
    Podcast Summary

    • Creating safe spaces for men to embrace emotionsEncouraging men to be vulnerable and embrace emotions in safe spaces leads to stronger connections and personal growth.

      Men, especially boys, need support and understanding when facing emotional challenges. Jason Wilson, a speaker, coach, and author, shared a powerful moment from his martial arts studio where he helped a young boy overcome his fear of failure by encouraging him to cry and embrace his emotions. This incident was a norm for Wilson, who believes that men often suppress their emotions and need safe spaces to be human. He uses the symbolism of breaking emotional barriers, such as fear of failure, to help men overcome various challenges throughout their lives. Wilson's message emphasizes the importance of creating moments where men can be vulnerable and open up, leading to stronger connections and personal growth.

    • Suppressing emotions harms men's healthMen should embrace their emotions, it's okay to cry and grieve, breaking free from societal norms leads to authentic connections.

      Suppressing emotions, particularly crying, is harmful to men's mental and emotional health. Society's pressure on men to be hyper-masculine and tough can lead to years of unprocessed trauma and emotional pain. This can manifest in various ways, such as avoidance of medical check-ups or emotional disconnection from others. The speaker's personal experience of losing loved ones and the trauma of growing up in a dangerous community led him to understand the importance of allowing oneself to grieve and cry. He encourages men to break free from these societal norms and embrace their emotions, as it leads to being present and authentic with others. The speaker's mission is to help men understand that it's okay to be human and cry, and his viral video showing him comforting a crying boy was a testament to this.

    • Expressing vulnerability and nurturing emotions are not incompatible with masculinityAllowing oneself to feel and connect with others can lead to deeper relationships and a more fulfilling life.

      Men, like women, are complex beings and should not be defined solely by the attribute of masculinity. Masculinity, which includes traits like strength, boldness, and aggression, should not limit men from expressing vulnerability and nurturing emotions. The speaker shared his personal experience of being unable to be present for his wife during a difficult time due to his inability to express his emotions and connect on a deeper level. He emphasized the importance of allowing oneself to feel and connect with others, rather than being confined to a narrow definition of masculinity. The speaker also shared a personal story of how his wife's unwavering faith and perseverance led to the birth of their long-awaited son. Ultimately, the takeaway is that being open to vulnerability and connection can lead to deeper relationships and a more fulfilling life.

    • Men's emotional growth through acknowledging past traumasMen can benefit from addressing past traumas by acknowledging emotions, releasing them through crying, and seeking support from women to promote personal growth and improved mental health.

      Men, especially those who have been defined by their strength and toughness, can benefit from acknowledging and addressing their emotions, particularly those related to past traumas. Holding onto these emotions can lead to emotional and mental incarceration, hindering personal growth. By creating a safe space for men to express their emotions and releasing them through crying, men can experience healing and improved mental health. The story of the speaker's experience at the hospital and his realization during a recent interview are examples of this process. Women play an important role in supporting men through this journey by affording them the space and acceptance to do so.

    • Men's struggle with emotions and societal pressuresMen need to recognize and address emotions instead of masking them with harmful coping mechanisms, allowing for stronger relationships and personal growth

      Men often struggle with emotions, particularly sadness, anxiety, and feelings of worthlessness, which can lead to harmful coping mechanisms like substance abuse or suicide ideation. This is often due to societal pressures that equate worth with work and productivity, leading men to feel like they're failing if they're not providing or earning enough. It's important for men to recognize these emotions and seek help instead of trying to mask them with distractions or destructive behaviors. By being present and vulnerable, men can build stronger relationships with their loved ones and work through their issues, ultimately becoming the best version of themselves.

    • Men's fear of vulnerability and societal expectationsMen can find true fulfillment by living from their hearts, being courageous and compassionate, and focusing on what truly matters like family, faith, and service.

      Men often feel they need to choose between being vulnerable and being strong, leading them to guard their hearts and limit their emotional expression. This fear of losing parts of themselves, often tied to success and societal expectations, can lead to feelings of unworthiness and even thoughts of suicide. It's important for men to remember that they are valuable beyond their accomplishments and that living from their hearts, being courageous and compassionate, is the key to true fulfillment. By focusing on what truly matters, such as family, faith, and service, men can tip the scales in their favor and live a balanced, authentic life.

    • Mothers' Role in Raising Boys Without a Father FigureMothers play a crucial role in nurturing and disciplining sons without a father figure, helping them navigate adolescence and grow into confident men. Seeking support and guidance from other trusted figures is essential.

      The role of a father, whether physically present or not, holds significant impact on a young boy's development. For single mothers raising sons, it's essential to allow them to fulfill their nurturing role while also providing discipline and instruction. By doing so, mothers can help their sons navigate the challenges of adolescence and become independent, confident men. The absence of a father figure can leave a void that television or societal norms may not be able to fill. Ultimately, it's crucial for mothers to recognize their unique ability to nurture and protect their sons while also seeking support and guidance from other trusted figures in their lives.

    • Encouraging words matter for single mothers and their sonsSupport and encouragement can help young boys develop into strong men despite the absence of positive male role models, and reflecting on past adversities can lead to personal growth and the ability to connect with others.

      Providing encouragement and support, especially for single mothers and their sons, can make a significant difference in their lives. The absence of positive male role models can lead young boys to seek validation from negative sources, such as gangs or drugs. Encouragement and uplifting words can help these boys develop into compassionate and strong men. Furthermore, embracing and reflecting on past adversities can lead to personal growth and the ability to connect with others. The pain and struggles experienced can have a purpose, allowing individuals to help and understand others going through similar challenges.

    • Lessons in love and caregivingCaring for a loved one with Alzheimer's or dementia involves more than strength and masculinity. Embrace patience, understanding, and compassion for a deeper bond and personal growth.

      Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's or dementia requires more than just being strong and masculine. It's essential to nurture and connect emotionally. The speaker learned this lesson when he prayed for his mom's life to end out of fear and exhaustion, but God showed him that true love involves patience, understanding, and compassion. By embracing these qualities, the speaker was able to form a deeper bond with his mother and become a better person. He also introduced the concept of the emotional roller coaster, emphasizing the importance of staying stable and supportive during the ups and downs of caregiving. Ultimately, the speaker's experience taught him that expressing love and hurt in a healthy way is crucial for both the caregiver and the person receiving care.

    • Forgiveness and Understanding in RelationshipsForgiveness and understanding are essential for resolving conflicts and maintaining relationships. Recognize our mortality, embrace emotions, and be true to oneself to make the most of life and deepen connections.

      Forgiveness and understanding are key to resolving conflicts and maintaining relationships. The speaker shares a personal story about disciplining his son for eating his food without permission, but in the process, he forgives him and they are able to reset their relationship. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing our mortality and making the most of the time we have, rather than wasting it on arguments or regrets. He also encourages embracing emotions and being true to oneself, as these things can lead to personal growth and deeper connections with others.

    • Jason's Transformation: From Aggressive to GentlePeople crave love, care, and belief in themselves. By providing these things, we can foster deeper connections and make a positive impact on others' lives.

      People, including ourselves, undergo subtle changes over time, which can be seen in the way we communicate and interact with others. Jason, who was once a strong and aggressive man, has evolved into a gentle and kind person, allowing those around him to feel comfortable and welcomed in his presence. This transformation, as seen in Jason's case, can give permission to others to be vulnerable and open up, fostering deeper connections. Jason's story resonates with the idea that people fundamentally crave love, care, and belief in themselves. By providing these things, we can make a significant impact on others' lives, whether it be in a personal or professional setting. The key is to strike a balance between being tough and disciplined while also being compassionate and caring.

    • Love and safe spaces for positive changeCreating loving environments and safe spaces for individuals, especially boys, is more effective in bringing about positive change than using discipline and fear tactics.

      Providing love and creating safe spaces for individuals, especially boys, is more effective in bringing about positive change than using discipline and fear tactics. The speaker's experience with boot camp programs and shifting towards love-based approaches led to remarkable transformations. People, including men, respond differently when met with love and kindness, leading to a better world for all. The speaker's personal experience of changing his own behavior and observing the world's response supports this notion. Everyone desires love and affection, and offering it can lead to significant transformations.

    • Effective communication and understanding are crucial for de-escalating volatile situationsCommunicate empathetically, find mutually beneficial solutions, be assertive, understand power of calculated decisions, embrace fear and vulnerability for growth

      Effective communication and understanding are key to de-escalating potentially volatile situations. Whether it's dealing with a disruptive drug dealer in a club or a frustrated parent at a school, approaching the situation with empathy and finding a mutually beneficial solution can prevent conflict and lead to positive outcomes. Additionally, being assertive rather than aggressive is an important skill in various aspects of life, including martial arts and professional settings. Understanding the power of calculated decisions and targeting specific goals can lead to success. Lastly, embracing fear and vulnerability as part of the human experience is essential for growth and connection with others.

    • Exploring Emotions for Men's GrowthMen can use tools like the Emotions Wheel to identify and explore deeper emotions, embrace vulnerability, and foster growth through healing relationships and expressing gratitude.

      Men can begin their journey of self-discovery and becoming their true selves by acknowledging and understanding their emotions deeper. The Emotions Wheel, a tool created by Gloria Wilcox, can help men identify and explore emotions beyond the basic ones. Additionally, embracing vulnerability and being around situations or people that bring out non-masculine emotions can lead to growth and healing. The speaker shared a personal experience of reconnecting with his father and expressing gratitude, which led to a heartfelt response and a deeper connection. As men heal and grow, they have the opportunity to help others and prove that everyone deserves compassion and understanding.

    • Men's impact on emotionsBeing aware of emotions elicited in others, embracing adversity, and acknowledging negative emotions can lead to vulnerability, authenticity, and inner peace.

      Men need to be more aware of the emotions and feelings they elicit in others. As men, we often overlook the impact we have on those around us. The speaker shared his observation that men, including himself, have a tendency to make people feel something, and becoming more conscious of this can help us be more vulnerable and authentic. Another important point is the value of embracing adversity and seeking peace, not as an illusion but as a state of mind that can be maintained even in challenging situations. The speaker emphasized that true peace is not the absence of chaos or hardship, but rather the ability to stay calm and still in the midst of adversity. He also highlighted the importance of acknowledging and working through negative emotions, rather than avoiding them in pursuit of happiness.

    • Reflect, Release, Reset, and Rest for PeaceDuring high-stress situations, reflecting, releasing emotions, resetting mind, and resting are essential skills for maintaining peace and effectively managing stress.

      Maintaining peace during high-stress situations requires the ability to reflect, release, reset, and rest. The speaker shared a harrowing experience where he had to use these skills to protect his family from a carjacking attempt. He stayed calm and collected, allowing him to assess the situation and make the best decision for their safety. However, after the threat had passed, he recognized the importance of releasing his emotions to fully recover and reset. By reflecting on the experience, releasing his emotions, resetting his mind, and resting, he was able to maintain peace and move forward. This is a crucial skill for anyone, especially men, to develop in order to effectively manage stress and respond to challenging situations.

    • A deep connection formed between two individualsListeners are encouraged to spread the inspiring message of a powerful conversation, believing it could positively impact men and women in their lives, as the speaker expresses gratitude and excitement for the beginning of something greater.

      The speaker expresses deep admiration and connection towards the person they met, feeling that they share a special bond and will work together on something meaningful. The speaker also encourages listeners to spread the message of the conversation, believing it could positively impact men and women in their lives. The speaker expresses gratitude for the opportunity to meet and connect, and feels that this is just the beginning of something greater. The conversation carries a strong and inspiring energy, leaving the speaker feeling motivated and excited for the future.

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    ·      Article on building a customer success culture: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/building-customer-success-culture-vicki-reyzelman/?trackingId=2WwGEp1RSwah%2BZ0xQT1jBg%3D%3D


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    Contact me: info@assertiveway.com or ivnacuri@assertiveway.com

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    Website: https://assertiveway.com


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    Podcast Topic Compilations

    8 Real Life Examples On How To Deal With Difficult Coworkers (Compilation): https://speakyourmindnow.libsyn.com/8-examples-on-how-to-deal-with-difficult-coworkers

    Mastering Mentor & Sponsor Connections: Insider Advice from 5 Trailblazing Professionals (Compilation): https://speakyourmindnow.libsyn.com/mastering-mentor-sponsor-connections-insider-advice-from-5-trailblazing-professionals

    How To Find Courage To Speak Up (Compilation): https://speakyourmindnow.libsyn.com/how-to-find-courage-to-speak-up-4-examples

    4 Examples On How To Get The Promotion You Want (Compilation): https://speakyourmindnow.libsyn.com/4-examples-on-how-to-get-the-promotion-you-want

    4 Tips On How To Successfully Share Your Ideas At Work (Compilation): https://speakyourmindnow.libsyn.com/4-tips-on-how-to-successfully-share-your-ideas-at-work-compilation

    How To Cope With Stress At Work (Compilation): https://speakyourmindnow.libsyn.com/how-to-cope-with-stress-at-work-compilation



    #SpeakYourMindUnapologetically #Innovation #Trust #AI #Communication #Leadership #ProblemSolving

    159: How to Identify the Mouse in the Room

    159: How to Identify the Mouse in the Room

    We all know about the “elephant in the room.” But what about those less obvious thoughts and feelings you might be having?

     My guest David Wood describes them in his captivating new book, The Mouse in The Room – Because the Elephant Isn’t Alone. You won’t want to miss out on the mice he names during our conversation…and the simple 3-D process you can use to determine if you want to bring them up.

     We’re at a time when our world needs more vulnerability, transparency, and connection. David’s experiences make him the ideal person to teach us how to do that. He built the world’s largest coaching business and coached thousands of hours in 12 countries, and he’s advised business owners and leaders. The Mouse in The Room can be a powerful guide to fostering more connection, influence, and understanding with the people who matter to you, both at work and at home.

     You’ll discover: 

    • What “mouse naming” is and why it’s important for your wellbeing
    • What Toleration Mouse and Desire Mouse are connected to
    • Why we tend to hide our mice…from ourselves and from others
    • The impact that self-esteem has on our ability or willingness to identify mice and talk about them
    • How to receive a mouse from someone else without getting defensive 

    Check out all the episodes
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