
    Podcast Summary

    • The world's population growth is not explosive but rather, it's declining due to a deferral of parenthood.Despite the common belief of an explosive population growth, the world's birth rate is declining due to people delaying parenthood, leading to a potential population max out and ageing population.

      Contrary to popular belief, the world's population growth is not explosive but rather, it's declining due to a deferral of parenthood. This trend is evident in many countries including the UK, Italy, Germany, and Japan, where birth rates have significantly dropped. The reason for this shift is not that people are choosing to be childless but rather, they are delaying having children. Data scientist and demographer Stephen Jay Shore, the creator of the documentary "Birth Gap," explains that this trend is crucial for societies to acknowledge as the world's population will eventually max out and age, leading to a decline in the number of babies being born. The common narrative of a population bomb is a misconception, and the real issue is the shrinking birth rate.

    • Misconceptions about population growthDespite the common belief of population growth as a threat, the world is experiencing population decline, with significant consequences for workforces and aging populations. It's crucial to acknowledge and prepare for these changes in our own communities and countries.

      Contrary to the common belief of population growth being a threat, the world is actually experiencing population decline. This trend, which has been ongoing for some time, is not being adequately addressed or acknowledged in education systems or corporations. The speaker, who has dedicated a documentary to this topic, argues that this misinformation may be institutionalized and even bordering on brainwashing. The consequences of population decline are significant and will impact both young and old, with workforces shrinking and an aging population in need of care. Countries like the UK, Italy, Germany, and Japan are already experiencing significant drops in birth rates. It's essential to prepare for these changes, regardless of whether one views population decline as a good or bad thing. The speaker emphasizes that we need to focus on what's happening in our own communities and countries rather than the total population of the planet.

    • Demographic Shift Towards an Aging PopulationThe global population is aging, leading to increased taxes for healthcare and social security, and potentially unsustainable pension systems due to declining birth rates and increasing childlessness, particularly in industrialized countries.

      The world's population demographics are undergoing a significant shift towards an aging population and a shrinking workforce, which will lead to increased taxes for healthcare and social security, and potentially unsustainable pension systems. This trend, driven by declining birth rates in many countries, is a global phenomenon that started in the 1970s and is expected to last throughout this century. The reasons behind this demographic shift are complex and multifaceted, but one theory is that the decline in birth rates is linked to increasing childlessness, particularly in industrialized countries. This realization came to the speaker during a trip to Tokyo, where he noticed that many people had multiple siblings. The speaker supports individuals who choose not to have children. This demographic shift will bring about significant challenges and changes, making it a long, slow, and potentially painful transition for many societies.

    • Economic shocks causing delays in starting familiesEconomic instability leads to delays in starting families, contributing to the trend of unplanned childlessness in countries like Japan and Italy.

      The trend of unplanned childlessness, particularly in countries with high rates like Japan and Italy, is not due to people not wanting families, but rather economic factors that cause delays in starting families. This was first observed in the late 1960s and 1970s, with economic shocks such as the oil crisis leading to increased costs and uncertainty, causing people to defer parenthood. This pattern has continued with subsequent economic shocks, such as the mortgage crisis of 2007-2008, leading to further delays and making it difficult for women to have the children they desire. The historical context shows that economic disruptions have had a significant impact on family planning, leading to waves of delayed childbearing.

    • Women's Fertility MisconceptionsSociety needs to inform women about the realities of having children later in life, as the rapid decline in fertility and egg quality can lead to regret and internal anguish.

      Women are not being accurately informed about their fertility and the realities of having children later in life. Historically, during times of crisis, women were still young enough to have families after delaying childbirth. However, today's societal norms of pursuing education, careers, and delaying childbirth until later in life are not taking into account the rapid decline in women's fertility and egg quality as they age. This lack of awareness can lead to internal anguish and regret for those who are unable to have children. Society, including men, needs to be more informed about these realities to prevent unnecessary heartache and ensure individuals can make informed decisions about their futures. The education system also needs to address this gap in knowledge. The documentary mentioned in the discussion provides insights into these issues and the emotional impact on women who have not been able to have children.

    • The need for flexible educational and career pathwaysTraditional income models no longer support families, requiring more flexible education and career options for individuals to balance work and family life, address societal expectations, and accommodate changing gender roles

      The traditional model of one income supporting a family is no longer economically viable for many people due to increasing living costs and societal expectations. This creates a challenge for individuals who wish to balance work and family life. To address this issue, there is a need for more flexible educational and career pathways, allowing people to pursue education and start their careers later in life. Additionally, the societal pressure for women to partner with men of similar or higher educational and earning levels, known as hypergamy, exacerbates this problem as more women pursue higher education. This trend, coupled with the higher dropout rates among men in colleges, necessitates a reevaluation of societal expectations and a shift towards more flexible educational and career structures.

    • Challenges for Women Balancing Career and Family in Demanding FieldsSocietal pressures and biological realities create challenges for women in demanding careers who wish to start families, particularly in their 30s. We need to have open conversations and make societies more flexible to better support those who choose to start families later in life.

      Societal pressures and biological realities create challenges for women who wish to balance their careers with starting a family. These challenges are particularly pronounced for women in demanding fields like medicine, who may find themselves in their 30s and just starting their careers, wondering if they have missed their chance to have children. This issue is complex and sensitive, and it's important to acknowledge that no one wants to dictate how others should live their lives. However, it's also crucial to recognize that current societal structures may not be providing the highest amount of fulfillment, meaning, purpose, and happiness for people. A young medical student's decision to take a year off to have a child, despite the challenges, serves as an inspiring example of making it work. To address this issue, we need to start having more open conversations and make societies more flexible to better support those who choose to start families later in life. The recent controversy surrounding a documentary on this topic at Cambridge University highlights the need for careful and respectful dialogue on this complex issue.

    • Protests halt documentary on UN gender dataProtesters halted a documentary at Cambridge University, accusing it of being anti-feminist and racist without engaging with the content. The producer plans to screen it again and hopes for dialogue.

      The cancellation of a documentary at Cambridge University, which focused on UN data regarding gender and fertility rates, was met with protests and accusations of being anti-feminist, misogynistic, racist, and even fascist, without any substantial reasoning or engagement with the content. The protesters, who were primarily concerned with trans-related issues, refused to engage in dialogue or watch the full documentary. The documentary's producer, a data scientist, saw this as an attempt to silence not just his work, but UN data and the voices of women. Despite the challenges, he plans to screen the documentary again and hopes to engage with the protesters in dialogue. Additionally, there are concerns about declining fertility rates, and while the impact on this issue is not yet clear, it may be part of the data in the future.

    • People have become more risk-averse due to societal narratives about overpopulation and the future of the planetThe trend of declining birth rates is influenced by cultural and psychological factors, including societal narratives about overpopulation and the future of the planet, which have made people more risk-averse and less likely to have children.

      The trend of declining birth rates cannot be attributed to recent economic shocks or modern explanations alone. This phenomenon has been ongoing since the late 60s and 70s, and to fully understand it, we need to consider cultural and psychological factors as well. One theory is that people have become more risk-averse due to societal narratives around overpopulation and the future of the planet. This belief, which is increasingly prevalent among younger generations, could further contribute to the trend of low birth rates. However, it's important to note that once a woman becomes a mother, her family structure typically remains the same, and the number of children she has is largely determined by her experience of motherhood. The issue, therefore, is not that families are getting smaller but rather that more people are choosing not to have children at all. While economic factors and climate concerns are valid considerations, a more comprehensive understanding of this complex issue requires examining the cultural and psychological dimensions as well.

    • Cultural shift towards delayed parenthoodPeople are delaying having children due to societal norms and economic reasons, leading to a decrease in birth rates. The lack of a partner is the biggest reason for not becoming a parent.

      The transition from having children young to not having children young has become a locked-in cultural phenomenon across various societies. This shift is influenced by societal norms and economic reasons, leading to a significant decrease in birth rates. The belief that one should focus on their career before starting a family is a common rationale. This phenomenon, known as "mimetically taking on behaviors from others," is observable in different cultures, including Japan, Europe, the US, Brazil, Russia, and Ukraine. In every country except Israel, women turning 30 without a child only have a 50-50 chance of ever becoming a mother. The biggest reason people aren't becoming parents is not primarily due to fertility issues but rather the lack of a partner at the right time. The pill may have contributed to population decline, but its impact is less significant in explaining the cultural shift towards delayed parenthood.

    • Women's Reproductive Choices in JapanDespite limited access to birth control, Japanese women have historically controlled their fertility. However, societal pressure to delay parenthood and lack of education about fertility cycles and technology limitations may hinder starting families earlier.

      Women, especially in Japan, have had more control over their reproductive choices than commonly believed, even without the pill. However, there's a lack of education about fertility cycles and the limitations of technologies like egg freezing. The societal trend of delaying parenthood until later in life, often with the help of these technologies, may not be a sustainable solution. Therefore, it's essential for individuals to prioritize starting a family if they wish to do so, as fertility declines with age. Societally, this raises questions about the implications of an aging population and the need for better education and support for those who choose to start families earlier.

    • The aging population's economic, social, and political implicationsThe global aging population trend leads to economic stagnation, decreased innovation, and financial strain on younger generations, with Japan and Europe already experiencing these issues.

      The aging population is a global issue with significant economic, social, and political implications. This issue is particularly pressing in Japan, where the number of elderly people requiring care homes exceeds the available spaces, leading to long wait times and potential loneliness. This trend is not unique to Japan and is already affecting Europe, including the UK. An aging population can lead to economic stagnation, decreased innovation, and decaying communities. Additionally, the burden of caring for the elderly will fall on younger generations, leading to increased taxes and potential financial strain. The implications of this issue are far-reaching and require urgent attention and action from governments and societies around the world.

    • Addressing Social Isolation Among Childless Older AdultsGovernments of Israel and Hungary have implemented policies to encourage larger families, potentially reducing social isolation among older adults

      Loneliness is a significant issue for people who don't have partners or children when they desired them. This issue is particularly prevalent among older adults, especially older women, who often face social isolation. The situation is so severe that some communities are almost entirely populated by older people. The causes of childlessness are complex and vary from extreme poverty to societal norms. However, as living standards improve and opportunities for education expand, smaller family sizes become more common. Two countries, Israel and Hungary, have implemented policies aimed at encouraging larger families. In Israel, despite a high rate of childlessness, the most common family size is three children. The government does not force anyone to have more children than they want, but there might be incentives for larger families. Hungary, on the other hand, offers loans to young couples to buy houses, with the loan amount increasing based on the number of children committed to having. This policy aims to alleviate economic vulnerability and encourage larger families. While it's too early to definitively say that these policies are causal, they are worth exploring as potential solutions to the issue of social isolation and childlessness.

    • Complex reasons behind family size shiftsSocietal factors and cultural norms significantly impact family size decisions, with Russia's success not easily replicable due to unique circumstances.

      While some countries like Russia have seen success in encouraging larger family sizes through policy changes, the reasons behind these shifts are complex and not easily replicable. For instance, Russia's increase in family size was more about a decrease in one-child families rather than an overall increase in birth rates. Additionally, societal factors, such as cultural norms and work-life balance, play a significant role in people's decisions to have children. The term "birth strike," which implies a deliberate refusal to have children, may not fully capture the reality of the situation in countries like South Korea and Spain, where people are starting families much later and having fewer children due to societal pressures and cultural issues. Furthermore, the use of terms like "child-free" in the media can be damaging to children, as it may imply that they are a burden rather than a source of joy and love.

    • Considering Parenthood Early: Fertility Challenges and Unplanned ChildlessnessStart considering parenthood in your twenties to address fertility challenges and avoid unplanned childlessness. Men and women are affected, and policymakers should educate young people about the issue.

      The discussion touched on the importance of planning for parenthood at a young age due to fertility challenges. The speaker emphasized that individuals should start considering having children as early as their twenties, as waiting too long may result in unplanned childlessness. This issue affects both men and women, with men facing competition from younger versions of themselves in the dating market. The speaker also suggested that policymakers should address this issue by educating young people about fertility challenges and the potential consequences of delaying parenthood. The documentary "The Birthcap," which explores this topic, is available on birthcap.org and YouTube. The speaker also encouraged listeners to consider joining the exclusive member feed for extended interviews.

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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Growing Threat of Radical Islam

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Growing Threat of Radical Islam
    APPLY to Ralston College’s Summer Latin Program at http://ralston.ac/latin-program Worldwide applications close on 31 May. Watch the Munk Debate - Douglas Murray vs Mehdi Hassan: Is Anti-Zionism Antisemitism? Live June 17th. Join today to live stream. Click here: https://bit.ly/munk_debate Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali-born human rights activist, writer and former politician. To escape an arranged marriage, she sought political asylum in the Netherlands at the age of 23. In her early 30s, she renounced the Islamic faith of her childhood and began identifying as an atheist, becoming an outspoken critic of Islam in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks. In late 2023, Ayaan shocked many by announcing her conversion to Christianity. She has recently launched a new platform, Restoration, which aims to unite and equip those who want to restore the confidence and institutions of the West. Find out more on the Restoration Substack: https://www.restorationbulletin.com/ SPONSOR: Express VPN. Go to https://www.expressvpn.com/trigger/ and get an extra 3 months free on a one-year package! Join our Premium Membership for early access, extended and ad-free content: https://triggernometry.supercast.com OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube: @xentricapc  Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/#mailinglist Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media:  https://twitter.com/triggerpod https:/ /www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry:  Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    enMay 26, 2024

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    Be Well Be Safe and Be Blessed. 
    Amir Aahlee

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    Visit Leith States on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leith-states/

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    Alyx Coble-Frakes is a passionate social entrepreneur. She has 10 years of experience in business and 8 years of experience working in health and wellness. When she returned from the Peace Corps in 2015, she felt out of touch with her own health, so she began a path of healing. This led her to launch a health coaching company, and subsequently The Agenda. She has recently authored a book called “Manstruation” which is opening up conversations around periods with men.


    Gift to listeners: https://theagenda.tapfiliate.com/


    Follow Alyx on:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/theagendaperiod/ 

    Threads: @theagendaperiod 

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    Follow me on:

    Instagram: @holisticfertilitydoctor

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