
    The Illegal Appointment of David Weiss is a Blatant Biden Cover Up, plus Hypocrisy on Open Borders

    enAugust 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Consumer Protection and Transparency in FocusChumba Casino provides free games with prize opportunities, HealthLock saves consumers money through medical bill corrections, and investigations into potential political influence and legal violations continue.

      Chumba Casino offers a wide range of free casino games with the chance to win prizes, while HealthLock helps consumers save money by identifying and correcting medical billing errors. Meanwhile, there are concerns about potential influence from the Chinese Communist Party in Hollywood and the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden's affairs, which some argue is illegal and politically motivated. The appointment of David Weiss as special counsel, who is currently a sitting US attorney, is also a violation of Department of Justice regulations. The investigation into Hunter Biden's tax offenses has been slow-moving, and the statute of limitations on the most serious offenses has expired. Overall, these topics highlight the importance of consumer protection, transparency, and the rule of law.

    • U.S. Attorney David Weiss declined to prosecute Hunter Biden despite having the authorityDavid Weiss, as U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware, had the power to prosecute Hunter Biden for tax fraud and money laundering during Joe Biden's vice presidency but chose not to, allowing the statute of limitations to expire and obstructing the investigation.

      During David Weiss' tenure as U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware, he had the authority to prosecute potential crimes involving Hunter Biden, but chose not to do so. Instead, he allowed the statute of limitations to expire on multiple criminal offenses, including those related to tax fraud and money laundering during Joe Biden's vice presidency. The IRS whistleblowers have testified that Weiss' team obstructed the investigation and even prevented investigators from examining crucial evidence. Moreover, Hunter Biden's attorneys attempted to toll the statute of limitations, allowing for a potential plea deal, but Weiss declined, effectively granting a get-out-of-jail-free card. This decision not to prosecute, combined with the obstruction of the investigation, raises serious questions about Weiss' role in the handling of these cases.

    • Investigation into Biden and Son: Conflicts of Interest and Obstruction of JusticeSpecial Counsel David Weiss' appointment to investigate President Biden and his son Hunter raises concerns of potential conflicts of interest and obstruction of justice due to his previous involvement in the case and allegations of lies and obstruction against AG Merrick Garland.

      The appointment of David Weiss as special counsel for the investigation into President Biden and his son Hunter raises serious concerns about potential conflicts of interest and obstruction of justice. The speaker argues that Weiss, who was previously involved in the case when Joe Biden was Vice President, may have been complicit in covering up potential wrongdoing or may have been weak and easily influenced. Additionally, there are allegations that Merrick Garland, the current Attorney General, lied under oath and obstructed justice during this time. The speaker calls for a congressional hearing with the IRS whistleblower, Weiss, and Garland to clarify these issues and determine who is telling the truth. The implications of these allegations could be significant, potentially implicating multiple individuals in criminal activity.

    • Special Counsel Weiss's Appointment Raises QuestionsSpecial Counsel David Weiss's appointment to oversee investigations into President Biden and his son Hunter raises concerns about political motivations due to his past approval by Delaware senators and allegations of leniency in previous Hunter Biden investigations.

      The appointment of David Weiss as special counsel to oversee investigations into President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden raises questions about political motivations, given that Weiss was previously the US Attorney for the District of Delaware and both Democratic senators from Delaware, Tom Carper and Chris Coons, approved his appointment. Despite media claims that Weiss is a Trump appointee, the US attorney system requires the approval of senators from the state where the attorney will serve. Weiss's handling of investigations into Hunter Biden while he was US Attorney has been criticized for being too lenient, and some believe it was designed to protect Joe Biden. The recent appointment of Weiss as special counsel is seen by some as a political move by Attorney General Merrick Garland to demonstrate toughness on investigations into the Bidens. The timing of the appointment, coming after the release of financial records showing large payments to the Biden family from foreign sources, adds to the perception of political motivations.

    • Investigating Biden: Questions over impartiality with Weiss as special counselThe appointment of a current DOJ official as special counsel to investigate President Biden raises concerns about impartiality and fairness.

      The appointment of David Weiss as special counsel to investigate President Biden and his family is questionable under DOJ rules. The purpose of appointing a special counsel from outside the government is to ensure impartiality and avoid conflicts of interest. Weiss, being a current DOJ official, does not meet this criteria. Previous special counsels, such as Ken Starr during the Clinton investigation, were typically prominent figures from the opposing party. If a serious prosecutor like John Ratcliffe were appointed instead, it would instill fear in those being investigated and potentially lead to significant findings. The media's reaction to the appointment varied greatly, with some seeing it as a delaying tactic and others as a cover-up. Ultimately, the appointment of Weiss as special counsel raises concerns about fairness and impartiality in the investigation.

    • Investigation into Biden taxes may delay congressional probesThe appointment of a special counsel to probe Biden taxes could delay ongoing congressional investigations, potentially shielding key witnesses and slowing down the investigative process.

      The appointment of David Weiss as special counsel to investigate the taxes of President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden is likely to delay ongoing congressional investigations into the same matters. This delay may be intentional, as the appointment could provide a reason for the White House and the Justice Department to withhold key witnesses, such as David Weiss himself, from testifying before Congress. The appointment also comes as Congress is actively pursuing these issues, potentially slowing down the investigative process. Additionally, some commentators suggest that the appointment may be a way for the White House and the Justice Department to protect themselves from new information coming to light. Overall, this development could hinder the transparency and accountability that many are seeking in relation to the Bidens' tax affairs.

    • Political investigations and ongoing issuesComparisons to past political figures, subpoenas, contempt votes, and ongoing efforts for causes like saving unborn babies and supporting conservative values through cell phone usage, while the border situation remains a significant concern with Democrats speaking out.

      The investigation into certain issues will continue in Congress, with subpoenas potentially leading to contempt votes and potential refusal to prosecute by the Department of Justice. This situation has drawn comparisons to past political figures and their behavior. Meanwhile, there are ongoing efforts to raise awareness and funds for causes such as saving unborn babies and supporting conservative values through cell phone usage. Despite some progress and discussions, the border situation remains a significant concern, with Democrats now speaking out on the issue. Overall, these topics highlight ongoing political debates and actions.

    • Impact of Immigration Crisis on Blue StatesBlue states face rising crime, lawlessness, and brutality due to illegal immigration, leading to emergencies and calls for federal aid, despite past advocacy for open borders. The situation is a humanitarian and national security concern, with serious consequences for public safety and significant profits for criminal organizations.

      The ongoing immigration crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border is having a significant impact on various states across the country, particularly those referred to as "blue states." Armed men, some potentially linked to drug cartels or human trafficking, are entering the country illegally, bringing with them crime, lawlessness, and brutality. The situation has led to emergencies being declared in several states, including New York and Massachusetts, where officials are expressing concerns over the influx of illegal immigrants. The situation has become increasingly hypocritical, with Democrats in these states calling for protection and federal aid while previously advocating for open borders. The situation is not only a humanitarian crisis but also a national security concern, with serious consequences for public safety. The number of migrant deaths and drug overdoses linked to illegal immigration is staggering, and the criminal organizations behind this illegal activity are profiting immensely.

    • Concerns over financial burden of accommodating illegal immigrants in sanctuary citiesSanctuary cities like New York face financial strain from accommodating illegal immigrants, while cities in Texas with higher percentages see varying responses

      While New York City, under an Adams administration, will remain a sanctuary city, the financial burden of accommodating a large number of illegal immigrants is causing concern. Mayors and governors of cities like New York, Chicago, and Boston have declared emergencies due to less than 1% of their populations being illegal immigrants. However, in Texas, cities like El Paso and Laredo have seen much higher percentages, with El Paso experiencing 34% of its population being illegal immigrants in one year. Despite this, left-wing mayors and governors continue to label even small percentages as crises. A striking contrast can be drawn between Martha's Vineyard, where a population surge in the summer attracts wealthy liberals, and Del Rio, where a larger percentage of illegal immigrants have arrived. The response to accommodating these immigrants varies greatly depending on the community.

    • Political responses to immigration vary greatlyWealthy liberal areas declare emergencies over small numbers of immigrants while poor cities deal with massive influxes. Politicians prioritize partisan interests over addressing human suffering.

      The disparity between how different communities perceive and respond to immigration issues is significant. While Martha's Vineyard, a wealthy liberal enclave, declared an emergency over the arrival of 50 immigrants, Del Rio, a poor city, dealt with over 1.4 million encounters in a year. The Democrats, led by mayors of major cities, are asking for financial aid instead of securing the border, and they are more concerned with future democratic voters than the human suffering caused by their policies. The politicians' actions reveal their prioritization of partisan interests over addressing the real-life consequences of their decisions.

    • Texas Governor's Actions Expose Hypocrisy of Sanctuary City LeadersTexas Governor Abbott's actions of sending illegal immigrants to Democratic-led cities exposed their leaders' hypocrisy in supporting sanctuary city policies but criticizing Abbott's actions as inhumane and a political stunt.

      The actions of Texas Governor Greg Abbott in sending illegal immigrants to Democratic-led cities as a response to their sanctuary city policies have exposed the hypocrisy of these cities' leaders. While these mayors and governors have publicly supported sanctuary city policies and opposed federal involvement in immigration enforcement, they have criticized Abbott's actions as inhumane and a political stunt when their own cities received busloads of immigrants. For example, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, and San Francisco Mayor London Breed have all made public statements in support of sanctuary city policies but have criticized Abbott's actions when their cities received immigrants. This inconsistency highlights the need for a more nuanced and balanced approach to immigration policy. Additionally, for men looking to boost their testosterone levels and regain their strength and vitality, Chalk, ch0q.com, offers a solution with their male vitality stack. The company claims that it can help men increase their testosterone levels by up to 20% over 90 days. The speaker, Ben, has personally used the product and recommends it to those looking to maximize their masculinity. With the promo code Ben, subscribers can get 35% off any Chalk subscription for life.

    • San Francisco Mayor Breed's Comments on Illegal Immigrants and Drug CrisisMayor Breed's comments on illegal immigrants from Honduras exacerbating San Francisco's drug crisis sparked controversy, with some calling for compassionate policies and others advocating for tougher measures. The larger issue of immigration and border control in the US remains contentious.

      The drug crisis in San Francisco, according to Mayor Breed, is being exacerbated by illegal immigrants coming from Honduras. She emphasized that this is not a racial profiling issue but a reality of the situation. However, she also acknowledged that compassionate policies may not be sufficient to address the issue and called for tougher measures. The situation in San Francisco mirrors the larger issue of immigration and border control in the United States, with millions of people entering the country, including criminals and drug dealers. The mayor's comments drew criticism from some quarters, with one political commentator reminding America that Texas has been dealing with similar issues for a long time and that securing the border is essential to addressing the problem. The commentator also criticized New York Mayor Adams for his hypocrisy on the issue. In essence, the discussion highlights the complex and contentious issue of immigration and drug crisis in the United States, with different perspectives on how best to address these challenges.

    • BritBox: Home of Talented British Actors and New Original SeriesBritBox offers a vast collection of British series with renowned actors and new originals, while Hollywood faces external pressure from the Chinese Communist Party to make controversial choices for Chinese distribution.

      BritBox offers a vast selection of acclaimed British series featuring talented actors like Jodie Whittaker, Tamara Lawrence, Bella Ramsey, and Sophie Rundle. New original series such as Agatha Christie's Murder is Easy, Time, and After the Flood are also available. The New York Times praises BritBox as the best of British television. Meanwhile, in Hollywood, investigative reporter Tiffany Meyer from Hollywood Takeover, produced by the EPIC Times, uncovers how the Chinese Communist Party exerts control over major studios. Don't miss this groundbreaking documentary, and for a limited time, watch the first 10 minutes for free at hollywoodtakeover.com/ben. While BritBox brings the best of British entertainment, Hollywood faces external pressure from the Chinese Communist Party, leading to controversial choices to appease them for distribution in China. Hollywood Takeover sheds light on this important issue.

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