
    The Best Sex (Toys) of Your Life

    enFebruary 14, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Explore and enhance your summer pleasure with Promescent's toolsDiscover Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel for longer lasting pleasure and powerful vibrations from the magic wand for heightened sensation. Communicate, consent, and explore for a fulfilling sex life.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration, and there are tools to enhance the experience. Promescent's line of pleasure-enhancing products, such as their legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help individuals last longer and heighten pleasure, respectively. Additionally, the magic wand, a cult-favorite sex toy, offers powerful vibrations and various models to fit different lifestyles, making it a trusted and iconic symbol of pleasure. Don't miss out on these game-changing products for a sexier summer. Visit promescent.com/emily for Promescent's exclusive discount and sexwithemily.com/magicwand for the magic wand's selection. Remember, communication, consent, and exploration are key to a fulfilling sex life.

    • Celebrating Love and Connection on Valentine's DayMake an effort to show love and appreciation towards your partner, try new things, communicate openly, and prioritize connection in your relationship.

      Regardless of personal feelings towards Valentine's Day, it's important to make an effort to show love and appreciation towards your partner. The hosts shared their own experiences and suggested unique ways to celebrate the day, such as planning a surprise for your significant other or disconnecting from technology and focusing on each other. They also encouraged listeners to try new things in the bedroom and communicate openly about desires and expectations. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of prioritizing love and connection in relationships, whether it's on Valentine's Day or any other day of the year.

    • Trying new things keeps romance aliveExperimenting with new locations, sex toys, and communication can keep romance fresh and exciting in relationships.

      Keeping the romantic spark alive in relationships involves trying new things and breaking out of routine. The monotony of having sex in the same place all the time can make it stale. So, consider doing it in a different location or trying out new sex toys. For instance, the lifestyle Skyn condoms, made of polyisoprene and extra lubricated, offer a closer-to-naked feeling. Additionally, communication and expressing love and appreciation, such as talking to your mom on Mother's Day, can help strengthen your bond. Lastly, using emojis in digital communication might lead to more sexual encounters, according to a survey. Overall, keeping things fresh and exciting in your relationship can lead to a more fulfilling and enjoyable experience.

    • Emoji usage linked to higher frequency of sexual activity and datingEmoji users had more sex and marriage desires in 2014 compared to non-users, but excessive use can be misinterpreted and may be seen as creepy

      Emoji usage is linked to a higher frequency of sexual activity and dating for both men and women across various age groups. According to a study led by biological anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher, 54% of emoji users had sex in 2014, compared to 31% of singles who did not use them. Additionally, emoji users were more likely to want to get married, with 62% expressing a desire to do so compared to 30% of non-users. Despite this correlation, it's important to note that not all emoji use is an indicator of heartlessness or a lack of emotional intelligence. However, excessive use of emojis can sometimes be misinterpreted and may be seen as creepy by some. The prevalence of online dating and texting in modern relationships means that clear communication is crucial, and using emojis appropriately can help clarify intended meanings. However, it's also essential to consider the potential for misinterpretation and to use emojis in a balanced way. If you find yourself relying too heavily on emojis, it may be worth having a conversation in person or over the phone instead.

    • Texting vs. Direct Communication in RelationshipsClear and efficient communication is crucial in relationships. While texting can be convenient, it can also lead to misunderstandings and time-wasting. Direct communication and using tools like the Mio penis ring to enhance intimacy can lead to deeper connections.

      Texting can be a time-wasting and inefficient way to communicate, especially when it comes to making plans or having deep conversations in a relationship. The speaker shared an experience of being left waiting for hours for a response from her partner while they played a texting game. She emphasized the importance of direct communication and the value of hearing someone's voice and inflections in person. The conversation also touched upon the use of sex toys, specifically the Mio penis ring, which the speaker found to be a game-changer due to its powerful rumble technology that enhances sexual experiences for both partners. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of clear and efficient communication in relationships and the benefits of using the right tools to enhance intimacy.

    • Exploring new sensations with the Mio sex toyThe Mio sex toy offers various intensity levels, positions, and discreet design, enhancing intimacy and pleasure for couples.

      The Mio sex toy brought an exciting and unique experience to their intimate moments. The toy, which can be used to stimulate the clitoris and turn the penis into a vibrator, offered various intensity levels and settings that enhanced different positions and thrusting motions. The rechargeable device was discreet and quiet, making it convenient for use. It was also the first time the speaker's partner had used a toy during sex, and he appreciated its masculine design. The Mio toy helped them explore new sensations and kept a rhythm for those who lack one, making their experience more enjoyable and fulfilling. If you're interested in trying it out, you can visit jezhu.com and use the code Emily for a 10% discount.

    • Discreetly purchasing a Crave Vesper vibratorThe Crave Vesper is a discreet and functional necklace-vibrator, with reliable delivery and a reasonable price from trusted brand Crave. Use code VDayEmily for a 20% discount before February 9th.

      The Crave Vesper is a popular and discreet vibrator presented as a necklace, making it a great first vibrator for those who are shy about their purchase being discovered. The listener S was seeking advice on purchasing her first vibrator, specifically the Crave Vesper, and was concerned about discreet delivery. Emily shared her personal experience and enthusiasm for the product, emphasizing its dual function as a necklace and vibrator, its discreet packaging, and its reasonable price. She also mentioned that Crave is a reliable brand for discreet purchases. If listeners are interested, they can visit lovecrave.com and use the code VDayEmily for a 20% discount before February 9th.

    • Exploring sexuality through masturbation and sex toysExploring your body with masturbation and sex toys, especially clitoral vibrators, can help individuals better understand their preferences and enhance their sexual experiences. Try the Crave Vesper, Bullet, Tango by We Vibe, Lilo Siri 2, or Amuse from Lifestyles for new discoveries.

      Exploring your sexuality through masturbation and using sex toys, specifically clitoral vibrators, can help individuals better understand their own bodies and preferences. A clitoral vibrator is a great starting point due to the high number of nerve endings in the clitoris. Some recommended options include the Crave Vesper, Bullet, Tango by We Vibe, and Lilo Siri 2. Additionally, learning about the g spot and experimenting with finding it through self-exploration or using toys can lead to new sexual experiences and discoveries. Toys like the Amuse from Lifestyles offer both a finger massager and a penis ring, making them a versatile option. Remember, communication with a trusted partner and being open to new experiences can enhance your sexual journey.

    • Exploring the G Spot for New ExperiencesCommunicate, be patient, and experiment to locate and enhance the g spot for potential blended orgasms

      Exploring and understanding the g spot can lead to new experiences and potential blended orgasms for both partners. The g spot may not be easily found or accessible for everyone, and it's important to experiment with different methods and toys. The come hither motion, which is similar to scratching a kitten's neck, can help locate the g spot, which is usually towards the top of the vagina, around the curve, and not as deep as one might think. The clitoris and g spot are connected, so arousing the clitoris first can help enhance the g spot orgasm. Communication and patience are key when exploring the g spot with a partner. And, as always, don't hesitate to try new things and seek out resources, like the toys mentioned from Good Vibes, to aid in your exploration.

    • Exploring Anal Play: Communication and PreparationOpen communication, cleanliness, using lubricant, and respecting your partner's comfort are essential for a positive anal play experience.

      Communication and preparation are key elements when exploring anal play or any new sexual experiences with a partner. The conversation between Emily and the caller touched on various aspects of anal play, including the importance of cleanliness, using lubricant, and being mindful of your partner's comfort level. The caller shared her excitement about her new partner and his openness to anal play, but expressed concerns about potentially giving him a bad experience or getting her nails dirty. Emily offered advice on how to approach the situation, emphasizing the importance of open communication, starting slowly, and using plenty of lubricant. The conversation also touched on the use of tongues and toys for anal play, as well as the importance of keeping nails short to avoid injury. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of open communication, preparation, and respect for your partner's comfort when exploring new sexual experiences.

    • Exploring anal play with a partner: Effective communication and preparationEffective communication and preparation are crucial for exploring anal play with a partner. Use lubricant and toys like the Black Pearl and Fleshlight for enhanced experiences. Ensure proper hygiene and cleaning. Communication and experimentation maintain a healthy sexual relationship.

      Effective communication and preparation are key elements in exploring anal play with a partner. The use of lubricant and toys, such as the Black Pearl vibrating butt plug, can enhance the experience for both men and women. The Black Pearl is designed with a curve to stimulate the male prostate, often referred to as the male G-spot. It's important to ensure proper hygiene and cleaning of toys before and after use. The Fleshlight is a popular male masturbation sleeve that simulates the feeling of real sex through its patented Super Skin material and suction control. It can be used alone or with a partner for new sensations without being judged. Communication and experimentation are essential in maintaining a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship.

    • Clear communication is essential in sexual relationshipsMisaligned actions and words can confuse and emotionally shut down a partner, potentially leading to the loss of sexual pleasure.

      Communication is key in sexual relationships. A listener named Emily shared her experience of losing the ability to orgasm with a man she's been having friends with benefits sex with. The relationship started casually, but as they spent more time together and the sex improved, Emily expressed her desire for more emotional connection. However, the man told her he couldn't offer her that. The conflicting messages from the man left Emily feeling confused and emotionally shut down, leading to the loss of her ability to orgasm. This situation highlights the importance of clear communication and aligning actions with words to avoid misunderstandings and emotional distress.

    • Understanding complexities of sexual relationships through communication and honestyFocus on open and honest conversations about desires and boundaries for a fulfilling sexual relationship, avoiding unhealthy dynamics from gift exchanges.

      Communication and honesty are key in understanding the complexities of sexual relationships. The speaker shared her experience of being in a confusing relationship where her partner expressed conflicting feelings about commitment. She also discussed the issue of the "disappearing orgasm," suggesting it might be an emotional issue. In response to a listener's question, the topic shifted to sex as a gift or exchange. While it's natural for people to have different preferences, it's important to remember that sexual relationships should be based on mutual respect, consent, and open communication. Expecting sex as a direct exchange for gifts might create unhealthy dynamics and could potentially lead to feelings of coercion or manipulation. Instead, focusing on open and honest conversations about desires and boundaries can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual relationship.

    • Using sex as a bargaining chip can lead to misunderstandingsFocus on understanding each other's desires and creating mutual pleasure for a healthier sexual relationship

      Using sex as a bargaining chip or an exchange in a relationship can lead to misunderstandings and feelings of coercion. Instead, focusing on understanding each other's desires and needs, and creating a mutual desire for intimacy, can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling sexual relationship. In the specific case discussed, the husband's approach of asking for a blowjob in exchange for a massage may not be effective, as it can come across as insensitive to the wife's needs for foreplay and emotional connection. Instead, the couple could try exploring each other's desires through open communication, experimentation, and mutual pleasure. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone's sexual preferences and needs are different, and what works for one couple may not work for another.

    • Effective communication and planning enhance sexual experiencesUnderstanding partner's body and desires leads to greater pleasure, making deals for future sex alleviates pressure, foreplay can be consistent throughout the day, and open communication and planning lead to a more satisfying sexual relationship.

      Effective communication and planning can enhance the sexual experience for both partners. Some people may not enjoy performing oral sex, but understanding your partner's body and desires can lead to greater pleasure for both. Making a deal for sex in the future can also alleviate pressure and help both partners prepare mentally and physically. Additionally, foreplay doesn't have to be limited to the bedroom or before sex, and consistent effort throughout the day can keep the sexual connection strong. Overall, open communication, planning, and consistent effort can lead to a more satisfying sexual relationship.

    • Enhance your intimacy with Emily and Tony massage candlesThese candles provide a sensual experience through aromatherapy, transforming into a warm oil without the mess or risk of burns. Available for purchase with a discount at emilyandtony.com.

      The Emily and Tony massage candles are designed to enhance your sex life through their aromatherapeutic properties. They transform from a delightful scent into a luxurious, warm oil, providing a sensual experience without the mess or risk of burns. The candles have received positive feedback from users and are available for purchase at emilyandtony.com with a discount using the code "Emily." During the discussion, the speaker shared a personal experience with a friend using the candle, and the conversation led to an unexpected accent resurfacing. Despite this, the focus remained on the benefits of the Emily and Tony massage candles and their ability to elevate one's intimate moments.

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