
    Re-release: How to co-parent as allies, not adversaries (with Ebony Roberts)

    en-usMay 06, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Focusing on love and cooperation in co-parentingBy prioritizing the needs of the child and focusing on love and cooperation, co-parents can create a healthier and more harmonious family dynamic.

      Love and cooperation are key to effective co-parenting. Ebony Roberts, a guest on the How to Be a Better Human podcast, shares her experience of navigating co-parenting after a difficult breakup. Despite the challenges, she chose to focus on the wellbeing of her son and prioritize love and cooperation over fear and conflict. Ebony's determination to create positive family dynamics, even in the face of past failures, serves as an inspiration for all parents and those who will become parents. By putting the needs of the child first and focusing on the good in each other, co-parents can set an example of love and unity for their family. This simple yet powerful choice can lead to a healthier and more harmonious family dynamic.

    • Effective Parenting: Self-awareness, Compassion, and CommunitySelf-awareness and compassion are essential for effective parenting. Connecting with others and utilizing resources like Pod Save America can provide support and understanding.

      Effective parenting requires self-awareness and compassion. Dr. Ebony Roberts, a writer, researcher, and mother, emphasizes the importance of parents being in tune with themselves to better understand and meet their children's needs. Vulnerability and open communication with other parents and support systems are crucial in balancing the challenges and rewards of parenting. As Roberts shared, she draws strength from her community and the understanding that parenting is a shared responsibility. Additionally, the podcast "Pod Save America" offers insightful conversations on current events, helping listeners navigate the political landscape and fostering a sense of connection and understanding. Odoo, the affordable all-in-one management software, can help businesses save time and money by integrating various applications, allowing users to focus on their core responsibilities.

    • Transforming past relationship pain into effective co-parenting communicationRecognize emotions, take a step back, practice deep breathing, and focus on effective communication to overcome past hurts and co-parent successfully

      Being a perfect parent is an unattainable goal, and co-parenting with an ex-partner presents unique communication challenges. Communication is key in co-parenting relationships, but past hurts and egos can make it difficult. It's essential to recognize when emotions are running high and take a step back before engaging in tough conversations. Deep breathing exercises can help keep calm and prevent raised voices. Remember, no one has a perfect parenting manual, and it's crucial not to face these challenges alone. Instead, focus on transforming past relationship pain into effective co-parenting communication.

    • Never go to bed angry: Resolving conflicts in relationshipsModel healthy conflict resolution behaviors, communicate effectively, and create meaningful rituals to strengthen relationships.

      Effective communication and conflict resolution are crucial in relationships, whether it's with a romantic partner or a child. The advice "never go to bed angry" doesn't necessarily mean never addressing conflicts before sleeping, but rather avoiding going to bed with unresolved anger. Modeling healthy conflict resolution behaviors is essential for children. The nightly affirmations routine between the speaker and her son, Sekou, was initiated by Sekou's father and has continued despite their separation. This special ritual strengthens the bond between father and son. New parents can build traditions and rituals by considering their children's needs and interests and involving them in daily routines. Effective communication, understanding, and intentional actions contribute to creating strong and meaningful relationships.

    • Effective Tools for Managing Stressors and Improving Mental HealthTherapy, co-parenting, self-care, effective communication, and finding solutions to common challenges are essential for managing stressors and improving mental health.

      Therapy, whether in-person or online through platforms like BetterHelp, can be an effective tool for managing stressors and improving mental health. Ebony Roberts emphasized the importance of co-parenting as more than just scheduling logistics, but as a means of supporting each other and creating a healthy family dynamic. Additionally, Claritin D was highlighted as a solution for allergy sufferers seeking fast and powerful relief. A meaningful ritual of affirmations was shared as an example of positive co-parenting behavior, emphasizing the importance of self-love and positivity. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of self-care, effective communication, and finding solutions to common challenges, whether related to mental health, co-parenting, or allergies.

    • Creating meaningful moments through simple ritualsBeing present and intentional in interactions with children, using affirmations, reading, and talking as examples, can help strengthen the bond and create cherished rituals.

      Creating meaningful and repeated experiences with children can be achieved through simple rituals. These rituals don't need to be elaborate or fancy, but rather something special and enjoyable between parent and child. Affirmations, reading, and talking are great examples of rituals that can help strengthen the bond between parent and child. Parents who may not naturally sense these openings can be more present in the moment and reflect on what they needed as children to help identify potential special moments. By staying connected to our inner child, we can better understand our children's needs and create meaningful moments that can grow into cherished rituals. Ultimately, the key is to be present and intentional in our interactions with our children, and to strive to meet their emotional needs in ways that may have been missing in our own childhoods.

    • Learning from Our Parents' Past MistakesRecognize patterns, make conscious choices, and evolve as individuals in parenting, while taking lessons from past and making decisions based on values and experiences.

      While we may recognize patterns from our own upbringing that we don't want to repeat in our own parenting, it's important to remember that our parents did the best they could with what they had. We can take lessons from them, but also make conscious choices to do things differently. Parenting without a manual means being conscious, making decisions based on our own values and experiences, and evolving as individuals. This can include decisions around discipline, such as not using physical violence. It's also important to remember that co-parenting with someone we're no longer in a romantic relationship with can have positive elements, rather than being seen as a burden. Our experiences and personal growth can help us become better parents and better humans.

    • Intentional co-parenting creates a seamless experience for childrenFocusing on communication and care can create a loving environment for children despite living in two homes, inspiring others to prioritize their child's wellbeing over differences.

      Intentional co-parenting can create a seamless experience for children despite living in two homes. The parents in this discussion have been intentional in their communication and care, ensuring their child feels loved and supported regardless of where he is. They have changed the narrative around co-parenting, showing that it's possible to put aside differences and focus on the wellbeing of their child. Their efforts have inspired others to try the same, proving that cooperation between ex-partners can lead to positive outcomes for all involved. The power of intentional co-parenting lies in creating a consistent and loving environment for children, even in complex family situations.

    • Be open and vulnerable to inspire growth and connectionParents can inspire growth and connection by sharing experiences, healing past hurts, modeling loving behaviors, and allowing children a voice.

      Being an open and vulnerable parent can help others feel less alone and inspire personal growth. By sharing our unique experiences and emotions, we can connect with people around the world. As for practical advice, every parent should: 1. Tap into their inner child and heal past hurts. 2. Heal themselves to show up as whole and loving parents. 3. Apologize and allow children to have a voice. Moreover, children learn from observing their parents' actions and behaviors, so it's essential to model thoughtful, intentional, and loving ways of dealing with challenges. Remember, the little things we do and share can make a significant impact on our children's lives and the world.

    • Being a Better Human: Extending Grace and UnderstandingExtending grace and understanding to others can improve relationships and overall well-being. Listen to the 'How to be a Better Human' podcast for inspiring conversations.

      Being a better human involves extending grace and understanding to others, even during challenging situations. This can make a significant difference in our interactions with others, whether it's at the grocery store or in traffic. By recognizing that everyone goes through difficult times, we can respond with kindness and compassion instead of anger or judgment. This not only benefits those around us but also improves our own well-being. So, let's strive to be more understanding and patient with each other, just as we would want to be treated. Additionally, the show "How to be a Better Human" is a podcast that explores various ways to improve ourselves and connect with others. The guests share their personal stories and insights, providing valuable lessons for listeners. The podcast is produced by a team of talented individuals and sponsored by Odoo, an affordable all-in-one management software, and Brooks Running, a company known for its high-quality running shoes. In conclusion, the key takeaway from the discussion with Dr. Ebony Roberts is the importance of extending grace and understanding to others. This simple act can have a profound impact on our relationships and overall well-being. Be sure to check out more of Dr. Roberts' work and tune in to the "How to be a Better Human" podcast for more inspiring conversations.

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    Continuing our conversation from Episode 13 of the SHIFT, we'll dive deeper into channeling our creativity as a vehicle for healing and expanding our consciousness; deepening our connection with Soul, opening up our path to Self-Actualization.


    Curiosity and creativity leads to awareness; awareness leads to possibility; and possibility leads to choice. 


    This is where the SHIFT begins!


    We'll continue discussing:

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    Going inward, connecting deeper through our creative gifts allows us to nurture relationship with Self, which ultimately benefits all beings.  



    Join us for this episode of the SHIFT where we welcome back our special guest, Author Robert T. Norton as he shares wisdoms from his personal exploration into creativity - the journey of the creative process, the epiphanies along the way, and how he is inspiring others to expand their own creative expression.


    Creativity is a healer, a perspective shifter, a liberator and a portal to channel our own intuition and allowing our soul's unique expression, and through process that we expand our consciousness.


    The SHIFT starts now!  Let’s do this together!





    On the SHIFT, we use multiple perspectives to effect positive change within ourselves and our communities.  We create a reframe on traditionally accepted norms to generate personal freedom, empowerment, self-love and self-care.  We discover new wisdom and learnings by stretching our existing understanding of social protocols, health and spiritual practices, personal belief systems, celebrations and cultural influences.


    Viewing life through multiple perspectives helps us find new tools and teachings that can support us in healing, in understanding ourselves better, and realizing the potential in our self-actualization. As we journey through perspective, we learn ways to reclaim our power from where we have historically given it away.



    Robert's Books are available on www.Amazon.com and www.Barnesandnoble.com

    978-1-7753815-0-1    Via Roma

    978-1-7753815-2-5     Full Moon Poems Whispered by a Muse

    978-1-7753815-4-9     Meditations on Photography - vol.1 Connections to Creativity

    978-1-7753815-6-3     Meditations on Photography - vol.2 Connections to Creativity








    Episode 14 - Creativity & Higher Consciousness w/ Special Guest Author Robert T. Norton

    Episode 14 - Creativity & Higher Consciousness w/ Special Guest Author Robert T. Norton

    Continuing our conversation from Episode 13 of the SHIFT, we'll dive deeper into channeling our creativity as a vehicle for healing and expanding our consciousness; deepening our connection with Soul, opening up our path to Self-Actualization.


    Curiosity and creativity leads to awareness; awareness leads to possibility; and possibility leads to choice. 


    This is where the SHIFT begins!


    We'll continue discussing:

    • "The Flow State" - being internally guided, from our intuition.
    • Allowing ourselves to be present; to choose compassion over judgement from our ego state.
    • The Watching Place, trusting the internal guidance and how we can be in that higher place of consciousness through our creativity, and bringing a deeper self-awareness.  


    Going inward, connecting deeper through our creative gifts allows us to nurture relationship with Self, which ultimately benefits all beings.  



    Join us for this episode of the SHIFT where we welcome back our special guest, Author Robert T. Norton as he shares wisdoms from his personal exploration into creativity - the journey of the creative process, the epiphanies along the way, and how he is inspiring others to expand their own creative expression.


    Creativity is a healer, a perspective shifter, a liberator and a portal to channel our own intuition and allowing our soul's unique expression, and through process that we expand our consciousness.


    The SHIFT starts now!  Let’s do this together!





    On the SHIFT, we use multiple perspectives to effect positive change within ourselves and our communities.  We create a reframe on traditionally accepted norms to generate personal freedom, empowerment, self-love and self-care.  We discover new wisdom and learnings by stretching our existing understanding of social protocols, health and spiritual practices, personal belief systems, celebrations and cultural influences.


    Viewing life through multiple perspectives helps us find new tools and teachings that can support us in healing, in understanding ourselves better, and realizing the potential in our self-actualization. As we journey through perspective, we learn ways to reclaim our power from where we have historically given it away.



    Robert's Books are available on www.Amazon.com and www.Barnesandnoble.com

    978-1-7753815-0-1    Via Roma

    978-1-7753815-2-5     Full Moon Poems Whispered by a Muse

    978-1-7753815-4-9     Meditations on Photography - vol.1 Connections to Creativity

    978-1-7753815-6-3     Meditations on Photography - vol.2 Connections to Creativity