
    The Japanese Practice That Can Give More Meaning to an American Holiday

    enNovember 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Reflect on Nikon's three questions for a deeper Thanksgiving experienceNikon's three questions - what have I received, what have I given, and what troubles have I caused - can help shift focus from complaints to genuine appreciation and gratitude during Thanksgiving.

      During Thanksgiving, instead of relying on traditional, rote expressions of gratitude, consider incorporating the Japanese practice of Nikon for a more meaningful experience. Nikon is a structured method of self-reflection with three simple questions: what have I received from others, what have I given, and what troubles have I caused others. Its purpose is to encourage a shift from a complaint-based life to one of genuine appreciation and gratitude. By using Nikon's prompts, we can recognize the reality of support in our lives, cultivate noticing, and embrace life's grace. This practice can help deepen our understanding of gratitude and make Thanksgiving more meaningful.

    • Focus on positivity and cultivate gratitudeShift focus from negatives to positives, collect data on good things, and lead more mindful and appreciative lives

      The Nikon practice encourages us to focus on the positive aspects of our daily experiences and cultivate gratitude. Instead of competing to share our complaints, we are encouraged to reflect on what we have received, what we have given, and what troubles we may have caused. This practice helps us see reality more objectively and appreciate the many ways the world supports us. By shifting our focus from the negative to the positive, we not only gain a new perspective during our reflection time, but also throughout our daily lives. The Nikon practice can be seen as a form of self-research, collecting data on the good things in our lives, and helping us lead more mindful and appreciative lives.

    • Nikon Reflection Practice: Objective and Research-Oriented GratitudeThe Nikon Reflection Practice encourages listing all the good things in your life without requiring gratitude, stimulating feelings of gratitude and a desire to give back.

      The Nikon reflection practice, unlike traditional gratitude practices, encourages listing all the good things in your life without requiring the feeling of gratitude towards them first. This approach makes the practice more objective and research-oriented, allowing individuals to notice and appreciate the various ways they are being supported by their environment and people around them. As a result, feelings of gratitude often emerge naturally. Furthermore, this practice can stimulate a desire to give back to those closest to us and to the world, as we become more aware of the abundance in our lives. The Thanksgiving Nikon practice, developed by the speaker, is an extension of this concept, with additional questions to help individuals delve deeper into the practice.

    • Nikon Reflection: A Meaningful Thanksgiving TraditionDedicate the morning of Thanksgiving to a family ritual called Nikon Reflection. Reflect on what you're thankful for and share specific examples with your family, creating a unique and introspective atmosphere for the rest of the day.

      Incorporating Nikon reflection into Thanksgiving can create a meaningful and introspective ritual for families. This practice involves setting aside quiet time for each family member to reflect on what they're thankful for and share their responses with one another. The process can start with a simple one-page sheet with boxes for different categories, such as people and animals, and expand over the years into a more detailed booklet. Encouraging specificity in sharing what people have done to support each other adds depth to the experience. By dedicating the morning to this practice, families can create a unique atmosphere for the rest of the day, involving guests and expanding the tradition over the years. The specificity and focus required make it an engaging and valuable way to express gratitude during the Thanksgiving holiday.

    • Reflecting on Gratitude during ThanksgivingTaking time for quiet reflection, focusing on specific details, and writing down things you're grateful for can bring gratitude, focus, and mindfulness during Thanksgiving.

      During the Thanksgiving season, engaging in a meaningful self-reflection practice called a Nikon session can bring significant benefits. This practice involves taking time for quiet reflection, focusing on specific details, and writing down the things for which you are grateful. This process requires mental energy and can be more powerful when done with intention and detail. The length of the session can vary, but even a few minutes can be better than none at all. It's essential to find a quiet space where you can focus and stay focused without distractions. The practice can be done alone or with others, and the specific details of what you're grateful for make the exercise more impactful. Writing down your reflections can help you revisit them and share them with others, making the practice even more meaningful. Overall, the Nikon session is a simple yet powerful practice that can bring gratitude, focus, and mindfulness to the Thanksgiving season.

    • Reflecting on the people and things that have positively impacted our lives during ThanksgivingTake time to appreciate the people and experiences that have shaped your life, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.

      During the Thanksgiving season, it's important to reflect on the people and things that have positively impacted our lives, even if they are often overlooked or taken for granted. This concept is known as Okage-sama in Japanese, which translates to "thanks to you." By recognizing and appreciating these blessings, we can shed light on the shadows of our lives and truly appreciate the people and experiences that have shaped us. This can include people from the present and the past, such as family, friends, teachers, and even local businesses. So, during your Thanksgiving reflections, take some time to think about the people and things that have made a difference in your life, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. By doing so, you'll be able to deepen your gratitude and appreciation for the richness and complexity of your life.

    • Unexpected acts of kindness are blessingsRecognize and appreciate unexpected acts of kindness as blessings, reflect on past experiences of joy and help, and express gratitude for these blessings.

      Recognizing and appreciating the blessings in our lives goes beyond just feeling grateful for what we have earned or deserve. These unexpected acts of kindness and grace, like a tow truck driver helping you out of a snowbank, are true blessings that we did not earn and deserve. Reflecting on our lives and acknowledging these blessings can nurture a sense of humility and make us more appreciative of the good things that come our way. So, make a list of the people and experiences that have brought unexpected joy and help to your life, and express your gratitude for the blessings they have brought.

    • Appreciating Electric Company WorkersAcknowledging electric company workers' efforts during power outages with simple gestures boosts morale and fosters community unity

      Recognizing and appreciating the efforts of unsung heroes, like electric company workers, can make a significant impact on their morale and the community as a whole. During power outages, these individuals work tirelessly in often challenging conditions to restore electricity. Instead of complaining, acknowledging their efforts through simple gestures, like a box of chocolates, can go a long way in making their day and brightening the community's mood. This small act of kindness not only shows gratitude but also fosters a sense of connection and unity during difficult times.

    • Acknowledging the Complexity of People and RelationshipsRecognize people's complexity, heal from past hurts, and find blessings in difficult experiences

      People in our lives, including those who have caused us harm, are complex and multifaceted. Nikon, a reflective practice, encourages acknowledging both the positive and negative experiences we've had with others. It's essential to recognize that people can be kind and selfish, and both traits are part of human nature. This process doesn't ignore abuse or neglect but rather encourages objectivity and understanding. Healing from past hurts isn't about surgically removing them but acknowledging the complexity of relationships and recognizing that we can find blessings even in difficult experiences.

    • Focusing on blessings from past and presentIdentify and appreciate instances of support and appreciation from people, objects, and past experiences to shift perspective and feel a greater sense of gratitude and connection to the world

      Healing is not about eliminating past experiences, but rather seeing them in the larger context of being loved and cared for by the world. We can find blessings in the present from people and objects, and even from past relationships and experiences. By focusing on specific instances of support and appreciation, we can shift our perspective and feel a greater sense of gratitude and connection to the world around us. For example, we might think of friends, family, mentors, and even inanimate objects that bring us joy and practical support. This exercise of identifying blessings can lead to a deeper appreciation for life and a softer attitude towards our experiences.

    • Recognizing and appreciating life's blessingsTaking time to reflect on and appreciate life's blessings, big or small, can lead to greater happiness and contentment

      Recognizing and appreciating the good things in our lives, even the seemingly mundane or hidden ones, can bring us greater happiness and contentment. Whether it's our trusted laptop that allows us to work and connect with loved ones, or the forms of energy like electricity and sunlight that make our daily routines possible, taking the time to reflect on these blessings can help us see the world differently. As the speaker suggested, we can even imagine what our lives would be like without these things to deepen our appreciation. This practice of gratitude and mindfulness can bring us closer to experiencing the "wonderful life" that we often overlook in our daily routines.

    • Reflecting on our past experiences and influencesIdentifying the people and skills that have contributed to our growth can lead to new realizations and connections, increasing self-empowerment

      Reflecting on the things we have learned in our lives can help us overcome feelings of self-pity and increase our sense of agency. By creating a list of these skills and experiences, we can identify the people and influences that have contributed to our growth. This process is interactive and can lead to new realizations and connections. It's important to remember that we all start out knowing very little and rely on the guidance of others to learn and grow. By acknowledging the role that others play in our lives, we can express gratitude and appreciation for the blessings we have received. This reflection can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-empowerment.

    • Reflecting on past experiences reveals unexpected blessingsReflecting on past challenges can reveal unexpected blessings and deepen our appreciation for life's journey

      Reflecting on our past experiences, both the good and the difficult, can help us appreciate the journey of our lives. While it may be challenging to view every hardship as a blessing, looking back with time and perspective can reveal unexpected blessings. For instance, unexpected events like spending the last days of a loved one's life with them can be a source of deep gratitude. To explore this concept further, people can visit 30,000 days dot org and download the Thanksgiving Nikon booklet, which includes prompts for personal reflection. Remember, the goal is to capture as much of our life's story as possible, objectively, and find meaning and appreciation in the experiences, both the easy and the hard.

    • Reflecting on the Holidays with Greg Creech from the Toto InstituteTake time for reflection during the holiday season, use resources like the Toto Institute's guide to help facilitate meaningful reflection, and put ideas into action to live a more intentional life.

      The guest, Greg Creech, from the Toto Institute, emphasized the significance of taking time for reflection, especially during the holiday season. He encourages listeners to use their resources, such as the guide from his organization, to help facilitate meaningful reflection. Additionally, the hosts encouraged listeners to engage with the content beyond the podcast by visiting their website, subscribing, and sharing the show with others. The overall message is to not just listen, but to put the ideas into action and live a more intentional life. Happy Thanksgiving from the Art of Manliness podcast team!

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    Resources mentioned:

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    Ready for better relationships? Get started now with FREE book chapters of Naked Communication HERE.

    The ASK Formula Cheat Sheet:  How to ask for what you want… and get it.  http://www.sagebhobbs.com/ask-formula-cheat-sheet/

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    Thank you for listening. Feel free to share this episode. Until next time, Keep in touch, and take care.

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