
    The Hard Truth About Use of Force in Policing (Ep 1277)

    enJune 17, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Police Reform and Debunking MisconceptionsStay informed about proposed police reform bills and avoid misconceptions by understanding the details. Dan Bongino encourages listeners to use iTarget Pro for gun safety training and promotes Parler as an alternative to mainstream media.

      The Dan Bongino show covers various topics, including ongoing discussions about police reform and gun safety. During the show, Dan expressed the importance of understanding the details behind proposed reform bills and debunking misconceptions. He also highlighted potential spying and tech tyranny. In relation to gun safety, Dan promoted iTarget Pro, a dry fire training system, encouraging listeners to train often and safely. Additionally, he mentioned his partnership with Parler, a social media platform, as an alternative to mainstream media outlets and tech giants. Overall, the Dan Bongino show offers a mix of news analysis, product recommendations, and personal opinions, all delivered in a straightforward and engaging manner.

    • NBC pressuring Google to demonetize conservative news outletsGoogle, under pressure from NBC, targeted conservative news sites for demonetization, creating a double standard in content moderation

      NBC, a major news network, is working with a left-wing group to pressure Google into demonetizing conservative news outlets, such as The Federalist, based on comments in their comment sections. Google initially claimed they had threatened to demonetize The Federalist, but later backtracked, stating they were only working with them to address issues related to the comments section. The speaker argues that this selective enforcement of terms of service is not fair and is being used as a weapon against ideological opponents, creating a double standard. The speaker emphasizes their commitment to delivering the truth, regardless of potential consequences from tech giants.

    • Tech companies' hypocrisy in enforcing comment section policiesGoogle, Facebook, and Twitter selectively enforce their comment section policies, with conservative sites like The Federalist being demonetized while liberal sites face no consequences, raising concerns about fairness and impartiality.

      While tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter claim they have immunity from lawsuits regarding user-generated content on their platforms under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, they are selectively enforcing their policies and holding certain publishers, like The Federalist, responsible for comments sections. This hypocrisy was highlighted by FCC commissioner Brendan Carr, who pointed out the inconsistency in Google's stance and called out the double standard. The Federalist, a prominent conservative website, is being demonetized by Google for user-generated content in their comment section, while liberal websites face no such consequences. This selective enforcement raises questions about the fairness and impartiality of these tech companies' policies.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Neck Restraints in Law EnforcementPresident Trump's executive order on police reform includes conditions for use of force grants, co-responder programs, and a database for problem officers, but the ban on 'chokeholds' requires clarification as not all neck restraints are inappropriate.

      President Trump's recent executive order on police reform includes conditions on use of force grants, a co-responder program, and a database for sharing information on problem officers. However, there's confusion surrounding the ban on "chokeholds," which is an inflammatory term for various neck restraints. An outright ban could lead to more harm as not all neck restraints are chokeholds and not all chokeholds are inappropriate. The Atlanta Rashad Brooks incident video illustrates this complexity, showing officers attempting to subdue a suspect with a neck restraint. Understanding the nuances of neck restraints and their role in law enforcement is crucial for effective and safe policing.

    • Consider less lethal force options in control tactic situationsOfficers can prevent further escalation and potential harm by using carotid restraints instead of deadly force options with proper training

      During a control tactic situation, officers have the opportunity to use less lethal force options instead of potentially deadly ones. In the discussed scenario, an officer could have used a carotid restraint instead of a neck restraint, which could have prevented further escalation and potential harm. A carotid restraint involves compressing the carotid arteries on the side of the neck instead of compressing the windpipe. This method can cause loss of consciousness but does not restrict breathing and airflow. With proper training, it can be learned in a few days and is a safer alternative to deadly force options. It's essential for officers to be aware of these alternatives and consider them in control tactic situations.

    • Banning carotid restraints could lead to more dangerous situationsBanning carotid restraints from law enforcement could force officers to use more extreme measures, increasing risks for both officers and civilians

      Banning the use of carotid restraints in law enforcement could be detrimental and potentially dangerous. The carotid restraint is a safe and effective method for restraining individuals during physical encounters, often leading to a quick end to the struggle and preserving life. Eliminating this option from an officer's toolbox could force them to resort to more extreme measures, such as using a baton or firing a weapon. The carotid restraint is not a chokehold, but rather a method of controlling blood flow to the brain, which is commonly used in martial arts. Its safety and effectiveness are demonstrated through its prevalence in professional fighting events, where it is not banned despite the potential for serious competition. By removing this low-risk option, we are increasing the risk for both officers and civilians.

    • Ongoing debate on neck restraints in law enforcementProper training and implementation can minimize risks of neck restraints, but ongoing conversations and alternatives are crucial for effective and safe law enforcement

      There is ongoing debate about the safety and effectiveness of various restraint techniques used by law enforcement, particularly those involving the carotid arteries and windpipe. While some argue that banning all neck restraints is the answer to prevent potential harm or death, others believe that proper training and implementation can minimize risks and even save lives. The discussion highlighted the importance of considering the nuances of different techniques and the potential consequences of eliminating low-end force options without adequate alternatives. Ultimately, it's crucial to have thoughtful and informed conversations about these complex issues and to prioritize ongoing training and improvement for law enforcement personnel.

    • Outdated police training methods criticizedFormer instructor Mike Flynn argues for more effective police training methods, emphasizing the importance of tailoring training to specific tasks and using proven control tactics

      Police training needs improvement. Mike Flynn, a former instructor in the Secret Service Academy and NYPD Academy, shared his experiences and criticisms of some police training methods. He mentioned that he had seen outdated techniques still being used, such as jogging around the gym 100 times, which he argued does not effectively prepare police officers for their duties. Instead, training should be tailored to the specific tasks police officers may encounter. Flynn also highlighted the importance of using effective control tactics and techniques that have been proven to work. Additionally, Flynn took a moment during the discussion to promote a Father's Day offer from Omaha Steaks, encouraging listeners to take advantage of the discount and order the "Summer Sizzle Pack" for their fathers.

    • Effective self-defense training for police officersPolice officers should learn relevant techniques for compliance, like carotid restraints and joint manipulation, and focus on controlling hips in ground fighting. Boxing training is not effective for quick bursts of energy needed on the street. Confidence and proper training are crucial to prevent panic and overreaction in life-threatening situations.

      Police officers should be trained for quick, near anaerobic bursts of energy and self-defense techniques that are relevant to the street. Boxing training is not effective for this purpose and can even be detrimental in a use of force scenario. Instead, officers should be taught appropriate techniques for compliance, such as carotid restraints and joint manipulation. Controlling the hips is crucial in ground fighting, not the legs. Officers should be given the confidence to fight as they train and not panic or overreact in a life-threatening situation. An example of this is Matt Saracen, a UFC welterweight champ, who, despite being a peaceful man, was able to control a confrontation on the ground by sitting on the attacker's hips. Officers should be equipped with the necessary skills to protect themselves and others, and it is the responsibility of law enforcement agencies to provide this training.

    • Learn self-defense techniques for safer outcomesMastering effective self-defense techniques, including hip control and joint locks, can prevent harm and save lives during physical encounters. Incorporating mental and grappling training into police academies can help officers remain calm and avoid unnecessary violence.

      Effective self-defense and de-escalation techniques, particularly those focusing on controlling the hips and using joint locks, can prevent harm and even save lives during physical encounters. The current police academy training often overlooks these methods, instead prioritizing physical fitness and weapon handling. However, incorporating mental and grappling training into academies could help officers remain calm and avoid unnecessary violence. By mastering these techniques, individuals can protect themselves and reduce the likelihood of escalating conflicts. Ultimately, investing in mental and physical preparedness can lead to safer outcomes for all parties involved.

    • Asserting boundaries and standing up for oneselfAssertiveness can lead to unexpected positive outcomes, and prioritizing self-care is essential for good health

      Asserting your boundaries and standing up for yourself can lead to unexpected outcomes. The speaker shared a personal story about standing up to a much larger man who had cut in front of him in line. Despite the potential for conflict, the man backed down after being assertively confronted. The speaker also emphasized the importance of taking care of one's physical health, using the example of an inversion table that helps relieve pressure on the spine and joints. The speaker strongly endorsed the product and offered a discount for listeners to try it out for themselves. Overall, the message was one of confidence, self-advocacy, and prioritizing self-care.

    • FBI targeting of Michael Flynn raises concernsThe targeting of Michael Flynn by the FBI despite no derogatory info and potential attempts to bug his office highlights the importance of critical thinking and reliable polling data.

      The targeting of Michael Flynn by the FBI and the Obama administration, even after it was determined there was no derogatory information on him, raises serious concerns. Flynn, a three-star general and former national security advisor, may have had attempts made to bug his office. These attempts were only stopped by countermeasures taken by another federal agency. Regarding polls, it's important to consider their validity and understand potential biases. An article from 2016 by political analyst Eddie Zipperer warns against relying too heavily on registered voter polls, as they may not accurately represent the electorate. Instead, likely voter polls, which take into account voter turnout and registration, are more reliable indicators of election outcomes. Overall, it's crucial to approach information with a critical and informed perspective.

    • Understanding the importance of likely voter pollsRegistered voter polls can be misleading, focusing on likely voters provides a clearer picture of the electorate and potential election outcome.

      Likely voter polls are more accurate and relevant than registered voter polls when predicting election outcomes. Registered voter polls have proven to be unreliable as they do not account for the fact that not all registered voters actually cast their ballots. The electorate composition is also a challenge to determine, and the enthusiasm and turnout of specific voter groups, such as Obama voters in 2016, can significantly impact the election results. The excitement for President Trump, as shown in the boat parade example, might be underrepresented in registered voter polls. Additionally, the growing divide between college-educated and non-college-educated white voters is widening, making the polling landscape even more complex. Therefore, it's crucial to focus on likely voter polls to gain a clearer understanding of the electorate and the potential election outcome.

    • The gap between college educated and non-college white voters in polling and electionsMisrepresentations in polling data due to the widening divide between college educated and non-college white voters could lead to errors of up to 10 percentage points in election results. Effective use of force training for law enforcement is essential for saving lives and improving community-police relationships.

      The divide between college educated and non-college educated white voters in the electorate has grown so wide that inaccuracies in polling regarding voter turnout could lead to errors of up to 10 percentage points. This was a significant issue in the 2016 election, as the difference between these two groups' voting preferences had become substantial. Meanwhile, in the realm of law enforcement, Dan Bongino emphasized the importance of effective use of force training for officers, believing it could save lives and improve community-police relationships. He suggested that less-lethal methods, such as Tasers, could be employed to minimize harm to both officers and civilians involved in confrontations. Overall, accurate polling and effective use of force training are crucial issues for understanding political dynamics and ensuring public safety.

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    A special thank you to those who donated to the podcast this week:

    • James Malone 
    • Jessica Riley

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