
    The Advantages of Being on Your Own | Interview w/ Mark Bouris

    enAugust 24, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • From humble beginnings to entrepreneurial successImmigrant background and early experiences shaped Gary Vaynerchuk's love for hustle and entrepreneurship, leading to his successful business career and motivational speaking.

      Gary Vaynerchuk's success story is rooted in his entrepreneurial spirit, which was instilled in him from a young age. Born in the Soviet Union and coming to America during a struggling economy, Gary's parents worked hard to put food on the table, leaving little time for school or play. Instead, Gary found joy in hustling and selling goods from a young age. He continued this mindset throughout his life, even when entrepreneurship was not popular in America. Gary emphasizes the importance of loving the process and not being in it for the fame or flexing on social media. His immigrant background and early experiences shaped him into the successful businessman and motivational speaker he is today.

    • Entrepreneurship as a way out and a passionSuccessful entrepreneurs are driven by passion and intensity, using it to discover emerging trends and markets rather than just for monetary gains.

      Entrepreneurship can serve as a way out for those who feel desperate or lack choices, much like how sports or arts have provided a path for many individuals to overcome adversity. However, for some, like Gary Vaynerchuk, entrepreneurship is not just a means to an end, but a deep-rooted passion driven by intensity and a love for the game. This intensity, developed through experiences of independence and self-reliance during childhood, fuels their success. For Vaynerchuk, the thrill of discovering emerging trends and markets, such as social media or sports cards, is more rewarding than the monetary gains. This mindset, rooted in passion and intensity, sets successful entrepreneurs apart.

    • Parental influences shaping dreams and work ethicSpeaker values intensity, competitiveness, and deep work ethic from parents. Grateful for support, aims to leave a lasting legacy, not afraid of failure, and focuses on positive aspects.

      The speaker values intensity, competitiveness, and a deep work ethic, which were instilled in them by their parents despite their differences. They believe in the importance of focusing on the positive aspects of their upbringing and dreaming big while staying grounded in practicality. The speaker is grateful for their parents' support and is motivated to leave a lasting legacy through execution rather than just talk. They are not afraid of failure and view it as an opportunity to learn and improve. Overall, the speaker's experiences and mindset highlight the importance of resilience, gratitude, and determination in achieving personal goals.

    • Striking a balance between dreams and executionEmbrace adaptability and merit-based decision-making to fuel imagination, turn dreams into reality, and overcome fear of failure.

      Striking a balance between dreaming and executing is crucial for a fulfilling life. Dreams fuel our imagination and provide direction, while execution turns those dreams into reality. However, changing your mind and making adjustments along the way is a natural part of the process. Insecurity and fear of failure can hinder us from taking action, but it's essential to trust our instincts and make tough decisions when necessary. The inability to let go of underperforming individuals or projects can stifle growth and progress. Ultimately, embracing the strength of adaptability and merit-based decision-making can lead to a more successful and satisfying life.

    • Turning personal brand into a practical businessUnderstand how to connect audience to potential clients and provide value to both parties. Followers may not pay the bills, but they can influence winning larger clients.

      While building a personal brand is important, it's equally crucial to turn it into a practical business. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes that, although it's acceptable to extract value from your audience, it's essential to have businesses that don't solely rely on your followers. He uses VaynerMedia as an example, where his audience may not be the direct clients, but their influence can play a significant role in winning larger clients. The key is to understand how to connect your audience to potential clients and provide value to both parties. VaynerMedia's success is not solely based on his personal brand but on his ability to build and grow businesses that cater to various markets. It's essential to remember that followers don't pay the bills; instead, focus on creating practical applications for your personal brand to generate revenue.

    • Focus on building relationships and providing value before asking for a saleBelieve deeply in what you're selling and focus on the tangible benefits for the customer, rather than just the product or service, to make effective sales and build long-term relationships.

      Selling with conviction and providing value are key to successful sales, regardless of the industry or product. Gary Vaynerchuk shares his experience of trying to teach someone the importance of building relationships and providing value before asking for a sale, only to realize that the people who responded best were those who were hesitant to make a sale themselves. He emphasizes the importance of deeply believing in what you're selling and focusing on the tangible benefits for the customer, rather than just the product or service itself. As Vaynerchuk puts it, "You're not selling home loans. You're selling people's hopes and dreams." By focusing on the emotional connection and value you can bring to your customers, you'll be more effective in making sales and building long-term relationships.

    • Building up instead of tearing downFocus on growth and positivity for success in business and life, authenticity and transparency are key, and draw inspiration from sports where competition drives improvement.

      Success in business and life can be achieved by building up instead of tearing down others. The speaker shared his belief that focusing on growth and positivity is more rewarding than trying to undermine competitors. He also emphasized the importance of authenticity and transparency, drawing parallels between business and sports. The speaker's passion for sports stems from the fact that it's a merit-based activity where there's no hiding and everyone knows who the winner is. He values competition, physical fitness, and the mental and emotional release it provides. The speaker's daily routine includes working out and focusing on self-improvement. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of authenticity, positivity, and personal growth in both business and sports.

    • Physical activity as a form of self-careEngaging in physical activities provides mental release, enhancing entrepreneurial work with less anxiety and stress

      For this individual, engaging in physical activities like basketball and tennis, which can be seen as a form of self-care, goes beyond just maintaining his health. It serves as a meditative practice for him, providing him with a sense of harmony and balance in his life. This mental release allows him to approach his entrepreneurial work with less anxiety and stress. However, he acknowledges that he still faces challenges in his business, such as having to let go of employees or dealing with difficult clients. Despite these challenges, he has learned to handle them with accountability and has become more mindful of creating entitlement within his workforce. Overall, this individual's commitment to physical activity and self-care has positively impacted his mental and emotional well-being, enabling him to approach his work with a clearer and more balanced mindset.

    • Managing upwards with transparency and generosityEffective leaders prioritize transparency, give more than they take, and value one-on-one conversations for clear communication.

      Effective leadership involves being transparent and not blindly trusting feedback from senior management. The speaker shares his personal framework of managing upwards and going directly to individuals to get a clear picture. He also emphasizes the importance of generosity and giving more than one takes, even if it means not being remembered for material wealth but for who one is as a person. Despite his tough exterior, he values transparency in one-on-one conversations and acknowledges his struggle with receiving feedback from other managers. Ultimately, he aspires to be remembered for his giving nature and for being true to himself, rather than for his wealth or material possessions.

    • The Value of SelflessnessBeing selfless can lead to greater value and admiration than being overly selfish. Gary Vaynerchuk's authentic and humble approach resonated with interviewer and audience.

      Being selfless can lead to greater value and admiration than being overly selfish, according to Gary Vaynerchuk. He shared his perspective during an interview, expressing gratitude for not being driven solely by personal gain. Instead, he finds joy in the admiration he receives. This humble and authentic approach resonated with the interviewer and is a refreshing trait, especially in today's world. Additionally, Gary's entrance into the interview room was unexpectedly humble, which was appreciated by the interviewer and likely the audience. He introduced himself to everyone present, demonstrating a respectful and considerate attitude. Lastly, the interviewer emphasized the importance of sharing the podcast with others and subscribing to it. They expressed their own enjoyment of the show and encouraged listeners to spread the word.

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    Email: justin.jensen.personal@gmail.com

    Facebook: Justin Jensen





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    Access proven business systems inside HIT Business Membership

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    Listen to part 1 here:

    Find more from Nathan here:


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    Sitting Solution: http://affiliate.lxntracker.com/rd/r.php?sid=79&pub=240237&c1=&c2=&c3= 
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    A hard-driving Harvard graduate with an engineering background and a high-powered career, the long hours 'rewarded' her with acne, hair loss, and auto immune disorders. So Elena sought the help of Eastern Medicine. She healed—quickly and radiantly. Awed and changed, she left the corporate world to pursue her calling: holistic skincare.

    Elena speaks of chi and balance. But her approach to skin is firmly grounded in science. Her products are pure and her facial pampering, and the results speak loudly for themselves.  Her compassionate approach, root cause solutions and targeted advice have earned Elena a loyal following.

    Elena remains committed to healing skin with both her services and award-winning products, while her leadership abilities have enabled her to develop other facialists to be truly distinctive providers of pampering, nuturing and healing skin care.  In addition to ethetics, Elena mentors other holistic practitioners as well in ETHOS COLLECTIVE WELLNESS, the wellness center she founded over 3 years ago in the heart of SoHo.

    Email: info@elenarubin.com

    Website: Elena Rubin Skin Care

    Facebook: Elena Rubin Skin Care





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