
    Update: Things Are (Still) Bad

    en-usJanuary 12, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Living through societal collapse: A gradual processSocietal collapse can be a gradual process, and it's essential to acknowledge warning signs and take them seriously

      The events unfolding in America, including the attempt to stop the certification of Joe Biden's presidential victory, may feel unprecedented and alarming, but for those who have lived through civil unrest and conflict, it's a reminder that societal collapse can be a gradual process. Indi Somarjeeva, who lived through the end of the Sri Lankan civil war, shares this perspective. He emphasizes that the numbing litany of bad news and rising outrages are signs that society has already fallen, and people are trying to carry on despite the chaos around them. The actions of those inciting violence and preparing for a potential civil war have been building for some time, and it's crucial to acknowledge these warning signs and take them seriously.

    • Building Cycles of Violence in AmericaThe American exceptionalism mindset may hinder progress towards addressing the root causes of potential violence and unrest, as recent events may be part of a larger pattern, inspired by ideologies like those in The Turner Diaries, and decades of resentment and indoctrination.

      The ideologies and preparations for potential violence and unrest in America have been building for a long time, and recent events may be indicative of an entering cycle of violence. The Turner Diaries, a decade-old novel, continues to inspire certain groups, and the seeds of resentment and indoctrination can take decades to come to fruition. While some may view these events as isolated incidents, the speaker warns that they are part of a larger pattern. The American exceptionalism mindset, which assumes the country will naturally recover from crises, may hinder progress towards addressing the root causes of these issues. The impeachment process, which is ongoing, may not happen in time to prevent further damage. It's crucial to acknowledge the discomforting realities and take decisive action to prevent the cycle of violence from continuing.

    • Using chaos to manipulate powerChaos can be exploited by those in power to gain control, as seen in Sri Lanka and the US. Radical police reform, like rehiring a large percentage of a force, can lead to positive changes.

      The chaos created by those in power can be used to manipulate public opinion and gain control. This was seen in the example of Sri Lanka, where political instability and chaos were used to justify a change in government. The same dynamic is a concern in the current political climate in the United States, where chaos and instability could be exploited by those seeking power. This is a dangerous cycle, as those who create the chaos often end up being the ones most harmed by it. Another point of discussion was the failure of law enforcement during times of unrest and the potential presence of extremists within these forces. The example of Georgia was brought up as an interesting case study for police reform. When a new leader came into power, the police force was seen as untrusted and extractive. Instead of trying to fix the problem through lengthy and complicated measures, the leader essentially "turned it off and turned it on again" by firing and rehiring a large percentage of the police force in a normal way. This radical approach to police reform is an underrated intervention that could potentially lead to positive changes in law enforcement.

    • Understanding America's cycles of improvement and declineAcknowledging and addressing pain in American institutions is essential for growth, despite the belief in American exceptionalism.

      The belief in American exceptionalism can hinder progress and prevent acknowledgement of systemic issues. The speaker suggests that America, like any civilization, experiences cycles of improvement and decline, and that acknowledging pain and addressing it is essential for growth. The corruption and unrest in American institutions, such as the police force, can be addressed and reformed, but it will take time and a willingness to confront reality rather than clinging to the belief that America is uniquely immune to problems. The speaker uses the metaphor of a body politic to emphasize the importance of recognizing and responding to pain in order to avoid further damage.

    • White Americans must acknowledge their role in systemic issues and examine biasesWhite Americans need to recognize their privilege and engage in dialogue to address systemic inequalities, rather than blaming marginalized communities for societal issues

      White Americans need to acknowledge their role in systemic issues and examine their own biases, rather than placing blame on marginalized communities. The speaker emphasizes that many white Americans have been shielded from the reality of others' struggles and have not been motivated to address them. Furthermore, there is a prevalent belief that individual effort and merit are the keys to success, leading to the dismissal of external factors and systemic inequalities. This mindset can be harmful and perpetuate the status quo. The recent events at the Capitol serve as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of ignoring these issues. It's crucial for all Americans to engage in open and honest dialogue and work together to create a more equitable society.

    • Heeding Warnings: Fire Alarms and FascismIgnoring warnings and downplaying dangers can lead to disastrous consequences. Take potential crises seriously and take action to prevent them, rather than waiting until it's too late.

      Ignoring warning signs and downplaying potential dangers can lead to disastrous consequences. The speaker uses the analogy of a fire alarm to emphasize the importance of heeding warnings, even if they seem melodramatic or exaggerated. This is especially relevant in today's world, where events like the COVID-19 pandemic and social unrest have shown that ignoring warnings can lead to dire situations. The speaker also touches on the idea of exceptionalism, or the belief that such events cannot happen to us, and the danger of underestimating the threat of fascism or extremism. In the context of the incoming Biden administration, the speaker suggests that accommodation and negotiation may not be effective in preventing violence or extremism, and that there is a significant portion of the population that supports such ideologies. Ultimately, the takeaway is that we must take warnings seriously and take action to prevent potential crises, rather than waiting until it's too late.

    • Accountability and leadership key to preventing corruptionEvery living ex-president in South Korea has a criminal record, emphasizing the importance of accountability. Listen to marginalized voices and empower them in leadership roles to prevent corruption. Consider alternative political parties for those dissatisfied with current leadership.

      Accountability and leadership are crucial in preventing corruption and maintaining societal stability. The discussion highlighted the serious approach towards public corruption in South Korea, where every living ex-president has a criminal record. The importance of listening to marginalized voices and empowering them in leadership roles was emphasized, as they often have a heightened awareness of potential threats. Additionally, the need for alternative political parties was suggested for those dissatisfied with the current state of the Republican Party in the United States. The conversation underscored the importance of staying informed, staying alert, and working together to address societal issues.

    • Finding Hope Amidst Challenging TimesStay informed, stay hopeful, and take action in the face of challenging times. The narrative around current events is changing and progress may be slow, but staying engaged can lead to meaningful impact.

      Learning from this conversation with Indy Summerjeeva, a writer living in Sri Lanka, is that despite the challenging times in America, there is hope to be found in the changing narrative around current events. The conversation is shifting, with more people recognizing the coup that has taken place and beginning to take action. Summerjeeva encourages those who may feel overwhelmed and desensitized to keep fighting, as the situation may reach a critical point. It's important to stay informed and engaged, even if it feels like the situation is not improving quickly enough. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying informed, staying hopeful, and taking action when possible.

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    Show notes: 

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    - Links -


    For Adam Smith:


    On X https://twitter.com/electadamsmith?lang=en


    Lost and Broken (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Broken-Journey-Chronic-Crippling-ebook/dp/B0B3YC7KLJ 

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    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com/

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