
    Podcast Summary

    • Building community resilience and connectionsVolunteer networks like Neighbor to Neighbor promote social bonds and community preparedness in uncertain times. Cash prize games on Chumba Casino offer fun and potential rewards.

      Community connection and preparedness are essential in uncertain times. Doctor Joy introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network that encourages building meaningful social bonds and community resilience. Meanwhile, when it comes to winning, whether through celebration or gaming, there's an opportunity for fun and potential rewards. Chumba Casino offers social casino-style games with cash prizes. Lastly, Robert Evans, on Behind the Bastards, discussed the Mueller report with Jack O'Brien and Miles Gray, highlighting the importance of understanding the background of key figures like Attorney General William Barr. Barr's past actions, such as his 1989 opinion on abducting people in foreign countries without host country approval, provide context for his behavior regarding the Mueller report.

    • AG Barr's history of withholding info from CongressAG Barr has a history of withholding critical information from Congress and summarizing key points instead of providing full documents, raising concerns about the integrity of the justice system.

      Attorney General William Barr has a history of withholding important information from Congress and summarizing key points instead of providing full documents. This was evident during his tenure in the late 1980s when he withheld information about the Reagan administration's dealings with Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega, and later during the Mueller report investigation when he omitted critical details about Michael Flynn and Eric Prince's attempts to obtain Hillary Clinton's emails. Barr's actions set new precedents, such as being the first attorney general to refuse a congressional request for an independent counsel investigation. Barr's approach to transparency raises concerns about the integrity of the justice system and the role of the attorney general in upholding the law.

    • Robert Mueller's report: Complex findings on Russian interference and obstructionMueller's report confirms Russian election interference but doesn't find Trump campaign conspired, leaves obstruction open, mentions potentially damaging tapes.

      Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and potential obstruction of justice by President Trump presents a complex picture. While the report confirms that Russia interfered in the election, it does not find that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia. However, Mueller does not exonerate Trump on obstruction of justice, stating that he did not establish that the President had committed a crime but also did not exonerate him. The report also mentions the existence of potentially compromising tapes of Trump, which were reportedly discussed before the election. Despite these findings, the public discourse around the report has been oversimplified, with some claiming that it exonerates Trump completely. However, the report's nuanced findings underscore the need for a deeper understanding of its contents.

    • Russians' efforts to influence 2016 US electionThe Mueller report found that Russians intended to help Trump, but no evidence of campaign-Russia collusion or coordination was established.

      The Mueller report reveals the Russians' intent to influence the 2016 US presidential election in favor of Donald Trump, but it did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these activities. Mueller applied the framework of conspiracy law instead of the term "collusion," which is not a crime under federal law. The report defines coordination as requiring an agreement between the campaign and the Russian government, and it did not find such coordination. However, the Russians' efforts to influence the election were focused on entities like the Internet Research Agency, which began its infiltration in 2014, and the GRU, Russian intelligence. The IRA took pictures of Americans and locations to create more convincing fake personas online, making it harder for people to trace their origins. The report's findings suggest that while the Russians attempted to help the Trump campaign, there was no express or tacit agreement between the two parties to interfere with the election.

    • Russian efforts extended beyond hacking and leaking emailsThe Russians used various tactics like social media ads, rallies, and interactions with US persons to influence the 2016 US Presidential Elections, with potential unknowing coordination from Trump supporters and campaign officials.

      The Russian Interference in the 2016 US Presidential Elections involved more than just hacking and leaking emails. The IRA, a Russian organization, also purchased political advertisements on social media, organized political rallies inside the US, and interacted with US persons and entities, including Trump supporters and campaign officials. Although there was no evidence of US persons conspiring or coordinating with the IRA, they were unknowingly supporting and interacting with them. Meanwhile, the GRU, another Russian organization, started hacking attempts to obtain Clinton emails within days of Trump's public call for Russia to find the missing emails. This information, while not necessarily evidence of direct coordination, is damning and shows that the Russians were actively trying to help Trump's campaign. The danger of such coordination lies in bringing one person's illicit plans into alignment with another's.

    • Russian Interference in 2016 US Elections Reached 126 Million on Facebook AloneRussian interference in the 2016 US elections reached a massive audience through Facebook, potentially impacting the outcome of the election in key states. It's crucial to address the manipulation of elections through social media as technology evolves.

      The Internet Research Agency's influence campaign during the 2016 US elections was incredibly successful, reaching an estimated 126 million people through Facebook alone. This is significant because the outcome of the election came down to just 79,000 votes in three key states. Manafort's actions in sharing and targeting strategic information, while not technically illegal at the time, highlight a potential gap in our current electoral process. As technology evolves, it's crucial to address these issues and prevent the manipulation of elections through social media. It's important to remember that building and strengthening community connections, whether through neighborhood networks or online platforms, can help combat these threats and promote a more informed and engaged electorate.

    • Campaign manager shares polling data and peace plan with Russian consultantDuring the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, a campaign manager shared internal polling data and a peace plan with a Russian consultant, raising concerns of potential election interference and illegal activities.

      During the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, a campaign manager shared internal polling data and strategy with a consultant believed to have ties to Russian intelligence. While this information sharing did not constitute a criminal conspiracy, the manager was also working on a peace plan that could have given Russia control of part of Ukraine, which is a more legally questionable activity. Mueller's report indicates that Russian interference in the election was a serious and ongoing effort, with detailed accounts of actions taken by the Internet Research Agency, WikiLeaks, and Manafort. The report leaves no doubt that Russian actors put significant resources into influencing the outcome of the election. While Mueller did not make a definitive statement on whether Russian intervention swung the election, the extensive coverage of Russian activities in the report suggests that he takes the possibility seriously.

    • Observing Suspicious Behavior of Individuals Involved in Election InterferencePaying attention to nonverbal cues and inconsistencies in people's behavior can help expose individuals involved in election interference, as demonstrated by the cases of Russian agents posing as tourists in Salisbury and Russian operatives coordinating with Facebook experts during the 2016 US presidential campaign.

      The individuals involved in Russian interference in Western elections, such as those identified by investigative journalism site Bellingcat, often present themselves as tourists or innocent bystanders, but their behavior and appearances can be suspicious and give away their true intentions. For instance, two Russian agents posing as tourists in Salisbury, England, were exposed for their involvement in the poisoning of Sergei Skripal. Their appearances and demeanor were inconsistent with that of typical tourists, and they were found to be carrying items that were not typical for tourists. Furthermore, the Mueller report reveals that Russian operatives were coordinating with Facebook experts to intensify criticisms of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 US presidential campaign. These examples illustrate the importance of paying attention to nonverbal cues and inconsistencies in people's behavior, especially in the context of potential security threats or election interference.

    • Russian Interference in 2016 US Election through IRA: Effective with Minimal Facebook Ad SpendingThe Russian Interference in the 2016 US Presidential Election through the IRA was highly effective without significant Facebook ad spending. They created fake news, exploited emotions, organized fake rallies, and used botnets to spread disinformation.

      The Russian Interference in the 2016 US Presidential Election through the Internet Research Agency (IRA) was highly effective without even spending substantial amounts of money on Facebook advertisements. The IRA created fake news and used social media to generate viral content, exploiting controversial topics and emotions. They also organized fake rallies and presented them as grassroots efforts to the media. The IRA's efforts were two-pronged, with the creation of fake personas and groups, as well as a sizable botnet. High-profile US persons, including former ambassador Michael McFaul, Roger Stone, Sean Hannity, and Michael Flynn Jr., engaged with IRA-controlled accounts. The IRA's success was in part due to the churn of fake stories that resonated with those who supported Trump. The GRU, another Russian intelligence agency, carried out the DNC hacks and used spear-phishing to gain access to Hillary Clinton-related emails. The GRU also operated a moderately-sized Bitcoin mining operation to buy the computer infrastructure used for the hacks. Overall, the Russian interference was a significant threat to the democratic process, with far-reaching impacts on the 2016 US Presidential Election.

    • Russian intelligence used Bitcoin for election interferenceRussian military intelligence used Bitcoin to fund illegal activities during the 2016 US Presidential Elections, making it an effective and anonymous method for financing illicit activities.

      The GRU, a Russian military intelligence unit, used Bitcoin to fund their spear phishing campaign during the 2016 US Presidential Elections. They mined Bitcoin and used it to register the domain dcleaks.com, where they later released hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and John Podesta. The Bitcoin was worth around $100 at the time, making it an effective and anonymous method for the GRU to finance their illegal activities. This incident highlights the growing importance of digital currencies in illicit activities and the need for increased security measures to prevent such breaches. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the fun and exciting features of Monopoly Go, a mobile game, and Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, as well as Roger Stone's communication with the GRU using the persona of Guccifer 2.0. However, the details of these topics were mostly redacted in the Mueller report.

    • Assange's Role in Spreading False Information during the 2016 U.S. Presidential ElectionAssange coordinated with Russian intelligence to release hacked emails and spread false information about the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich, causing distress to Rich's family, all driven by a desire to harm Hillary Clinton.

      Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, was not only involved in releasing hacked Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. presidential election but also coordinated with Russian intelligence to do so. Moreover, Assange spread false information about the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich, which was later proven to be a conspiracy theory, and he continued to promote this theory even after Rich's death. The Mueller report reveals that Assange's desire to harm Hillary Clinton drove him to spread this false information, despite knowing it was not true. This behavior is particularly despicable as it caused significant distress to Rich's family. Overall, the report highlights Assange's role in interfering with the U.S. election and his willingness to spread false and harmful information for political gain.

    • Trump Campaign's Interactions with WikiLeaks During 2016 ElectionDespite Trump's denials, the Mueller report suggests the campaign had contacts with WikiLeaks during the 2016 election, but the extent and details are largely redacted due to lies from Manafort and Trump's desire to preserve his win.

      During the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, there were connections between the Trump team and WikiLeaks, but it's unclear if they knew the Russian government was the source of the leaked information. The Mueller report reveals that within hours of Trump's public call for Russia to find Hillary Clinton's emails, Russian hackers targeted her accounts. However, much of the communication between the campaign and WikiLeaks is redacted, leaving many details unknown. Donald Trump continued to deny Russian involvement even after it was clear, reportedly due to a desire to preserve his election win and protect his image. Manafort, a former campaign chairman, also lied extensively during investigations, making it difficult to determine the full extent of the campaign's knowledge and involvement.

    • Russians tried to use Trump Moscow project to influence 2016 electionRussians saw opportunity to influence election through Trump Moscow project, offered deals to Cohen, but no evidence Trump directly authorized or encouraged it.

      There were numerous offers and communications between people connected to Russia and members of the Trump campaign, particularly Michael Cohen, regarding the potential impact of the Trump Moscow project on the 2016 election. These communications were not explicitly acknowledged by Cohen, but the implication is clear. The Russians saw an opportunity to use the Trump Tower project as a way to influence the election in Trump's favor, and they made direct offers to Cohen to make that happen. Despite this, there is no evidence that Trump himself directly authorized or encouraged such cooperation. However, the repeated discussions about the potential benefits of the project for the campaign suggest that Trump may have seen it as a way to boost his image and potentially win the election through an infomercial-style approach. The lack of follow-through on the trip to Russia may have been due to the demands of the campaign. Overall, these communications add to the mounting evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election and the potential for collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

    • Russians attempted to influence Trump campaign with meetings and propagandaThe Mueller report revealed that Russians tried to sway the 2016 election by contacting Trump campaign members and pushing campaign propaganda, including the infamous Trump Tower meeting.

      There were numerous attempts by Russians to influence the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, with individuals within the campaign trying to set up meetings with Russian officials to increase their own value. The most damning evidence includes Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser for the Trump campaign who had direct contact with Russian intelligence officers and continuously pushed Russian government lines. The Trump Tower meeting, while not resulting in any clear collusion, was planned with corrupt intent as the Russians attempted to provide the campaign with information on the campaign. The Mueller report revealed that there are ongoing investigations into the Trump campaign's interactions with Russia, with some focusing on Donald Trump Jr. Despite these findings, some conservatives have dismissed the investigations as unfair targeting. Overall, the Russian interference in the election raises concerns about the integrity of the democratic process.

    • Mueller investigation led to 14 criminal probesMueller investigation revealed multiple criminal activities and opened 14 new probes, involving figures like Flynn, Manafort and potential obstruction of justice by Trump

      That the Mueller investigation may be over, but it led to the opening of 14 criminal investigations by other law enforcement agencies. This revelation, while significant, could potentially be overshadowed by attempts to downplay the findings if not widely publicized. The investigation also shed light on the potential involvement of people close to President Trump in criminal activities, with Michael Flynn being a notable figure. Despite Trump's initial lack of involvement in any investigations, his personal connection to Flynn led him to become a subject of investigation due to obstruction of justice. The discussion also touched upon Trump's apparent fondness for individuals who have committed crimes to protect their presidents, such as Bobby Kennedy and Eric Holder. Paul Manafort, a former Trump campaign staff member, emerged as the most directly criminal figure, with his involvement in sharing polling data at a cigar bar. Overall, the Mueller investigation uncovered a web of criminal activities and investigations that continue to unfold.

    • Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort's deceitful actions and unclear communications with RussiaThe Mueller report did not find conclusive evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russia, but revealed Paul Manafort's lies and deleted communications made his involvement in a pro-Russian peace plan unclear, while Trump's obstruction efforts led to his indictment.

      The Mueller report revealed that Paul Manafort, a former Trump campaign manager, lied about his communications with a Russian associate and his involvement in a peace plan that could have given Russia control of Eastern Ukraine. Manafort's unreliability and deleted communications made it unclear if he shared this plan with the president. However, the report did not find a smoking gun directly linking Manafort's actions to the Republican platform's pro-Russian stance change during the 2016 RNC. Instead, it suggests that multiple people, including Manafort and Carter Page, may have influenced the change through their pro-Russian opinions. The report also highlights Trump's efforts to obstruct the investigation as the primary reason for his eventual indictment. Overall, the Mueller report indicates that while there were numerous contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia, there was no coordinated effort to collude or conspire.

    • Interactions between Trump associates and RussiansDuring Trump's presidency, several individuals had questionable interactions with Russians, including lies to Congress and conflicts of interest, driven by personal interests and Russia's goals.

      During the Trump presidency, several individuals close to the administration, including Michael Flynn, Eric Prince, and Rick Gerson, had interactions with Russians that raised questions about potential lies to Congress and conflicts of interest. Michael Flynn, a former national security advisor, was found to have lied about his interactions with Russian officials and was sentenced to prison. Eric Prince, a businessman and friend of Jared Kushner, testified to Congress that he only met with a Russian official once during a trip to the Seychelles, but the Mueller report revealed that they met on two occasions, and Prince may have lied about the extent of their conversations. Rick Gerson, a hedge fund manager, worked with a Russian official to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin, with the goal of making a financial transaction. These individuals had personal interests that drove their actions, while Russia pursued specific goals related to sanctions, control of Eastern Ukraine, and opposing Hillary Clinton. Overall, the interactions between these individuals and Russians highlight the potential for conflicts of interest and deception during the Trump presidency.

    • Mueller Report: Trump Campaign Interactions with Russia and Ongoing InvestigationsThe Mueller report revealed numerous interactions between the Trump campaign and Russians, but proving criminal acts and obstruction of justice was challenging. Ongoing investigations hint at potential future charges.

      The Mueller report details numerous interactions between members of the Trump campaign and individuals with ties to Russia, leading to investigations and charges against some individuals. However, proving a criminal act beyond a reasonable doubt, especially when it comes to assigning monetary value to potentially damaging information, proved challenging for investigators. The report also noted ongoing investigations into some individuals, suggesting that further charges could be possible. Despite the evidence, obstruction of justice was not definitively proven against Trump or his associates. The report's release marked a significant moment in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

    • Exploring community-building initiatives and investigative findingsCommunity-building initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor and Chumba Casino bring people together, while Congress plays a crucial role in making decisions based on investigative findings, such as the potential obstruction of justice by a public figure as seen in the Mueller report.

      There are various initiatives aimed at building stronger communities and having fun, whether through volunteer networks like Neighbor to Neighbor or playing games at Chumba Casino. Another intriguing topic discussed was the concept of obstruction of justice and the role of Congress in making decisions based on investigative findings. The Mueller report presented evidence of potential obstruction of justice by a public figure but did not make a definitive ruling, emphasizing the importance of Congress to take action. Additionally, unexpected connections were made between figures like Donald Trump and Woody Guthrie, showcasing the interconnectedness of historical events and figures.

    • Mueller Report Does Not Exonerate TrumpMueller's report details Trump's efforts to influence investigations and raises questions about potential crimes, leaving it to Congress to decide.

      Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and potential obstruction of justice by President Trump does not exonerate him, despite conservative media claims. Mueller explained that indicting a sitting president would undermine the executive branch's functions, but the president could still be charged after leaving office. The report details Trump's efforts to influence investigations, including asking intelligence leaders to dispel suggestions of Russian connections and attempting to get Comey to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn. These actions, along with Trump's repeated attempts to get Sessions to unrecuse himself, suggest a pattern of behavior that raises questions about potential crimes. Ultimately, the report leaves it to Congress to determine whether the president's actions were criminal.

    • President Trump's Interactions with Russia InvestigationThe Mueller report suggests Trump may have obstructed justice but lacks definitive proof. Trump campaign discussed WikiLeaks releasing damaging info on Clinton. Trump believed firing Flynn would end investigation, but it prolonged it.

      During the Russia investigation, President Trump suggested to Attorney General Sessions that he take back supervision of the investigation in order to be treated fairly. Sessions did not unrecuse. The Mueller report states that the evidence supports the idea that Trump may have obstructed justice but it's unclear since there's no definitive proof he committed the underlying crime. The president ultimately refused to be interviewed and the investigators chose not to subpoena him due to the delay it would cause and the sufficient evidence they already had. One of the most intriguing parts of the report is the evidence of Trump campaign officials discussing the possibility of WikiLeaks releasing damaging information on Hillary Clinton. Trump himself was reportedly aware of these plans. This cooperation between the campaign and WikiLeaks adds to the sketchy behavior surrounding the Russia investigation. Another interesting story is Trump's lunch with Chris Christie after firing Flynn. Trump believed that firing Flynn would end the investigation, but Christie warned him that it would only make it longer. Despite this, Trump continued to discuss the investigation with Christie and even brought up Comey. Overall, the Mueller report reveals a president who may have obstructed justice but lacked the definitive evidence to prove it. It also highlights the questionable behavior of Trump and his campaign team during the Russia investigation.

    • President Trump's actions may have obstructed the investigation into Russian interferenceThe Mueller report indicates Trump asked people to contact Comey, made repeated complaints about the investigation, and fired Comey due to his refusal to clear him publicly, potentially obstructing justice

      The Mueller report suggests that President Trump's efforts to influence investigations into his associates, including his request for former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to call then-FBI Director James Comey to express his appreciation, could be seen as potential obstruction of justice. This is one of several instances where Trump asked someone to contact Comey, but the person did not comply. Additionally, Trump's repeated complaints about the investigation during intelligence briefings and his insistence that he was not under investigation, despite being advised against it, are also highlighted in the report as potential examples of obstruction. The report heavily corroborates Comey's claims that Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn, and it seems that Trump's primary reason for firing Comey was his refusal to publicly state that the president was not under investigation. Overall, the Mueller report suggests that Trump's actions may have obstructed the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

    • Mueller Report Discusses Trump's Information Sources and Potential Obstruction of JusticeThe Mueller report highlighted President Trump's reliance on Fox News, his focus on the Russia investigation, and potential obstruction of justice actions, but ultimately found insufficient evidence to charge him with a crime.

      President Trump's information intake was a topic of discussion in the Mueller report, with concerns raised about his reliance on Fox News and his persistent focus on specific issues, such as the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. The report also suggested that Trump's actions regarding the firing of James Comey could be seen as an attempt to obstruct justice, but ultimately, the investigation did not find sufficient evidence to charge the president with a crime. Additionally, the report hinted at Trump's potential involvement in other questionable activities, which may have contributed to his anxiety about the investigation. Furthermore, the report mentioned that Russian officials tried to contact Trump's team shortly after the election, but there was no evidence of a deep-rooted conspiracy between the two parties. Overall, the Mueller report painted a picture of a president who was deeply involved in the investigation into his own administration, but whose actions raised valid concerns about potential obstruction of justice.

    • Trump's personal experiences and perceived slights shaped his reaction to Mueller's appointmentTrump saw Mueller's investigation as a partisan attack and a personal attack, fueled by past disputes and perceived slights, leading to his refusal to cooperate and a contentious investigation

      Former President Trump's reaction to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller was shaped by personal experiences and perceived slights, including a dispute over golf club membership fees. Trump believed Mueller's investigation was a "coup" and an attempt to ruin his presidency. This belief was fueled by his belief that Mueller had once applied for the FBI director position and that Mueller's family had received a refund for golf club membership fees. Trump's intense reaction to the appointment and his belief that those around him had let him down highlights the deep distrust he had for those in his inner circle. Trump's belief that the investigation was a partisan attack and his refusal to cooperate set the stage for a contentious and protracted investigation.

    • The Power of Persuasive MessagingEffective messaging can sway opinions, encourage independent thinking, and even lead to financial gains. From 'Freak Cakes' to Monopoly Go, various persuasive campaigns offer unique narratives and benefits.

      Persuasive messaging, whether it's about cupcakes or political issues, requires a clear and compelling narrative. In the case of the "Freak Cakes," the message was that these cakes not only make your kids unhealthy but also encourage independent thinking, leading to significant financial gains for the propagandist. On the other hand, Monopoly Go offers endless entertainment and social connection through its innovative features and rewards. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of building strong community bonds, while High Five Casino provides a fun and rewarding gaming experience. Lastly, the Mueller report highlights the intense pressure and manipulation faced by those working for the president, leading to significant consequences. Overall, these discussions illustrate the power of persuasive messaging and the importance of staying informed.

    • Trump's Attempts to Obstruct InvestigationsTrump repeatedly tried to obstruct investigations, including asking his AG to unrecuse and pressuring his counsel to fire the special counsel.

      During his presidency, Donald Trump repeatedly attempted to obstruct investigations into potential conflicts of interest and his own actions, as detailed in the Mueller report. Despite his claims otherwise, the evidence suggests that Trump directed his associates to take actions that could be considered obstruction of justice. These attempts included asking his attorney general to unrecuse himself from a case and pressuring his White House counsel to fire the special counsel. Trump's behavior towards those working for him was described as demanding and erratic, with some employees considering resignation. Despite the seriousness of these allegations, Trump and his supporters have dismissed any criticism as "Trump derangement syndrome."

    • President Trump's attempts to interfere with Russia investigationTrump asked AG Sessions to limit probe, pressured aides to fire Mueller, but no clear obstruction case yet due to witness refusal

      That there is evidence suggesting that President Trump's efforts to get Attorney General Sessions to unrecuse himself and limit the scope of the Russia investigation could be considered acts of obstruction. Trump's attempts to have Sessions take control of the investigation were likely driven by his belief that an unrecused AG would protect him from the ongoing probe. Additionally, Trump repeatedly asked White House officials, including Don McGahn, to take actions that could be seen as obstructing justice, such as firing Mueller or denying the existence of such orders. Despite these requests, McGahn and others did not comply, and the case against Trump for obstruction remains unclear due in part to the refusal of key witnesses to carry out the president's orders. Overall, the report highlights a pattern of behavior by the president that raises concerns about his efforts to interfere with the Russia investigation.

    • President Trump's actions raised concerns about investigation's integrityThe Mueller report suggested that President Trump's attempts to influence the Russia investigation, though often unsuccessful, posed a threat to the justice system's integrity.

      According to the Mueller report, President Trump may have obstructed justice by encouraging his associates to lie to Congress and attempted to influence the investigation in various ways, including publicly. These actions, though often unsuccessful, raised concerns about the legitimacy of his election and potential impact on witness testimony. Despite the report's conclusion that it would not make traditional prosecutorial judgments, it noted that the president's power to influence actions and events, especially through public communications, could make it more difficult to establish corrupt intent but did not exclude public acts from the scope of obstruction statutes. Ultimately, the report suggested that the president's efforts to influence the investigation, while mostly unsuccessful, posed a threat to the justice system's integrity.

    • Report leaves room for ongoing investigations and political actionsMueller report doesn't exonerate Trump for obstruction, presents 'difficult issues', leaves room for impeachment hearings, ongoing investigations, and political debate.

      The Mueller report does not exonerate President Trump for obstruction of justice, despite him being the president. The report presents "difficult issues" that would need to be resolved for a traditional prosecutorial judgment, but it also does not conclude that the president committed a crime. This leaves room for ongoing investigations and potential political actions, such as impeachment hearings, which are currently being discussed in Congress. The report's findings have not seemed to significantly impact the president's poll numbers, leading some to question the political strategy of pursuing impeachment. However, others argue that it is a duty to keep the investigations in the public eye until the election. Ultimately, the report's release marks the beginning of a longer process, with ongoing criminal investigations and potential political actions.

    • Televised hearings' impact on public opinionTelevised hearings can shift public sentiment towards impeachment, but cynicism towards parties may hinder this effect. Revealing incompetence, dishonesty, and poor performance can benefit opposing parties, but unpredictable actions cast doubt on their ability to capitalize.

      The impact of televised hearings on public opinion can be significant, as evidenced by the shift in sentiment towards impeaching Nixon during the Watergate hearings. However, cynicism towards political parties and their strategies may hinder the same effect in the modern context. The possibility of televised hearings revealing incompetence, dishonesty, and poor performance from political figures could benefit the opposing party in elections. Yet, the unpredictability of the Democratic Party's actions casts doubt on their ability to effectively capitalize on such situations. The ongoing threat of political violence and the increasing tension in American politics add to the complexity of the situation. The podcast "It Could Happen Here" sheds light on the potential for a second American civil war and the dangerous rhetoric that fuels it. Overall, the political landscape is volatile, and the outcome of future elections and events remains uncertain.

    • Connect with your community and try new thingsJoin a volunteer network, play games for prizes, switch to affordable wireless plans, and try nicotine pouches for quitting smoking to strengthen connections and improve daily life

      There are simple ways to build stronger connections within your community and improve your daily life. For instance, consider joining Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network that encourages neighbors to help each other out during times of need and prepare for emergencies. Meanwhile, you can also explore fun and rewarding experiences, like playing games on High 5 Casino and winning prizes, or switching to Straight Talk Wireless for affordable family plans. Additionally, for those looking to quit smoking, ZYN nicotine pouches offer a smoke-free, spit-free alternative that can help make the journey towards a nicotine-free future more manageable. Overall, these examples demonstrate that small actions can lead to meaningful connections and positive changes. So go ahead, hug your family, help a neighbor, and try something new today.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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