
    Podcast Summary

    • Building Connections and Supporting CommunitiesEngage in volunteer networks and social platforms to build relationships and offer support. Stay informed of health risks and take preventative measures. Address ongoing social issues to make a positive impact.

      There are initiatives and resources available to help foster connections within communities, whether it's through volunteer networks like Neighbor to Neighbor or social platforms like Chumba Casino. These resources offer opportunities to build meaningful relationships and provide support during challenging times. Additionally, it's important to be aware of potential health risks, such as the risk of developing shingles, and take preventative measures. Lastly, there are ongoing social issues that require attention and support, like the efforts of Ruba Tamimi to save her home. By staying informed and engaged, we can make a positive impact on our communities and the world around us.

    • A Man's Unheeded Plan for a Debt-Free EconomyDuring the late 1990s, a man named Harvey Bernard proposed a plan to replace income tax with a national sales tax and abolish compound interest for a debt-free economy. However, his plan went unnoticed as he self-published his book and another man, Clyde Hood, used his ideas for a scam.

      During the late 1990s, a man named Harvey Bernard, concerned about the US economy and its growing debt problem, proposed a plan called the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESRA). The plan aimed to replace the income tax with a national sales tax and abolish compound interest. Bernard believed his plan would lead to a debt-free economy with no inflation or recessions. However, the plan was never discussed in Congress, and Bernard self-published his book, "Draining the Swamp," which went mostly unnoticed. Meanwhile, in Mattoon, Illinois, a retired electrician named Clyde Hood was starting a scam called Omega Trust and Trading, falsely claiming to have a background in investment banking and ownership of a foreign bank. Bernard's and Hood's stories intersected when a woman named Candace Goodwin read Bernard's book in the late 1990s, and Hood used it as part of his scam. Despite Bernard's good intentions, his plan remained untested, and the economic landscape continued to evolve.

    • Clyde's Deception: Exploiting Trust and DesperationClyde manipulated trusting individuals, promising exclusive financial opportunities and creating a false sense of exclusivity, while running a pyramid scheme.

      Clyde, a self-proclaimed expert in offshore trading and European high yield investment programs, used his perceived insider status to deceive and manipulate unsuspecting individuals, promising them guaranteed high returns on investments that only the wealthy could usually access. He would fabricate grandiose stories of his wealth and influence, and then present himself as a savior, claiming to have a divine mission to help the little people join this exclusive financial world. He would create a sense of exclusivity and scarcity, implying that the investors were being denied access to something valuable due to their lack of capital. However, the truth was that he was running a pyramid scheme, where new investors' money would be used to pay off earlier investors, and the scheme would eventually collapse. The scheme specifically targeted conservative churchgoing Midwesterners, preying on their belief that wealth is a sign of moral superiority and their frustration with being locked out of the financial system. Clyde's scam was a classic example of how those in positions of power can exploit the trust and desperation of others for their own gain.

    • Investment scams exploiting low-income individualsInvestment scams can use tactics like exclusivity, fear, and a sense of community to lure victims, making it essential to practice skepticism and financial literacy.

      The world of finance and investment can be deceptive and exploitative, especially towards those who are new or lack access. The discussion highlights the case of Clyde Hood and his investment scam, Omega Funding, which targeted low-income individuals with promises of financial success. Hood used tactics such as exclusivity, fear, and a sense of community to lure people in, creating a grift that was both run-of-the-mill and remarkably effective. The grift's longevity is a testament to the power of persuasion and the human desire for financial security. Hood presented himself as a hero fighting against the system, making the delays and obstacles seem like proof of his legitimacy. The victims' belief in the system's attempt to stop them from their rightful gains further perpetuated the grift. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of skepticism and financial literacy when dealing with investment opportunities.

    • The Thrill of Deception: Fun or Risk?Be cautious of disguised risks while enjoying life's innovations. Seek trustworthy resources and cost-effective alternatives.

      Deception and manipulation can be disguised as fun and innovative opportunities, leading people to invest significant resources without fully understanding the potential risks. This was evident in the case of Clyde and his collaborators who made a fortune by selling Omega Products and Services to unsuspecting communities, particularly in California and Texas. Meanwhile, in a different context, people continue to find joy and connection through various platforms like Monopoly Go and Chumba Casino. For instance, the social aspect of these games brings people together, whether in-person or virtually. Additionally, there are cost-effective alternatives to common expenses, such as Mint Mobile's wireless plans, which offer significant savings. In the end, it's essential to be aware of potential scams and to seek out trustworthy resources while embracing the enjoyable aspects of life.

    • Word of mouth in small communities can lead to lucrative scamsCommunity trust and influential figures can facilitate lucrative scams, even in small communities with limited internet usage and artisanal grifts.

      In small communities, convincing one person of a lucrative opportunity can lead to it spreading rapidly through word of mouth. This was the case with Omega, a multi-million dollar scam that took advantage of people's desire to fight the system and get rich. The scam was facilitated by savvy con artists and influential figures, such as a New Age guru named Jay Z Knight, who had already established trust within these communities. The lack of internet usage at the time and the artisanal nature of the grift also played a role in its success. Despite the involvement of educated and accomplished individuals, they were still susceptible to the allure of the scam. The grift relied on the cross-pollination of various conspiracy theories and the cultivation of an abundance mentality, leading many to pour all their money into it. Ultimately, the scam was able to proliferate and trick people due to the trust and influence of these community figures.

    • The Omega grift intertwines spirituality and financial scamsIndividuals not directly involved in a grift can profit by selling info about it, blurring lines between reality and unreality, making people more susceptible to extreme beliefs.

      The Omega grift, similar to QAnon, involves not only the initial financial con, but also the wrapping of this con in spiritual and secret information beliefs. This combination attracts individuals who are not part of the original grift but create their own side grifts by selling information about the overarching grift. Candice Goodwin, a student of Ramtha, is an example of such an individual. She started the "daily dove" newsletter and called herself the "dove of oneness," positioning herself as having secret information about Omega investments. Despite not being directly affiliated with Omega, she claimed to have personal dealings with its partners and frequently alluded to secret information. This behavior is reminiscent of individuals like Praying Medic in the QAnon movement, who also benefit from the grift by selling information about it. The intermingling of spirituality and grifting is a modern trend, and it's starting to happen in a more organized way, making it harder for people to distinguish reality from unreality. This combination can make people more susceptible to extreme beliefs, such as Nazism.

    • Fears and desires unite diverse groups in cultic milieusFears of children's safety and belief in overcoming a rigged system can lead to unexpected alliances and the spread of ideas across diverse groups in cultic milieus, despite not all aspects being grounded in truth.

      In various cultic milieus, people with seemingly disparate beliefs and backgrounds can come together around shared fears and desires. Fears of their children being in danger and the belief that they can overcome a rigged system by gaining wealth are two powerful unifying forces. This dynamic, as seen in the case of Shana Goodwin and the Omega Opportunity, can lead to unexpected alliances and the spread of ideas across diverse groups. The cultic milieu, a subterranean world of heterodox beliefs and marginalized ideologies, can provide fertile ground for these unions. While not all aspects of this counterculture may be grounded in truth, the underlying human desire for connection and the belief in a better future can be a potent force.

    • Late 20th century beliefs and movements led to cult-like communitiesCertain beliefs and movements in the late 20th century, including Christian and new age beliefs, Ramtha's teachings, and fears of disasters, led to the formation of cult-like communities that encouraged followers to move and prepare for catastrophic events. Be aware of harmful groups exploiting similar beliefs.

      The convergence of various beliefs and movements in the late 20th century, including Christian and new age beliefs, Ramtha's teachings, and fears of impending disasters, led to the formation of cult-like communities. These communities, such as the Omega cult and the Ramtha cult, often encouraged their followers to move to specific areas, like the northwest, and prepare for catastrophic events. Unfortunately, this mindset can also be exploited by harmful groups, such as Nazis, who use similar beliefs to promote their own agendas. It's important to be aware of these connections and to critically evaluate the sources of information and guidance we receive.

    • The Unexpected Resemblance and Controversial Practices of a Certain Person and a GroupBe cautious of individuals and groups that make grand promises or encourage unconventional practices, and always fact-check information to avoid being misled.

      The discussion touched on the unexpected resemblance of a certain person to Jay Z, as well as the involvement of this person in a controversial group that urged its members to drink a potentially harmful concoction for enlightenment. The conversation also delved into the history of Omega, a group that faced government interference and encouraged its followers to take extreme measures to protect their investments. Despite the tangents, the underlying theme revolves around the impact and influence of controversial figures and groups, and how they continue to shape our modern political landscape. The discussion serves as a reminder of the importance of questioning and fact-checking information, especially when it comes to groups or individuals that make grand promises or encourage unconventional practices.

    • The Mattoon Grift: A Million-Dollar Scam Exposed in 2000In 2000, a million-dollar scam orchestrated by Clyde Hood and associates in Mattoon, IL, was exposed. Despite the defendants' bizarre claims, Hood admitted to the con and was sentenced to prison. However, some victims refused restitution due to embarrassment.

      The grift in Mattoon, Illinois, orchestrated by Clyde Hood and his associates, involving millions of dollars and multiple fake companies, came to light in the year 2000 when federal law enforcement intervened. The trial was marked by bizarre behavior, including Hood and other defendants' claims that the US government did not exist. The case highlights the spread of fringe beliefs, such as sovereign citizenship, and how they can attract people regardless of their origins or intentions. Ultimately, Clyde Hood admitted to the elaborate con and was sentenced to 14 years in prison, but an unexpected issue arose when many of his victims refused to accept restitution, feeling embarrassed rather than desiring their money back.

    • The Dove of Oneness continued to spread her messages and solicit funds despite arrests and accusations of a conspiracy.The Dove of Oneness, a figure spreading messages of a secret cabal and soliciting funds, continued her operations despite arrests and accusations, urging followers to remain steadfast and not accept repayment.

      Despite various attempts to halt her operations, a figure known as the Dove of Oneness continued to spread her messages and solicit funds through her newsletter, even after several individuals involved with her organization, Omega, were arrested. She maintained her belief in the legitimacy of Omega and accused those trying to stop it as part of a larger conspiracy. Her followers were urged to remain steadfast and not accept any repayment of their investments, as it was allegedly a trick. The Dove's messages contained information from unnamed sources and described secret struggles among financial elites. She also encouraged group prayers and positive thinking while providing instructions on handling large sums of money. This behavior aligns with the beliefs and practices of the QAnon conspiracy theory, which involves a belief in a secret cabal of powerful individuals and the idea of "white hats" or "white knights" fighting against them.

    • Exploiting Tragedy for Financial GainSome individuals exploited the collapse of a financial scam by spreading false promises and using tragic events like 9/11 to manipulate vulnerable people, demonstrating the dangerous power of manipulation.

      The collapse of a financial scam led some individuals to exploit the situation and spread false promises, even using tragic events like 9/11 to further manipulate their followers. The Dove of Oneness, a figure involved in the initial scam, transformed her side scam into a holy war, preying on people's desperation for wealth and hope. She continuously assured her followers that prosperity deliveries were imminent, even after the core scam had collapsed. The tragic events of 9/11 only amplified her manipulation, as she quickly capitalized on the situation by spreading false information that the attacks were connected to the financial changes her followers were waiting for. This demonstrates the dangerous power of manipulation and the lengths some individuals will go to exploit vulnerable people.

    • The Belief in NESARA: A Conspiracy Theory about a Fictional LawPeople have a natural desire for meaning and belonging, which can sometimes lead them to embrace conspiracy theories like the belief in NESARA, a supposed law to fix the economy, despite it being a fiction.

      The belief in NESARA, a supposed law to fix the economy, gained widespread popularity among a group of people in the late 1990s and early 2000s. This belief was fueled by a woman named Goodwin, who connected NESARA to the concept of Omega and claimed it was about to be instituted but was stopped by the 9/11 attacks. Goodwin's followers, many of whom were deeply distrustful of the government, saw themselves as part of a divine plan and believed that the "white hats" in the military and government were fighting against an evil conspiracy. The belief system was intertwined with various other ideas, including the involvement of a Catholic saint and a 250-year-old investment fund. This belief served as a kind of hobby or source of individualism for many people, who felt that they possessed special knowledge and were part of a select group. It's important to note that NESARA is not a real law and the belief in it is not based on fact. Instead, it highlights the human tendency to seek out meaning and belonging, even if it means embracing conspiracy theories.

    • The NESARA conspiracy: Unfounded promises of economic reformThe NESARA conspiracy, which promised economic reform and wealth, gained traction despite lacking factual basis. It included ideas like debt elimination, income tax abolition, and a new US treasury currency, but these could not be implemented without Congress.

      The NESARA conspiracy, which promised economic reform and wealth to its followers, gained significant traction despite its lack of factual basis. The conspiracy, which was popular in the early 2000s, drew in people from various political backgrounds who believed the system was rigged against them. The conspiracy theories included ideas like zerosing debt, abolishing income tax, and even creating a new US treasury currency. However, these ideas were never actual policies and could not be implemented without being passed through Congress. Despite this, the followers remained convinced and even attempted to petition the government to enact NESARA. The Obama administration politely dismissed the petition, explaining that laws must be passed and exist before they can be implemented. The NESARA conspiracy eventually faded out of popularity, but it serves as an example of how deeply people can believe in unproven ideas and how difficult it can be to disprove them.

    • Belief in conspiracy theories persists despite contradictory evidenceConspiracy theories like NESARA and QAnon continue to spread, merging with others and gaining popularity during times of instability, despite lack of factual basis or tangible results.

      The belief in conspiracy theories, such as NESARA and QAnon, continues to persist and evolve, even when faced with contradictory evidence or lack of factual basis. These theories often merge with other conspiracy theories and gain popularity during times of economic hardship or political instability. The reach of these theories is global, with posts and tweets in various languages spreading the narrative widely. Despite the lack of tangible results or evidence, supporters continue to believe in the imminent implementation of debt forgiveness and monetary reform, often tying it to political figures like Trump. The persistence of these theories, even in the face of logical analysis and evidence to the contrary, highlights the power of belief and the human tendency to seek explanations for complex issues.

    • Manipulation and False Narratives: The Current State of Conspiracy ThinkingRecognize the power and pervasiveness of false narratives, empathize with those misled, and promote critical thinking and fact-checking for reliable sources of information.

      The current state of conspiratorial thinking and unreality is a complex issue, where people are being manipulated into believing false narratives, often leading to destructive consequences. The speakers express frustration towards those who fall for these grifts, but also acknowledge the power and pervasiveness of these deceitful narratives, especially for older and isolated individuals. They lament the loss of a clear distinction between truth and fiction, and the role of media, particularly TV and YouTube, in perpetuating these falsehoods. Ultimately, they emphasize the importance of empathy towards those who are misled, while also holding those profiting from these grifts accountable. The speakers also promote the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking, and encourage listeners to seek out reliable sources of information.

    • Building community connections in uncertain timesVolunteer, form bonds with neighbors, play games for entertainment and potential gain, and make lifestyle changes for personal growth.

      Building strong community connections is essential in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, encourages individuals to form bonds with their neighbors and prepare for emergencies. Meanwhile, Lucky Land Slots offers a chance to win cash prizes, providing a form of entertainment and potential financial gain. For those looking to quit smoking or dipping, Zynn nicotine pouches offer a simple and effective alternative, with only six ingredients and a 10-day trial. Lastly, the NFL schedule release in May promises excitement for football fans, providing a much-anticipated event to look forward to. Overall, these examples emphasize the importance of community, entertainment, and personal growth. Whether it's through volunteering, playing games, or making lifestyle changes, there are opportunities to improve and connect with others.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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