
    The Candidates: Donald Trump’s Promises

    enOctober 15, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Trump's Economic Promises: Tax Cuts and DeregulationTrump focused on tax cuts and deregulation during his first term, delivering on his promises with a large tax cutting package and significant deregulation efforts

      During his first term, President Donald Trump focused on delivering on his economic promises, particularly in the areas of taxes and deregulation. He passed a large tax cutting package, which disproportionately benefited businesses and the wealthy, but also provided some relief for the middle class. Trump also made a significant effort to reduce government regulations, fulfilling his campaign pledge to roll back what he saw as excessive regulations from the previous administration. These actions were central to Trump's economic revitalization plan and were celebrated by his supporters as evidence of his commitment to following through on his promises.

    • Trump's Economic and Immigration Policies: Progress and ControversiesTrump's presidency has seen progress on economic deregulation, military spending, and immigration restrictions, but also controversy over policies like child separation.

      During his presidency, Donald Trump has made significant progress toward fulfilling many of his economic and immigration-related campaign promises. On the economic front, he has rolled back regulations, increased military spending, and implemented policies to boost business. Regarding immigration, he has instituted a travel ban for certain Muslim countries, increased funding for ICE and border patrol, and started building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. However, some controversial policies, such as the child separation policy, have generated strong opposition and criticism. Despite the controversies, Trump has made America less welcoming to certain groups and implemented policies that reflect his campaign promises.

    • Trump's Foreign Policy: Delivering Promises and Prioritizing America FirstTrump accelerated ISIS defeat, withdrew troops from Iraq, Syria, and reduced Afghan troop levels, and prioritized America first in international relations.

      President Trump's foreign policy focused on delivering on his promises to combat ISIS and reduce the US military presence in endless wars. He accelerated the campaign against ISIS, leading to the loss of almost all their territory in the Middle East. Additionally, he kept his word on withdrawing troops from Iraq and Syria and reducing troop levels in Afghanistan. Trump also prioritized America first in international relations, urging allies to increase their defense spending and renegotiating trade deals like NAFTA. While not all promises were fully delivered, these actions represent significant changes in US foreign policy.

    • Trump's Judicial TransformationTrump kept his promise to appoint conservative judges, filling Supreme Court and lower court vacancies, creating a long-lasting impact on US law

      During his presidency, Donald Trump made significant progress on some of his key campaign promises. While he didn't completely transform international relations, he did withdraw from several agreements and appointed conservative justices to the Supreme Court and lower courts, which could have long-lasting impacts. Trump's promise to appoint conservative judges was one of the most specific and successful promises he kept. He filled vacancies on the Supreme Court, including those of Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett, creating a solid conservative majority. Additionally, he filled hundreds of lower court positions that had been left vacant during the previous administration. This judicial transformation may have the most profound and enduring legacy of Trump's presidency.

    • Unfulfilled campaign promises on manufacturing and tradeDespite some successes in judicial appointments and deregulation, Trump's promises to revitalize manufacturing and reduce the trade deficit with China have not been fully realized, which could impact voter perception and electoral outcomes in key states.

      President Trump has kept many of his campaign promises, particularly in areas like judicial appointments and deregulation. However, some high-profile promises related to domestic policy and the economy, such as bringing back American manufacturing and reducing the trade deficit with China, have not been fully realized. These unkept promises, particularly in key swing states, could have significant electoral consequences. For instance, Trump's promise to revitalize American manufacturing and protect American workers has not led to the manufacturing comeback he promised, and the US trade deficit with China remains large. These unfulfilled promises may impact voter perception and could potentially sway voters in crucial states.

    • Promises Unfulfilled: Trump's Challenges in Delivering on Key Campaign PromiseDespite eliminating the individual mandate in Obamacare and starting wall construction, Trump failed to deliver on significant healthcare improvements, eliminating the national debt within eight years, and having Mexico pay for the wall.

      President Trump has faced challenges in keeping some of his most prominent campaign promises, particularly in regards to repealing Obamacare, eliminating the national debt, and building a wall between the United States and Mexico with Mexico paying for it. While he was able to eliminate the individual mandate in Obamacare and begin constructing parts of the wall, the overall promises of significantly better and cheaper healthcare, eliminating the national debt within eight years, and having Mexico pay for the wall have not been fulfilled. The national debt has instead continued to grow, reaching a new milestone of over $22 trillion, and the pandemic has further accelerated the red ink. The president's focus on keeping other promises, such as cutting taxes and increasing military spending, has offset his ability to keep the debt promise. The wall, an important symbol of his campaign, remains incomplete and Mexico has not paid for it.

    • Promise to drain the swamp not keptTrump's actions have shown disregard for the constitution, role of Congress, and the law, contrasting his campaign promise to root out corruption in Washington

      The promise to "drain the swamp" in Washington D.C. made during the 2016 campaign by President Trump has not been kept. Instead, there are numerous examples of self-dealing, corruption, and disregard for the rule of law. Trump has filled key positions with individuals who have questionable backgrounds, such as Woody Johnson, who was given a $1,000,000 ambassadorship despite his business ties to the President. Trump has also ignored or purged those who dared to dissent, such as inspector generals and whistleblowers. He has stonewalled congressional investigations, refusing to provide documents and testimony. The President's actions have shown a disregard for the constitution and the role of Congress as a coequal branch of government. Trump's actions have exceeded the boundaries of what is considered acceptable in the post-Watergate era, and he has shown a blatant disregard for the laws and the constitution. This is a stark contrast to the promise to root out corruption and self-dealing in Washington.

    • President Trump's Pandemic Response: Kept and Broken PromisesTrump's early actions saved lives, but his disregard for public health guidelines led to a higher death toll than might have been prevented.

      During the presidency of Donald Trump, the promise to protect Americans from harm, including from a pandemic, was both kept and broken. Trump took early actions like shutting down travel from China and agreeing to lockdowns, which saved lives. However, he also downplayed the severity of the virus, encouraged against mask-wearing, and reversed course on shutdowns, leading to a higher death toll than might have been prevented. Trump's own disregard for public health guidelines resulted in his own infection. The contrast between kept and broken promises regarding the pandemic highlights the importance of a president's commitment to protecting the American people.

    • COVID-19 Pandemic and Election: Over 215,000 US Deaths and Rising InfectionsDespite efforts to protect the country, over 215,000 US deaths from COVID-19 and rising infections in the US and Europe are shaping the 2020 election, with public disapproval of President Trump's handling impacting his presidency and voters' judgement.

      The COVID-19 pandemic and the government's response to it, specifically the number of deaths and infections, is shaping up to be the defining issue of the 2020 US presidential election. With over 215,000 deaths, which is equivalent to the loss of an entire city in the US, the promise to protect the country has not been fully kept according to the speakers. The public's disapproval of President Trump's handling of the pandemic is reflected in polls, and it will likely be a major factor in voters' judgement of his presidency both now and in the future. The pandemic is also causing a resurgence in infections across Europe, leading to new restrictions and lockdowns. The US and Europe are currently averaging over 100,000 new infections a day combined. The second presidential debate was canceled, and instead, the candidates will hold rival town halls tonight.

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