
    The Hormonal Consequences of Plastics – With Dr. Shanna Swan & Stacey Colino

    enJune 28, 2021
    What is the main topic discussed in 'Count Down'?
    How do toxins affect reproductive and hormonal health?
    Why are animal studies important for understanding human health?
    What changes can individuals make to reduce toxin exposure?
    Who are suggested influencers for promoting chemical regulation awareness?

    Podcast Summary

    • Toxins and their impact on reproductive and hormonal healthLiving in a toxic world is negatively affecting our reproductive and hormonal health. By being aware of the toxins and making changes, we can reduce their impact and improve our health.

      We are living in a toxic world that is negatively impacting our reproductive and hormonal health. The authors of the book "Count Down," Dr. Shawna Swan and Stacy Collino, discuss the connection between toxins and hormonal challenges, including infertility rates, anxiety in children, learning disabilities, thyroid challenges, and early puberty. They emphasize that we are in the most toxic time in human history, and the evidence is clear that this toxicity is having a dramatic effect on our health and potentially leading us towards extinction. However, the good news is that by being aware of the toxins and making changes, we can reduce their impact on our bodies. In this podcast episode, Dr. Mindy Pelz explores which toxins are the worst and provides insights on how to start the process of detoxification. If you're looking to address any hormonal issues, this conversation is a must-listen. The authors provide clear and concise information on how to start making changes to reduce your exposure to toxins and improve your health. Join the Reset Academy for more insights and support in creating a healthier lifestyle.

    • Join Doctor Mindy Pelts' Reset Academy for self-investment towards health goalsInvesting in Doctor Mindy Pelts' Reset Academy helps individuals set up for success in achieving health goals, particularly for those embracing a fasting lifestyle. Her research on declining sperm counts and its causes serves as a foundation for her book, which highlights lifestyle factors and chemical exposures contributing to this issue.

      Becoming a member of Doctor Mindy Pelts' Reset Academy is not just about investing in a membership, but an investment in oneself towards achieving health goals. The academy, as Mindy puts it, is the best place to set yourself up for success this year, especially for those embracing a fasting lifestyle. Her 2017 paper on declining sperm counts and its causes, which gained significant attention, served as the foundation for her book. The book delves into lifestyle factors and chemical exposures that could be contributing to this issue. The book's reception has been overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing surprise and concern about the topic. Mindy's interview on the Joe Rogan Experience further highlighted the importance of spreading awareness about this issue. Overall, the Reset Academy and her book aim to motivate and provide actionable steps towards improving one's health and wellbeing.

    • Understanding the Impact of Chemicals on Reproductive HealthPeople are motivated yet intimidated to reduce exposure to chemicals harming reproductive health. Phthalates and pesticides lower testosterone. Simultaneous exposure to multiple chemicals is a concern. The womb is no longer a protective place. Pre-pregnancy exposure is not well-understood. Start making small changes to minimize exposure.

      People are motivated but intimidated to make changes in reducing their exposure to chemicals that negatively impact reproductive health. Phthalates and pesticides are major culprits, as they can lower testosterone levels. Simultaneous exposure to a large number of chemicals is a concern, even though most of them do not bioaccumulate. The womb is no longer considered a protective place, as what the mother is exposed to during pregnancy can affect the developing baby. The exact timing and extent of pre-pregnancy exposure are not well-understood. Overall, it's crucial to start making small changes to minimize exposure to these harmful chemicals, as every step taken in the right direction contributes to reducing overall body burden.

    • Environmental factors impacting fertilityExposure to chemicals like phthalates can affect egg and sperm quality, potentially leading to infertility or reproductive issues, with long-lasting effects if in utero. Individuals should minimize exposure to toxins for better reproductive health.

      Environmental factors, such as chemical exposures, can impact the quality of both eggs and sperm, potentially leading to infertility or other reproductive issues. These effects can be long-lasting, especially if the exposure occurs in utero. Men have a chance to improve the quality of their sperm through lifestyle changes, but they cannot reverse damage caused by prior exposures. For example, phthalates have been linked to smaller penis size in babies if the mother is exposed during pregnancy. Women in their twenties are currently less fertile than their grandmothers were, highlighting the impact of environmental factors on reproductive health beyond just age. It's crucial for individuals to be aware of potential toxins and take steps to minimize exposure.

    • Impact of aging and chemicals on reproductive healthAging increases the risk of miscarriages and health issues from chemical exposures. Avoid pesticides, phthalates, and flame retardants to reduce exposure.

      As women age, their chances of conceiving and carrying a pregnancy to term healthfully decreases, and they face a higher risk of miscarriages. Additionally, the impact of toxins and chemical exposures on their bodies becomes more significant. Older people, who are already at risk due to factors like stress, poor diet, and aging, are more susceptible to the harmful effects of chemicals. These chemicals, found in our food, household products, and living environments, can affect the entire body, including the brain and behavior, and can contribute to health issues that were not previously seen at certain ages. To reduce exposure, individuals can start by avoiding pesticides in food, limiting contact with phthalates in food packaging and household products, and being mindful of flame retardants in furniture and electronics. It's essential to address all sources of exposure and consider making changes one step at a time.

    • Make conscious choices to reduce harmful chemical exposureChoose organic foods, avoid packaged and ultra-processed items, check labels for fragrances, join a fitness program, and be aware of PFAS in water to reduce chemical exposure.

      Reducing exposure to harmful chemicals starts with making conscious choices in your diet and household items. Consume fewer packaged and ultra-processed foods, opt for organic fruits and vegetables, and avoid plastic containers. Regular dusting and checking labels for fragrances also help. For instance, air fresheners and scented personal care products contain harmful phthalates. Additionally, consider joining a fitness program like PowerSync 60, which includes a customized meal plan and hormone-conscious workouts. Regarding water, be aware of forever chemicals like PFAS, which are known to cause health issues and persist in the environment. While reducing exposure to historic chemicals like DDT and PCBs is important, focusing on avoiding PFAS can significantly impact your health.

    • Forever chemicals impact our health and immune systemForever chemicals accumulate in our bodies, impacting our immune system and children's antibody production. Stricter regulations and alternative materials production are needed for systemic change.

      Forever chemicals, which are not as short-lived as other substances like DDT and PCBs, accumulate in our bodies, particularly in our fat. These chemicals can impact our immune system, and research suggests that children with higher exposure have fewer antibodies. Some countries, like the EU, have stricter regulations on these chemicals, while others, like the US, do not protect consumers as well. The vicious cycle of exposure and subsequent health issues can lead to a reliance on synthetic medications. To make a difference, we need to regulate these chemicals at the source and encourage the production of plastics from alternative materials. At an individual level, we can be mindful of the food we consume and the products we bring into our homes, but systemic change is necessary.

    • Insights from animal studies on human reproductive healthAnimal studies can provide valuable information on potential health effects in humans, particularly for reproductive health. Controlled experiments and hormonal measurements offer unique advantages, but results should be confirmed in human studies for strong evidence.

      Animal studies, particularly those using rodents, can provide valuable insights into potential health effects in humans, especially when it comes to reproductive health. These studies can help establish causation through random assignment and controlled experiments, which is not possible in human observational studies. The ideal situation is to have both animal and human studies that agree on the results, providing strong evidence of causation. The process begins with understanding the chemical structure and potential hormonal effects, followed by animal studies, human studies, and replication. Animal studies offer unique advantages, such as the ability to measure hormonal changes and control exposures, which can provide crucial mechanistic insights. While not a perfect correlation, animal studies can get us closer to understanding the human body and can serve as a starting point for further research.

    • Understanding Women's Health DifferencesHistorically, women's health research has been overlooked due to complexity and cultural bias, leading to overlooked drug effects and toxic chemicals in everyday items. Awareness and advocacy can help minimize harmful impacts.

      The importance of studying women's health separately from men's cannot be overstated. Historically, there has been a lack of research focusing on women due to the complexity of women's physiology and a cultural bias. This has led to oversights in understanding how drugs and other substances affect women differently than men. For instance, the infamous Ambien example showcases the danger of not considering women in studies. Moving forward, it's crucial to consider the unique needs of women in research. Another key takeaway is the importance of being aware of toxic chemicals in everyday items, such as furniture and dry cleaning. To minimize the introduction of these chemicals into your home, research the products you're considering, let them air out, and use HEPA filters. If we could influence one person to make a difference in chemical regulation, it would be Joe Biden. We'd encourage him to listen to scientists advocating for updated methods to protect people's health. Additionally, we believe that influencers like Oprah and Michelle Obama could help amplify this message by speaking out about the importance of keeping harmful chemicals out of our environment and food supply.

    • Considering potential risks with a 'toxic lens'Be proactive and educate yourself about harmful toxins in everyday products and environments to reduce exposure and protect your health.

      Everyone, especially those planning to get pregnant, should be aware of the potential toxicity in everyday products and environments. Two books recommended for gaining knowledge on this topic are "Still Stuck" by Shauna Shapiro and "Slow Death by Rubber Duck" by Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie. Shauna emphasizes the importance of being proactive and using a "toxic lens" to consider the potential risks of everything we bring into our lives. Stacy recommends education and self-awareness as key steps towards reducing exposure to harmful toxins. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for individuals to take an active role in understanding the potential health impacts of their daily choices.

    • Exclusive conversations about health, life, and mindsetThe Resetter podcast delivers unique insights from health influencers and mindset changers, providing a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their health and wellbeing.

      The importance of having meaningful conversations about health, life, and mindset through platforms like the Resetter podcast. The podcast aims to provide unique insights from health influencers and mindset changers that may not be readily available on social media or mainstream media. The host expresses deep appreciation for the audience and is committed to delivering the best conversations in season 2 to make a positive impact on their lives. The podcast's goal is to deliver something exclusive and impactful, making it a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their health and mindset. The host's passion for delivering information and connecting with the audience is evident, and they welcome feedback to make the podcast more customized and effective. Overall, the Resetter podcast is a unique and valuable resource for those seeking to prioritize their health and wellbeing.

    Recent Episodes from The Resetter Podcast with Dr. Mindy Pelz

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    Why Are You So Anxious? Transforming Your Anxiety into Passion with Dr. Martha Beck

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep253

    Dr. Martha Beck is a New York Times bestselling author, life coach, and speaker. She holds three Harvard degrees in social science, and Oprah Winfrey has called her “one of the smartest women I know.” Martha is a passionate and engaging teacher, known for her unique combination of science, humor, and spirituality. Her recent book, The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self, was an instant New York Times Best Seller and an Oprah’s Book Club selection. Her next book, Beyond Anxiety: Curiosity, Creativity, and Finding Your Life’s Purpose, is expected in early 2025.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Your Power Years: Musculoskeletal Health for Women Over 40 with Will Harlow

    Your Power Years: Musculoskeletal Health for Women Over 40 with Will Harlow

    Will Harlow MSc, MCSP, Cert.MA delves into some essential topics for women over 40, including musculoskeletal health, resistance training, protein intake, and the critical role of sleep. Will shares his professional insights and personal experiences, offering actionable advice while debunking common myths. Plus, get some great tips on posture, dealing with injuries, and tackling osteoporosis head-on. This conversation is packed with valuable information and light-hearted moments that will leave you inspired to age gracefully and healthily!

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep252

    Will started out life in the NHS, seeing firsthand the problems faced by people over fifty: declining independence, mobility and strength, with seemingly no one available to help them. The people Will saw were fed up of being told to accept the fact they can no longer enjoy their hobbies, and fed up of being given more pain pills or being told it's "just due to your age".

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Beyond Labels: The Power of Plants in Your Diet with Chef Leslie Durso

    Beyond Labels: The Power of Plants in Your Diet with Chef Leslie Durso

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep251

    Leslie Durso is not just a chef; she is a culinary artist who has dedicated her life to the art of creating exquisite plant-based dishes that not only delight the palate but also promote a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. Wish a culinary career spanning over 10 years, Leslie Durso has achieved recognition and acclaim for her innovative approach to vegan cuisine.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    The Rise of Thyroid Disorders: Causes, Symptoms & Solutions with Dr. Amie Hornaman

    The Rise of Thyroid Disorders: Causes, Symptoms & Solutions with Dr. Amie Hornaman

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep250

    Dr. Amie Hornaman, known as “The Thyroid Fixer,” is the host of the top rated podcast in medicine and alternative health: The Thyroid Fixer™. She founded The Better Thyroid and Hormone Institute, offering personalized care for thyroid and hormone health across the U.S. and Canada. Dr. Amie also created The Fixxr™ Supplement line, targeting weight loss, fatigue, low libido, and hormone imbalances. Inspired by her own thyroid and hormone struggles, she is dedicated to helping others navigate thyroid and hormone issues with empathy and comprehensive care. Dr. Amie's mission is to optimize your health and restore your life.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Top Lifestyle Habits to Beat Inflammation

    Top Lifestyle Habits to Beat Inflammation

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep249

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    The Movement Diet: Redefining Fitness at Every Age with Katy Bowman

    The Movement Diet: Redefining Fitness at Every Age with Katy Bowman

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep248

    Katy Bowman, M.S. is a biomechanist, bestselling author, and founder of Nutritious Movement. She has written many books on the importance of a diverse movement diet including Move Your DNA, Rethink Your Position, Dynamic Aging, and her latest My Perfect Movement Plan coming out July 30. Named one of Maria Shriver’s “Architects of Change,” Bowman is changing the way we move and think about our need for movement. She has been featured by national media like The New York Times, NPR, and The TODAY Show and has worked with companies like Patagonia, Nike, and Google as well as a wide range of non-profits and other communities, sharing her “move more, move better” message. She is the host of the Move Your DNA podcast and lives in Washington State.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Strength Training to Cardio: A Comprehensive Movement Plan with Dr. Stacy Sims

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep247

    STACY T. SIMS, MSC, PHD, is a forward-thinking international exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist who aims to revolutionize exercise nutrition and performance for women. She has directed research programs at Stanford, AUT University, and the University of Waikato, focusing on female athlete health and performance and pushing the dogma to improve research on all women.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Foods Every Woman Should Eat with Dr. William Li

    Foods Every Woman Should Eat with Dr. William Li

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep247

    William W. Li, MD, is an internationally renowned physician, scientist and author of the New York Times bestsellers “Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself” and “Eat to Beat Your Diet: Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, and Live Longer.” His groundbreaking research has  led to the development of more than 40 new medical treatments that impact care for more than 70 diseases including diabetes, blindness, heart disease and obesity. His TED Talk, “Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?” has garnered more than 11 million views. Dr. Li has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, CNBC, Rachael Ray and Live with Kelly & Mark, and he has been featured in USA Today, Time Magazine, The Atlantic, O Magazine and more. He is President and Medical Director of the Angiogenesis Foundation, and he is leading global initiatives on food as medicine. For the latest cutting-edge food as medicine science, check out Dr. Li's YouTube Channel.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    A Guide to Taking Back Women's Health & Fasting Like a Girl

    A Guide to Taking Back Women's Health & Fasting Like a Girl

    In this special live episode, captured from the Keynote at the ICDI conference, Dr. Mindy delves into women's health, particularly addressing metabolic health, hormones, and lifestyle adjustments. She highlights the necessity of tailored approaches to health and the significance of community and oxytocin in fostering well-being. In this episode, Dr. Mindy also offers practical advice on supplement cycling based on menstrual phases, the benefits of fasting snacks, and the crucial role of minerals and amino acids during fasting. This is a must for any woman seeking to transform her health and well-being.

    * Warning: Dr. Mindy uses some explicit language, so listener beware ;)

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep245

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Protecting Your Peace: A Guide to Releasing Negativity with Trent Shelton

    Protecting Your Peace: A Guide to Releasing Negativity with Trent Shelton

    Trent Shelton is former NFL wide receiver turned motivational speaker and author. Join Dr. Mindy as she dives into Trent's powerful insights on "Protecting Your Peace" and releasing negativity. Discover practical advice on how to unwind the people pleaser within, manage stress, and create a balanced life that works for you. In this episode, Trent shares compelling stories and analogies, making his guidance both relatable and actionable. Whether you're struggling with overdoing, seeking more rest, or learning to set boundaries, this conversation offers invaluable wisdom to help you live a peaceful, inspired life.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep244

    Considered one of the most impactful speakers of his generation, he reaches over 60 million people weekly through hard-hitting videos and unprecedented engagement. He started creating YouTube videos with his words of wisdom and courage, pushing others to find their inner strength.

    While Trent seemingly achieved his childhood dream, his NFL career ended prematurely, inevitably giving him the space and determination to re-evaluate his values and life’s purpose. As a way to hold himself accountable, Trent picked up his mobile phone and began recording two-minute video segments of his daily progress and posting them onto social media. The engaging, hard-hitting, yet always uplifting messages resonated with millions around the globe.

    In the years that followed, Trent founded the RehabTime Organization, a nonprofit with a mission to serve a worldwide community by demonstrating that change starts from within— through the development of faith, mindset, self-care, relationship building, and leadership.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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