
    Podcast Summary

    • UK PM Rishi Sunak fails to act on Boris Johnson's potential misconductRishi Sunak promised integrity but failed to vote on Johnson's potential misconduct, seen as governing based on party fears, and not addressing key issues like mortgage help.

      Rishi Sunak, the UK Prime Minister, faced criticism for not taking a stance on a vote regarding Boris Johnson's potential misconduct as prime minister. Sunak had promised to bring integrity and accountability to the government, but by not voting on the issue, he failed to deliver on that promise. Additionally, Sunak is still seen as being afraid of the Conservative Party membership and governing based on their fears, rather than the will of the electorate. Furthermore, Sunak is not delivering on other key issues, such as helping people pay their mortgages, adding to the perception that he lacks the ability to lead effectively.

    • UK's Inflation Crisis: Rising Rates and Household CostsThe UK is facing high inflation rates, causing increased costs for essentials and borrowing. The government is under pressure to alleviate financial burden, with proposals for a windfall tax on banks and criticism of Brexit and stamp duty holiday.

      The UK is currently experiencing high inflation rates, leading to rising interest rates as the Bank of England attempts to tame the highest rate in the G7. The average household is facing increased costs for essentials and borrowing, but discretionary spending may not be significantly changing. The government has been criticized for factors contributing to the situation, including Brexit and the stamp duty holiday, which incentivized mortgage-taking and now leaves many homeowners facing steep hikes. Former shadow chancellor John Macdonald has proposed a windfall tax on the UK's five biggest banks to help alleviate the financial burden on citizens. This tax is based on a precedent set by building societies, which have returned profits to customers. The mortgage crunch is expected to hit right before the next election, potentially leading to political consequences for the government.

    • Controversial UK Government Decisions and the Impact on Public FundsThe UK government's £340 billion profit and £52 billion payout to customers highlight the potential for redistributing more funds directly to people. However, past austerity measures, like cuts in public sector wages and education spending, have negatively impacted essential services and faced criticism.

      The UK government has a history of controversial decisions regarding public funds and austerity measures. Last month, the government announced a £340 billion profit and paid out £52 billion to customers, which is only 15% of their profits. This precedent could inspire politicians to consider redistributing more funds directly to the people. However, some past political figures, like David Cameron and George Osborne, have faced criticism for their austerity measures that led to cuts in public sector wages, education spending, and social care, which negatively impacted the NHS and other essential services. These decisions were made during a decade when doctors and nurses were essentially running on goodwill. Despite these challenges, mayors in the North of England, like Andy Burnham, have gained more power and national attention, giving the region a stronger voice. Burnham, the mayor of Greater Manchester, has been a prominent figure in fighting for resources during the COVID-19 lockdowns. During negotiations, he was offered only £20 million to address the situation, which he considered disgraceful. These events underscore the importance of fair and equitable distribution of public funds and the potential consequences of austerity measures.

    • The North of England feels overlooked and undervaluedThe COVID-19 pandemic exposed the divide between the government and local communities in the North, with some areas facing prolonged restrictions while others seemed untouched, leading to calls for more devolved power to bridge the gap.

      The North of England has long felt overlooked and undervalued by the government, and the COVID-19 pandemic brought this issue to the forefront in a devastating way. Mayor Andy Burnham experienced this firsthand when he felt disregarded during negotiations with Downing Street, leading him to advocate for the North from outside of Westminster. The pandemic highlighted the stark divide between different parts of the country, with some areas, like Greater Manchester, suffering under restrictions for months while others seemed to carry on as normal. Burnham expressed a sense of accountability now that there are consequences for those in power, and he believes more devolved power, not necessarily mayors, is needed to address the disconnect between the government and local communities.

    • Decentralizing power for effective changeDevolving power to local authorities can lead to more meaningful change and reduce the north-south divide in England

      Decentralizing power and decision-making to the local level can lead to more effective and meaningful change, as seen in areas of England with greater devolution. The speaker, Steve Rotheram, believes this approach is working and reducing the north-south divide. He points to his success as mayor of Liverpool, such as putting buses back under public control, as evidence of real change. Rotheram also shares his belief that mayors and combined authorities across England are the most functional part of the UK government at present. While he may not rule out a return to Westminster one day, he is committed to building something meaningful in the North and sees it as a long-term solution to fixing politics in the country. Rotheram's experiences as an MP and mayor have shown him the importance of being true to oneself and the potential for greater impact through local leadership.

    • Personal crisis and questioning party politicsEmily Thornberry shares her experience of defying government advice and the impact it had on her political beliefs, while acknowledging the concern of internal factionalism within the Labour Party and the importance of authentic representation.

      The speaker, during their time as a culture secretary, faced a personal crisis when they were advised not to attend an anniversary event for the Hillsborough disaster due to government advice. However, they decided to go against this advice and reopen the event, risking their political capital. This experience marked a turning point for the speaker, leading them to question the authenticity of party politics and ultimately beginning their path out of Westminster. As a voter, the speaker's interlocutor shares similar feelings of disillusionment with party politics due to the perceived lack of authenticity and the dominance of party lines over individual values. The speaker, Emily Thornberry, agrees that the Labour Party is still a coalition but acknowledges the concern of internal factionalism and the importance of all voices being heard within the party.

    • The importance of inclusive collaboration in policy-makingEffective policy-making requires a diverse range of voices and proportional representation to ensure every vote counts equally.

      Inclusive collaboration is crucial for effective policy-making. As discussed, the success of Labour's policies in the past, such as the national minimum wage, came from a diverse range of voices contributing to the agenda. It's important for everyone to feel involved and have a sense of ownership over the policies being implemented. The speaker also emphasized the need for proportional representation to ensure every voice is heard and every vote counts equally. Additionally, the speaker, Steve Rotheram, has a good relationship with Labour leadership but acknowledges the distinction in their roles, and he is passionate about parliamentary reform.

    • Mayor of Greater Manchester finds joy in serving his communityAndy Burnham, the Mayor of Greater Manchester, found fulfillment in serving his community and is content with his current role, despite past aspirations to be prime minister.

      Andy Burnham, the Mayor of Greater Manchester, is proud of his current role and considers it beyond his wildest dreams. Despite the assumption that all politicians aspire to be prime minister, Burnham found joy and fulfillment in serving his community in Manchester. He acknowledges the transformation brought about by the investment from Manchester City's owners and encourages critics to see the positive changes in the city. Burnham's experience with the Smiths and Morrissey during his youth gave him a sense of empowerment and aspiration, and he feels grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in his current role. He remains open to future opportunities but is content with his current position.

    • Manchester City's owners contribute to city beyond footballManchester City's owners have invested in commercial facilities, colleges, housing, and brought two Champions League titles, improving the city and building affordable homes, while addressing concerns and helping preserve nightlife venues.

      Manchester City's owners have significantly contributed to the city beyond just building a football club. They have invested in commercial facilities, colleges, housing, and have brought the city two Champions League titles. Manchester is now one of only two European cities with two Champions League-winning teams. The owners have also been partners in improving the city and building affordable homes. However, concerns regarding human rights issues in Abu Dhabi and the potential impact on housing in Manchester have been raised. The city council is currently focusing on building homes for social rent and addressing homelessness. Regarding Night and Day Cafe, an iconic music venue facing closure due to a noise abatement order, City Football Group's CEO, Andy Anson, has promised to help resolve the issue. Manchester's nightlife continues to thrive, making it a desirable place for both residents and investors.

    • Manchester's Community Stands United for Nightlife and Affordable HousingManchester's growth brings optimism but challenges, requiring practical solutions like community interviews for housing to preserve nightlife and affordability, while learning from past struggles like those faced by the Windrush generation.

      Manchester's community is united in their support for preserving the city's nightlife and affordable housing, despite the challenges posed by gentrification. Manchester's growth and vibrancy, fueled by a young population and cultural attractions, are seen as reasons for optimism. However, there's a need for practical solutions to prevent the loss of smaller venues and keep housing affordable. One potential approach is implementing a community interview process for housing applicants, similar to flatmate interviews. The discussion also touched on the importance of learning from the past, as represented by the Windrush generation, who faced discrimination and relied on creative solutions like partner hands to build community and overcome obstacles. Overall, Manchester's future lies in embracing its diversity and finding innovative ways to address the needs of its growing population.

    • The Windrush generation's impact on British societyThe Windrush generation introduced new forms of savings, music genres, and the practice of moisturizing to Britain, while also facing challenges in recognition for their significant contributions to society.

      The Windrush generation, which began in 1948 when people from the Caribbean arrived in the UK, not only brought their culture and traditions but also significantly contributed to various aspects of British society. They introduced new forms of savings that helped build communities and infrastructure, leading to the creation of churches, community centers, and educational facilities. The Windrush generation also introduced 52 genres of music to Britain, which were influenced by their unique experiences. Additionally, they introduced the practice of moisturizing to Britain, which is now a common practice. However, despite their significant contributions, the Windrush generation has not always been treated fairly, and their stories and achievements are not adequately recognized in British history. Catherine Ross, founder and director of the National Caribbean Heritage Museum, hopes that this will change, and she encourages the Caribbean community to keep records of their contributions to the UK. It's important to remember that the Windrush generation is not just a symbol of immigration but also a symbol of resilience, creativity, and cultural richness.

    • Windrush Scandal: A Stain on National Character and GovernmentThe Windrush scandal revealed systemic institutional racism, but the government has failed to fully address the issue, with only a few recommendations implemented and a flawed compensation scheme.

      The Windrush scandal, which exposed the unjust treatment and deportation of members of the Windrush generation who had been living in the UK for decades, is not only a profound stain on the national character and government, but also a clear example of systemic institutional racism. Despite the scandal, the unit tasked with preventing similar incidents from happening again has been shut down, and only a few of the 30 recommendations from the Windrush review have been fully implemented. Additionally, the Windrush compensation scheme, which was described as not fit for purpose, places an unfair burden on claimants and has resulted in lengthy delays and incorrect decisions. The hostile environment policy, which was the root cause of the scandal, was intentionally designed to make life difficult for immigrants and undocumented migrants, and the current government's efforts to roll back some of the recommendations and ignore others only adds to the injustice. This is not just about ID documentation, but a systemic issue that requires acknowledgement and action from the government.

    • A contrast between disappointing actions and inspiring storiesDespite lockdown violations and disappointing actions by some, inspiring stories of compassion and resilience remind us of the importance of focusing on positive actions.

      While a group of individuals close to the UK government held a party in violation of lockdown regulations, causing embarrassment and anger, there are also uplifting stories that remind us of human kindness and resilience. Graeme Souness, a former footballer, swam the English Channel to raise over £1,000,000 for a 14-year-old girl suffering from a rare and painful skin condition, inspiring many with his act of compassion. This contrast between the disappointing actions of those in power and the heroic efforts of individuals like Graeme Souness highlights the importance of focusing on positive stories and actions, even during challenging times.

    • A powerful reminder of kindness and compassionGraeme Souness, 70, inspires with a marathon run for charity, showcasing the power of human connection and support for those in need.

      The story of Graeme Souness and Ayla's father, Andy, who completed a marathon in 12 hours and 17 minutes to support a charity for people with epidermolysis bullosa, or butterfly skin, is a powerful reminder of the kindness and compassion of strangers. Despite coming from different backgrounds, people can come together to support each other. Graeme Souness, at 70 years old, serves as an inspiration to all. The charity, Debra.org.uk, does amazing work in supporting those affected by this condition. The episode featuring Dr. Masen Al and Khan received positive reactions, with listeners expressing admiration and appreciation for their erudition and dedication. The emotional impact of the episode was strong, and the listener base was encouraged to get in touch and share their thoughts. The show, Pod Save the UK, is a production of Crooked Media, and new episodes can be found every week.

    Recent Episodes from Pod Save the UK

    Will “gamblegate” scandal obliterate the Tories Forever? Plus last few days of the election with Liz Bates

    Will “gamblegate” scandal obliterate the Tories Forever? Plus last few days of the election with Liz Bates

    With just one week to go until the election, Rishi Sunak’s chances of avoiding a landslide defeat might have just got slimmer - all thanks to “gamble-gate”. 

    Nish and Coco are joined by political correspondent Liz Bates to discuss the betting scandal plaguing the government. Sunak vowed to lead the world in “standards of decency” but has been very slow to act. Might this mean a complete wipeout for them?

    But that’s not all the scandals this week. Education secretary Gillian Keegan has repeatedly used a claim about children being taught there are “72 genders” to back up government plans to ban schools from talking about gender identity. Nish, Coco and Liz investigate her so-called sources.

     And from politicians playing minecraft to the Reform UK Party singing the Spice Girls, the WTF moments are multiplying. Nish, Coco and Liz dissect their favourites from the week.


    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

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    Liz Bates, Political Correspondent, Sky News


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    Reform UK


    Chris Packham Vs Taylor Swift: Will People or Politics Save Our Planet?

    Chris Packham Vs Taylor Swift: Will People or Politics Save Our Planet?

    The major parties have failed to pledge to make the radical changes needed to save our planet from climate catastrophe - but people power may well save us yet. 

    Nish and Coco are joined by conservationist Chris Packham to find out what more our politicians need to do and how citizens can get involved. Chris also questions the wisdom of Taylor Swift’s private jet usage and brings a suggestion of how she could help create change. 

    Later, Adrienne Buller drops by to explore GB Energy - Labour’s signature manifesto pledge that they’ve claimed to be the most radical climate policy ever. 

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.


    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

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    Who gets the power? Devolution and the General Election.

    Who gets the power? Devolution and the General Election.

    It’s been a horrendous campaign for the Conservatives so far, careening from disaster to catastrophe, but the Tories don't have the exclusive on political drama. This week Nish and Coco focus on the action in the devolved nations, with a particular focus on Wales and Northern Ireland. 

    First, we check in with Welsh Journalist Will Hayward to learn about the recent vote of no confidence in First Minister Vaughan Gething and Labour’s manifesto pledge to tune up the current devolution agreements. Then, Coco chats to Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth, to learn more about Plaid’s ambitions for Wales and their plans to turn up the heat on Labour. 

    Later, we check in to Northern Ireland, speaking to journalist Amanda Ferguson about the stakes of the next election and whether allegations about former DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson will have any bearing on the election. 

    Finally, the gang break out some of Coco’s recently rebranded charming and quizzical moments.


    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk 

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

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    Rhun ap Iorwerth

    Will Hayward

    Amanda Ferguson


    Audio credits:

    Sky News

    Blue Sky.mp3 by Sergmusic -- https://freesound.org/s/639933/ -- License: Creative Commons 0

    TikTok/ Suella Braverman 


    Useful links:

    Jo Stevens interview with S4C https://x.com/NewyddionS4C/status/1802786241852707250

    Constituencies and candidates: 

    Montgomeryshire and Glyndwr: https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/elections/parl.montgomeryshire-and-glyndwr.2024-07-04/montgomeryshire-and-glyndwr/

    Ynys Mon:






    Manifesto deep-dive: Is Labour’s at all progressive?

    Manifesto deep-dive: Is Labour’s at all progressive?

    Following a week of political manifestoes dropping from UK parties - Nish & Coco take a deep-dive investigation to see how they hold up against one another. With a focus on manifestoes that have left-wing approaches - they discuss what policies are the most realistic and which hold up the best under scrutiny.  Joined by political journalist Zoe Grünewald, Nish & Coco look closely at welfare policies, the NHS, taxes and social care.

    Special guests Rebekah Pierre (author and social worker) and Helen Barnard (of the Trussell Trust) send the hosts their thoughts on which policies have the most potential for hope. 

    And there’s a return of WTF moments featuring an iconic UK hit song and Starmer’s comeback to a surprise protest.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

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    Zoe Grünewald, political journalist

    Audio Clips:


    Institute for Fiscal Studies

    Times Radio

    Sky News

    Dawn Butler/Elson

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    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    How to make your vote count: is Tactical Voting a necessary evil? With Femi Oluwole

    How to make your vote count: is Tactical Voting a necessary evil? With Femi Oluwole

    The polls are indicating a landslide victory for Labour come the election on July 4th. But that hasn’t stopped the calls - from both the left and the right - for citizens to vote tactically. But what does that really mean in Britain’s broken electoral system?

    Joining Nish and Coco on the PSUK sofa is Femi Oluwole, activist and campaigner, and Joe Twyman, a seasoned pollster covering his 9th election. Together they discuss whether this is an election for people to vote with their heart or if being “strategic” is more important and whether our new parliament has any hope of delivering long overdue reform to our electoral system.

    We also hear from Jessica Garland from the Electoral Reform Society.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.


    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    Femi Oluwole, YouTube Campaigner, Tactical Voting activist

    Joe Twyman, Co-founder and director of Deltapoll


    Audio Clips:

    Sky News



    Channel 5



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    Why is it so hard to tax the rich? Would it fix our economy? With Gary Stevenson

    Why is it so hard to tax the rich? Would it fix our economy? With Gary Stevenson

    The UK’s sorry state of affairs when it comes to water and railways is both a massive problem and an opportunity for the incoming government. Water companies are teetering on the brink of collapse and it feels inevitable that they will soon fall back in to public ownership. But how can we pay for renationalised services? 

    Cat Hobbs from We Own It talks to Nish and Coco about the history of privatisation and the opportunities that renationalised services present to the UK. 

    And economist and activist Gary Stevenson explores how the public can rewrite the narrative on taxation - starting with a 1% tax on people with wealth of over £10,000,000. But why stop there? Coco and Nish ask about other potential boons to the state budget. 

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

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    Cat Hobbs, Director of We Own It

    Gary Stevenson, the Activist and Economist behind Gary’s Economics

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    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!



    Jeremy Corbyn & Mhairi Black: Left Culled, Centre Cracked and Right Reformed?

    Jeremy Corbyn & Mhairi Black: Left Culled, Centre Cracked and Right Reformed?

    In week two of the campaigns for the upcoming General Election - the fight for the centre vote has become a focal point. But the crucial question remains - what will this do for the future of politics in the UK? Are we at risk of losing diversity across parties? And as Keir Starmer appears to be purging the left-wing factions of the Labour Party, Nish and Coco speak to former Labour leader and now independent candidate Jeremy Corbyn on whether he’s hopeful for a potential Labour government and what advice he has for Keir Starmer.

    Nish and Coco also speak to Mhairi Black about the challenges facing the SNP when trying to capture the electorate. They also discuss whether we are at risk of losing the kind of representation that the Left and younger voters need to bring about hope and change in society.

    There’s also a rundown of the first Sunak vs Starmer TV debate and a return of the best WTF moments from the week’s political campaigns.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

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    Jeremy Corbyn, Independent Candidate for Islington North

    Mhairi Black, former SNP Deputy Leader and MP for Paisley and Renfrewshire South

    Audio credits:



    Labour Party

    Sky News


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    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    Generational Warfare: Has Rishi Sunak’s electoral gambit misfired?

    Generational Warfare: Has Rishi Sunak’s electoral gambit misfired?

    It’s week one of the campaign and after a comical series of false starts, Rishi Sunak and the Tories have fired the first shots in a campaign of generational warfare. 

    Nish and Coco are joined by political correspondent Liz Bates to find out if there are votes to be won in these wedge politics. Later, they speak to Christine Jardine from the Liberal Democrats about their differences with Labour as well as the electoral battleground that is Scotland. And, as the campaign heats up - the WTF moments are multiplying. Nish, Coco and Liz dissect their favourites from the week.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/podsavetheuk

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/podsavetheuk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/podsavetheworld



    Liz Bates, Sky News

    Christine Jardine, Scottish Liberal Democrat MP


    Audio credits:


    Sky News

    Shrek - Paramount pictures

    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    What do the Trans & Non-binary community need most right now?

    What do the Trans & Non-binary community need most right now?

    Nish and Coco are joined by Abigail Thorn (actress, writer and host of PhilosophyTube) and Freddy McConnell (writer and journalist) to examine the issues facing the trans and non-binary community in the UK today. 

    In recent news, the current Tory government has proposed new guidelines for education in schools across England. Education Secretary Gillian Keegan said that gender identity should not be taught in schools to students of any age. Abigail and Freddy respond to these news headlines and also discuss The Cass review, a proposed new approach from the Labour Party around the Gender Recognition Act,  and which individuals need highlighting for their work on trans rights in the UK. 

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/podsavetheuk

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/podsavetheuk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/podsavetheworld


    Abigail Thorn, 

    Freddy McConnell, journalist

    Audio credits:



    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!


    Transactual Briefing on the Cass Review - https://transactual.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/TransActual-Briefing-on-Cass-Review.pdf

    Are these the last six weeks of Rishi Sunak and the Tories?

    Are these the last six weeks of Rishi Sunak and the Tories?

    Nish and Coco bring you a hot off-the-press special look at the announcement of a UK general election.

    On Wednesday 22nd May - Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the next general election will be on Thursday 4th July 2024. It appeared to be a sudden decision that surprised even his own Conservative MPs. But this announcement brings a whole host of questions with it. What key issues will this election be fought on? Is the timing helpful to any party in particular? How will Sunak fare under the microscope? To answer those and many more - friend of the show Liz Bates makes an eager return. Alongside Nish and Coco - Liz discusses what drove Sunak to this announcement and whether Keir Starmer got something of a headstart on his campaign.

    There’s also discussion of how other parties might fare in this race from Lib Dems to the SNPs. And co-leader of the Green Party Adrian Ramsay gives his point of view.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.


    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/podsavetheuk

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/podsavetheuk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/podsavetheworld



    Liz Bates, Sky News

    Adrian Ramsay, Co-leader, Green Party

    Audio credits:


    Sky News


    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    Related Episodes

    Should Fear of Next Recession Keep You From Buying?

    Should Fear of Next Recession Keep You From Buying?

    In this episode Ryan discusses why FEAR shouldn't be a motivating factor to buy or not to buy moving forward and gives insight on how the Covid-19 pandemic compares to 2007-2009 Great Recession and how he thinks it differs from the one headed our way in the future and what we are currently living in now. If you are thinking of buying or selling a home in the next year this episode is good information for you. 

    S5 - E4 - Beulah Coombs - From Jamaica to Britain in the 50s, becoming one of the first black teachers in Britain

    S5 - E4 - Beulah Coombs - From Jamaica to Britain in the 50s, becoming one of the first black teachers in Britain

    Beulah Coombs was born in Jamaica in 1949 and at the age of 8 she moved to Manchester following her parents who had moved their to help rebuild England after the war. She is part of the Windrush Generation. The world she encountered was much different to what she imagined and the welcome she received was tainted by ignorance as she strove to make an impact in her new surroundings.

    But make an impact she did as Beulah ignored the racists and naysayers to build a life in her adopted country that was so fulfilling it prevented her from returning to live in Jamaica, even when the British government introduced a law suggesting she do just that.

    Beulah describes the difficulties she faced finding a job, the vibrancy of the nightclub scene and talks about the importance of accurately depicting the past.

    Inquisitive, funny, determined, and a first time published author at the age of 75…this is Beulah Coombs!



    Growing a Public Chorus for Change: reshaping democracy with Alex Lockwood of the Humanity Project

    Growing a Public Chorus for Change: reshaping democracy with Alex Lockwood of the Humanity Project

    We don't have a democracy, we have a kleptocracy that elevates to positions of power those amongst us who are most comfortable with leaning into their inner Dark Triad of Psychopathy, Narcissism and basic low cunning.  Then, when they get there, we're surprised that they go on to wreak havoc with all that we believe to be good and right and beautiful. 

    Doing the same thing time after time is the very definition of insanity - clearly we need a new way of connecting, of communicating, of articulating our needs and wants that give us a sense of connection, agency and sufficiency, that bring out the best of us, not our own inner dark triads. We need a new means of governance that works from the ground up and works for a thriving future for the human and more-than human world. 

    This week's guest is absolutely immersed in the questions of how we transform our governance. More than this, he is immersed in actually making it happen. Alex Lockwood was a Senior Lecturer in Professional and Creative Writing at Sunderland University and he practiced what he taught - because he's also the author of a novel, The Chernobyl Privileges and a non-fiction memoir, The Pig in Thin Air.

    More recently, he was actively involved in Animal Rebellion, a kindred organisation to Extinction Rebellion and then that evolved into becoming a founder member of The Humanity Project, an astonishing, life-affirming, inspiring collective movement for change. At the times when the news about climactic tipping points and the loss of sulphur particles and the impact of el Nino combines with the horrors of political destruction around the world, it's really good to remember there are highly motivated, highly intelligent people getting together to create visions for change that will work and to which we will all look forward. This podcast rekindled my belief in a future that can work. I hope it does the same for you.

    Humanity Project https://humanityproject.uk/
    Hard Art Festival in Manchester "The Fête of Britain" https://hardart.metalabel.com/ha002/
    Global Assembly https://globalassembly.org/
    Lee Jasper https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Jasper
    Clare Farrell  https://www.dazeddigital.com/life-culture/article/61534/1/extinction-rebellion-xr-co-founder-clare-farrell-prison-hsbc-windows-smash
    Alex on Twitter https://twitter.com/alexlockwood
    Alex on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-lockwood-narrative-leadership/

    MAP 052: The First Steps for a Brand New Agent w/ Rick Gonzalez

    MAP 052: The First Steps for a Brand New Agent w/ Rick Gonzalez

    Everyone who has been in business for a while looks back at when they first started out and thinks "man, if only I knew X, Y or Z when I got started!" It's true, it took me 4 years before I figured out the right and wrong way to grow my real estate business. During those 4 years, I struggled ALOT and had some severe financial problems due to a lack of income. I would have given almost anything to have had someone sit me down and say, "here's the first few things you need to do now that you have your real estate license." 

    Luckily, our guest this week is here to do just that! Rick Gonzalez, host of the brand spankin' new Modern Agent Podcast, joins us to talk about the most important "first steps" that a brand new agent or Loan officer should do to start off on the right foot, and have success quickly. Even if you're not a brand new agent, you'll learn real estate business tips that will help you. Especially an agent or loan officer who is rebuilding or re-inventing themselves. 

    Be sure to check out Rick's new real estate podcast, the Modern Agent Podcast, at http://www.modernagentpodcast.com

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