
    The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel, and How Reading Helps You Think, with Doug Brunt | Ep. 630

    enSeptember 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Addressing Credit IssuesAddressing negative items on credit reports can lead to better financial opportunities, including competitive mortgage rates, significantly impacting one's economic growth over their lifetime.

      Understanding and addressing negative items on credit reports is crucial for securing better financial opportunities, such as competitive mortgage rates, which can significantly impact a person's economic growth over their lifetime. However, navigating the credit landscape can be a complex and time-consuming process, especially for those juggling other responsibilities. Doug Brunt, a bestselling author and host of the SiriusXM podcast "Dedicated with Doug Brunt," shares this challenge as he and his wife, Megyn Kelly, discussed on The Megyn Kelly Show. Brunt's latest book, "The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel," has received glowing reviews, and they delved into the intriguing story of Diesel's mysterious disappearance in 1913. The historical event, which garnered widespread media attention at the time, highlights the importance of addressing unexpected challenges, no matter the era. While the discussion touched on various topics, the importance of addressing credit issues and securing better financial opportunities emerged as a key takeaway.

    • Diesel's Game-Changing Invention: The Diesel EngineDiesel's invention of the diesel engine revolutionized powering machines, making them more compact, efficient, and requiring less labor. Despite his untimely death, his contribution paved the way for more efficient technologies.

      Rudolf Diesel, an inventor from the mid-industrial revolution era, revolutionized the way we power machines with his invention of the diesel engine. Before Diesel, ships relied on steam engines that required large quantities of coal and numerous laborers. Diesel's engine was more compact, efficient, and required less labor, making it a game-changer. However, Diesel's life was not without controversy. He was believed to have been murdered due to his engine being seen as a threat by powerful figures like Kaiser Wilhelm II and Rockefeller. The prevailing theory is that he committed suicide, but the murder theories add intrigue to the story of this unsung inventor. Diesel's hope was that his engine could provide power to rural economies, but his untimely death prevented that from happening. Overall, Diesel's invention paved the way for more efficient and labor-saving technologies, making it a significant contribution to industrial history.

    • Last-minute title change for wider appealBook titles can be changed at the last minute based on sales team input, potentially increasing appeal and sales

      The title of a book can undergo significant changes even in the final stages of its production, and the sales team's input can play a crucial role in shaping the title. The speaker shared an anecdote about how the title of his book, which was initially "Engines and Empires," was changed to "The Mysterious Case of Rudolph Diesel" at the last minute due to the sales team's suggestion. The speaker was initially resistant but ultimately accepted the change as he believed it would appeal to a wider audience and capture the book's mystery and intrigue. The book, which is a biography of Rudolph Diesel and a primer on his engine, also explores the diplomacy of the gilded age and serves as a "combustion engines for dummies" guide. The speaker praised the book's complexity and the author's ability to make complex topics digestible. The title change, though unexpected, ultimately proved beneficial for the book's sales and marketing efforts.

    • John D. Rockefeller's Dominance in Petroleum Industry through KeroseneRockefeller made kerosene the preferred source of light by strategic marketing and pricing tactics, but responded to electric light bulbs and diesel engines by promoting gasoline engines and cheap gasoline to secure the market.

      That John D. Rockefeller, the richest man in the world during the late 1800s and early 1900s, dominated the petroleum industry by focusing on the illumination business. He made kerosene the preferred source of light, replacing whale oil and natural gas, through strategic marketing and pricing tactics. However, with the advent of the electric light bulb and diesel engines, Rockefeller saw his main source of revenue threatened. He responded by promoting the use of gasoline engines and cheap gasoline to secure the market, even though diesel engines could run on vegetable oil or other alternative fuels. Rockefeller's tactics in China with kerosene lamps served as a blueprint for his approach to the combustion engine market. Despite the environmental concerns associated with diesel engines today, they were initially designed to run on alternative fuels. The widespread adoption of gasoline and petroleum-based diesel was due to Rockefeller's strategic efforts to control the market.

    • Power struggles between major energy playersCompetition for energy sources led to violent confrontations and complex international relationships, shaping the world leading to WW1

      During the early 20th century, the competition for energy sources led to significant power struggles between major players like the Rockefeller family and Rudolf Diesel. Diesel advocated for the use of coal tar as a fuel alternative, but his ideas clashed with the Rockefeller's oil interests. The tension between them escalated, leading to violent confrontations, such as the Ludlow Massacre in 1913. Meanwhile, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, a potential suspect in the Diesel disappearance, was an intriguing character. He was the favorite grandson of Queen Victoria of Great Britain, and their close relationship highlighted the complex connections between the German and British royal families. Despite the potential alliance between Germany and Great Britain, tensions between them grew, setting the stage for the impending World War I. The competition for energy sources and the resulting power struggles played a significant role in shaping international politics during this era.

    • Naval arms race and competition for diesel engine technologyDuring the early 20th century, Germany sought to secure diesel engine technology for its navy, leading to a conflict of interest with Rudolph Diesel, who had co-founded a diesel engine company in Britain.

      During the early 20th century, a time marked by heightened nationalism, militarism, and imperialism, Germany sought to expand its industry and secure resources through colonies and a strong navy. This naval arms race with Great Britain led to intense competition for diesel engine technology, as the diesel engine was the only viable option for powering submarines. Rudolph Diesel, the engine's inventor, was a German national but had co-founded a diesel engine manufacturing company in Great Britain to serve the Royal Navy's submarine program. Kaiser Wilhelm was determined to keep this technology within Germany's borders, leading to a significant conflict of interest. This context sheds light on the mysterious disappearance of Rudolph Diesel and the potential motivations behind his death. The race for diesel engine expertise during this era was a critical factor in naval power and global politics.

    • The Importance of Original Research and Acknowledging SourcesThorough research and original interviews add value to work and respect the efforts of other authors. Avoiding excessive reliance on one source and acknowledging contributions is essential for authenticity and originality.

      Original research and acknowledgement of sources are essential in producing high-quality and respectable work. The discussion revolved around two authors, Leigh Bardugo and Meryl Gordon, who both wrote books on different aspects of the Astor family. Anderson Cooper, a well-known author and journalist, was criticized for heavily relying on Meryl's work in his book on the Astor family, citing it 39 times in 31 pages. While not illegal, this practice was considered unoriginal and disrespectful by many, including Meryl herself. The importance of conducting thorough research and original interviews was emphasized, as it not only adds value to the work but also recognizes the efforts of other authors. Leigh's discovery of the French 75 cocktail, a fun and festive drink, was also a highlight of the conversation. Overall, the discussion underscored the significance of authenticity and originality in research and writing.

    • The mysterious life and death of Rudolf DieselDespite inventing the most crucial engine in the world, Rudolf Diesel's legacy is barely acknowledged, and the reasons behind his mysterious death and its impact on his reputation remain a fascinating and intriguing mystery.

      The story of Rudolf Diesel, the inventor of the diesel engine, and the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death and the subsequent erasure of his legacy, is a fascinating and intriguing tale. The availability of historical resources and technology today has made it possible for researchers to piece together information that was once difficult to obtain. Diesel's engine is the most important power source in the world over the last century and continues to be essential to our global economy. Yet, his legacy is barely acknowledged, with only a small plaque marking his childhood home in Paris. The reasons behind his mysterious death and the erasure of his legacy are explored in the book, and the researchers uncovered intriguing intel from various sources, including members of the CIA, police detectives, FBI, and British intelligence. These discoveries led to many mind-blowing revelations as they delved deeper into the story.

    • Genius, power, and deception on the eve of World War 1New evidence challenges the accepted account of Rudolf Diesel's disappearance, revealing conflicting eyewitness testimonies and the discovery of his personal items without a corresponding body, adding to the intrigue surrounding his mysterious death and potential implications for the upcoming war.

      The mystery surrounding the disappearance of Rudolf Diesel in 1913, which was believed to be solved, is not as clear-cut as previously thought. The speaker, who had access to classified information, discovered conflicting accounts of Diesel's last days and the discovery of his supposed body. Despite the lack of a definitive smoking gun, the speaker's research uncovered new information that challenges the accepted Encyclopedia Britannica conclusion. The case is complex, with misdirection appearing in various sources, including eyewitness testimonies and newspaper reports. The speaker emphasizes that most murders are solved based on circumstantial evidence, and in this case, there are conflicting eyewitness testimonies. Additionally, the discovery of Diesel's personal items on a Dutch steamer, without a corresponding body, adds to the intrigue. The subtitle of the book, "Genius, power, and deception on the eve of World War 1," highlights the complex web of power and deception surrounding Diesel's disappearance and the potential implications for the upcoming war.

    • The disappearance of Diesel overshadowed by WW1Diesel's disappearance during WW1 was overshadowed by the war's scale and the belief it was a suicide, contributing to his erasure from history

      The disappearance of Rudolph Diesel, the inventor of the diesel engine, from the front page of history can be attributed to a combination of factors. The onset of World War 1, with its massive scale and global impact, overshadowed Diesel's disappearance and the ensuing investigation. Additionally, the belief that his disappearance was a suicide made his story less appealing to the public and historians. Diesel's life was far from perfect, with significant stressors from both his personal life and the commercial success of his engine. The Nobel family, who had a vast oil empire and built diesel engines for their own use, were also in the picture but not considered suspects. The lack of appreciation for Diesel's accomplishments and the distraction of World War 1 contributed to his disappearance from history.

    • Rudolf Diesel's Inspiration from Industrial Revolution and Mother's LoveRudolf Diesel's experiences in the industrial revolution and his mother's influence shaped his invention of the diesel engine.

      The background and experiences of real-life figures can greatly influence their inventions and discoveries, as seen in the case of Rudolf Diesel. Born to German parents in Paris during the industrial revolution, Diesel was inspired by the steam and smog he saw in London at a young age. After facing hardships, he was given an opportunity to attend a trade school in Germany, where he excelled and went on to become a revered engineer. However, his love for the arts came from his mother, a governess, who played a significant role in his education. The novel's exploration of Diesel's life, grounded in historical accuracy, allows readers to better understand his motivations and the impact of his environment on his groundbreaking invention, the diesel engine.

    • Exploring Rudolf Diesel's Personal LifeThrough exploring Rudolf Diesel's personal life, we gain a more holistic understanding of the man behind the inventions, revealing his romantic side, contrasting upbringing, and societal norms of the time.

      Rudolf Diesel, a cultured and intelligent man with a deep appreciation for the arts and sciences, was not only an engineer but also a social theorist, who wrote beautiful letters to his wife Martha, showcasing his romantic side. His love for Martha and his children is evident from the letters and diaries, which were translated from German for the research. Diesel's upbringing, with a harsh father who believed in tough love, contrasted sharply with his romantic and loving personality. An intriguing incident from Diesel's childhood, where his father pushed him into a mucky pond as a lesson, is a stark reminder of the societal norms of the time. The research involved obtaining the love letters and diaries, which contained hilarious observations and professional documents. Diesel had three children, and one of them, Eugen, identified the remains. A funny detail from the research was the mispronunciation of Eugen's name, which was Eugen Diesel but was pronounced as Eugen in English. The exploration of Diesel's personal life, beyond his engineering achievements, provides a more holistic understanding of the man behind the inventions.

    • Impressed by America's potential, Diesel meets EdisonGerman engineer Rudolf Diesel, admired America's meritocracy and opportunities, met Thomas Edison, revolutionized power generation with diesel engine, and celebrated innovators' distinction between power-producing and power-consuming inventions.

      Rudolf Diesel, a German engineer, was deeply impressed by the potential of America in 1912. Despite initial shock at the poor infrastructure and unusual habits, he admired the meritocracy, lack of class system, and the opportunity to start from scratch in America. He recognized America's potential to become a dominant superpower, and he met another American genius, Thomas Edison. Diesel's invention, the diesel engine, revolutionized power generation and transformed industries like shipping. His meeting with Edison was significant, as both men were celebrated innovators of their time. Despite some differences, Diesel appreciated the distinction between his power-producing invention and Edison's power-consuming ones. Overall, Diesel's experiences and observations highlight the unique qualities that drew him to America and the impact of his inventions on the world.

    • Formative years shaping Diesel's innovative mindDiesel's passion for thermodynamics and internal combustion engines grew from his education and experiences, leading him to invent the diesel engine and revolutionize industries.

      Rudolf Diesel's innovative mind was shaped during his formative years at a special school in Germany, where his intellectual abilities were nurtured and expanded. This led him to study under pioneering engineers in Munich and Paris, further fueling his passion for thermodynamics and the potential of internal combustion engines. Despite working for established companies, Diesel continued to pursue his side project, driven by his belief that the inefficiencies of steam engines could be improved through internal combustion. His persistence paid off when he unveiled his diesel engine at the 1900 World's Fair, winning the first grand prize and catapulting him to international fame. His engine's versatility was soon recognized for marine applications, revolutionizing the industry and paving the way for diesel engines to become a staple in large vessels on the ocean.

    • From Gasoline to Diesel: The Author's Inspiring DiscoverySwitching a boat's engine from gasoline to diesel offers stability, longer range, and reduced fire risk. Writing nonfiction about Rudolf Diesel's mysterious disappearance required extensive research and a clear vision to secure a publishing deal.

      The author's experience with transitioning their boat's engines from gasoline to diesel led them to discover the mysterious disappearance of Rudolf Diesel, the inventor of the diesel engine, at sea. This discovery inspired them to write their first nonfiction book. The switch to diesel engines for boats is significant because they are more stable, have a longer range, and are less prone to fires compared to gasoline engines. The author's journey to write this book was different from their experience with fiction writing. Instead of writing the whole book first, they did extensive research and decided to write it as nonfiction due to the lack of information available about Rudolf Diesel in the English language. The publishing process for nonfiction also differed, as they had to present a clear vision and extensive research to secure a deal.

    • The Publishing Process for Non-Fiction BooksPublishing a non-fiction book involves extensive preparation, collaboration, and research, including a detailed proposal, sample chapter, and market analysis. The process can be lengthy and may include virtual editor meetings and auctions due to the pandemic.

      The process of publishing a book, particularly a work of non-fiction, involves significantly more preparation and collaboration than a finished first draft. While a novel may be mostly complete before submission, a non-fiction book requires a detailed proposal, including a chapter outline, sample chapter, and market analysis. This process can be lengthy and may involve extensive research and collaboration with experts, archives, and even the author's own network. The author may also work closely with an editor to refine the structure and content of the book. Additionally, the publishing process itself, including editor meetings and auctions, can now take place virtually due to the pandemic. Overall, publishing a non-fiction book requires a significant investment of time, effort, and collaboration, but the end result can be a deeply researched and engaging work that brings a subject to life for readers.

    • Rudolf Diesel: A Peaceful Innovator in a Militaristic EraRudolf Diesel, a peaceful inventor, unwittingly contributed to military advancements due to his engine's impact on submarines and centralization.

      Rudolf Diesel, a man ahead of his time, was a peaceful innovator who sought peaceful applications for his engine but lived in an era of heightened nationalism and militarism. He recognized the importance of military strength as a deterrent but rejected the social Darwinist beliefs that justified invasion and centralization. Diesel's engine contributed to the development of submarines and centralization, the opposite of his intentions. Despite this irony, Diesel would have been incredibly successful if he were alive today due to his inventions' impact on industry. Born in Philadelphia to a psychiatrist and well-educated mother, Doug, the author of the book about Diesel, was a shy child who loved to read and play Dungeons and Dragons. He was the third of four children and is still close with his siblings. Despite his early shyness, Doug has become an articulate and intelligent storyteller.

    • Friendship helps overcome shyness and fosters personal growthA friend's encouragement can help us step out of our comfort zone and lead to significant personal growth.

      Sometimes taking a small step outside of our comfort zone, with the help and encouragement of a friend, can lead to significant personal growth. Doug Brunt shared a story from his childhood about how his friend Will Tucker helped him overcome shyness and join in during recess activities. This experience was a turning point for Doug and played a role in shaping him into the person he is today. Additionally, the topic of conversation touched upon the historical co-opting of technology for military use, which can be traced back to the early days of steam technology. The story of Cougneau's steam car serves as an example of how technology was repurposed for military use, even in its infancy. Overall, the importance of friendship and the impact of historical events on our present were key themes in the discussion.

    • Appreciation for historical technology advancements and upcoming Rudolph Diesel podcastListeners share excitement for the upcoming Rudolph Diesel podcast and appreciate historical advancements in military technology leading to diesel engines.

      Throughout history, societies, including Germany and France under King Louis, have utilized technology, particularly in the military sector, which led to advancements like the development of diesel engines. A listener named Julie from Pennsylvania expressed her appreciation for the podcast and shared her excitement about the upcoming release of "The Mysterious Case of Rudolph Diesel." John from New York, a fellow alumnus of Syracuse University, praised the podcast and asked about purchasing a copy of Doug's book and getting an autograph. Megan clarified that they are not trying to buy their way onto the New York Times bestseller list, but instead, encouraging listeners to support the book by purchasing it from local bookstores or online platforms before its release. Additionally, Megan shared some personal anecdotes about Doug's athletic abilities and his experiences at Duke University.

    • The Importance of Critical Thinking, Good Writing, and Engaging Storytelling in EducationHaverford College emphasizes critical thinking and good writing. Barbara W. Tuckman's narrative nonfiction makes history engaging. Audiobooks and skilled narrators like Scott Brick broaden knowledge.

      As the political climate shifts, finding educational institutions that prioritize critical thinking and good writing may become increasingly challenging. Haverford College, mentioned in the conversation, is one such place that has a strong emphasis on these skills. The interview's guests, Doug and Megan, also shared their love for history and recommended authors like Barbara W. Tuckman, whose narrative nonfiction style makes historical learning more engaging. Additionally, the importance of audiobooks and skilled narrators like Scott Brick was highlighted. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of seeking out quality education and engaging storytelling to broaden our knowledge and understanding of the world.

    • Appreciating the Audience's SupportThe success of Megyn Kelly Show and Doug Brunt's book relies on audience support, including buying, reviewing, and sharing their thoughts to help rank higher. The authors value audience feedback and engagement.

      The success of the Megyn Kelly Show and Doug Brunt's book "A Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel" relies heavily on their audience. The hosts expressed their gratitude for the listeners' support, which includes buying and reviewing the book to help it rank higher on bestseller lists. Doug himself checks his ranking daily and appreciates every purchase. The Megyn Kelly Show values its audience's feedback and engagement, as evidenced by the behind-the-scenes content on megynkelly.com and the American News Minute email. So, if you've read the book, share your thoughts by emailing Meghan directly or signing up for the newsletter. Your support helps keep the show and the authors going. Tune in tomorrow for more news coverage on The Megyn Kelly Show.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 20, 2024

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    Day 369.

    Today, we bring you updates from across Ukraine and the world and we interview Dimko Zhluktenko, the 24-year old founder of Ukrainian charity Dzyga's Paw. The organisation supplies the Ukrainian military with equipment for the front lines. We discuss his experiences in the past year, the challenges he’s faced and the emotional impact of his work where many of the soldiers he’s helping are friends.


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    With thanks to Dimko Zhluktenko. @dim0kq on Twitter.

    Find out more about Dygas Paw Charity: https://dzygaspaw.com

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.