
    The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast Host: I'm OBSESSED With Helping People - Kate Moryoussef | Ep. 17

    enJuly 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Lab-grown Diamonds, Hiring Professionals, and Weight Loss ConsultationsBlue Nile offers lab-grown diamonds with independent grading and convenient online purchasing. LinkedIn is a platform for hiring professionals, even those not actively seeking new roles. PlushCare provides online weight loss consultations and prescriptions.

      Blue Nile offers beautiful lab-grown diamonds, identical to natural ones, with independent grading and convenient online purchasing. LinkedIn is an effective platform for hiring professionals, especially those not actively looking for new roles. PlushCare provides online access to board-certified physicians for weight loss consultations and prescriptions. Kate, a guest on the podcast, shared her personal journey into understanding ADHD, particularly in women, and how she was drawn to the podcast for information and advice. In her childhood, she was described as quiet, shy, and a daydreamer, with a lack of focus in subjects she found uninteresting. However, she excelled in subjects she loved. These experiences, while not directly related to her gender, resonated with listeners due to the relatability of ADHD traits. If you're considering purchasing a lab-grown diamond, Blue Nile is a trusted source with independently graded and guaranteed diamonds. For hiring, LinkedIn offers access to a unique pool of professionals, even those not actively seeking new roles. PlushCare simplifies the weight loss journey with online consultations and prescription services. As a listener, you can benefit from the insights shared by guests like Kate, who provide valuable perspectives on various topics, including neurodiversity and personal growth.

    • Understanding personal experiences and connections to ADHDRecognizing and understanding personal experiences and connections to ADHD can provide motivation and deeper understanding, even with a late diagnosis. Curiosity and research can lead to recognition of signs and better support for individuals and their families.

      Understanding the past and how it connects to the present can provide motivation and a deeper understanding of oneself, particularly when it comes to ADHD. The speaker shares how her experiences as a child, observing her brothers and family members, and living in different educational systems influenced her perspective on ADHD. Her late diagnosis at age 40 gave her a unique understanding of the condition and a strong desire to help women and girls who have been underrepresented and misdiagnosed. The speaker's personal journey resonates with many women in the community who have gone through similar experiences of struggling with undiagnosed ADHD and the lack of support and recognition. The speaker's curiosity and research led her to recognize the signs of ADHD in herself and her daughter, ultimately leading to a better understanding of both their experiences.

    • Discovering Community and Self-Acceptance with an ADHD DiagnosisAn ADHD diagnosis as an adult can lead to increased self-awareness, validation, and motivation to help others through the discovery of supportive communities and common experiences.

      The shared experience of being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, and the subsequent discovery of a supportive community, can lead to increased self-awareness, validation, and motivation to help others. The speaker's journey, marked by the diagnosis of herself and her daughter around the same time, led to a newfound understanding of her own struggles and a desire to create awareness and support for others. The discovery of common experiences and traits through podcasts and support groups provided a sense of validation and connection. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of self-acceptance and community in navigating the challenges of an ADHD diagnosis, and the potential for personal growth and helping others.

    • A transformative journey of recognizing the challenges and advantages of having ADHDReceiving an ADHD diagnosis can bring new understanding, acceptance, and opportunities, but also comes with challenges and emotions.

      The speaker's experience with receiving an ADHD diagnosis was a transformative process that involved recognizing both the challenges and advantages of having ADHD. Initially, she felt overwhelmed by negative stories and emotions, but with time, she gained a new perspective and acceptance. She also recognized her privilege in being able to seek a diagnosis and work from home. The diagnosis helped her understand past experiences and current emotions, and she found solace in starting a podcast for women with ADHD. From her personal experience, she identified how ADHD has influenced her entrepreneurial spirit and her role as a mother, bringing both new opportunities and challenges. Overall, the speaker's journey highlights the complex and multifaceted nature of living with ADHD.

    • Managing Energy for Entrepreneurs and Individuals with ADHDRecognize signs of burnout, prioritize self-awareness, and practice holistic methods for managing energy to prevent overwhelm and maintain balance.

      Managing energy, particularly for individuals with ADHD and high levels of anxiety, is crucial for maintaining balance and preventing burnout. Hypervigilance and entrepreneurial traits can contribute to constant busyness and the desire for new projects, but it's essential to recognize the signs of burnout and take preventative measures. Self-awareness and holistic practices, such as mindfulness, oils, crystals, massages, and tapping, can help calm the nervous system and promote rest. Entrepreneurs and individuals with ADHD must learn to recognize the warning signs of burnout, such as irritability, palpitations, and snappiness, and take steps to prevent it before it becomes overwhelming. By prioritizing energy management and self-awareness, individuals can find equilibrium and better navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and life.

    • Managing Energy and Preventing BurnoutRegularly assess schedule, identify areas to pull back, prioritize self-care, communicate challenges, and recognize productivity isn't the only measure of worth

      Being aware of your energy levels and consciously making intentional choices about your commitments can help prevent burnout. This means regularly assessing your schedule, identifying areas where you can pull back, and prioritizing self-care activities like exercise, socializing, and rest. It's also important to remember that everyone, including yourself, is human and experiences setbacks and unexpected events. Being open and honest about these challenges with others can create a more compassionate and understanding community. Additionally, recognizing that productivity is not the only measure of worth can help alleviate the pressure to overcommit and please others at the expense of your own well-being.

    • Open communication and understanding within communitiesCreating supportive environments fosters empathy, self-confidence, and growth for neurodivergent individuals. Self-belief, intuition, and a positive mindset are crucial for overcoming challenges.

      Open communication and understanding within communities, particularly the neurodivergent community, can lead to empathy, support, and growth. The speaker shares her experience of working in a fast-paced industry and the challenges of disclosing her ADHD. She emphasizes the importance of self-belief and intuition, which she has developed through personal growth and self-development. The speaker also highlights the significance of choosing a positive mindset and focusing on potential successes rather than fears and pitfalls. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of creating supportive environments where individuals can be open about their challenges and build self-confidence.

    • ADHD and Health Anxiety: A ConnectionPeople with ADHD are big picture thinkers, prone to health anxiety due to constant hypervigilance, and there's a high prevalence of doctors with ADHD due to their hyperfocus and hypervigilance.

      The Default Mode Network (DMN) in the brain, which is associated with heightened fear and anxiety, plays a role in understanding ADHD from an anthropological perspective. People with ADHD are the big picture thinkers, able to spot trends and potential problems, but this heightened awareness comes at the cost of increased anxiety and stress on the nervous system. This constant state of hypervigilance can manifest as health anxiety, a common issue within the ADHD community. It's important to acknowledge and address this connection, as health anxiety can be debilitating and impact focus, especially for parents. Understanding the link between ADHD and health anxiety can provide comfort and relief for those experiencing these symptoms. Additionally, there is a high propensity of doctors with ADHD due to their ability to hyperfocus and hypervigilantly identify and research various health conditions.

    • Embrace the ups and downs of lifeStay authentic, set realistic expectations, focus on values, and enjoy the journey despite anxiety and imposter syndrome

      Anxiety and imposter syndrome are common experiences, even for those who have achieved success. The anxiety experienced can vary in intensity based on physical and emotional factors, while imposter syndrome can arise despite evidence of capability. Both conditions can be managed by staying authentic, setting realistic expectations, and focusing on values rather than external validation. The ebbs and flows of life should be embraced, and moments of excitement and achievement should be enjoyed while enduring the mundane moments. It's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and it's okay to not have everything figured out. Keep moving forward, and trust that the adventure of life will bring unexpected joys and challenges.

    • Prioritize self-care and realignment for optimal performanceConsistently showing up for your audience and work is essential, but don't neglect self-care. Set aside dedicated time, take breaks, and engage in activities that recharge you. Remember, what works for one person may not work for another, and open communication and understanding about ADHD can be beneficial in relationships.

      While it's important to consistently show up for your audience on social media or in your work, it's equally important to prioritize self-care and realignment. Chasing after algorithms and likes can dilute the value offering and authenticity of your work. Therefore, having routines and practices to ensure you're at your best when you need to be present is crucial. This could mean setting aside dedicated time for your work, taking breaks, or engaging in activities that help you recharge. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone's situation is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. In the case of relationships, having open communication and understanding about ADHD can be beneficial. The speaker mentioned that her husband is supportive and understands her ADHD tendencies, allowing them to navigate their marriage effectively. However, it's important to remember that every relationship is unique, and finding what works best for you and your partner may take time and effort.

    • Navigating Relationships with Neurodivergent PartnersEffective communication, understanding, and empathy are crucial for successful relationships when one or both partners are neurodivergent. Differences in perspectives and reactions can be addressed through open dialogue and patience.

      Effective communication and understanding are key components in navigating relationships when one or both partners are neurodivergent, such as having ADHD and Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD). The speaker shared her experience of educating her partner about her ADHD and the impact of her hormones on her mood. She also acknowledged his own neurodivergence, which helped him empathize and better understand her experiences. The couple often have different perspectives on business ideas, with the speaker's imagination and the partner's corporate mindset clashing at times. However, the speaker has come to realize that her ideas sometimes have merit, and her partner has started to recognize the value in listening to her. The biggest challenge for the speaker in relationships and friendships is RSD, which can lead to intense reactions to perceived insensitive comments. While her partner may initially dismiss her sensitivity, he has come to understand that these reactions are a part of her experience and tries to be more supportive. Open and honest communication, patience, and empathy are essential in managing these challenges and fostering a strong, understanding partnership.

    • The power of a supportive friend or partner in managing Reactive Attachment DisorderHaving a supportive friend or partner who can shift perspective, provide distraction, and offer practical solutions can help manage Reactive Attachment Disorder symptoms.

      Having a supportive partner or friend who thinks differently and can help shift perspective is crucial for managing Reactive Attachment Disorder (RSD). Ruminating over emotions and getting stuck in negative thought patterns can be debilitating, and having someone who can provide a different perspective, make you laugh, or distract you can be a powerful tool for getting out of a funk. The ability to move past situations and focus on the present is a valuable trait, especially for those with RSD who may be prone to getting stuck in their own minds. Practical solutions, such as going for a walk, getting some exercise, or getting enough sleep, can also help manage RSD symptoms. It's important to remember that everyone processes emotions differently, and having a partner or friend who can provide a balanced perspective can be invaluable.

    • Celebrating Mother's Day on a Budget: 1800 Flowers and Quince Offer Affordable OptionsDiscover affordable Mother's Day gifts at 1800flowers.com/acast with discounts and free shipping. Quince offers high-end goods at reduced prices with ethical manufacturing at quince.com/style.

      There are various options to celebrate special occasions, such as Mother's Day, without breaking the bank. 1800 flowers offers handmade bouquets, sweet treats, gourmet food, and unique gifts with up to 40% off Mother's Day bestsellers at 1800flowers.com/acast. Quince, on the other hand, provides high-end goods at affordable prices, starting from 50 to 80% less than their original prices. Their products range from buttery soft cashmere sweaters to luxurious Italian leather bags, all while ensuring safe, ethical, and responsible manufacturing. So, even when on a budget, one can still enjoy and treat themselves or their loved ones to nice things. To save on Mother's Day gifts and take advantage of free shipping and 365-day returns, visit 1800flowers.com/acast, and for high-end goods without the high price tag, go to quince.com/style.

    Recent Episodes from ADHD Chatter

    No.1 ADHD Psychologist Shares 2 Proven Ways to STOP Overthinking + People Pleasing - Dr Mark Rackley

    No.1 ADHD Psychologist Shares 2 Proven Ways to STOP Overthinking + People Pleasing - Dr Mark Rackley

    Alex chats with Dr Mark Rackley, a leading psychologist who specialises in ADHD. Dr. Mark shares his techniques to manage overthinking, people pleasing, RSD, emotional dysregulation, perfectionism, intrusive thoughts, shame, anger and sleep.


    00:00 Trailer

    01:26 If a new patient were to come into your surgery, where would you start?

    04:14 ADHD shame can lead to not wanting to share inadequacies, what is the hidden cost of repressing emotion?

    07:19 What is happening in our brains when we experience RSD?

    09:11 Is there a difference between how men and women deal with feeling inadequate through the school years?

    10:44 How can emotional dysregulation manifest itself in a person who is undiagnosed?

    16:34 A girl with undiagnosed ADHD, what might her struggles be in pre-pubescence, vs adolescence and then young adulthood?

    19:46 And a boy with undiagnosed ADHD, what might his struggles be in pre-pubescence, vs adolescence and then young adulthood?

    21:06 Do you think it's beneficial to have an ADHD diagnosis if someone is exhibiting characteristics of ADHD? 

    23:18 What reaction would you commonly see for someone who has had a diagnosis later in life?

    25:47 Do you think there's an evolutionary reason that we as ADHDers overthink?

    27:22 Is there a benefit to overthinking which no longer exists and otherthinking is a hangover of human nature?

    30:47 3 tips to help a busy ADHD mind fall asleep

    35:48 How to manage your intrusive thoughts

    39:57 Washing machine of woes

    43:09 The link between ADHD and perfectionism

    46:32 How to assert boundaries and stop people pleasing

    51:17 What are 3 major traits someone with ADHD has trouble controlling that negatively affect their lives?

    52:01 How do you think feeling inadequate at school can affect people in their later life?

    52:53 We spoke previously and you mentioned how some schools are really well versed in ADHD and others aren't. Where are the schools who are not so good at dealing with ADHD going wrong?

    Follow Dr. Mark on Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drmarkrackley/

    Listen to Dr. Mark's podcast 👉 https://open.spotify.com/show/2pQcITHSlR5qNUagV0jEgX

    Support ADHD Chatter:

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    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enJuly 01, 2024

    Rich & Rox (ADHD Love) FINALLY open up about Autism, Arguments + ADHD Confusions!

    Rich & Rox (ADHD Love) FINALLY open up about Autism, Arguments + ADHD Confusions!

    Alex welcomes back Rich & Rox, two-time Sunday Times best selling authors, creators of the body doubling app called Dubbi and founders of the globally recognised brand, ADHD Love!


    00:00 Trailer

    02:16 What have you been up to and what have you learned about yourselves in the past 7 months!

    06:48 Have you had any huge ADHD realisations since we last had you on? Either Rox about your own ADHD, or Rich as a close observer of ADHD?

    09:45 So, no ADHD diagnosis for you yet Rich?

    13:44 Rich, are there still things you just have trouble understanding about ADHD no matter how often they're explained? 

    15:34 Rox, be honest, when was the last time you used ADHD to get out of an argument?

    28:02 Rich, which one of Rox’s ADHD traits is most likely to cause an argument in your relationship?

    31:51 What does a good day look like in your household?

    34:36 What does a bad day look like?

    35:39 Sobriety and how that’s impacted Rox’s music career

    39:48 How do you manage RSD when navigating the music industry?

    44:11 I've always wanted to ask a musician, what do you think the association between ADHD and music is?

    46:58 Has taking to the stage again dug up anything within you, either insecurities or passion for performing?

    50:08 So Rich, when was the last time you had a moment of "Thank god Rox is NOT neurotypical" and you found yourself really cherishing Rox's eccentricities?

    52:09 Do you consider that ADHD could be trauma related?

    56:30 Rox, has your father now accepted your diagnosis?

    60:13 Rox, my producer has a personal question for you…

    01:03:46 The ‘ADHD item’ segment

    01:05:47 Why your new book is called ‘Small Talk’

    01:20:38 Do any heartwarming stories from your audience spring to mind?

    01:24:08 Washing machine of woes

    01:31:18 Your most impulsive thing

    Buy their latest book, Small Talk 👉 https://www.amazon.co.uk/SMALL-TALK-negative-beliefs-neurodivergent/dp/1529915422/

    Download the Dubbi app 👉 https://www.dubbii.app

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enJune 25, 2024

    Neuroscientist: 3 simple ways to HACK your dopamine - TJ Power

    Neuroscientist: 3 simple ways to HACK your dopamine - TJ Power

    TJ Power is an esteemed neuroscientist, international speaker, and co-founder of Neurify, an organisation at the forefront of the mental health sector providing accessible and scientifically-backed teachings to enhance the management of mental health.


    00:00 Trailer

    01:49 Let's start with the very basics. What are the 4 happiness chemicals we have as human beings?

    03:03 Let's talk about Dopamine. When it comes to dopamine, what are the differences in someone with ADHD vs someone without ADHD?

    03:38 As an example, back when we were cavemen and cavewomen, where would our dopamine highs be coming from?

    05:54 What does the perfect morning routine look like for someone with ADHD

    07:11 Dopamine sources to avoid

    09:24 What is Effort dopamine vs Non-effort dopamine?

    10:25 How to get natural dopamine hits

    11:22 The perfect pre-bed routine for better sleep

    14:27 Ice bath demonstration

    17:23 What part do real human in-person connections with family and friends play on the ADHD brain with regards to our biochemistry?

    19:49 The biochemistry behind maintaining friendships

    21:38 Oxytocin and intimacy

    23:39 Optimal time to have sex for better sleep

    25:30 What is the difference in our biochemistry when a person has sex vs when they watch pornography?

    28:40 Can you explain the difference between genetic vs behavioural ADHD in the current day and why there might be some overlap there?

    30:12 Washing machine of woes

    34:57 The biochemistry behind body doubling

    36:22 Certain people with ADHD who might be high-functioning and successful, what do you think they are doing right?

    38:07 How does our pursuit for dopamine in ADHDers increase the risk of addiction

    43:36 Are coffee and dopamine related?

    46:56 The biochemistry of Rejection Sensitivity

    52:23 What does your knowledge of dopamine teach us about our eternal pursuit of happiness?

    55:38 Most impulsive thing

    Visit TJ's website 👉 https://tjpower.co.uk

    Find TJ on Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/tjpower/?hl=en

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enJune 17, 2024

    Diary Of A Late Diagnosed ADHD Woman

    Diary Of A Late Diagnosed ADHD Woman

    In this weeks Diary of late diagnosed ADHD woman, Alex chats to Dez Rock, who shares her late ADHD diagnosis story, and the lessons she's learnt along the way.

    Watch the full episode 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1nT2hBaZHY&t=463s

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enJune 14, 2024

    TV Doctor Reveals Secrets to Manage ADHD Shame - Dr Ayan Panja

    TV Doctor Reveals Secrets to Manage ADHD Shame - Dr Ayan Panja

    Alex sits down with Dr Ayan Panja, an NHS doctor of 25 years, to reveal the secrets to manage ADHD Shame.


    00:00 Trailer

    01:36 How long have you been a doctor?

    02:58 Why have so many people been missed for so long?

    05:55 Does ADHD medication work?

    06:27 Is shame common with ADHD?

    09:47 Why does trauma affect longevity?

    14:08 How shame can present different before and after diagnosis

    17:27 The hidden costs of shame

    23:02 How to flood yourself with self compassion

    35:11 Self medicating ADHD

    37:47 The Washing Machine of Woes

    42:59 ADHD item (sunglasses)

    44:06 Closing advice on ADHD Shame

    47:58 Most impulsive thing

    Follow Dr Ayan on Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drayanpanja/

    Visit Dr Ayan's website 👉 https://www.drayan.co.uk

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enJune 10, 2024

    ADHD Consultant Reveals Secrets To Manage Rejection Sensitivity (RSD) - Matt Gupwell

    ADHD Consultant Reveals Secrets To Manage Rejection Sensitivity (RSD) - Matt Gupwell

    Alex sits down with Neurodiversity Consultant, Matt Gupwell, to discuss Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)


    00:00 Trailer

    01:34 RSD Explained

    03:32 The difference between RSD and Emotional Dysregulation

    10:38 What are your biggest triggers?

    11:59 Has RSD interfered with your working relationships?

    15:35 RSD in relationships

    26:46 Long term strategies

    32:04 Is it hard for Neurotypicals to understand RSD?

    33:40 Washing machine of woes

    37:46 What is Alexithymia?

    43:25 Theories as to the genesis of RSD

    45:43 The HALT Theory

    51:09 Your ADHD item (juggling balls)

    56:33 How RSD is depicted on social media

    59:18 The positive side of RSD

    01:02:24 Closing advice

    01:08:46 Your most impulsive thing

    Visit Matt's website 👉 https://www.thinkneurodiversity.co.uk

    Visit Matt's instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/thinkneurodiversity/

    Visit Matt's Linkedin 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattgupwell/

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enJune 03, 2024

    3 Realisations From A Late Diagnosed ADHD Woman

    3 Realisations From A Late Diagnosed ADHD Woman

    In this week's bitesize clip, Holly Morris shares her experience of living as a late diagnosed ADHD woman.

    Relatable, emotional and inspirational in equal measure.

    Listen to the full episode here 👉 https://open.spotify.com/episode/5AaYW3nNTTiMzQe8mHr22V?si=gfIMXJRnTDSv0TZtjRjjwg

    Watch the full episode here 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKmBCQ0IqCU&t=1399s

    Find Holly on Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/hollymorrisss/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enMay 31, 2024

    Nutrition Coach Reveals Dieting Secrets To Manage ADHD - Amber Macintosh

    Nutrition Coach Reveals Dieting Secrets To Manage ADHD - Amber Macintosh

    This week, Alex sits down with ADHD Nutrition Coach, Amber Macintosh.

    Amber explains what the perfect ADHD breakfast looks like, what foods may be detrimental to the ADHD brain, the 3 ADHD superfoods and SO MUCH MORE!


    00:00 Trailer

    01:20 Joe Wick's latest ADHD comments

    04:29 Types of ultra-processed foods that are bad for ADHD

    06:12 The fundamental dietary building blocks for ADHD

    11:30 Protein sources for vegans

    14:34 The worst breakfast for ADHDers

    16:52 Coffee, good or bad for ADHD?

    18:52 Isn't a healthy diet expensive?

    23:40 3 ADHD superfoods

    31:52 Foods to avoid

    36:29 Blood sugar levels and why they're important for us to understand

    39:17 Why people with ADHD struggle with diet

    42:07 What is the ADHD community misunderstanding about the connection between brain health and gut health

    44:40 Do ADHDers need more calories to feed their faster rate of thinking

    46:21 ADHD item

    53:34 Busting diet myths

    58:22 Washing machine of woes

    01:02:46 What is the perfect '3 meals a day' plan for an ADHDer

    01:06:06 Foods that help us sleep

    01:10:25 Alcohol, good or bad for ADHD?

    01:14:34 Your most impulsive thing

    Visit Amber's website 👉 https://www.ambermacintosh.com

    Follow Amber on Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/amberscoaching/

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enMay 28, 2024

    This ONE TRICK will stop Rejection Sensitivity destroying your marriage!

    This ONE TRICK will stop Rejection Sensitivity destroying your marriage!

    In this week's bitesize clip, I speak with Karen Doherty, a relationship therapist who specialises in neurodivergent couples, to discuss strategies for RSD, and how to manage RSD in relationships.

    Watch the full episode 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6Opd8B4ipk&t=1421s

    Visit Karen's website 👉 https://karendohertycoaching.co.uk

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enMay 24, 2024

    Legendary comedian CLASHES with Doctor wife over ADHD legitimacy - Paul Whitehouse & Dr Mine Conkbayir

    Legendary comedian CLASHES with Doctor wife over ADHD legitimacy - Paul Whitehouse & Dr Mine Conkbayir

    This week, Alex sits down with Dr Mine Conkbayir and legendary comedian Paul Whitehouse.

    Dr Mine has been diagnosed with ADHD, she thinks her husband has ADHD, but is Paul convinced? Tune in to find out!

    ** Correction to episode: Dr. Mine is NOT a neuroscientist. This was an error made by the ADHD Chatter team **

    Dr Mine and Paul have something very exciting coming soon. Watch this space!


    00:00 Trailer

    01:50 Is ADHD a product of nature or nurture?

    11:13 Is Paul 'The Devil's Advocate'?

    12:22 ADHD in comedy

    15:10 Do you think Paul has ADHD?

    23:25 RSD in your marriage

    30:13 Is ADHD the wrong name?

    33:55 How do you (Dr. Mine) deal with emotional dysregulation

    34:29 The positives of ADHD

    40:59 Friendships

    42:47 Paul, where does your creativity come from?

    51:24 ADHD item

    52:17 Is a strong sense of justice an ADHD trait?

    54:08 Washing machine of woes

    59:59 How to cater to ADHD in schools

    01:03:22 Your most impulsive thing

    Find Dr. Mine on Linkedin 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-mine-conkbayir/

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enMay 20, 2024

    Related Episodes

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    Feeding the Body, Feeding the Spirit: Recovery Beyond Addictions and Eating Disorders

    In this episode of the "Eternally Amy" podcast, Amy Liz Harrison and Kate Vitela delve into the often overlooked connection between eating disorders and addiction, particularly focusing on the concept of 'Drunkorexia.' Through their own experiences, they show how disordered eating and drinking too much can be linked in unexpected and sneaky ways. The discussion shows how social pressure, shame, and keeping secrets can keep these problems going. By talking about their own experiences, the hosts emphasize how important it is to talk about these problems openly and to understand them. They tell people to meet people where they are, have empathy for them, and not criticize their food choices. Lastly, the episode encourages people to recover out loud and help each other on their way to healthier relationships with food and drugs.

    In this episode, we also talked about:


    • Relationship Between Alcohol Abuse and Eating Disorders

    • The Vicious Cycle of Bingeing and Purging With Food and Drink

    • Insidiousness of the Drunkorexia Phenomenon

    • Cultural Stigmas Against Eating Disorders

    • Influence of Societal Compliments on Body Image and Behaviors

    • Transitioning to Intuitive Eating and Using Food for Fuel

    • The Importance of Self-Esteem, Agency, and Honesty in Recovery

    • Supporting Friends in the Midst of Disordered Eating Struggles

    • Meeting Others Where They Are in Their Healing Journey

    • Impact of Comments and Peer Pressure on Eating Behavior

    • Developing Boundaries and Asserting Choices Around Food

    • Addressing Physical and Mental Health Issues

    I Was Diagnosed With ADHD

    I Was Diagnosed With ADHD
    (Video podcast available on Spotify & YouTube) For the second episode of Pretty Lonesome, join Madeline as she gets cozy and vulnerable in her car. She opens up about her recent ADHD diagnosis after deciding to seek help. She admits that there have been signs pointing to this disorder in the early stages of her life, but it wasn’t until she sat down to record her first episode of her podcast that she realized how much her attention deficit issues were taking over her life. She remembers experiencing a lack of motivation in school, falling behind on her work, and being unable to commit to deadlines. Madeline has since decided to take control of her life and not let these past difficulties define her. As a first step in her healing journey, she’s no longer rotting and taking the easy way out - but forcing herself to be around people despite her general distaste for company.   Follow and connect with all things @PrettyLonesome across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Episode 132 The week in ADHD (37)

    Episode 132 The week in ADHD (37)

    In Episode 132 of The ADHD Adults Podcast, Alex, James and Mrs ADHD expand on this week's theme of hyperactivity and impulsivity answer questions from YOU, our listeners, and generally talk rubbish for ages. James kicks someone so hard they get a pilonidal sinus, Mrs ADHD carves turnips, Alex doesn’t take a break...

    Written by James Brown, Alex Conner and Sam Brown.

    Produced by James Brown and JBHD Ltd.

    Social media contacts: @theadhdadults

    Music by ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sessionz⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theadhdadultspodcast/message

    EP. 351- Give Yourself Love & Compassion! Special Guest Psychologist Janelle!

    EP. 351- Give Yourself Love & Compassion! Special Guest Psychologist Janelle!
    In This Episode 351 We Have Special Guest Psychologist "Janelle” Who Tells Us How She Became A Major In Psychology, Loves Gaming, A N.A.M.I. Connections Facilitator/Speaker, and how to make it your passion/purpose/living! Follow & Support “Janelle" Instagram @janelledagreat @namisanfernando

    Follow & Support Me @

    Venmo- @Ariel-Castillo-4
    PayPal- Paypal.me/arielent
    TIKTOK- @Arielent.com
    Ariel Castillo Soundcloud
    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/arielentpod/
    Website- Arielent.com

    EP.145 - Smarter Tomorrow with Elizabeth R. Ricker, Author, MIT & Harvard-Trained Brain Researcher

    EP.145 - Smarter Tomorrow with Elizabeth R. Ricker, Author, MIT & Harvard-Trained Brain Researcher

    Welcome to the #SPAITGIRL Talk Show with Yvette Le Blowitz

    EP.145 - Smarter Tomorrow with Elizabeth R. Ricker, Author, MIT & Harvard-Trained Brain Researcher 

    How 15 minutes of Neurohacking a Day Can Help You Work Better, Think Faster and Get More Done

    Meet Elizabeth. R. Ricker your Neurohacking Expert and Guide

    Elizabeth R. Ricker is the author of the new book, "Smarter Tomorrow: How 15 Minutes of Neurohacking a Day Can Help You Work Better, Think Faster and Get More Done" (Little Brown Spark/Hachette).

    Her work has been featured globally, including the Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, on SiriusXM radio, and on public broadcast TV in Europe.

    Ricker has given talks on cognitive enhancement and neurohacking across the US and overseas.

    She is a sought-after expert by Silicon Valley venture capital firms, technology startups, schools, and the Fortune 500.

    Ricker received her undergraduate degree in Brain and Cognitive Sciences from MIT and her graduate degree in Mind, Brain, and Education from Harvard.

    In college, she worked in the Neuroscience lab of Nobel Prize winner Dr. Susumu Tonegawa.

    Ricker was also a a nationally ranked athlete and class president - the latter of which occasionally involved such serious duties as dressing up in a giant rodent costume to play Tim the Beaver, the MIT mascot.

    To gain access to more neuorhacking tools, check out Ricker's website at www.ericker.com

    In this podcast episode 145

    Yvette Le Blowitz Podcast Host sits down with Elizabeth Ricker to Author of Smarter Tomorrow to find out How 15 minutes of Neurohacking a Day Can Help You Work Better, Think Faster and Get More Done.

    Elizabeth Ricker, an MIT and Harvard-trained Brain Researcher turned Silicon Valley Technologist shares the cutting-edge world of neuroscience and biohacking.

    Ricker shares ways to improve four abilities both cognitive and emotional that can help with your success in work and relationships.

    Ricker also shares how we can sharpen our memory, increase our attention span, boost our mood and clear our brain fog.

    She also uncovers ways to boost our mental performance too.

    In Podcast Episode 145

    Elizabeth Ricker shares:

    - a little bit about herself

    - what inspired her to write her book - Smarter Tomorrow

    - what is Neurohacking

    - benefits of Neurohacking

    - how to set goals

    - how to track goals

    - how to assess goals

    - how to assess your overall life satisfication

    - how to become more in Creative and in the flow

    - how to improve your attention and focus when working

    - how to boost your mood

    - how to sharpen your memory

    - how to run your own self-experiments

    - the latest neurohacking apps, tools, techniques worth considering

    - what her self care rituals are

    - apps to help with anxiety and overall mental health and cognition

    Plus we talk about so much more


    Tune into Episode 145

    Episode 145 - #spaitgirl talk show with Yvette Le Blowitz 

    available on Apple, Spotify, Google, Audible, Libysn - all podcast apps

    search for #spaitgirl on any podcast app or on google 


    Available to watch on Youtube Channel - Spa it Girl or Yvette Le Blowitz

    Press the Play Button Below and subscribe




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    • search via Booktopia our affiliated online book store  *click here
    • Hashtag #spaitgirlbookclub //#spaitgirl + tag @spaitgirl - when reading your book 



    Podcast Guest

    Elizabeth R Ricker

    Website www.ericker.com

    Instagram @eliricker


    Podcast Host 

    Yvette Le Blowitz 

    Instagram @yvetteleblowitz

    Website www.yvetteleblowitz.com


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    The #SPAITGIRL Podcast Show 

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    &  Together "Let's Feel Good From Within"

    and #makefeelinggoodgoviral


    Please note - Affiliated Links included in this spaitgirl.com blog post includes affiliated links with Amazon.com and booktopia.com.au- should you order any books from Amazon.com or Booktopia.com.au via the links contained in this blog post spaitgirl.com will receive a small paid commission fee from the online book stores. 

    Please note - The information in this podcast is a general conversation between the podcast host and podcast guest and is not intended to replace professional medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for medical treatment or advice from a mental health professional.  Use of any of the material in this podcast show is always at the listeners discretion.  

    The podcast host and guest accept no liability arising directly or indirectly from use or misuse of any of the information contained in this podcast show and podcast episode conversation, or any trauma triggered or associated with it. If you are experiencing depression, mental illness, any health concerns please seek medical professional help immediately.