
    How to laugh at yourself (w/ Nuar Alsadir)

    en-usApril 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Laughter and Poetry to Connect UsLaughter and poetry have the ability to evoke emotion and create connections through recognition of truth and shared human experiences.

      Laughter and poetry share a common ability to move us and connect us to our humanity. Noire Al Sadr, a poet, psychoanalyst, and clown, explains that in the context of clowning, laughter isn't always a response to humor, but rather a recognition of truth and shared human experience. Similarly, poetry, according to Chris Duffy, is defined not by its form but by its effect on the reader or audience. Both laughter and poetry have the power to evoke emotion and create a sense of connection. Odoo, a business management software, and Canva, a design tool, offer simple and effective solutions for individuals and businesses. Who Smarted, a podcast, offers educational and entertaining content for audiences of all ages.

    • Exploring the transformative power of laughter and humorLaughter and humor serve as tools for self-discovery and transformation, allowing us to express our true selves and experience joy and release

      Laughter and humor, as explored in Noor Al Sadr's work, serve as powerful tools for transformation and self-discovery. They are not just sources of entertainment, but also vehicles for honesty, insight, and healing. Al Sadr's research reveals that laughter in various contexts, such as comedy shows or therapy sessions, stems from the expression of genuine emotions and experiences. The true self, as described by psychoanalyst Winnicott, refers to the core, creative, and spontaneous energy within us that we express freely as infants. The false self, on the other hand, is the mask we put on to conform to societal expectations and hide our true selves. Through laughter and humor, we can tap into our true selves and experience the joy and release that comes with it. Al Sadr's work invites us to reconsider the role of humor in our lives and embrace its transformative potential.

    • The way we're responded to as infants impacts our true vs false self developmentUnderstanding and connecting with our true self, despite a false self's social armor, leads to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

      The way we are responded to as infants shapes our development of a true self versus a false self. If caregivers consistently affirm spontaneous gestures, it allows infants to express themselves freely. However, if caregivers correct and try to align gestures with socially recognizable behaviors, infants learn to give the caregiver what they want to receive love, leading to the development of a false self. As adults, we all have a false self, which acts as a social armor, but it can lead us to prioritize false self achievements over true self expressions. The author's exploration in the book was understanding what it takes to feel truly alive in one's life. Poetry and interactions with his children were significant in helping him remember to be authentic and call out his false self when it emerged. A humorous example from the book is when the author's daughter questioned if he considered himself an adult, and his realization that he often felt like a child despite his adult responsibilities. Reflecting on this, it's essential to be aware of our relationship with our false self and strive to connect with our true self for a more authentic and fulfilling life experience.

    • Exploring authenticity through comedy, psychoanalysis, and self-discoveryQuestion societal messages, let go of preconceived notions, and tap into inner child to access true selves for authenticity and creativity

      The process of growing up and conforming to societal expectations can lead to a sense of deadness or inauthenticity. The work of comedy, psychoanalysis, and self-discovery encourages us to reject these messages and be true to ourselves. This means letting go of preconceived notions of who we are and allowing ourselves to evolve and change. The French form of clown school is an example of this, as it helps individuals tap into their inner child and access their true selves, leading to a wellspring of energy and creativity. Ultimately, it's essential to question societal messages and strive for authenticity, even if it means going against the norm.

    • Authenticity and vulnerability in clowningBeing authentic and vulnerable creates a sense of connection and understanding, but it's important to find a safe and supportive environment to practice this skill.

      Being authentic and vulnerable is key to connecting with others and finding success. During a transformative experience at a school in Brooklyn, the speaker learned this lesson through an intensive clowning program. They were given tasks to tap into strong feelings and emotions, and the more honest they were, the more the audience appreciated it. Conversely, when they tried to be guarded or intellectual, the audience could sense the falseness and react negatively. An example of this occurred when a woman tried to be funny with a recycled joke, but when she became real and vulnerable by sharing her feelings of failure, the audience responded with laughter and appreciation. This experience showed the speaker that everyone struggles and that authenticity creates a sense of connection and understanding. However, it's important to note that this environment was safe and supportive, and vulnerability in other contexts may not be met with the same positive response.

    • Embracing new experiences for personal growthStepping out of comfort zone leads to profound growth, fully commit to new experiences, explore diverse fields, and maintain curiosity for lifelong learning

      Stepping out of your comfort zone and participating in new experiences, even if they seem unrelated to your expertise or goals, can lead to profound personal growth. The speaker shares her experience of feeling belittled during clown school but ultimately being grateful for the transformation it brought about. She emphasizes the importance of fully committing to new experiences and not wasting time or resources if you're not giving it your all. Additionally, she highlights the value of exploring various fields and incorporating diverse perspectives into your work, as exemplified by her background in psychoanalysis, poetry, and clowning. Lastly, she touches on the importance of maintaining a sense of curiosity and openness to new experiences throughout life, rather than feeling limited by the expectations of growing up.

    • Creating a holding environment for personal growth and healthy relationshipsAccept emotions equally, provide a safe space for self-expression, discover your true self, and allow vulnerability to foster genuine connections

      Creating a holding environment where people can be themselves without judgment and feel valued is crucial for personal growth and healthy relationships. This concept, inspired by psychoanalysis, encourages accepting emotions equally and providing a safe space for self-expression. Being hidden and found is another powerful idea. While hiding can be liberating, being stuck in hiding and not being found can lead to disaster. The best feeling is being seen and appreciated for who we truly are, as exemplified by spontaneous, genuine laughter. To apply these concepts to your life, focus on discovering your true self and awakening your inner clown or unconscious. This might involve seeking out safe spaces, practicing self-acceptance, and allowing yourself to be vulnerable and express emotions freely.

    • Detecting the false self in psychoanalysisRecognize false self through dreams, daydreams, intrusive thoughts, or societal norms, understand defenses, and unpack to express authentic self.

      In psychoanalysis, recognizing the existence of a false self and understanding the reasons behind its formation is the first step towards growth. To detect the false self, one can pay attention to dreams, daydreams, intrusive thoughts, or even scenes in media that evoke strong feelings. Once detected, it's essential to figure out what one is defending against, as it often stems from a fear or threat. For instance, someone may be defending against an exhibitionistic impulse due to societal norms, but this trait could be a hidden strength. It's crucial to unpack these defenses and consider whether they are serving a purpose or hindering personal growth. In summary, developing the ability to detect the false self is the first step, and then the focus should be on understanding the underlying reasons and learning how to express the authentic self.

    • Exploring uncomfortable emotions and experiencesEmbracing fear and shame can lead to personal growth and connection through safe outlets like books or performing arts

      Exploring uncomfortable emotions and experiences in a safe and socially acceptable way can lead to a profound sense of release and connection. This concept was discussed in the context of clown school and performing, but it can be applied to anyone's life. Noir Al Sadr, the guest on the "How to be a Better Human" podcast, emphasized the importance of embracing fear and shame, even if it makes us uncomfortable. She also highlighted the value of books like her own, "Animal Joy," which encourage readers to explore these emotions and find joy in the process. By pushing past our comfort zones, we can experience growth and connect with others in a meaningful way. So next time you're faced with a situation that makes you feel uneasy, consider finding a safe outlet to explore it and embrace the potential for personal growth and connection.

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    6 Things to Stop Doing in 2024 to Change Your Life

    Get 10% your first month of therapy at betterhelp.com/idgaf

    What if the answer isn’t to do more? What if the answer is to want less?

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