
    “The Democratic National Couch-vention.”

    enAugust 17, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • US Postal Service Crisis Threatens Election MailThe US Postal Service is facing delays and potential disenfranchisement of voters due to lack of funding and management changes, which could impact the outcome of the elections.

      The US Postal Service is facing a crisis due to a lack of funding and management changes implemented by the new postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, which could delay the delivery and return of mail-in ballots during the ongoing pandemic. The post office is in financial trouble and needs congressional aid, but Republicans have refused to provide it. DeJoy has limited overtime for workers and removed mail sorting machines, causing delays and stacking up mail in offices. This could potentially disenfranchise voters and affect the outcome of the upcoming elections. Democrats are taking action by returning early from recess to deal with this crisis, holding hearings, and calling for testimony from DeJoy.

    • Trump's actions and long-term efforts to privatize the post office impacting the electionThe current post office issues, including potential ballot delays, are due to Trump's efforts to undermine mail-in voting, long-term plans to privatize the system, and Congress' requirements for the post office to prefund future healthcare benefits and set its prices.

      The current issues with the post office, including the recent slowdown and potential ballot delays, are not just due to the financial struggles of the organization, but also a result of deliberate actions by the Trump administration and long-term efforts to privatize the system. Trump's disdain for mail-in voting and the Democrats' push for universal mail-in ballots have collided, leading to a toxic brew of voter suppression. The post office's debt is not solely its own making, as Congress' requirements for it to prefund future healthcare benefits and set its prices contribute significantly to the issue. The situation is a complex one, with Trump's short-term attempts to undermine the election, the long-term ideological plan to privatize the post office, and the generational failure to invest in public goods all intertwined. Regardless of the intentions behind these actions, the result is a potential risk of ballots not being counted in the upcoming election.

    • USPS under scrutiny, causing concerns over mail-in voting and essential deliveriesThe USPS, a trusted government institution, is facing scrutiny and delays, raising concerns about mail-in voting reliability and essential deliveries, particularly for vulnerable populations like seniors and veterans.

      The current situation with the US Postal Service (USPS) is causing significant concerns, particularly regarding the potential impact on mail-in voting and the delivery of essential items like medications. The USPS is under scrutiny for its pension and retirement liabilities, which is more intense than during corporate bailouts. This scrutiny is fueling fear and confusion among voters about the reliability of mail-in voting. The situation is hurting people's faith in the mail system, with reports of delays in the delivery of medications and mail for veterans, seniors, and rural Americans. The USPS, a long-standing government institution with a 91% approval rating, is being targeted in the 6 months before the first ever pandemic election. Democrats and some Republicans are raising concerns about the situation and its potential consequences. It's crucial for Democrats to educate constituents about the urgency of the issue and its impact on various communities.

    • House Democrats plan hearing, vote on Postal Service legislationDemocrats are taking action to prevent changes to Postal Service operations and ensure services continue through November, holding a hearing and planning a vote on legislation with restrictions.

      The ongoing controversy surrounding mail delays and potential changes to the Postal Service has led to bipartisan concern and action. House Democrats are making moves to pass legislation that would prevent any changes to the Postal Service's operations that were already in place at the beginning of 2020. They also plan to hold a hearing with Postmaster General Louis DeJoy on August 24th. This vote and DeJoy's testimony may raise public awareness, but it's uncertain if Trump and Republicans will agree to fund the post office. The mail issue affects everyone, and when it touches people who don't pay attention to politics, it gains more political power. Democrats aim to pass a bill with restrictions to ensure services continue through November and into next year, and any delays or cost-cutting measures should be paused in the law. The hearing also provides an opportunity to put DeJoy on record about the mail delays and tell stories of individuals harmed by these issues, particularly in rural areas where Republicans are up for reelection.

    • Historic Democratic National Convention with Kamala Harris as Running MateDespite election uncertainties, make a plan to vote. Harris's impressive resume, personal story, and ability to respond effectively make her an effective running mate for Biden. Politics evolve, and campaigns provide opportunities to address concerns. This pick represents generational change and diverse leadership.

      During these uncertain times regarding the election process, it's crucial for people to make a plan to vote despite any confusion or misinformation spread by Donald Trump. The Democratic National Convention, which began virtually this week, has seen a strong response to Joe Biden's selection of Kamala Harris as his running mate. Harris's impressive resume, personal story, and ability to deliver persuasive, humorous responses to attacks make her an effective choice against Trump. While some may have reservations about her record or policy positions, it's important to remember that politicians are not static and can evolve. Harris and Biden's campaigns will provide opportunities for them to address any concerns. This historic pick represents generational change and a shift towards more diverse leadership in the Democratic Party.

    • Kamala Harris's Effectiveness in Key Moments for Biden CampaignDespite baseless attacks and labeling as too liberal, Kamala Harris's effective communication skills and progressive policies have made her a valuable asset to the Biden campaign, setting her apart from the Trump-Pence administration.

      Kamala Harris has proven herself to be an effective communicator and valuable asset to the Biden campaign, particularly in key moments and made-for-TV events. Her ability to shine in these moments, even without crowds, sets her apart from other candidates and provides a stark contrast to the Trump-Pence administration. Additionally, the Trump campaign's attempts to discredit Harris through baseless conspiracy theories, such as birtherism, have not gained traction and have been largely walked back. Despite continuing efforts to label Harris and Biden as too liberal, the campaign's new ad strategy focuses on more traditional attacks. Harris's progressive policies, such as support for the Green New Deal and Medicare for All, are well-known and have not been successfully used as gotcha moments against her.

    • 2020 DNC: A Virtual and Challenging EventThe 2020 Democratic National Convention will be unique due to the pandemic and virtual format, focusing on logistics and technology, while avoiding divisive rhetoric.

      The 2020 Democratic National Convention will be unlike any other due to the pandemic and the shift to virtual events. While conventions typically serve as a time for parties to celebrate the nomination of their candidates and build a narrative around their campaign, this year's convention may be more focused on logistical challenges and ensuring a smooth virtual experience. The speakers and delegates will be participating from various locations, and the convention will rely heavily on technology to bring everyone together. The birtherism issue, which was a racist attack on former President Obama, serves as a reminder of how the media and politicians can use divisive rhetoric. The hope is that the press has learned from the past and will not give a platform to similar attacks against the Democratic nominees. Overall, the 2020 convention will be a test of the party's ability to adapt to new challenges and effectively communicate their message to the public.

    • DNC 2020: Adapting to a Digital and Remote FormatThe DNC aims to effectively tell Biden's story, contrast him with Trump, and reach swing voters and non-voters through digital organizing, inspiring biographies, compelling arguments, and real-life stories.

      The Democratic National Convention (DNC) of 2020 is a unique event due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to a digital and remote format. While this format may be trickier for securing a "bounce" or surge in support for nominee Joe Biden, the DNC still aims to effectively tell Biden's story and contrast him with President Donald Trump. The convention will include inspiring biographical videos, compelling arguments for Biden's policies, and a sustained assault on Trump's record. Additionally, the DNC will feature real-life stories from people impacted by policies, calls to action for digital organizing, and an emphasis on reaching swing voters and those who may not vote at all. The broadcast hour of the convention, from 10 to 11 PM, is crucial for reaching these audiences. Overall, the DNC will serve as an organizing tool and an opportunity to persuade undecided voters and encourage participation from those who may be cynical about the political process.

    • Democrats: Reassuring Normalcy and Reaching Out, Republicans: Fear Mongering and GrievanceDemocrats aim to appeal to a diverse audience beyond party lines by showcasing a range of voices, while Republicans focus on fear and grievance without a clear program or positive case for a second term.

      The Democratic and Republican conventions this year will aim to appeal to different audiences. For the Democrats, Joe Biden needs to reassure those seeking normalcy while also reaching out to those for whom normalcy was a crisis. The challenge is telling that story effectively. On the Republican side, there seems to be a lack of a clear program or positive case for a second term, with fear mongering and grievance being the focus. Tonight's Democratic lineup includes former Republican governor John Kasich, senator Bernie Sanders, and former first lady Michelle Obama, aiming to reach a broad audience beyond party lines. The goal is to showcase a diverse range of voices, including those of former GOP officials, to appeal to moderate voters and those unable to support Trump. However, the lack of speaking time for notable figures like AOC has sparked controversy. Ultimately, the effectiveness of these strategies remains to be seen.

    • Inviting Kasich shows Democratic outreach to disillusioned RepublicansThe DNC invites Kasich, a pro-life Republican, to speak, signaling an attempt to reach out to disenchanted Republicans and diverse voters, including those who feel disenfranchised, to prevent Trump's re-election.

      The Democratic National Convention's decision to invite John Kasich to speak, despite his conservative views, is seen as a symbol of the unique danger posed by Donald Trump. Progressives have successfully pulled the Democratic party to the left, with Joe Biden's policies shifting to the left as well. The convention aims to reach out to both Democratic voters and disillusioned Republicans. John Kasich, an anti-choice Republican, is urging his followers to vote for the pro-choice Democratic ticket to prevent Trump's re-election. The convention is attempting to appeal to a diverse range of voters, including those who feel disenfranchised and may not have voted before. The inclusion of speakers like Bernie Sanders, AOC, and John Kasich reflects this effort to reach out to various groups. While some may view Kasich's inclusion as a compromise, others see it as a necessary step to appeal to a broader electorate and defeat Trump.

    • Showcasing relatable politicians at DNCThe DNC highlights authentic, relatable politicians, particularly young, progressive, diverse elected officials, to connect with voters through personal stories and righteous anger.

      The Democratic National Convention is making an intentional effort to showcase authentic, relatable politicians, particularly those from the working class, in their 17-person keynote address. This includes young, progressive, diverse elected officials who can connect with voters by sharing their own personal stories of political disenchantment and decision to run for office. While applause lines may not be a factor in a fully remote convention, emotional, personal stories and righteous anger towards the current state of affairs have the potential to resonate with viewers and generate a sense of engagement. The absence of a live audience may even lend a greater seriousness to the speeches.

    • Authentic storytelling builds connection in political speechesEffective political speeches rely on genuine storytelling to connect with audiences, requiring bravery and understanding of emotions and experiences.

      Effective applause lines in political speeches are not just about writing something funny or catchy, but rather about building a connection with the audience through authentic storytelling. An example of this is Barack Obama's 2004 convention speech, where he didn't receive applause until he had finished sharing his personal story. This approach requires bravery and a deeper understanding of the audience's emotions and experiences. Additionally, the current virtual convention format necessitates a greater appreciation for the gravity of the moment and the challenges facing society. By focusing on the substance of the speeches and the connection between the speakers and the audience, the logistics of the convention can be put aside. Whether attending in person or virtually, the experience of the convention can still be meaningful and memorable.

    • Gaining access to the Black Eyed Peas road crew through impersonationAttorney Mark Elias is concerned about potential election issues, particularly poll consolidation and closing, and is working to ensure adequate in-person voting opportunities and prevent mail-in ballot issues through a legal strategy focusing on the '4 pillars'

      During a concert event, the speaker and their friend managed to gain access to the road crew for the Black Eyed Peas by impersonating being with them. Meanwhile, in current news, attorney Mark Elias, the leader of the Democracy Docket, expressed his concerns about potential election issues this fall. He is most worried about poll consolidation and closing, which could lead to long lines and confusion. Mark and his team have been litigating to ensure adequate in-person voting opportunities and to prevent mail-in ballot issues. Their legal strategy focuses on the "4 pillars" to safeguard vote by mail: eliminating postage requirements, ensuring all ballots postmarked by Election Day are counted, and applying signature matching laws fairly.

    • Upholding Four Pillars of Voting RightsDemocracy Docket is fighting for mail-in ballots to be counted, third-party collection, prepaid postage, and no-excuse mail-in voting. They've won lawsuits in PA, MN, and MT, and encourage early in-person voting or mailing ballots early.

      The organization, Democracy Docket, is actively working to uphold four key pillars of voting rights: ensuring all mail-in ballots are counted, providing postage for mail-in ballots, allowing third-party groups to collect and deliver sealed ballots, and allowing no-excuse mail-in voting. They have recently won several lawsuits in states like Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Montana, securing postmarked-by deadlines, third-party ballot collection, and prepaid postage, respectively. People can also take actions to vote without relying on the US Postal Service, such as taking advantage of early in-person voting or mailing their ballots well before the deadline. The organization is also bringing cases to help mitigate potential issues with the postal service.

    • Voters have alternatives to mail-in voting during electionsExplore early in-person voting and drop boxes as alternatives to mail-in voting. Check state rules for availability and consider supporting organizations fighting for expanded voting rights.

      During the upcoming election, voters have several options to cast their ballots beyond traditional mail-in voting. Early in-person voting and drop boxes are two such alternatives that don't rely on the postal service. Some states even allow community organizations to collect and hand-deliver ballots. However, not all states offer these options, so it's crucial to check your state's specific rules. Mark Elias, the lead counsel for the Democracy Docket, highlighted North Carolina and Michigan as competitive swing states with restrictive vote-by-mail rules and limited in-person voting options, respectively. Elias and his team are actively litigating these issues in several states. To support their efforts, individuals can visit democracydocket.com, sign up for updates, and donate to the Democracy Docket Action Fund. Additionally, contacting your member of Congress to advocate for the postal service could make a significant impact.

    • The Power of Teamwork in PodcastingThe Crooked Media team's dedication and collaboration result in consistent, valuable content for their audience through frequent releases and various formats.

      Key takeaway from this episode of Pod Save America is the commitment and collaboration of the Crooked Media team. The hosts, Mark, and the entire team, including Michael Martinez (executive producer), Jordan Waller (associate producer), Andrew Chadwick (mixer and editor), Kyle Seglen (sound engineer), Tanya Somenator, Katie Long, Roman Papa Dimitriou, Caroline Rustin, Alisa Gutierrez (production support), Elijah Cohn, Narmel Konian, Yael Fried, and Milo Kim (digital team), work together to produce and distribute the podcast every week. This includes filming and uploading episodes as videos. The team's dedication is evident in their frequent releases throughout the week, including group threads, free podcasts, and pre-shows. Pod Save America is a testament to the power of teamwork and the impact it can have on consistently delivering valuable content to their audience.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Daniel Squadron

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

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    Host: Mila Atmos 

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    Find more work from the Africa Programme


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    Speakers: Christopher Fomunyoh, Elizabeth Donnelly, Ahmed Soliman, Christopher Vandome 

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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Lala Wu

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis