
    The Extended Bravey Universe of Alexi Pappas: Reinvention, Joy & Glitter

    enNovember 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating personal growth with privacy and confidenceTransitioning from athletics to arts, Alexei Pappas learned the importance of privacy for reflection and self-discovery, while also embracing confidence to pursue new creative paths, unencumbered by external pressures.

      Navigating personal growth and evolution, especially in the public eye, requires confidence, quick decision-making, and the ability to balance privacy and transparency. Alexei Pappas, a former Olympic athlete and multifaceted artist, shares her insights on this topic. During our conversation, she reflected on her own journey of transitioning from a professional athlete to a filmmaker, author, and poet. At the time of our first meeting, she was recovering from a hamstring reconstruction surgery and was hesitant to share her injury publicly due to the potential implications for her athletic career and sponsors. However, she emphasized the importance of privacy as a tool for reflection and self-discovery. Now, with a looser relationship to running, she approaches her creative pursuits with a newfound freedom and doesn't let external factors dictate her story. The experiences of her athletic and creative careers have shaped her perspective on the value of privacy and the power of confidence in navigating personal growth.

    • Shifting from defense to offenseEmbrace new opportunities, create change, and take control of your narrative for personal growth.

      Playing defense in life, whether as an athlete or in any other field, can limit personal growth. A shift towards playing offense, creating opportunities for change, and taking control of one's narrative can lead to new possibilities. This was a valuable lesson shared by filmmaker Richard Linklater, who transitioned from baseball to the arts after saving money and making a deliberate move. The challenge lies in breaking free from the repetitive mirror image others may have of us and committing to new directions with intentionality. While having a mentor or coach can be helpful, ultimately, we have the power to make changes in our lives.

    • The process of change is gradual and requires patienceEmbrace the slow process of growth, ask open-ended questions, and learn from experiences to facilitate effective change

      Change, whether personal or professional, happens gradually and requires patience. The speaker suggests that people often misunderstand the process of transformation and expect it to happen quickly, leading to disappointment or ineffective change. Instead, one should embrace the slow process of growth and ask open-ended questions without immediately seeking answers. An exercise mentioned by Deepak Chopra involves repeatedly asking a question without trying to find an answer, allowing the mind to explore abstract ideas and eventually discovering one's purpose or next step. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of learning from experiences, such as athletics, where progress is made through consistent effort and iteration, eventually leading to significant change.

    • Balancing goals and new opportunitiesStay committed to goals while being open to new opportunities for growth and collaboration

      In order to evolve and succeed in a creative career, it's essential to balance having clear goals with being open to new opportunities. As an athlete, there are clear steps to achieve tangible results, but in a creative path, the outcomes and opportunities are less predictable. It's important to pay attention to both the chalkboard of set goals and the blank chalkboard of potential opportunities. A shift in mindset can help embrace both, allowing for growth and collaboration in unexpected ways. This was a valuable lesson shared by the speaker, who, during recovery from an injury, found joy in roller skating and inviting new people to join. Initially confused about this new direction, they sought advice from a mentor and realized that this was not a midlife crisis or escapism, but an opportunity to enjoy life and connect with others. This experience reinforced the importance of being open to new experiences while staying committed to personal goals.

    • Focus on decisions that expand happiness and well-beingConsider the impact of decisions on happiness and well-being, trust intuition, and don't wait for a clear purpose to act.

      Living a fulfilling life isn't always about pushing yourself to be productive or making decisions based on what's good or bad for you. Instead, it's important to consider whether the decisions you make expand or contract your sense of happiness and well-being. By focusing on this, you can make decisions that align with your authentic self and lead to greater purpose and meaning in your life. This approach also allows you to trust your intuition and make decisions without obsessing over why, even if those decisions initially bring discomfort. Remember, the purpose often reveals itself in the actions you take, so don't wait for a lightning bolt of purpose before making decisions. Instead, trust your body's signals and choose to pay attention to the information they provide. This can lead to a deeper connection with your authentic self and help you take advantage of opportunities as they arise.

    • The power of staying open to new experiencesClear goals are important, but staying open to new opportunities can lead to unexpected progress towards dreams. Curiosity, trying hard, and staying true to oneself can lead to great things.

      Having clear goals is important, but it's equally essential to remain open to new experiences and opportunities that may lead us to unexpected places, potentially accelerating our progress towards our dreams. This was highlighted in the conversation about the importance of apparel as technology and the innovative work being done by On, as well as the evolution of Katie Dalebout's Bravey universe and her commitment to helping others find their path. The power of curiosity, trying hard, and staying true to oneself can lead to great things, and it's essential to allow ourselves to exist and thrive in the world.

    • Redefining retirement in runningElite athletes can transition from competitive careers to community-focused roles, embracing the joy and camaraderie of the sport. Running's ability to evolve with us allows us to continue engaging with it in new ways, even when we're not at the front of the pack.

      Running, and sports in general, can evolve with us throughout our lives. Elite athletes, like long-distance runner Dibaba, have shown that it's possible to transition from a competitive career to a more community-focused role, demonstrating the joy and camaraderie of the sport. This shift can be freeing and aspirational, as it allows individuals to redefine their relationship with their sport and continue engaging with it in new ways, even when they're no longer at the front of the pack. Dibaba's decision to keep running and even participate in races despite not being in peak shape shows the power of embracing the unknown and redefining retirement. Additionally, her use of glitter to signal her intent and showcase her unique running experience highlights the importance of expressing oneself and adding a personal touch to the journey.

    • The New York City marathon became a platform for self-expression and connectionThe New York City marathon transformed into a unique experience for a runner, allowing her to express herself, connect with others, and embrace her athletic capabilities in a new and meaningful way, leading to the creation of a glitter product for runners and inspiring a new generation.

      The New York City marathon became more than just a race for this runner. It was a platform for her to express herself, connect with others, and embrace her athletic capabilities in a unique way. The excitement of the open road and the energy of the crowd inspired her to dance through the marathon, creating a genuine and disarming connection with the spectators. This experience was a turning point for her, helping her find a new way to inhabit the world of running and leave a meaningful impact. It also led to the creation of a glitter product for runners, inspiring a new generation to express themselves during races. The marathon became a stage for her to showcase her athleticism and connect with others in a way that went beyond the traditional performance aspect of athletic events.

    • The impact of mentors and community on personal and professional growthTrust instincts, make quick decisions but also pause and reflect, learn to say no to distractions, and find balance between action and reflection for success

      Having the support of mentors and community can significantly impact one's personal and professional growth. Shalane Flanagan, a mentor to the speaker, has helped her stay focused on her goals and make decisions that align with her true north star. During challenging times, it's essential to trust one's instincts and make decisions quickly, but also to pause and reflect when necessary. The speaker also emphasized the importance of learning to say no to distractions and protecting one's yeses. In the context of endurance racing, making quick decisions is crucial, but knowing when to pause and reflect is equally important. Ultimately, finding the right balance between action and reflection is key to achieving success.

    • Running an ultra marathon: A test of emotional maturity and resilienceEmbrace challenges, rely on inner resources, and enjoy the journey rather than just the destination. The supportive ultra running community helps make the experience worthwhile.

      Running a ultra marathon, like Leadville's 100-mile race at high altitude, is an unique experience that requires emotional maturity, years of experience, and a strong will to finish. The runner in this discussion, despite lacking proper training and being under-prepared, chose to participate and relied on her recovery and resilience to complete the race. The journey provided a sense of belonging and relaxation in nature, which is hard to find in daily life. Additionally, the ultra running community is known for its supportive and collaborative atmosphere, where competitors help each other out instead of focusing on competition. The runner's experience highlights the importance of embracing challenges, relying on inner resources, and enjoying the journey rather than just the destination.

    • Listening to your body in ultra runningUltra running demands a different mindset: respond to body's needs, adjust pace, prioritize goals, and work with Paralympians for a rewarding experience.

      Ultra running requires a different mindset compared to traditional track running. Instead of ignoring pain and pushing through, ultra runners must listen to their bodies and respond to their needs in the moment. This approach may involve running up hills and walking down them, or adjusting pace based on energy levels. Ultra running also challenges runners to make decisions about prioritizing their athletic pursuits versus creative aspirations, as both require significant time and energy investments. Another unique aspect of ultra running is the opportunity to work with Paralympians as guides, providing a technical and rewarding experience for both parties. Overall, ultra running offers a unique and fulfilling experience that requires a deep connection to one's body and a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances.

    • Guiding a visually impaired athlete: A significant responsibilityEffectively guiding a visually impaired athlete requires building trust, effective communication, and learning to be helpful rather than limiting.

      Guiding an athlete, especially a visually impaired one, is a significant responsibility that can either help or limit their performance. It requires learning to be helpful rather than limiting and building trust and effective communication. Para athletes are competitive and multifaceted individuals, and the experience of guiding them can be both challenging and rewarding. The guide becomes an essential part of the athlete's team, filtering the world and providing encouragement. This role can lead to opportunities like guiding in the Paralympics or continuing to help others. Guiding Diplo at the LA marathon was an eye-opening experience, showcasing the athlete's positivity and resilience despite limited marathon experience. The experience highlighted the importance of understanding and trusting the athlete's abilities and learning from them.

    • Understanding and respecting unique needs in teamwork during endurance eventsEffective teamwork during endurance events requires respecting each participant's unique needs and preferences, leading to a positive atmosphere and potential lasting connections.

      Effective teamwork and support during endurance events, like a marathon, involves understanding and respecting each participant's unique needs and preferences. This can include providing nourishment in a way that is comfortable for them, rather than forcing it on them in a way that might not work. This approach fosters a positive and encouraging atmosphere, which can help teammates reach their goals and maintain their mental focus. Additionally, shared experiences during these events can lead to lasting connections and even the creation of events named in their honor. In the case of Alexi Pappas, her teamwork and determination during a marathon led to her becoming a respected runner and eventually having races named after her. Her recent directorial debut with RZA further showcases her versatility and continued success in different creative fields.

    • Exploring the creative process and balancing fitnessCreative pursuits involve unique challenges and timelines, requiring perseverance and collaboration. Focusing on one area of expertise and building a strong team can lead to success.

      Creativity is a process with its own unique timeline and challenges. The speaker shares how they've experienced this in their own work, from putting ideas on hold to eventually bringing them to life, much like a wildflower. Their current goal is to navigate the television industry, and they're grateful for the collaborators and opportunities that came from their athletic career. They've also learned the importance of focusing on one area of expertise and building a strong team. The speaker also discussed the tension between their creative work and physical fitness, expressing the challenge of balancing both over the long term. This conversation highlights the journey and growth that comes with creative pursuits, as well as the importance of perseverance and collaboration.

    • Effective time management and prioritization in a fast-paced environmentScheduling activities with others increases accountability, waking up early reduces stress, and accepting mistakes leads to less anxiety and better goal achievement

      Effective time management and prioritization are crucial for achieving goals and reducing stress, especially in a fast-paced environment like Los Angeles. Alexi Horowitz-Burdick, a writer and former Olympian, emphasizes the importance of scheduling activities, such as writing and running, with others to increase accountability. She also shares how waking up early can help reduce stress and create more time in the day. Furthermore, being less perfectionistic and learning to accept that mistakes are a natural part of life can lead to less anxiety and a more balanced approach to achieving goals. Alexi's insights offer valuable lessons for anyone looking to optimize their time and prioritize their goals while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

    • Monitoring physical signs for nervous system depletionRecognizing and addressing physical symptoms like canker sores or eye twitches can help prevent or manage depression.

      Recognizing and addressing physical signs of nervous system depletion can help prevent or manage depression. The speaker, a public figure known for her openness about mental health issues, shares how she learned to monitor her body for signs of depletion, such as canker sores or eye twitches. She also discusses her current intensive therapy, which focuses on helping her access and understand her anger, a feeling she had suppressed in the past. By delving deeper into her emotions and aligning them with her intellect, she aims to make healthier decisions and improve her overall mental well-being.

    • Connecting with suppressed emotions through drawingDrawing emotions with non-dominant hand can help access and process repressed feelings, reducing anxiety and promoting self-understanding

      Our emotional experiences and abilities can be influenced by past traumas and coping mechanisms. The speaker shares how they were diagnosed with PTSD and have difficulty feeling pain or strong emotions. They discovered a simple yet effective exercise to help them connect with their emotions by drawing them with their non-dominant hand. This act of drawing opened up emotional pathways and allowed them to feel and process previously suppressed emotions, leading to growth and self-understanding. However, this process was uncomfortable as it brought up past experiences and feelings that were hard to confront. The speaker is on a journey to accept themselves and work through their mental health challenges, including understanding the complex relationship between anger and sadness. Therapy and self-reflection are essential tools in this process. The exercise of drawing emotions with the opposite hand is a powerful way to access and process feelings, helping to reduce the impact of anxiety and repressed emotions on daily life.

    • Acknowledging unloving behaviors and seeking changeEmbracing discomfort and acknowledging past realities are essential steps towards personal growth and realizing one's true potential.

      Holding onto unhealthy relationships or patterns, even if they bring temporary comfort, can prevent personal growth and hinder the realization of one's true potential. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging unloving behaviors and seeking change, even if it means experiencing heartbreak. In the realm of athletics, the speaker reflects on how emotional maturity and self-awareness can significantly enhance performance. By understanding competitors' strengths and weaknesses and playing mind games, athletes can outmaneuver opponents and thrive in ultra-running, where the focus is less on time and more on mental fortitude. Ultimately, the journey towards growth and self-discovery requires embracing discomfort and acknowledging past realities, even if they were not what they seemed.

    • Approaching goals with curiosity instead of needCuriosity fuels a more fulfilling and resilient goal pursuit experience. It allows us to enjoy the process and handle obstacles effectively, while maintaining a sense of humor and not letting financial needs dictate decisions. Having multiple sources of income or stability can also help reduce pressure and risk.

      Approaching goals with curiosity rather than need leads to a more fulfilling and resilient experience. This mindset allows individuals to enjoy the process and handle obstacles more effectively, as opposed to being driven by fear and the need to meet basic requirements. The example of running and acting was used to illustrate this concept, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a sense of humor and not letting financial needs dictate decision-making. Additionally, having multiple sources of income or stability can help reduce the pressure and risk associated with pursuing goals. By focusing on the infinite possibilities and potential outcomes, rather than just the known results, individuals can make braver and more well-rounded decisions.

    • Exploring the Impact of Mentors on Personal GrowthEmbracing the unknown and having financial stability allow for personal growth, while mentorship from various sources can significantly impact one's life.

      Embracing the unknown in a positive way can lead to infinite opportunities and personal growth, but it requires financial stability and the ability to untether dreams and ambitions from financial needs. Mentorship is another crucial aspect of personal development, and having various mentors, whether real or imagined, can significantly impact one's life. The "Mentor Buffet" podcast aims to explore this concept by talking to influential people about the people who have shaped their thinking and decisions. The podcast is not just about famous figures but also the unsung heroes who have left an indelible impact on their lives. The "Brave for Young People" adaptation of the book is designed to provide young readers with simplified yet valuable advice from the original work.

    • Maya's experiences shaped her writing and representation of female athletesEmbrace 'glop' moments, use them for growth, and encourage young girls to pursue sports as a viable life path

      The experiences of growing up with dyslexia and the lack of representation of adult female athletes influenced Maya's decision to write "Bravia" and showcase more female athletes. Maya believes that seeing more adult female athletes will make it seem less like a polarizing decision for young girls, encouraging them to pursue sports and view it as a possible life path in conjunction with their dreams. Another key idea from the conversation is the concept of "glop," which represents the idea that during times of change, we may feel reduced to our lowest state, but this is a necessary step towards growth and becoming something new. Maya encourages readers to embrace their "glop" moments, be active in them, and use them as motivation to move forward and transform into a better version of themselves.

    • Supporting the PodcastListen, subscribe, leave reviews, purchase merchandise, sign up for newsletter, and share with friends to support the podcast and its team.

      The importance of supporting the podcast and its sponsors. Listening and subscribing on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube, and leaving reviews or comments, are simple yet effective ways to show appreciation for the content. Additionally, purchasing merchandise, books, and meal plans from the episode page at richroll.com, and signing up for the newsletter, are other ways to support the show. The podcast is produced and engineered by a team, and the support from listeners is crucial to its continued success. Furthermore, sharing the show with friends or on social media is a great way to spread the word and reach a larger audience. Lastly, the podcast's theme music was created by Tyler Pyatt, Trapper Pyatt, and Harry Mathis. Thank you for your love and support.

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    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food
    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

    Orlando Bloom on The Spirituality of Extremes: Chasing Fear, Embracing Risk & Navigating Fame

    Orlando Bloom on The Spirituality of Extremes: Chasing Fear, Embracing Risk & Navigating Fame
    This week, I am joined by Orlando Bloom, renowned actor and spiritual seeker, to discuss the intersection of extreme sports, personal growth, and the art of balance. Orlando shares his profound experiences with wingsuiting, free diving, and rock climbing, revealing the delicate tension between discipline and surrender. He offers candid insights into his upbringing, his mother’s influence, Buddhism’s transformative power, and navigating the complexities of fame. The conversation explores the nuances of preparation, trust, and letting go, drawing parallels between these high-stakes pursuits and life’s journey. Orlando’s vulnerability shines through as he discusses the evolution of his relationship dynamics and his commitment to making a positive impact through his work with UNICEF. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: LMNT: Science-backed electrolytes with everything you need and nothing you don’t. Get a FREE Sample Pack with any drink mix purchase 👉drinkLMNT.com/RICHROLL On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  Bon Charge: Wellness products designed to help you sleep better, recover faster, and boost your overall well-being. Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF  👉 boncharge.com  Birch: For 20% off ALL organic mattresses and 2 free eco-rest pillows visit 👉BirchLiving.com/richroll Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine, along with 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉livemomentous.com/richroll  SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF mindfulness resources 👉Squarespace.com/RichRoll Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 13, 2024

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    #90 George Couros: An Innovative Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Consultant Inspiring Children to Create Something New and Better With the Innovator’s Mindset

    #90 George Couros: An Innovative Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Consultant Inspiring Children to Create Something New and Better With the Innovator’s Mindset

    George Couros is an Innovative Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Consultant and speaker and the author of “The Innovator’s Mindset” and “Innovate Inside the Box”. In 2013, George gave a TEDx talk about Innovative Teaching and Learning.

    George has worked at all school levels, from K-12 as a teacher, technology facilitator, and school and district administrator, and is currently an Adjunct Instructor with the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. 

    George believes in creating a collaborative environment with all stakeholders to help meet the best needs of all children. George is a father of two children and is driven to ensure all students have an amazing experience in their K-12 schooling. 

    By being curious, collaborative, and open to new learning, George thinks we can truly inspire our students to not only be prepared for the real world but ensure that they make the world better than it is now. 


    In this podcast episode, George talks about what inspired him to become a teaching, learning, and leadership consultant which lead to the outcome of a best-selling author. George then gives a better understanding of what an innovator’s mindset is and isn’t. He then provides one characteristic of an innovator’s mindset and shares an example of an innovative hero. 

    As children are naturally curious, George explains how we can respond to a child’s natural curiosity and help empower them to wonder, explore and become forward-thinking leaders. As the traditional system of education requires students to hold their questions and compliantly stick to the scheduled curriculum, George explains how we can do a better job at fostering innovation, encouraging critical thinking, and inspiring creativity. 

    George believes that innovation first starts with mindset and not skillset. He explains how someone can develop a growth mindset to inspire the ability, motivation, and attitude to unleash hidden talents. Also, George believes in the importance of asking quality-based questions. He shares some writing prompts or critical questions that we can ask ourselves so we can become more innovative. Lastly, George provides his definition of greatness and what it means to him.


    Host: Ben Mumme

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/mumme_ben

    Medium: https://benjaminmumme.medium.com/

    YouTube: https://bit.ly/3fAcFrt

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/livingyourg... 


    Guest: George Couros

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/gcouros 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gcouros/?hl=en 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgecourosim?originalSubdomain=ca 

    Website: https://georgecouros.ca/blog/ 


     Let's Connect

    👇 Drop a review and let me know what's resonating with you about the show! Thanks as always for listening and have the best day yet!

    Longevity and Fitness: Unleashing the Power of Functional Training with Michael Kurkowski

    Longevity and Fitness: Unleashing the Power of Functional Training with Michael Kurkowski

    On this episode of The Art of Living Proactively (Harnessing the Power of Your Choices), Tony Winyard talks to Michael Kurkowski, a coach who focuses on physical training programs, nutrition programs, and mindset practices. Michael's approach prioritizes empowering his clients to take responsibility and become autonomous in their fitness journey. They discuss the lack of autonomy as a problem in the fitness industry, the importance of having a coach, and cultural attitudes towards celebrating success. Michael also emphasizes the importance of mental training, not just physical, rebuilding self-belief, and starting with small incremental steps towards goals. Listen in to learn how you can make lasting progress towards your fitness goals.

    About Michael
    I'm truly grateful to be able to do what I do everyday! After being an active athlete for most of my life, I found a passion for the health and fitness world early on. When I was 23 years old, I had a personal trainer, who taught me about functional movement training, and he asked if I was ever interested in pursuing a career in fitness.
    This started my journey of 15 years from personal training, to managing a team of 15 coaches, then building a studio with a great friend, to pivoting during Covid and creating multiple online training businesses and two podcasts.
    During the Covid Lockdown, I saw a major disconnect between how we were coaching our members and what they truly needed to succeed in their strength, regardless of what happens in life. We were teaching all the right things, but we weren’t making our members part of their own process, and showing them how to be self-sufficient.
    This prompted me to dive deep into studying the mental, emotional, and spiritual side of strength, leading me to BioFeedback and Intuitive training.
    Most health and fitness programs have been designed for the individual to mold their lives around the program. This is the exact opposite of what is sustainable for continuous progress and mastery in everyday life.
    My goal is to help teach others that strength is not just one thing. It is a connection of all things in our lives, and everyone is capable of achieving it

    Full shownotes including a transcription available at:

    [00:00:00] New proactive podcast on fitness and coaching.
    [00:04:00] Athletics sparked interest in fitness; career ensued.
    [00:08:15] Changing approach to remote work & coaching.
    [00:12:58] Kettlebell instructor mindset approach for success.
    [00:15:48] Coach helps clients obtain goals collaboratively.
    [00:19:23] Motivation: prevent where you don't want to be.
    [00:23:39] Coaches help get out of your head.
    [00:27:18] Strength is crucial. Hire a coach.
    [00:30:17] Strength is subjective, builds confidence.
    [00:35:07] Positivity outweighs negativity in environments.
    [00:40:17] Learning requires mental and physical effort.
    [00:44:27] Shifted coaching approach to promote autonomy.
    [00:49:37] Book inspires spiritual connection through fictional characters.
    [00:51:59] "Mastery key to life's challenges, spread message."
    [00:54:49] Goodbye.

    The Art of Living Proactively (Harnessing the Power of Your Choices) links:
    Website - tonywinyard.com
    Facebook Page - facebook.com/TonyWinyard.HabitsAndHealth
    Facebook Group - facebook.com/groups/habitshealth
    Twitter - @TonyWinyard
    Instagram - @tony.winyard
    LinkedIn - uk.linkedin.com/in/tonywinyard
    YouTube - .youtube.com/@tony-winyard
    How to leave a podcast review - tonywinyard.com/how-to-leave-a-podcast-review/

    Details of online workshops to create habits for health - tonywinyard.com/training/

    Are you in control of your habits or are they in control of you? Take my quiz to find out - tonywinyard.com/quiz

    Embark on an enlightening journey to discover the essence of proactive living in my podcast, "The Art of Living Proactively: Harnessing the Power of Your Choices".

    Your guide is none other than Tony Winyard, a multifaceted professional committed to the cause of health and wellness. He's a qualified Functional Medicine Health Coach, Oxygen Advantage Instructor, HeartMath Certified Coach, nutrition coach accredited by Precision Nutrition, a Laughter Yoga Instructor and a Tiny Habits coach. This comprehensive set of skills allows Tony to navigate the complex web of interconnected wellness disciplines, providing a holistic approach to health.

    Tony champions the cause of busy individuals, helping them reclaim their health through gradual and transformative changes in lifestyle, habits, and nutrition. With an impressive career spanning over 20 years in coaching, public speaking, and workshop facilitation, Tony has impacted lives from diverse backgrounds and cultures. He is fervently dedicated to empowering individuals to upgrade their health, well-being, and overall life quality.
    With Tony, your journey to wellness is grounded in the five core pillars of health - sleep, stress management, breathing, nutrition, and physical activity. He assists clients in embracing beneficial habits while shedding unwanted ones.

    Whether you seek online sessions or in-person engagement, individual coaching or group interaction, or are looking for corporate health and wellness programmes, Tony's offerings cater to all your needs.

    Ready to conquer your health journey? Reach out to Tony and discover the power of proactive living.

    086: The Courage to Have it All

    086: The Courage to Have it All

    In today's episode, we discuss having all that we want in life by shifting our mindset, setting new intentions, and overcoming our limitations. We explore:



    - Overcoming our limitations and the challenges in our lives in order to become who we are meant to be

    - Setting new intentions, focusing on purpose, and shifting our mindset to have the things we want in life

    - Getting in touch with what we want in our relationships, career, family, home life, and personal growth

    - Why limitations and challenges always seem to come up when we are setting a big goal in our lives

    - How we can really have it all in life and what it takes to develop a lifestyle by design that we truly love

    - How collaboration makes the world a better place and creates a strong ripple effect of positive impact

    - Tuning into and expanding our minds and effectively overcoming the limitations that are holding us back

    - What has changed in sports psychology over the last 30 years and the impact this has on athletes

    - The top three mental skill sets that one must possess to achieve anything in athletics and in life

    - The trouble with focusing on feelings over execution, and the impact of emotional regulation

    - Some of the biggest mistakes that athletes make in their careers and how they can train at higher levels

    - How to deal with pressure and shift our attention and intention towards execution and what really matters



    Visit: https://voicesofcourage.us/

    137. Pixar’s Ed Catmull: Throw out your rules

    137. Pixar’s Ed Catmull: Throw out your rules

    There's no perfect process for achieving your goals. Accepting that the rules you play by need to be constantly tweaked, hacked or reinvented will open you up to new ways of innovating. Instilling this attitude throughout your organization will help you be boldly differential in your experimentation.

    Ed Catmull literally wrote the book on creating a dynamic and sustainable creative culture. Drawing on his experience as co-founder of celebrated animation studio Pixar, and president of Walt Disney Animation Studios, Ed shares his hard-won insights from his career as a pioneering technologist, animator and storyteller.

    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com/

    Subscribe to the Masters of Scale weekly newsletter: https://mastersofscale.com/subscribe

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.



    Today's episode is about beliefs: the power of what we think and believe and how we can start to become aware of what our thoughts are creating for us through our emotions and actions. The truth is we can create whatever we want to create through our thoughts! And today's episode is an introduction into thought work. Follow @artistsrisingco, @iamjennyrebecca and send JennyRebecca a message or inquire about coaching at mail@jennyrebecca.com.