
    The GaryVee Birthday Edition | Marketing For the Now Episode #15

    enNovember 21, 2020
    What lesson did AJ learn from Gary about flexibility?
    How does Gary Vaynerchuk emphasize strategic planning?
    What approach does Gary advocate for effective communication?
    Why is adaptability important in entrepreneurship?
    How did the speaker's experience with Gary impact them?

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Adaptability and Open-Mindedness in EntrepreneurshipGary Vaynerchuk's story of helping his brother adapt and be open to new ideas highlights the importance of flexibility and open-mindedness in entrepreneurship. Gary's operational focus is also a crucial aspect of his success.

      Learning from this episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience is the importance of adaptability and open-mindedness in entrepreneurship. Gary Vaynerchuk's younger brother, AJ, shared a story about how Gary helped him understand the value of changing one's mind and being flexible in business. AJ mentioned that in his early career, Gary was quite rigid, but through their conversations, Gary helped him see the benefits of being open to new ideas and perspectives. This lesson has stayed with AJ and has been instrumental in his own entrepreneurial journey. Another insight shared during the conversation was Gary's operational mindset. Contrary to popular belief, Gary is not just all about going, going, go. He is willing and eager to invest time in strategic planning and organizational shifts. This side of Gary's personality may not be as well-known, but it is a crucial aspect of his success as a businessman. Overall, this episode highlights the importance of adaptability, open-mindedness, and operational focus in entrepreneurship. It serves as a reminder that successful business leaders are not one-dimensional and that they possess a range of skills and qualities that contribute to their success.

    • The Power of Authentic CommunicationEffective communication goes beyond the words spoken; delivery and intent matter, leaving a lasting impact on emotions and actions.

      Effective communication and delivery can make a significant impact on people's emotions and actions. In the discussed scenario, Gary's honest and direct approach during a difficult meeting left a lasting impression on his team, despite the initial discomfort. Maya Angelou's quote, "People will forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel," highlights the importance of delivery and intent in communication. In the context of the conversation, the speakers also touched upon the importance of being true to oneself and valuing the people around us. Ultimately, the discussion emphasized the power of authentic communication and the importance of considering both the content and delivery when engaging with others.

    • The power of love and supportUnconditional love and support from family and friends can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve great things.

      The power of unconditional love and support from family and friends can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve great things. This was evident in the heartfelt conversations between Tony and his brother during a birthday celebration. They expressed their gratitude for each other's love and support throughout their lives, which has inspired them to continue persevering through difficulties. Michael Rubin, a guest on the show, was also praised for his unwavering determination and impactful philanthropy work. The speakers emphasized the importance of having strong relationships and the positive impact they can have on personal growth and success.

    • Friendship and unexpected discoveriesDo what you love, be adaptable, and take action to learn and grow. Unexpected experiences can lead to valuable lessons and new opportunities.

      Passion and adaptability are key to personal growth and success. Gary and the speaker have been friends for over 30 years, and they've learned many valuable lessons together. One of the most important is to always do what you love, no matter what. This was exemplified when they unexpectedly changed their plans to attend a baseball hall of fame induction and instead spent the day at a garage sale. Another important lesson is to be open to change and willing to adapt. The speaker shared a story about their first business interaction with Gary, which involved a deal over baseball cards. They also emphasized the importance of action and trying new things, even if they don't turn out perfectly. Matt Cinnamer, another guest on the call, added that he learned valuable skills from the speaker when he was his assistant, including how to personally email customers to promote a product. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of following your passions, being adaptable, and taking action to learn and grow.

    • Understanding Attention, Loyalty, and VisionPersonalize connections, stay loyal to people and ideas, and have a clear, inspiring vision to build a successful business. Curiosity and humility are essential for growth.

      Personalization, loyalty, and putting a bold vision out there are key elements to success. Gary Vaynerchuk shared stories of his journey, from meeting early clients and mentors to scaling his business, emphasizing the importance of understanding attention, staying loyal to people and ideas, and having a clear vision that inspires others to join in. He also highlighted the value of curiosity and humility, and hinted at his future plans in movies and television. Through his experiences, Gary Vaynerchuk demonstrates the power of personal connection, the value of staying true to one's vision, and the importance of continually learning and growing.

    • The power of genuine relationships and connectionBuilding authentic relationships can lead to incredible opportunities, friendships, and personal growth. Be open to new experiences, value connections, and stay true to yourself.

      The power of connection and genuine relationships can lead to incredible opportunities and friendships. During this conversation, stories were shared about two individuals, Gary and Claude, who were introduced through a mutual friend and have since built a strong bond. Their ability to connect with people on a deep level and care for others has led to many meaningful experiences and relationships. Another example was given of Adam Braun, who met Gary through a mutual friend and instantly felt a connection. These stories illustrate the importance of putting yourself out there, being open to new experiences, and valuing the connections you make with others. Additionally, the speakers highlighted the importance of staying true to yourself and embracing your unique qualities, as Gary's outgoing and caring personality has allowed him to make a positive impact on those around him. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of building authentic relationships and the potential for these connections to lead to personal and professional growth.

    • Embracing Fearlessness and Authenticity Leads to Meaningful Connections and Unexpected OpportunitiesFearlessly approaching people and situations with authenticity can lead to unforgettable experiences and lifelong friendships. Committing to new opportunities, even without prior experience, can significantly impact organizations and their missions.

      Fearlessness and authenticity can lead to meaningful connections and unexpected opportunities. In the story shared, Adam's bold move to approach and engage with New York Jets starting quarterback Mark Sanchez, despite being surrounded by diehard fans, led to an unforgettable night and the beginning of a lifelong friendship. Similarly, Adam's commitment to join the Penciler Promise Advisory Board with full dedication, even though he had a busy schedule and no prior experience in nonprofit work, significantly impacted the organization and its mission. These experiences demonstrate the power of embracing passions and taking risks to build meaningful relationships and make a difference.

    • The power of seeing the future and believing in oneselfHaving a clear vision and unwavering faith in oneself can lead to significant achievements

      The power of seeing the future and having faith in oneself can lead to great success. The speaker shares his experience of meeting Gary Vaynerchuk a decade ago and being initially skeptical of his predictions about the future of social media. However, as Gary's ideas began to materialize, the speaker realized the value of his insights and sought to learn from him. They formed a business partnership, and the speaker admired Gary's unwavering belief in himself and others. Despite stealing many of Gary's ideas, the speaker was unable to emulate his attitude and continues to work on it. The lesson is that having a clear vision and unwavering faith in oneself can lead to significant achievements.

    • Experimenting and Adapting in EntrepreneurshipEmbrace change, share ideas, and evolve to grow a business. Prioritize relationships but remember, a business is more than family. Observe bold decisions for inspiration to take calculated risks.

      Being adaptive and open to change is crucial for entrepreneurship. During the early days of Wine Library, the team constantly experimented with new ideas and approaches, learning valuable lessons along the way. The concept of "Share and Tell" meetings allowed for the sharing of news, technologies, and mini business ideas, leading to the creation of various projects. Although uncomfortable at times, the team's ability to adapt and evolve prepared them for the challenges of growing a business and for life in general. Another key takeaway is the importance of understanding that a business is more than just family. While it's essential to prioritize relationships, entrepreneurs must also recognize the need to evolve and make tough decisions for the greater good of the company. Lastly, observing how individuals like Gary made bold decisions and went all in on their hunches can inspire young professionals and entrepreneurs to take calculated risks and embrace the uncertainty of growth.

    • Leveraging team members' strengths for growthEffective leadership involves recognizing and utilizing team members' unique skills and personalities to drive growth. Patience and support from mentors can lead to significant success.

      Effective leadership involves being strategic and considerate of others' skill sets and personality types. This was a lesson learned by the speaker over the past three years, as they evolved from being the center of their company to understanding and utilizing the strengths of their team members. This shift in leadership approach was highlighted through a personal story of investment and support from a mentor, who believed in the speaker's potential and helped them navigate through challenging times. The mentor's belief and patience paid off, resulting in significant growth for the company. This experience underscores the importance of being patient, understanding the unique qualities of those around us, and having the support of trusted individuals in our professional journey.

    • Gary Vaynerchuk's humility and generosity shone through during a restaurant encounterGary Vaynerchuk's humility, generosity, and empathy left a lasting impression during a restaurant encounter, showcasing the importance of staying grounded and giving back.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, despite his immense popularity and success, remains humble and generous. During a restaurant encounter, he graciously interacted with fans, accepted constructive feedback, and showed empathy towards the staff by giving them a large tip. This incident showcased his humility, generosity, and empathy, leaving a lasting impression on the speaker and highlighting his authenticity. Furthermore, their shared experience in the world of collecting led to a deep connection and mutual respect, paving the way for their continued collaboration. Overall, this encounter underscores the importance of staying grounded and giving back, even when success comes knocking.

    • The success of business partnerships depends on individuals and their readiness to take on new venturesGary Vaynerchuk and AJ's partnership in VaynerSports was built on mutual respect and admiration, despite initial reluctance and challenges in the business climate

      The success of business partnerships often depends on the individuals involved and their readiness to take on new ventures. Gary Vaynerchuk and AJ shared a story about their partnership in VaynerSports, which was initially predicated on AJ's reluctance to continue. However, when Gary realized AJ was serious about leaving, they decided to bring in Laz, someone they believed in strongly. Looking back, Gary admitted that they might have made more money selling the business to a seasoned entrepreneur like Casper. The business climate during that time was not lucrative, and social media was just starting to gain traction. Despite the challenges, Gary cherished the memories they created together, including their infamous ping pong match and attempts to sway each other's sports loyalties. Through their friendship, which spans over many years, Gary learned invaluable lessons and grew Buddy Media with AJ's support. Ultimately, their partnership was built on mutual respect and admiration, which is a key ingredient for successful business relationships.

    • Lessons from Gary Vaynerchuk: Efficiency, Giving First, and AuthenticityLearned from Gary Vaynerchuk: Prioritize efficiency, give before receiving, and stay true to oneself for success and meaningful connections.

      Efficiency and giving first are key to success. The speaker, who joined VaynerMedia and had a mentor younger than him for the first time, learned from Gary Vaynerchuk's unique approach to business. He was inspired by Gary's ability to get more done in less time and his authentic approach to helping others. The speaker also appreciated Gary's emphasis on giving before receiving and his belief in being true to oneself. These lessons have stayed with the speaker and have helped him in his personal and professional growth. Additionally, the speaker admires Gary's ability to connect with people and put them in a position to succeed. Overall, the speaker's experience with Gary has been transformative and has taught him valuable lessons that he continues to apply in his life.

    • Friends' Memorable Experiences and BondCherish friendships and the memories created together, as they bring joy, camaraderie, and strengthen bonds.

      The group of friends, led by Gary, have shared many memorable experiences throughout their lives, from college days to present times. These experiences, filled with laughter, camaraderie, and even some competition, have brought them closer together. The group's bond is so strong that they continue to celebrate milestones, like Gary's birthday, in a unique and unforgettable way. Their stories, some involving hustle, sports, and late-night adventures, serve as reminders of the importance of cherishing friendships and the memories created together.

    • Joe and Gary's Admiration for Each OtherJoe shared stories about his respect and admiration for Gary Vaynerchuk's unique personality and business acumen, inspiring him to take risks and not lose bets.

      The speaker, Joe, shared stories about Gary Vaynerchuk's unique personality and their admiration for each other. Gary was known for his successful business acumen but also for his willingness to take risks and not losing bets. Joe shared how Gary inspired him and they have a deep respect for each other. They also joked around and had a friendly banter during their conversation. The conversation was filled with positive energy and appreciation for each other's talents and accomplishments. The speaker also acknowledged Hasan Minhaj, a comedian and Emmy award winner, who was coming up next and expressed his admiration for him as well. The overall tone of the conversation was one of love, respect, and admiration for each other's work and talents.

    • The Importance of Authenticity, Empathy, and Genuine Care in Building Meaningful Relationships and Making a Positive ImpactUnderstanding intent and empathizing with others are essential for effective leadership and strong relationships. Balancing ambition with compassion is crucial in business and life.

      The individuals featured in this conversation, including Gary, Hope, and Robert, are not just successful professionals in their respective fields, but also compassionate and caring individuals who bring value beyond their professional accomplishments. Gary's heartfelt conversations with Hope and Robert reveal his deep care for others, his understanding of intent, and his unique ability to combine competitiveness and ambition with love and kindness. These relationships and qualities have enabled him to make a significant impact in the world. Hope's admiration for Gary's philanthropic side and his ability to understand people's intent demonstrates the importance of empathy and intent in building strong relationships and effective leadership. Robert's recognition of Gary's unique blend of competitiveness and kindness highlights the importance of balancing ambition with compassion in business and in life. Overall, this conversation underscores the importance of authenticity, empathy, and genuine care for others in building meaningful relationships and making a positive impact on the world.

    • A celebration of business, innovation, and personal growthInnovative brands disrupt the industry, forcing traditional companies to adapt and be consumer-first. Agility and speed are key to success. Competition drives progress and personal growth.

      Business, particularly in the consumer category like wine and spirits, is not just about making profits but also creating positive change in the world. Innovative, digitally native brands are disrupting the industry, forcing traditional companies to adapt and be consumer-first. Agility and speed are key to success. A fun anecdote shared was when Gary, co-founder of Empathy Wines, impressed Bill Newlands, CEO of CBI, with his appetite during a dinner meeting. The importance of competition and the love for it was also a common thread among the stories shared. Personally, Steph, a freelance copywriter, shared her experience of using the teachings from the event to excel in her career and enjoy life events like the football season and the birth of her daughter. Hussein shared a story about their shared love for competition and their trip to Ghana to build schools. Overall, the event was a celebration of business, innovation, and personal growth.

    • Competition fuels personal and team growthCompetition inspires us to be our best selves, pushing boundaries, learning from each other, and growing together.

      Competition drives us to be our best selves, even in unexpected situations. The story shared takes us back to the early days of VaynerMedia when Gary and the team went to Vermont for a company trip. Despite the intense heat and long hours of making bricks, Gary's competitive spirit was evident as everyone strived to make the most bricks possible. This competitive energy carried on through games like manhunt and team scavenger hunts. Even when the rules were changed, Gary remained a formidable competitor, inspiring everyone to give their best. Through these experiences, VaynerMedia grew into the successful company it is today, and Gary's champion mindset continued to inspire and motivate the team. Ultimately, the importance of competition goes beyond just winning; it's about pushing ourselves to be better, learning from each other, and supporting each other in our individual and collective journeys.

    • The Importance of Authentic ConnectionsBuilding strong relationships is crucial for success in business and life. Authentic connections inspire personal and professional growth.

      Building strong relationships is essential for success in business and in life. This was a valuable lesson shared by Kristin Lemkow during her conversation with Gary Vaynerchuk. Kristin recounted how she met Gary in 2015 and how their business relationship and friendship evolved over the years. She emphasized that the decision to become business partners with Gary was one of the best decisions she ever made. Kristin also praised Gary for his genuine care for people and his focus on relationships, which she found inspiring. This theme of the importance of relationships was echoed by Alex Rodriguez during his birthday celebration with Gary. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of authentic connections and the positive impact they can have on personal and professional growth.

    • Staying adaptable and committed in uncertain timesDespite challenges, find opportunities to pivot and grow, stay committed to long-term goals, and appreciate support from loved ones.

      Even in the midst of challenges and changes, such as those brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, there are opportunities to pivot and grow. This was a key theme in a conversation between Gary Vaynerchuk and an unnamed friend. They discussed their planning for future versions of their businesses and the impact of the pandemic on their portfolios. The friend shared that while some of their companies had struggled, others had thrived, and they were taking advantage of new opportunities to cut costs and expand. They also talked about the launch of their latest venture, J. Lo Beauty, which had been in the works for years. The conversation highlighted the importance of staying adaptable and committed to long-term goals, even in uncertain times. Additionally, the friends expressed their appreciation for each other's support and the special bond they've built over the years.

    • Stories of Gary Vaynerchuk's impact on people's livesGary Vaynerchuk's passion, competitive spirit, kindness, intellect, industry expertise, and heart have left lasting impacts on people's lives through strong relationships and making a difference.

      Gary Vaynerchuk's passion, competitive spirit, and kindness have led to remarkable achievements for both him and General Electric, including winning a Cannes Lion for a 6-second Vine video. His colleagues and friends, including Linda Bock and Jerry, hold him in high regard for his intellect, industry expertise, and heart. Anecdotes shared during a birthday celebration illustrate how Gary has left lasting impacts on people's lives, such as making a dying father's wish come true by arranging a visit from his favorite athletes. These stories highlight Gary's unique ability to build strong relationships and make a difference in people's lives.

    • Story of Gary's mental toughness in planking competitionEmbrace challenges, be mentally resilient, and cherish deep friendships. Gary's story shows the importance of pushing through difficult situations and the rewards of strong connections formed through shared experiences.

      Mental resiliency and the ability to bounce back from challenges are crucial qualities for success. This was evident in a story shared about a planking competition between two friends, where one friend, Gary, demonstrated an exceptional level of mental toughness and ultimately emerged victorious. The speaker expressed admiration for Gary's humility, kindness, and generosity, and cherished the deep connections they had formed over the years. The story also highlighted the importance of embracing challenges and pushing through difficult situations, as demonstrated by their shared experience of wearing their Jets jerseys to an Oakland Raiders game and refusing to give in to the pressure to leave despite being down by a large margin. Overall, the message was one of appreciation for strong friendships and the lessons learned from shared experiences.

    • Gary Vaynerchuk's InfluenceGary Vaynerchuk's passion, determination, and unique approach to losses inspired the speaker, leading to personal and professional growth.

      Gary Vaynerchuk's passion and determination were evident even in the early 2000s when he shared his plans to build a TV studio and sell wine online. His impact on the speaker's life went beyond business, as he took the speaker's son under his wing and convinced him to leave school to work for him. The speaker expresses deep gratitude for Gary's influence on his life and career. Another key insight shared during their conversation was Gary's unique approach to handling losses - he embraces them as opportunities to continue striving for success. The speaker admires Gary's work ethic and efficiency, which he learned firsthand during his time at VaynerMedia. Overall, the conversation highlights Gary's remarkable influence on the speaker's personal and professional growth.

    • Productivity and Adaptability in BusinessStay productive and adaptable in business by moving quickly, handling multiple tasks, and learning from industry experts.

      The importance of being productive and adaptable, as discussed by Brandon and Gary. Brandon shared his experience of feeling overwhelmed at VaynerMedia compared to his current situation, emphasizing the need to move quickly and make things happen. Gary, in turn, demonstrated his ability to handle multiple tasks in short increments of time. The episode also highlighted the upcoming Marketing for the Now event featuring 12 speakers, including Barbara Corcoran and executives from major companies like Citibank, General Motors, and Netflix. To wrap up, it's important to be productive, stay focused, and continue learning from industry experts. Don't forget to leave a review and subscribe to the podcast for more valuable insights.

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    More on vYve:

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    WEBSITE - https://vyve.vaynerx.com/

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    Yo podcast, really fired up about today’s episode. This mash-up features 3 unique clips. I talk sports cards and how $100 can help get you started, do a full Q&A with Kevin O’Leary and rant about the “day 1 homies” ideology.

    1:04 - Q&A with Mr. Wonderful

    13:26- My passion for sports cards 

    16:15 - Day 1 homies rant

    Hope you enjoyed this. As you know it’s hard to get podcast feedback without using the Twitter platform. Please please tweet me @GaryVee with any thoughts

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

    #703: Sheila Heen — How to Master the Difficult Art of Receiving (and Giving) Feedback

    #703: Sheila Heen — How to Master the Difficult Art of Receiving (and Giving) Feedback

    Brought to you by Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega fish oil, Helix Sleep premium mattresses, and ShipStation shipping software.

    Sheila Heen has spent the last three decades working to understand how people can better navigate conflict, with a particular specialty in difficult conversations. 

    She is a founder of Triad Consulting Group, a professor at Harvard Law School, and a co-author of Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well (even when it’s off base, unfair, poorly delivered, and, frankly, you’re not in the mood), with Douglas Stone, and Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most, with Douglas Stone and Bruce Patton (with a newly updated third edition that was released in August).

    Sheila and her colleagues at Triad work with leaders and organizations to build their capacity to have the conversations that matter most. Her clients have included Pixar, American Express, the NBA, the Singapore Supreme Court, the Obama White House, and theologians struggling with the nature of truth and God.

    She is schooled in negotiation daily by her three children. You can find my first conversation with Sheila at tim.blog/SheilaHeen.

    Please enjoy!

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    [07:01] Conversations are the relationship.

    [08:12] How should we talk about feedback?

    [11:16] De-escalating the ask.

    [13:30] Addressing victim-blaming feedback for the new edition of Difficult Conversations.

    [28:48] How I’ve dealt with reader (and proofreader) feedback.

    [41:18] Making use of the three types of feedback.

    [49:05] Received difficult feedback? Phone a friend.

    [54:36] Discovering a good/bad match early in the dating game.

    [00:59:30] How I’ve traditionally handled conflict and stress.

    [1:07:50] The conundrum of feedback’s source.

    [1:09:03] Three triggered reactions to feedback.

    [1:12:09] The you plus me combination.

    [1:20:16] What does resolution look like?

    [1:22:52] The Gottman Institute.

    [1:29:35] Coping with a relationship’s unresolvable frictions.

    [1:33:41] The courtship of Sheila’s sister.

    [1:37:11] A thirst for vindictiveness and other deal breakers.

    [1:43:31] Learning from the comfort of our strengths.

    [1:45:43] Perspective from three positions.

    [1:47:09] How to extend positive reinforcement.

    [1:51:26] Giving feedback without starting a fight.

    [1:55:12] Asking “one thing” questions as a leader.

    [1:57:43] Are you aware of your need to receive feedback?

    [2:02:13] Parting thoughts.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

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    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

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    How NOT to Outgrow Your Partner

    How NOT to Outgrow Your Partner

    A big topic of conversation that is circulating through my community right now is around personal evolution and it impacts on a couple. 


    "What if my partner no longer wants to be with me now that I've changed?"

    "What if my partner doesn't understand the journey I'm on?"

    "What if I outgrow my partner?" 


    These are valid questions and very real concerns. I also happen to be intimately acquainted with them so I decided to bring MY husband, Mr. Mike Henke, back on the show to share our personal (and messy!) experience with this. 


    We talk about:

    • my initial journey into self-actualization and the world of entrepreneurship
    • the friction this cause in our relationship
    • how I evolved my communication to more effectively get Mike on board with where I was going
    • things we did/do well in this area
    • things we do not-so-well
    • Mike's personal journey to catch up with me! 
    • And obviously a lot more ;-)