
    The art of paying attention (w/ Wendy MacNaughton and Laurel Braitman)

    en-usJune 10, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Attention ClubArtists Laurel Braitman and Wendy MacNaughton founded Attention Club to help individuals enhance their creativity by practicing presence and observational skills through workshops and collaborative projects.

      Artists and writers Laurel Braitman and Wendy MacNaughton, who value presence and mindfulness in their creative practices, have started a society called Attention Club to help others unlock their creativity by noticing and being fully present in their surroundings. They met through the multimedia storytelling event Pop Up Magazine and have since collaborated on various projects. Attention Club is an extension of their individual work, which involves using writing and drawing as tools to focus, connect with others, and find meaning in everyday experiences. Through workshops and other activities, Attention Club aims to help people develop their observational skills and appreciate the world around them.

    • Imperfection and CreativityEmbracing imperfection and paying attention to the present moment can unlock creativity and lead to unexpected discoveries and meaningful connections

      Paying attention and embracing imperfection are key to unlocking creativity and discovering the magic in everyday life. Whether through drawing, writing, or other creative practices, focusing on the present moment and allowing ourselves to explore without judgment can lead to unexpected discoveries and meaningful connections. The act of paying attention, whether to a seemingly mundane object or a complex question, can reveal hidden depths and new perspectives. By encouraging mistakes and breaking down the barriers between "creatives" and "amateurs," we can all tap into our unique voices and talents, and find joy and meaning in the creative process.

    • Creative processThe creative process involves uncertainty and vulnerability, making mistakes is natural, fear of judgment and desire for perfection can hinder creativity, simple exercises like blind contour drawing and asking about happy moments can help tap into senses and experiences, focusing on present moment and engaging senses leads to unique expressions.

      Creativity is a process that involves uncertainty and vulnerability. Feeling unsure or making mistakes is a natural part of the creative journey. The fear of judgment and the desire for perfection can hinder our creativity. To overcome this, we can try exercises that help us let go of these limitations and tap into our senses and experiences. For instance, blind contour drawing and asking someone about the last time they were wildly happy are simple yet effective ways to practice creativity and build connections with others. These exercises allow us to focus on the present moment and engage with our senses, leading to unique and authentic expressions. By reframing our perception of good and bad, we can foster a more open and creative mindset.

    • Embrace imperfection, take actionA bad script can be improved, while a great idea is worthless without execution. Embrace imperfection and take action to create meaningful experiences and stories.

      Creating something meaningful often involves embracing imperfection and taking action, rather than waiting for inspiration or striving for perfection. The speaker shares a valuable piece of advice from a friend who bought movies for a company, emphasizing that a bad script can be improved, while a great idea is worthless without execution. This idea is further reinforced by the story of artist Eva Hesse and Sol LeWitt's encouragement to "just do." The speaker also highlights the importance of specificity and using objects as receptacles for memories and emotions, which can help create resonant stories that connect with others. Overall, the discussion encourages listeners to take action, embrace the process, and find meaning in the details.

    • Identity and MemoriesLosing cherished items and people can lead to appreciation for their role as memory prompts. Writing about these experiences can provide comfort and a meaningful way to process them. Sharing intimate stories publicly can bring people together in a unique way.

      Our possessions and memories hold significant value in shaping our identity. The speaker shares how losing cherished items and people has led her to appreciate the role of these treasures as memory prompts. She finds comfort in writing about these experiences, allowing her to relive and process them in a meaningful way. Sharing these intimate stories publicly can be both rewarding and embarrassing, but ultimately, it brings people together in a unique way. The speaker advises focusing on the specific goal we want to achieve from a creative project, rather than aiming for all possible forms of success. Despite her own struggles with self-doubt and the desire for external validation, she ultimately finds fulfillment in knowing that her work may help others.

    • Creating with intentionShifting focus from personal gain to serving others can lead to deeply resonant and meaningful work. Stay open to the potential impact on others.

      Creating with the intention of serving others, rather than focusing on personal gain, can lead to deeply resonant and meaningful work. This was a theme that emerged in the conversation between Wendy and Laurel, as they discussed their experiences with creating art and publishing books. Wendy shared how she initially held back from publishing her deeply personal book, "How to Say Goodbye," due to fears of losing control over its meaning and message. However, she eventually realized that by shifting her focus from herself to the potential impact on readers, she could create a work that was both therapeutic for her and meaningful for others. Laurel echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the importance of balancing the desire to impress and the need to stay true to oneself, while also recognizing the value in creating work that connects with and serves a broader audience. The use of visuals and narrative in Wendy's book was particularly effective in capturing the power and emotional depth of silence and quiet moments, which resonated deeply with readers. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying open to the potential impact of one's work on others, and the value in creating with the intention of serving and connecting.

    • Drawing and connectionDrawing can help us focus in on important moments and connect deeply with others during difficult experiences, creating a sense of quiet reflection and appreciation for the subject.

      Drawing can serve as a powerful tool for focusing in on important moments and connecting deeply with others, even during difficult or uncomfortable experiences. The use of white space in an artist's work can create a sense of quiet reflection and allow the viewer to truly appreciate the subject. For the guest, Laurel Braitman, drawing helped her process the experience of her aunt's death by allowing her to slow down and really look at her. The same can be applied to everyday life, encouraging us to pay closer attention to the people and moments that matter most. The podcast "How to be a Better Human" highlights the importance of mindfulness and connection in our lives, and the guests, Laurel and Wendy, exemplify this through their art and storytelling. Whether it's through drawing, writing, or other creative pursuits, finding ways to focus in on the present moment and connect with others can lead to meaningful growth and understanding.

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