
    The Most “Honest” Thing Ever Said On CNN (Ep 1491)

    enApril 02, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Emphasizing the importance of clear communication for vaccine acceptance and returning to normalcyClear communication is crucial in encouraging vaccine adoption and enabling a return to pre-pandemic life, as the window for linking reopening policies to vaccination status is narrow.

      During a segment on CNN, Dr. Leana Wen, an MD, spoke candidly about the real reason behind shutdowns and the importance of vaccines in returning to pre-pandemic life. She emphasized the need for clear communication to incentivize vaccine acceptance, as the window for linking reopening policies to vaccination status is narrow. This moment of honesty on CNN, known for misinformation, highlights the importance of clear communication in encouraging vaccine adoption and returning to normalcy. Protect your online privacy with ExpressVPN, the fastest and most trusted VPN on the market, by visiting expressvpn.com/Bongino and securing your internet connection.

    • Freedom vs. Government Control in the COVID-19 EraThe left's push for COVID-19 restrictions contradicts their support for individual freedoms, highlighting their desire for control over economic, healthcare, and educational sectors.

      The ongoing debate around COVID-19 restrictions and vaccinations reveals a deeper conflict between freedom and government control. A CNN analyst's suggestion to tie vaccinations to freedoms highlights the left's fear of people enjoying their liberties, which contradicts their push for lockdowns and restrictions. The left's position on economic freedom, healthcare, and education demonstrates their desire for control over these areas, making it impossible for individuals to be truly free. This conflict between freedom and government power has been a long-standing issue, and the current pandemic situation serves as a clear example of this ongoing struggle.

    • Manipulating Fear to Advance AgendasThe left uses crises to exploit public fear and incentivize compliance with their agendas, bypassing constitutional protections and civil liberties. Political and legal roadblocks hinder their progress, leading them to employ manipulative tactics.

      The left has been trying to limit individual freedoms in healthcare, school choice, and property rights through political power, the courts, and by exploiting crises to pressure corporations. They've faced obstacles in the political and legal spheres, leading them to use the pandemic as an opportunity to manipulate public fear and incentivize individuals to comply with their agendas, such as getting vaccines. This tactic allows them to bypass constitutional protections and civil liberties. The filibuster and GOP governors who support economic freedom are major roadblocks for the left's political and legal efforts.

    • Corporate Pressure Used Against Republican Voting LawsDemocrats use corporate pressure to oppose GOP voting bills, with companies like Delta, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and Apple speaking out, but critics argue they lack expertise and distort the law's facts

      The Democratic Party is using corporate pressure as a tactic to attack Republican-led legislation, specifically regarding voter integrity measures. This comes after the filibuster and court routes have been foreclosed upon due to Republican appointments to the federal judiciary. Companies such as Delta, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and Apple have publicly spoken out against Georgia's new voting law, labeling it "unacceptable" and a "step backwards." However, critics argue that these corporations have no expertise in legislation and are lying about the actual contents of the law. The call to action is for individuals to put pressure on these companies by adding them to a "do not buy" list. The parallel economy is also suggested as an alternative to these corporations that prioritize "wokeness" over American values.

    • Consider the values and actions of companies we supportBoycott companies with political agendas conflicting beliefs, shift power dynamic, support local businesses, seek accurate info before making purchasing decisions

      Corporations are under pressure from both Democrats and activist groups to adopt certain political agendas, and as consumers, it's important to consider the values and actions of the companies we support. The speaker encourages listeners to consider boycotting companies that align with causes or policies that go against their beliefs, especially in the context of political and social issues. This parallel economy approach can help shift the power dynamic and send a message to corporations that consumers value free and fair elections and want them to focus on their core business functions rather than political agendas. Additionally, the speaker highlights the importance of supporting local businesses and independently-owned alternatives to large corporations. In the context of the Georgia voter integrity law, the speaker emphasizes that consumers have been misinformed by corporations and encourages them to seek out accurate information before making purchasing decisions.

    • Nausea shouldn't prevent important moments, try Reliefband with promo code BonginoDon't let nausea hold you back, fact-check to separate truth from false narratives, and stand against misinformation

      Nausea should not prevent individuals from experiencing important moments in life. A solution for those experiencing nausea is the Reliefband, which is currently offering a discount with the promo code Bongino. Moving on, the discussion touched upon the controversy surrounding voter ID laws in Georgia. Contrary to the misinformation spread by some corporate leaders, these laws are not racist or voter suppressive. In fact, they expand voting access by adding early voting days, providing more equipment and poll workers, and allowing the use of drop boxes. The hype around these laws being racist is simply a false narrative, and it's important for individuals to fact-check and not blindly believe everything they hear. Additionally, the discussion emphasized the importance of collective action and solidarity, especially in the face of misinformation and attacks on our rights. The Coca-Cola Company's requirement of a photo ID for admission to their shareholder meeting was highlighted as an example of the inconsistency in applying the "racist" label to voter ID laws. Overall, it's crucial to separate fact from fiction and take a proactive stance against misinformation.

    • Challenging assumptions of black voter incapabilityIt's crucial to challenge racist assumptions that black voters are less capable and work towards fair and equal voting rights for all.

      Some liberal figures and their arguments against voter ID laws can be seen as racist, as they imply that black voters are incapable of obtaining and using IDs to vote. This was highlighted in a tweet by Mark Elias, a noted Democrat operative and attorney, who suggested that black voters might mistakenly provide incorrect driver's license numbers when voting by mail. This belief that black voters are less capable is a form of hard racism, as it assumes a lack of intelligence and competence. It's important to challenge and expose such assumptions and work towards fair and equal voting rights for all. Additionally, it's crucial to fact-check and clarify misunderstandings, as shown by the confusion over the meaning of "yes we can" in Spanish.

    • Fighting Back Against Corporations and Political ActivismCorporations should not receive special treatment for political activism, and individuals and states can take action against them by stripping tax breaks or using alternative platforms.

      Individuals and states can fight back against corporations and political activism that goes against their values. The discussion revolves around Paula C's misunderstanding of a Spanish phrase, which serves as a comic interlude. The main topic, however, is the Georgia House's decision to strip Delta of tax breaks after the CEO criticized the state's voting law. The speaker argues that corporations should not receive special treatment if they engage in political activism and promote division. The Georgia House's action is encouraged as a form of fighting back. Another example of fighting back is Laura Trump's interview being banned on big tech platforms, leading to a surge in viewers on Rumble, an alternative platform. These incidents highlight the importance of standing up for values and taking action against those who go against them.

    • Rise of Alternatives to YouTube and Facebook for Free SpeechThousands of content creators are moving to Rumble as free speech is suppressed on YouTube and Facebook. Personalized solutions like Helix Sleep's mattress quiz offer customized products based on individual preferences.

      The ongoing suppression of free speech on platforms like YouTube and Facebook is leading to the rise of alternatives like Rumble, where thousands of new content creators are flocking and millions of hours of new video are being uploaded. Meanwhile, Hunter Biden's interview on a morning show showcased his continued denial regarding the authenticity of the laptop controversy, which contains emails suggesting his involvement in shady business deals with foreign governments. In the consumer realm, the importance of personalized solutions, such as Helix Sleep's mattress quiz, is highlighted, offering a customized mattress that caters to individual sleep preferences.

    • Allegations against Hunter Biden's laptopDespite denials and misinformation, Hunter Biden's laptop is authentic and he's under federal investigation for foreign payoffs and disturbing images.

      There are allegations against President Joe Biden's son, Hunter, regarding payoffs from foreign governments and disturbing images on a laptop. A trusted source has seen these images and described them as horrendous. Hunter Biden has denied these allegations, but there is a receipt showing he dropped off a laptop for repair with a signature matching his. The media, specifically NPR, have reported misinformation about the laptop story being discredited, but this is not true. Federal law enforcement officials have confirmed the authenticity of the documents retrieved from the laptop, and Hunter Biden himself has since admitted to being under federal investigation. Despite this, some media outlets continue to spread misinformation. The receipt and other evidence contradict these false claims.

    • Media's duty to be fair to truth, not equal timeJournalists prioritize political biases over fairness, ignoring facts like FBI's Hunter Biden investigation, and media's history of hiding or promoting misinformation raises concerns about their commitment to truth.

      The media's perceived role as impartial arbiters of truth has been called into question, as some journalists now openly admit to prioritizing their political biases over fairness. The FBI's investigation into Hunter Biden's overseas business activities before the 2020 election was a fact that was largely ignored by the media, despite having an FBI case number. NBC's Lester Holt recently argued that fairness is overrated in journalism and that the media's duty is to be fair to the truth, not to give equal time to unsupported arguments. However, the media's history of hiding information and promoting misinformation, such as the Steele dossier and the Hunter Biden laptop story, raises questions about their commitment to this principle. These actions can be dangerous, especially during times of public health and safety crises. The media's role as gatekeepers of information and their impact on public perception make it crucial that they hold themselves accountable to the truth and prioritize accuracy over political bias.

    • Demoralization hinders acceptance of truthDespite facts and evidence, demoralized people may refuse to believe, perpetuated by a misinformation campaign and lack of moral standards, requiring a significant wake-up call to restore truth and facts in society

      The United States is experiencing a high level of demoralization, making it difficult for people to accept the truth, no matter how evident it may be. This demoralization has been perpetuated by a misinformation campaign and a lack of moral standards. Even if facts and evidence are presented, many people will refuse to believe them until they experience a significant wake-up call. For instance, illegal immigrants are being granted amnesty without any law being passed, yet this information may not reach many people due to their demoralized state. The situation is tragic, and it's crucial to address the root causes of demoralization to restore truth and facts in society.

    • Google Podcasts app to drop Dan Bongino show, listeners encouraged to switch platformsGoogle Podcasts app will no longer carry Dan Bongino's radio show. Fans can request it on local radio or switch to platforms like Spotify, Amazon Music, or TuneIn to continue listening.

      Dan Bongino's radio show is available on various platforms, but the Google Podcasts app will no longer be an option starting this spring. Fans of the show are encouraged to reach out to their local radio stations to request the program, or switch to alternative podcast platforms such as Spotify, Amazon Music, or TuneIn. Listeners are advised to follow their preferred podcast app to ensure they continue receiving new episodes. The Google Podcasts app may be disappearing, but the Dan Bongino show will continue to be accessible through other means.

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