late 1960s. The image on the album cover continues to inspire and bring joy to people, making it a symbol of love and unity in the face of adversity.

    • Cherishing moments and the people we share them withThe spirit of Woodstock remains relevant, emphasizing the importance of cherishing moments and the people we share them with, and creating our own memorable experiences.

      The spirit of Woodstock – love, connection, and creating memorable experiences – remains relevant today, even if the events themselves may change. Nick and Bobby's story of falling in love during the iconic festival and keeping a piece of history, despite losing it over time, highlights the importance of cherishing moments and the people we share them with. Additionally, the idea of creating our own Woodstock moments emphasizes the power of personal experiences and making memories. The couple's enduring relationship, built on love and the challenges of marriage, serves as a reminder that relationships require effort and choosing to be happy over being right. Overall, these stories encourage us to embrace the past, cherish the present, and look forward to creating new memories.

    • Red Thread of Fate on RedditListeners shared stories and artwork inspired by the concept of fate and coincidence on Reddit, and the team encouraged more submissions for future episodes. The episode also celebrated the 49th anniversary of Woodstock.

      This week's episode of Endless Thread was a collaborative production with contributions from James Lindbergh, intern Josh Luckins, theme music by Squelcher, and artwork from Redditor Her Coffin. The episode discussed the concept of the "red thread of fate" on Reddit, and the team encouraged listeners to contribute artwork or story tips for future episodes. Additionally, the episode marked the 49th anniversary of Woodstock, and the hosts encouraged listeners to celebrate in various ways. Ben Brock Johnson served as senior producer and host, with Amory Sivertson as co-host and producer.

    Recent Episodes from Endless Thread

    This is Not a Pyramid Scheme

    This is Not a Pyramid Scheme

    Every year, thousands of Americans lose money participating in multi-level marketing (MLM). So, last year, when a new business idea that promised to correct MLM's sins bubbled up on Instagram and TikTok, a lot of people hopped off the MLM train, and onto this new one, lured by the promise of a low-lift and lucrative side hustle.

    This new business idea is called "master resell rights." But what exactly is it? Where did it come from? And does it actually solve any of MLM's problems? Endless Thread investigates.


    Credits: This episode was produced by Grace Tatter. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. It was hosted by Ben Brock Johnson, Amory Sivertson, and Grace Tatter.

    Endless Thread
    en-usJune 27, 2024

    Worm Wars

    Worm Wars

    When Endless Thread producer Nora Saks learned that a "toxic, self-cloning worm that poops out of its mouth" was invading Maine, she started sounding the alarm about the impending eco-doom.

    Until, that is, state experts clued her into the "real threat" : A different creepy crawly wriggling towards The Pine Tree State's gardens and precious forests, and fast. In this rebroadcast from January 2023, Endless Thread tunnels down a wormhole, encountering a long history of xenophobic rhetoric about so-called invasive species, and some hard truths about the field of invasion biology itself.

    Endless Thread
    en-usJune 21, 2024

    Looking for a Man, Finding a Record Deal

    Looking for a Man, Finding a Record Deal

    In April, a TikTok creator mused, "Did I just write the song of the summer?" Girl on Couch's "Looking for a man in finance" song spawned hundreds of remixes, and won her a record deal. While it might seem remarkable that a five-second TikTok sound can command the attention of pop music kingmakers, the industry has been capitalizing on internet memes for decades. Endless Thread takes a crash course in internet meme pop music history.

    Credits: This episode was produced by Grace Tatter . Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Amory Sivertson, Ben Brock Johnson, and Grace Tatter.

    Endless Thread
    en-usJune 14, 2024

    Scamming the Scammers

    Scamming the Scammers

    Border Patrol is calling: A drug cartel has your bank information, so you need to transfer all your money to a safe Bitcoin account—right now!

    Millions of people will be familiar with calls like this, in which scammers, often in other countries, use threats or promises to rob you. In 2023, individuals and businesses lost an estimated $485 billion to fraud schemes, according to Nasdaq's Global Financial Crime Report.

    Law enforcement will only do so much to recover losses. That is why some online streamers are taking matters into their own hands. And they have become famous for fighting back.

    Endless Thread's Ben Brock Johnson and Amory Sivertson explore the complicated, criminal world of scambaiters.


    Credits: This episode was produced by Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. It was hosted by Ben Brock Johnson and Amory Sivertson.

    Endless Thread
    en-usJune 07, 2024

    SwordTube, En Garde!

    SwordTube, En Garde!

    Sword influencers abound on YouTube. Those who specialize in the historic European martial arts, or HEMA, have gained legions of fans showcasing the fantastic, bladed techniques of yore.

    But talk of parries and pommels has recently given way to bigotry. Endless Thread's Ben Brock Johnson speaks with co-host Amory Sivertson about one valiant influencer fighting back.


    Credits: This episode was produced by Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Amory Sivertson and Ben Brock Johnson.

    Endless Thread
    en-usMay 31, 2024

    Gen Z wants you to take political action, one TikTok at a time

    Gen Z wants you to take political action, one TikTok at a time

    Gen Z is over it. The youngest generation of adults is inheriting a climate crisis, the ongoing fallout from a global pandemic, a polarized political landscape, and a tenuous economic reality.  And many Gen Z members, a generation more likely to identify as progressive than conservative, are ready for something to give.

    Enter: Gen Z for Change — a youth-led non-profit that brands itself as, "the place where the creator economy and progressive politics intersect on social media." The group leverages a hundreds-deep network of social media creators to spread calls to action over TikTok. They've also pulled on the programming expertise within their team to develop a caché of semi-automatic tools that take the guesswork out of engaging with their political agenda.

    Their latest tool, "Ceasefire Now!!" takes these efforts one step further — resulting in, by Gen Z for Change's count, two million emails calling for a ceasefire in Gaza hitting the inboxes of elected representatives in Washington every day.

    Show notes: 

    Endless Thread
    en-usMay 24, 2024

    Catfish for dinner

    Catfish for dinner

    After Taylor Paré was stood up on a date, she turned to TikTok. In a now-viral video, she claimed to have uncovered a new scheme to scam to singles looking for love on the internet. Endless Thread investigates.


    Credits: This episode was written and produced by Grace Tatter. Mix and sound design by Paul Vaitkus. The hosts are Ben Brock Johnson and Grace Tatter.

    Endless Thread
    en-usMay 17, 2024

    Hype Cycle

    Hype Cycle

    The Vision Pro is Apple's new $3,500 virtual reality headset.

    Since its debut in February, users have found new ways to use this latest iteration of a decades-old technology: scrolling TikTok at work, driving Tesla's Cybertruck, recording their kid's birth.

    But can VR truly integrate into our daily lives? Or will it forever remain a niche technology for geeks and gamers?

    Endless Thread dives into the history of VR and its potential for the future.


    Credits: This episode was written and produced by Cici Yongshi Yu. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Ben Brock Johnson and Amory Sivertson.

    Episodes We Love: Doom Jelly

    Episodes We Love: Doom Jelly

    Imagine sitting in a hospital room for 24 consecutive hours in the most agonizing pain you can possibly imagine. You feel a sense of impending doom. You have a feeling this won’t end well. Then, the pain subsides and you walk away. Jamie Seymour has had that experience eleven different times. He’s a leading expert on one of the world’s most frightening creatures and he’s paid the price.

    This episode originally aired on Oct 12, 2018.

    The Jackie Show

    The Jackie Show

    Our interactions with nature are increasingly mediated by technology. We scroll through wildlife feeds on TikTok. We use Instagram to plan hikes. Even in the wilderness, we religiously bring our phones to document the experience. And then there are animal cams.

    Since the 1990s, people have fawned over livestreams of cute pandas and colorful fish. One could argue that animal cams another example of how we’ve jammed a screen between ourselves and the wild. But the story of Jackie the bald eagle presents a different perspective: one in which technology might bring us closer to our fellow creatures.

    Producer Dean Russell speaks with Endless Thread co-host Ben Brock Johnson about the potential upsides of technonaturalism.


    Credits: This episode was written and produced by Dean Russell. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell.

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    Setting the Stage for Success:Tips for Crafting a Remarkable Introduction and Dodging Common Missteps |EP163

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    First, let me say there has been a few changes since I spoke with Grace and the Present to Grow class is now on the 5th of July so you can still attend you can book you place here https://present-to-grow.eventbrite.com
    and you can connect with Grace at the link below to get up to date with other workshops and classes

    Newsletter: https://dashboard.mailerlite.com/forms/388186/89248571878016580/share
    Website: www.gracefogarty.co.uk
    Instagram: @gracefogartytraining
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gracefogarty/

    In today's episode we'll be covering:

    First impressions when presenting to a group, or networking
    Classic mistakes people make when introducing themselves
    and three things you can do to elevate your introduction. 

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    Edited and produced by Donna Eade
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    Until next week, Bye for Now XoX

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