
    How to handle rejection & move on

    enOctober 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The reality of rejection vs. online illusionsRecognize rejection as a natural part of growth, embrace it as a learning experience, and join a supportive community to grow and let go.

      Rejection is a common experience in life, and it's important to remember that people often only share their successes and accomplishments online, creating an illusion that they never face rejection. The speaker, who has experienced rejection in various aspects of her life, encourages listeners to recognize this and understand that rejection is a natural part of the learning process and the journey towards growth and success. Whether it's in personal relationships or professional pursuits, learning how to deal with rejection is essential for anyone aiming to reach their full potential. The speaker's new course, "Dare to Detach," offers a supportive community and personal guidance for those looking to grow, let go of what's holding them back, and embrace their higher selves. Use the code "self love" for a discount.

    • Being manipulated into situations we're not fully interested inStay aware of red flags like controlling behaviors, get your own transportation, and be authentic to navigate potentially manipulative situations.

      Being manipulated into a situation we're not fully interested in can sometimes lead to unexpected experiences. However, it's important to be aware of potential red flags, such as a man calling you an Uber on the first date. This could indicate that he's trying to control the situation for his own convenience, potentially with the intention of having sex. To avoid such situations, consider getting your own Uber or transportation to ensure you're in control of your own plans. Additionally, being authentic and true to yourself can help you navigate potentially manipulative situations and make the best of them. Remember, every experience is unique, and there are always exceptions to general rules. Stay vigilant and trust your instincts.

    • Being authentic during a first date can lead to unexpected connectionsAuthenticity and letting go of expectations can make a first date more enjoyable and lead to unexpected positive outcomes. Small acts of kindness can also make a difference.

      Letting go of expectations and being true to oneself can lead to unexpected connections during a first date. The speaker shared her experience of being open and honest about her disinterest in dating apps and her exhaustion, which surprisingly turned the date around. The man became more invested in her, and she found herself enjoying his company. The speaker also noted that bringing down expectations can make the interaction more enjoyable and less pressured. Additionally, she mentioned that small acts of kindness, such as helping hang a TV, can make a woman feel cared for, even if the intention is not romantic. Overall, the speaker's advice is to be authentic and carefree during a first date, as it can lead to unexpected and positive outcomes.

    • Understanding Manipulative BehaviorsBe aware of inconsistent behaviors and clear communication is essential in relationships to avoid misunderstandings and manipulation.

      People's actions and words may not always align, and it can be challenging to discern genuine interest or care from manipulation or gaslighting. In the discussed situation, a man's behavior towards the speaker seemed inconsistent, leaving her questioning his intentions. He initially gave off uninterested vibes, but later asked her if she was seeing anyone else and helped her around her apartment. The speaker assumed this meant he cared, but it was later revealed that he was seeing multiple women and had no genuine interest in her. This experience highlights the importance of being aware of manipulative behaviors and not making assumptions based on appearances or initial impressions. It also emphasizes the significance of clear communication and trust in relationships.

    • Experience of Rejection and Its LessonsRejection can be painful, but it's a part of life and can lead to growth and self-discovery. Don't fall for manipulative behavior and don't make plans based on someone else's promises.

      Rejection can be painful, especially when it comes from someone we've grown attached to. This person led our speaker on for four months, making her believe he cared deeply for her, only to disappear and move on to someone else. The feeling of rejection was amplified by the fact that she had started to develop genuine feelings for him. The experience left her feeling manipulated, stupid, and embarrassed. However, despite the initial pain, she learned valuable lessons from the situation, including the importance of not falling for manipulative behavior and not making plans based on someone else's promises. Ultimately, while rejection can be difficult, it's important to remember that it's a part of life and can lead to growth and self-discovery.

    • Focusing on the other person's lack of decency, authenticity, and emotional involvementDetachment comes with recognizing disrespect and lack of authenticity, making it easier to let go and move on with experience and self-value

      Rejection and hurt ego can be challenging, but focusing on the other person's lack of decency, authenticity, and emotional involvement can help in the process of detachment and moving on. With experience and self-value, it becomes easier to let go and not let someone else's actions define your worth. The art of detachment comes with time and understanding that the right person would never treat you poorly. Additionally, recognizing the disrespect and lack of authenticity in someone's actions can lead to feelings of disgust and disinterest, making it easier to move on.

    • Understanding the common experience of rejectionRejection is a natural part of life, learn from it, and use it as an opportunity for growth and redirection towards better circumstances.

      Rejection is a common experience in life, regardless of age or circumstances. When someone doesn't recognize our value, it can be disheartening, but it's important to remember that we are special and deserving of respect. Rejection can come in various forms, such as in relationships, jobs, or educational opportunities, and it's essential to recognize that everyone has experienced it at some point. Instead of dwelling on the rejection, it's crucial to learn from the experience and use it as an opportunity for growth and redirection towards better circumstances. Ultimately, rejection is a natural part of life, and embracing it can lead to personal growth and resilience.

    • From rejection to redirectionUse rejection as motivation and fuel for growth, learn from it and keep pushing forward to reach new opportunities and success

      Rejection is not a dead end, but rather a redirection towards better opportunities. It may not seem that way in the moment, but with the right mindset, rejection can lead to new possibilities and even greater success. This idea is exemplified by the stories of successful individuals who faced numerous rejections before achieving their goals. For instance, Lizzo took 10 years to break into the music industry, and JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter on napkins before her book took off. These stories remind us that behind every success story lies a long history of hard work and rejection. When faced with rejection, it's essential to use it as motivation and fuel for growth rather than letting it debilitate us. By embracing the process and staying persistent, we can overcome obstacles and reach new heights.

    • Believe in yourself and ignore the naysayersBelieve in your abilities, surround yourself with positivity, and ignore negativity to follow your dreams and meet the right people who support you

      Believing in yourself and your passions is crucial, even when faced with criticism and negativity. The speaker shares her experience of starting a podcast and encountering naysayers who tried to discourage her. However, she emphasizes the importance of tuning out the noise and focusing on the right people who support and believe in her goals. As Kris Jenner once said, "If someone says no to you, you're just talking to the wrong person." Surrounding yourself with positivity and believing in your abilities will ultimately lead you to meet the right people who will help you thrive. The speaker's passion for podcasting, despite not yet monetizing it, demonstrates the power of following your dreams and ignoring the opinions of those who don't believe in you.

    • Believe in yourself and keep pushing forwardBelieve in yourself despite rejections, maintain a positive mindset, and stay mentally strong to achieve success

      Perseverance and self-belief are key to overcoming rejections and achieving success. The speaker emphasizes the importance of keeping goals private, staying mentally strong, and giving oneself daily pep talks when support is lacking. Despite setbacks, it's essential to maintain a positive mindset and believe in oneself, as this belief is the only thing that truly matters. So, even if no one else believes in you, trust in yourself and keep pushing forward. Remember, rejections are just redirections, and every step brings you closer to your goals.

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    If you loved this episode, be sure to dm me @lyss @dateyourselfinstead and share with a friend.



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    I love you, as always, if you feel called to send me a message on Instagram @lyss @dateyourselfinstead, I'm always here. x


    Use code "selflove" for a discount, I'd love to have you. We have an amazing community focused on self love, empowerment and detaching from toxic relationships.

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    If you enjoyed this episode, dm me on instagram @dateyourselfinstead or @lyss.

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    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatpsychologypodcast/ 



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    Nobody teaches you that.

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    Not knowing how to deal with that can damage relationships with people you love.

    Today’s episode will teach you how to speak so that people listen, so you can keep the people in your life that you really care about. 

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    Learn how YOU can use this framework so that people in your life want to listen when you speak. 

    For more resources, including the link to Lisa’s book, Radical Confidence, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    And if you liked this episode, listen to this one next: Do This To Become More Confident: 5 Truths You Need to Hear

    Connect with Mel:


    041 - How to Find Purpose

    041 - How to Find Purpose

    There is one thing that comes up more than most when it comes to working with men; PURPOSE.

    Sure, many guys want to 'get confidence' and some want to simply get out of the frustrating place they are now, stop the sabotage and spending a vast majority of their time caught in their head.

    But even for those guys, at some point, the work turns to 'finding purpose', Which, when you talk to them - as I do all the time - the idea we have gleaned from the world of personal development, self-help, and 'success' is that a man must find his 'One True Purpose' as if there is something waiting for all of us, something we were born to 'uncover' which will then make ou lives not only complete, but make our lives.

    We learn to hang the entire of our happiness (outside of that which we have possibly lumped on our romantic partners) onto this idea that 'once I find my purpose I'll be happy and everything in my life will make sense and be ultra meaningful'.

    If you can't tell yet from my approach here, I think this is a load of bollocks that tends to send most men into a frenzy of ludicrously high expectations they can't meet - can never find this elusive 'one purpose' - and so go into the mode of self-beat-up, a consistent mode of 'shoulds' ('I should be living my purpose') and ultimately being kind of frozen in inaction until this one big purpose hits us over the head somehow.

    Lies and misnomers.
    This is something we deal with a lot in my coaching and so I have decided to do a solo episode on it as well as release a punchy yet powerful teaching mini-course on actually finding purpose.


    In this episode

    I bring you a take on the above as we explore why this happens and how it messes with our lives.

    I'll take you through a couple of simple examples of purpose as we explore the vital difference between 'finding your purpose' and 'living with purpose. This will include one seemingly insignificant aspect of all of our everyday lives in which you'll soon be able to not only see the purpose in it, but use the explanation to apply to many things in your everyday life.

    this little trick will help you on the road to doing away with the ideas of discipline and motivation - things of the past when you truly understand purpose.

    One of the reasons I decided to put this episode together was because we have decided to package up and release a live teaching from inside my coaching program the EVERYDAY LEGENDS ACADEMY (ELA) in which I take the guys through this critical difference and get them to go through an example that completely squashes this idea of finding your one true purpose and instead instantly gets you on the path to living with purpose.

    One of the ... purposes of this mini-course and the incredibly affordable investment of just $47 (AUD) is so you have the appropriate buy-in to take on board the lessons in it and then actually apply it with purpose into your life. Without that buy-in, purchasing a mini-course like this is just masturbation.

    This teaching also has another purpose of being an exclusive sneak behind the curtain of what we do in the coaching work with me in ELA.

    You can get access to the course here - it is one 45 minute teaching with some supporting emails and content.

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