
    The Happiness Lessons Helping Win Olympic Medals

    enJuly 29, 2024
    What is emphasized about coaching education by Christine Bulger?
    When did formal coaching education start in the US?
    How can coaches improve their handling of stress?
    What role do podcasts play in highlighting coaches' stories?
    Why is effective communication important for coaches according to the text?

    Podcast Summary

    • Coaching educationEffective coaching education and training are crucial for Olympic-level athletes' success and well-being, yet it only began in 2017 for the USOC.

      The role of coaches in sports, particularly at the Olympic level, is crucial yet often undervalued. The US Olympic and Paralympic Committee's Associate Director for Coaching, Christine Bulger, emphasizes the importance of proper coaching education and training to ensure the well-being and success of athletes. Despite the USOC's long history, formal coaching education only began in 2017. Without adequate training, coaches may overlook essential skills like effective communication, leadership, and care, which can significantly impact an athlete's performance and well-being. The need for coaches to be attuned to their athletes' needs and adapt accordingly cannot be overstated. This summer, Pushkin Industries' podcasts, including "Medal of Honor," will delve into the stories of courage and sacrifice of these unsung heroes who make a difference behind the scenes.

    • Elite coaching challengesElite coaches face significant challenges including financial insecurity, mental health pressures, emotional toll, and social media scrutiny. Neglecting their own well-being can harm their ability to provide a positive experience for athletes. Seeking help and support is crucial for creating a sustainable and healthy coaching environment.

      Coaching at the elite level involves significant self-awareness, empathy towards athletes and coaches alike, and a recognition of the unique challenges coaches face. These challenges include financial insecurity, mental health pressures, and the emotional toll of watching others perform while unable to do so themselves. Additionally, the prevalence of social media can intensify the scrutiny and criticism coaches face. Despite the immense pressure to win and provide a positive experience for athletes, coaches often neglect their own well-being. To address this, Christine emphasizes the importance of coaches seeking help and support when needed. Ultimately, the goal is to create a sustainable and healthy coaching environment that benefits everyone involved.

    • Self-care for CoachesCoaches under pressure can benefit from stress management and self-care, viewing stress positively, prioritizing social connections, and embracing help for themselves to prevent burnout.

      Coaches, who are often under immense pressure to perform and lack a support system, can benefit significantly from practicing self-care and stress management techniques. These may include viewing stress as enhancing rather than detrimental, and prioritizing social connections with energy-giving individuals. Coaches, who are accustomed to giving feedback and support to others, often struggle with receiving help themselves. The lack of a support network and the pressure to optimize performance can lead to chronic stress and burnout. By embracing self-care and stress management strategies, coaches can better handle the demands of their profession and improve their overall well-being.

    • Self-care for coachesCoaches need to prioritize positive relationships and self-care practices, including social connection, exercise, and sleep, to maintain energy and resilience. Exercise is about feeling good and fueling the body and brain, while sleep is crucial for optimal performance.

      Prioritizing positive relationships and self-care practices, such as social connection, exercise, and sleep, are essential for coaches to maintain their energy and resilience. While these practices may seem obvious, it's important to pay attention to the people and activities that truly boost our energy rather than drain it. Coaches, who are often focused on helping others, may neglect their own needs. Regarding exercise, it's not just about being physically fit but utilizing movement as a way to feel good and fuel the body and brain for the day's challenges. Sleep is also crucial, and creating a routine to reset after a bad night or irregular sleep patterns can help coaches perform at their best. Matt Walker's approach to sleep, viewing it as a gradual process of preparing the body and brain for rest, can help coaches determine their individual time requirements for optimal sleep. Overall, self-care is not a luxury but a necessity for coaches to effectively support their athletes and themselves.

    • Self-care imperfectionsSmall acts of self-care, even if imperfect, contribute to overall well-being. Recognizing imperfection and making small improvements is essential for maintaining well-being and achieving excellence.

      Small acts of self-care, even if imperfect, can add up over time to significantly improve overall well-being. This is particularly important for coaches, who often strive for perfection, to remember. It's essential to recognize that self-care doesn't have to be all or nothing, and even small improvements, such as getting an extra 20 minutes of sleep or taking a short break, can make a big difference. Overcoming the stigma of imperfection and acknowledging where we're at is crucial for maintaining well-being and achieving excellence, rather than striving for unattainable perfection.

    • Olympic coaches' strategies for resilienceOlympic coaches practice radical acceptance, focus on what they can control, prioritize finding their purpose, and delegate tasks to build resilience and self-care in high-pressure situations.

      We can learn valuable lessons about resilience and self-care from Olympic coaches. When faced with high-pressure situations, coaches practice radical acceptance and focus on what they can control, rather than beating themselves up over what they can't. This strategy, applicable to all of us, encourages self-compassion and the understanding that we cannot always perform at our personal best. Additionally, coaches prioritize finding their purpose, whether it's to be the best in the world or to support and develop their team. They also emphasize the importance of delegating tasks and asking for help, making those around them feel valued and contributing to the overall success. These principles can be applied to our own lives, helping us navigate stressful situations with grace, resilience, and a focus on personal growth.

    • Individualized coachingEffective coaching requires understanding and catering to each athlete's unique needs and perspectives, leading to a deeper sense of accomplishment and gratitude for the entire journey.

      Effective coaching requires understanding and catering to the unique needs and perspectives of each individual athlete. Georgia Bell's experience of feeling unsupported and unheard in her running career led her to leave the sport, but she found success again with a coach who truly listened to her. Coach Christine Bolder emphasizes the importance of treating athletes as individuals and adapting coaching styles accordingly. By focusing on the entire journey, rather than just the final outcome, coaches and athletes can find a deeper sense of accomplishment and gratitude. This approach not only benefits elite athletes in high-pressure situations but can also be applied to everyday life, encouraging us to appreciate the process and progress, regardless of the end result.

    • Work and PlayIncorporating play and fun into work and training, as well as embracing the journey towards success, are essential for personal growth and optimal performance.

      Both celebrating successes and embracing the journey towards them, as well as incorporating play and fun into our work and training, are essential for personal growth and optimal performance. These concepts are not just important for elite athletes, but for everyone. The value of play and experimentation cannot be underestimated, as it can lead to new discoveries and enhance motivation. Moreover, it's crucial to remember that our work should be enjoyable and not just a source of stress or monotony. By embracing these principles, we can improve our performance, build stronger relationships, and find greater fulfillment in our pursuits.

    • Polarization and UnityEvidence suggests we're not as polarized as feared, and inspiring stories from podcasts like The Happiness Lab and Medal of Honor can provide insights and reminders of the power of unity and resilience.

      Despite the apparent rise in argument, division, and anger in the world, there's evidence to suggest that we're not as polarized as we fear. The Happiness Lab will be exploring this topic in an upcoming season, providing insights and ways to come together and act cooperatively and civilly. Meanwhile, the Medal of Honor podcast offers inspiring stories of courage and sacrifice from military heroes, reminding us of the power of unity and resilience. Listen to The Happiness Lab and Medal of Honor on iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Recent Episodes from The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos

    How to Find Hope in a Cynical World

    How to Find Hope in a Cynical World

    It’s hard to stay hopeful these days. Stanford professor Jamil Zaki has been studying the incredible depth of human kindness for decades, but even he gives in to cynicism when he doubts our ability to be civil and cooperative. 

    That’s a shame - because shedding cynicism and grasping hope will make you happier and healthier. Jamil and Dr Laurie Santos look at the scientific evidence showing that we should be more trusting of other people and optimistic about our facility to work together. 

    Jamil's book Hope for Cynics: The Surprising Science of Human Goodness is out now.

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    Find Hope and Banish Cynicism... Coming Sept 9

    Find Hope and Banish Cynicism... Coming Sept 9

    It's hard to stay hopeful sometimes. Things can look pretty bleak and divided, especially around election time. But if you're losing hope in your fellow humans, stop and listen to the science. Other people are kinder, friendlier and more co-operative than you might think.   

    Using insights from his new book Hope for Cynics: The Surprising Science of Human Goodness, Stanford's Jamil Zaki joins Dr Laurie Santos for a special season to show why we shouldn't be so cynical about our fellow citizens and why being more open and trusting can help us live happier and healthier lives. 

    The series begins Sept 9.

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    "Happiness Is Like A Leaky Tire" from Immigrantly

    "Happiness Is Like A Leaky Tire" from Immigrantly

    We're bringing you an episode of Immigrantly, where Laurie joined host Saadia Khan to discuss the psychology of happiness education and the expansive realm of happiness. Is happiness a fleeting moment or a sustained state of being? Can it be actively cultivated, or is it an innate aspect of human existence? How do our backgrounds, personalities, and choices influence our perceptions of happiness? Laurie and Saadia openly discuss cultural considerations when exploring happiness, the difference between contentment and happiness, Gen Z’s perception of happiness, and how to achieve zen mode.

    Immigrantly is a weekly podcast that celebrates the extraordinariness of immigrant life. They do this by providing their listeners with authentic, unvarnished insights into the immigrant identity in America. Immigrantly has garnered significant recognition and has been featured in renowned media outlets such as the Nieman Storyboard, The Guardian, The Slowdown, and CNN. You can get more information at http://immigrantlypod.com

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    The Happiness Lessons Helping Win Olympic Medals

    The Happiness Lessons Helping Win Olympic Medals

    America's top athletes need coaches. And those coaches themselves need guidance. It's a hard and stressful job - and one where coaches can easily become burned out and unhappy. And stressed coaches can't help their athletes win medals. 

    Christine Bolger and Emilie Lazenby of the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee teach happiness lessons - many they heard on this podcast - to America's elite coaches. They share their story with Dr Laurie and tell us what regular folk can learn from top coaches. 

    Check out more Olympics related content from Pushkin Industries and iHeartPodcasts here.

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    Pushkin Goes to the Olympics

    Pushkin Goes to the Olympics

    Legends are made at the Olympics and this summer shows across the Pushkin network are bringing their unique takes to Olympic stories. This special episode includes excerpts from a few: a Cautionary Tale about underestimating female marathoners, a Jesse Owens story from Revisionist History’s series on Hitler’s Olympics, and—from What’s Your Problem—the new technology that’s helping Olympic athletes get stronger.

    Check out other show feeds as well, the Happiness Lab and A Slight Change of Plans are also going to the Games.

    Sylvia Blemker of Springbok Analytics on What’s Your Problem

    The Women Who Broke the Marathon Taboo on Cautionary Tales

    Hitler’s Olympics from Revisionist History

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    The Happiness of the Long Distance Runner

    The Happiness of the Long Distance Runner

    Georgia Bell was a great runner as a child - but in college she fell out of love with the sport. She hung up her running shoes - and they gathered dust until Covid hit and she began to run again for fun. Turns out that aged 30, she's one of the fastest women in the world and is now headed to the Olympics!

    Georgia tells Dr Laurie Santos how she regained her enthusiasm for the 1500m race - and reflects on the happiness lessons she's picked up in her dramatic return to the very pinnacle of her sport.  

    Check out more Olympics related content from Pushkin Industries and iHeartPodcasts here.

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    How Talking to a Friend Helps (Live at The International Festival of Arts and Ideas)

    How Talking to a Friend Helps (Live at The International Festival of Arts and Ideas)

    Making shows about her own happiness challenges was both fun and instructive for Dr Laurie, but it also took guts to be so vulnerable and open. She later spoke to her close friend at Yale Dr Tamar Gendler about the experience. This private chat threw up lots of interesting insights, so when the duo were asked to speak at the 2024 International Festival of Arts and Ideas... they decided to share parts of that private conversation with the public.  

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    A Matter of Life and Death

    A Matter of Life and Death

    Dr Laurie HATES thinking about her own death. It's scary, creepy and morbid, right? Wrong. Thinking about our finite lives can makes us better, happier people.  The shadow of death makes us behave more kindly towards others, and can motivate us both to enjoy the little joys of life and seek out greater fulfilment in our careers and in our relationships. 

    But you need to look death square in the face - and that's not easy for a thanatophobe like Dr Laurie. To help her, she enlists psychologist Jodi Wellman (author of You Only Die Once: How to Make It to the End with No Regrets) and death doula Alua Arthur (author of  Briefly Perfectly Human: Making an Authentic Life by Getting Real About the End).

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    Why Don't We Have a 15-hour Work Week?

    Why Don't We Have a 15-hour Work Week?

    By 2030 we'll only work 15 hours a week, predicted the legendary economist John Maynard Keynes back in 1930. He thought advances in technology and wealth would let us earn enough money to live in a day or two - leaving the rest of the week for leisure and community service. 

    How wrong he was. We seem to be working more than ever - with technology adding extra tasks to our workdays (like answering emails and monitoring Slack). Dr Laurie longs for more leisure time, but how can she tame her fear of being "unproductive"? 

    Computer scientist Cal Newport explains how we all got into this mess - and why we still treat modern employees as if they were farm laborers or assembly line workers. Reformed "productivity junkie" Oliver Burkeman also offers tips on how to concentrate our minds on fulfilling and important work - and not little tasks that chew up so much of our days. 

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    Does the You of Today Hate the You of Tomorrow?

    Does the You of Today Hate the You of Tomorrow?

    We often do things now that will make our lives more difficult or stressful in the future. We spend money, when we should save. We eat junk food, when we should exercise. We agree to commitments, when we should protect our free time. We act so thoughtlessly that it's almost like we hate our future selves. 

    Dr Laurie asks UCLA's Hal Hershfield to help her find the happiness balance between listening to what she wants now, and the preferences she might have in the future. And she steps into an AI time machine to get some happiness advice for herself decades from today. 

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