
    The Life and Lies of George Santos

    enJanuary 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Newly Elected Representative George Santos' Fabricated BackgroundGeorge Santos, a newly elected US representative, was exposed for lying about his background including his parents being Brazilian immigrants and experience at Citigroup and Goldman Sachs.

      George Santos, a newly elected representative from New York's 3rd district, misled voters about his background during his campaign. Santos claimed to be the embodiment of the American dream, with a background of Brazilian immigrant parents and experience working at prestigious financial institutions like Citigroup and Goldman Sachs. However, reporters from The New York Times discovered that many aspects of Santos' story were fabricated. Despite attempts to speak with him, Santos has avoided commenting on the matter. This revelation comes as the House of Representatives descends into chaos over the election of a speaker, adding another layer of political drama to the Capitol. The full story of Santos' deception and the reaction of voters in his district is still unfolding.

    • Newly Elected Congressman George Santos's Background Under ScrutinyDespite helping Republicans win back the House, George Santos's background is under scrutiny due to discrepancies in his charity and employment history.

      George Santos, a newly elected Republican congressman from New York, played a significant role in helping his party regain control of the House in the 2022 elections. He ran on key Republican messages such as crime and inflation and won by a substantial margin. However, during the course of researching a profile on Santos for The New York Times, some discrepancies were uncovered in his biography. Specifically, a charity he had claimed to run called Friends of Pets United could not be verified, raising skepticism. Furthermore, when investigating his employment history, it was discovered that he had worked for Goldman Sachs and Citibank, but the exact dates were not clear from his campaign profile. These findings added to the growing scrutiny surrounding Santos and underscored the importance of fact-checking political claims.

    • Congressional Candidate George Santos's False Claims ExposedGeorge Santos's claims about working for Citigroup and Goldman Sachs, attending Baruch College and New York University, losing employees in the Pulse nightclub shooting, and Jewish heritage have been debunked. His modest background in Queens contradicts his portrayed successful Wall Street career.

      George Santos, a candidate for Congress, has been found to have misrepresented several aspects of his personal history and professional background. Wall Street firms Citigroup and Goldman Sachs confirmed that Santos had never worked for them, despite his claims to the contrary. Additionally, it was discovered that Santos may not have attended Baruch College or New York University as he claimed, and there is no record of him losing employees in the Pulse nightclub shooting. Further investigation revealed that Santos' claims about his Jewish heritage and grandparents fleeing persecution in Europe were also false. Santos was able to confirm some items on his resume, but public records and interviews with former acquaintances paint a much different picture of his life. Instead of a successful career on Wall Street, Santos lived a modest life in Queens with his mother and sister, and was evicted from multiple apartments. The discrepancies between Santos' public persona and his actual life have raised serious questions about his trustworthiness and authenticity as a candidate.

    • Santos's financial past raises questions about trustworthiness and integrityCongressman George Santos, known for past borrowing issues, faces scrutiny for potential fraud, failed to repay over $5,000, and failed to disclose clients in financial disclosure. Old records from Brazil reveal a confession to checkbook theft and fraudulent purchases.

      George Santos, a man with a history of borrowing money he couldn't repay, is under scrutiny for financial discrepancies and potential fraud. He was ordered to pay back over $5,000 to a friend but never did. His company, the DeVolder Organization, is successful but its clients and operations remain a mystery. He failed to disclose clients in his financial disclosure, which could be a legal issue. Moreover, records from Brazil show that Santos confessed to stealing a checkbook and making fraudulent purchases over a decade ago, but disappeared before the case could proceed. Despite multiple requests for an interview, Santos remained silent until after reports were published, and even then, he has yet to provide a clear explanation. These revelations raise serious questions about Santos's trustworthiness and financial integrity.

    • Newly Elected Congressman George Santos Admits to Embellishing ResumeGeorge Santos, a newly elected Congressman, admitted to lying about graduating from college and working for major financial institutions. His conflicting explanations for past employment and criminal history raise questions about his trustworthiness and ability to effectively represent his district in Congress.

      George Santos, a newly elected Congressman from New York, has admitted to embellishing parts of his resume, including false claims about graduating from college and working for major financial institutions. During a media tour, he apologized for any disappointment caused but emphasized his past work experience and ability to deliver results for his constituents. However, his explanations for some discrepancies, such as potential employees in the Pultz nightclub shooting and his criminal history in Brazil, have been confusing and contradictory. Despite his apologies, the extent of his lies raises questions about his trustworthiness and ability to effectively represent his district in Congress. The media has uncovered ongoing investigations into his criminal history, which could potentially disqualify him from serving in the role. The real issue at hand is whether voters can trust Santos' honesty and integrity, given the degree of falsehood and misrepresentation in his past.

    • Newly Elected Congressman Under Investigation Faces Uncertain FutureGeorge Santos faces investigations for resume embellishments and potential campaign finance violations, but his future in Congress remains uncertain as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has yet to assume power and force him out.

      George Santos, a newly elected congressman under investigation for embellishing his resume and potentially committing campaign finance violations, is currently serving as an almost official member of Congress despite calls for his resignation and ethics investigations. The future of his tenure is uncertain, as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has yet to assume power and force him out. However, Santos's actions have already led to multiple investigations, and if criminal charges are brought, it could result in him not serving out his full term. The ongoing situation highlights the complexities of the political landscape in Washington D.C. and the challenges of holding elected officials accountable for their actions.

    • Despite vetting processes, George Santos's false biography went unnoticedThorough reporting and investigation before elections, as well as prioritizing local races and providing adequate resources for vetting candidates, are crucial to ensure accurate information for voters.

      While there are mechanisms in place for political parties to vet their candidates, such as opposition research, these processes are not foolproof. In the case of George Santos, a New York congressional candidate who was later revealed to have fabricated key aspects of his biography, opposition research did uncover some red flags, including past evictions and a connection to a company that was later sued for operating as a Ponzi scheme. However, the focus of the media and the public shifted to other issues, such as Santos's political stances and associations. This highlights the importance of thorough reporting and investigation before elections, as well as the need for news organizations and political parties to prioritize local races and provide adequate resources for vetting candidates. Ultimately, the responsibility lies with all actors involved to ensure that accurate information is available to voters before they cast their ballots.

    • The importance of thorough journalistic investigationJournalists must scrutinize politicians' backgrounds and actions, as the George Santos case showed the consequences of unchecked deceit in politics.

      The resources available to local political reporters have significantly decreased, making it more challenging to uncover extensive stories about politicians' backgrounds and potential deceit. The George Santos case highlighted the importance of thorough journalistic investigation, as he pushed the boundaries of what is expected in politics with his extensive lies. The public's trust in political figures and the democratic process was shaken when Santos' falsehoods went unchecked for so long. As a result, journalists must remain vigilant and apply the same level of scrutiny to all aspects of a politician's life, regardless of the public's expectations. The current situation in the US House of Representatives, where Kevin McCarthy's bid for Speaker has stalled, underscores the importance of a functional political system and the potential consequences of a lack of trust and transparency.

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    Join the conversation, weigh in on Twitter using the hashtag #NY1YouDecide or give us a call at 212-379-3440 and leave a message. Or send an email to YourStoryNY1@charter.com.