
    The Newsroom Revolution & Trump Breaks the Media, plus Breaking Down School Choice, and The Border, a Question of National Security the Week In Review

    enNovember 11, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Entertainment, Politics, and Social Issues IntertwinedRyan discussed Chumba Casino, Tiffany Meyer shared insights on Chinese influence in Hollywood, Preborn highlighted the importance of heartbeats, Senator Cruz talked about cultural Marxism, school choice, and border security, and the group discussed media's role in shaping narratives.

      Entertainment and politics can intertwine in unexpected ways. Ryan shared his love for fun and introduced Chumba Casino, an online platform offering hundreds of free-to-play games with daily bonuses. Meanwhile, Tiffany Meyer's documentary, "Hollywood Takeover," uncovers the influence of the Chinese Communist Party in Hollywood. In a more serious tone, the discussion touched on the importance of heartbeats in saving preborn babies, as shared by Preborn. Lastly, Senator Cruz's book, "Unwoke," was discussed, highlighting his perspectives on cultural Marxism, school choice, and the southern border as a national security concern. The media's role in shaping narratives and challenging perspectives was also addressed. Overall, the conversation showcased the intersection of various topics, from entertainment to politics to social issues.

    • Media's role and priorities have changedOnce journalists striving for fairness, media now advocates for left-wing radical policies

      The media's role and priorities have shifted dramatically over the past decade. When Senator Cruz first entered politics, CNN, among others, aspired to be journalists, presenting both sides and striving for fairness and objectivity. However, they struggled with impartiality and leaned left. Fast forward to the Trump presidency, and the media's perspective shattered. They no longer see themselves as journalists but as advocates and defenders of left-wing radical policies. During Cruz's presidential campaign, he experienced this firsthand during an interview with Jake Tapper. While Cruz had a good relationship with Tapper, the media's transformation was evident. Today, the media no longer aims to present both sides or maintain impartiality; instead, they advocate for specific political ideologies.

    • Interview with Cruz on CNN: Editing ControversyMisrepresentation of facts in media can lead to controversy and damage reputations. Factual accuracy is crucial for maintaining trust and credibility.

      During an interview with Jake Tapper on CNN, the interviewee, Cruz, felt deceived when the network edited out his arguments, presenting him in a negative light. Cruz insisted that CNN air his unedited responses, and they eventually agreed. During the interview, Cruz discussed the Obama administration's knowledge of Nadal Hassan's radical Islamist connections before the Fort Hood shooting, which Jake Tapper initially disputed. However, after researching the matter, Tapper admitted he was wrong, and Cruz was right. Cruz had the option to air the entire unedited interview or have the controversial segment removed. Cruz chose the former, expecting it to be a political victory and future opportunities for interviews with CNN. This incident highlights the importance of factual accuracy and the potential consequences of biased editing in media.

    • Senator Ted Cruz discusses media bias and censorshipSenator Ted Cruz shares his experiences with media bias and censorship, emphasizing the importance of open dialogue and debate, while promoting his new book 'Unwoke' to challenge cultural Marxism in America.

      The current state of journalism, as exemplified by CNN, is broken and has led to extreme political positions among certain parties. Senator Ted Cruz shared his experience with CNN and Jake Tapper, where a segment discussing his views was removed. He believes this lack of substantive debate and reporting allows for radicalized policy positions. Cruz also addressed the promotion of his new book, "Unwoke," on Jimmy Kimmel's show, acknowledging the humor in the late-night host's jabs but emphasizing the importance of open dialogue and debate. Cruz's book aims to challenge cultural Marxism in America, and he remains committed to promoting honest and substantive discussions despite the challenges in today's media landscape.

    • Late night comedy's shift towards partisanship disappoints speakerSpeaker criticizes late night comedy for its lack of impartiality and focus on partisan attacks, specifically calling out Jimmy Kimmel for targeting conservatives only.

      Late night comedy, as exemplified by Jimmy Kimmel's monologues, has become a partisan primal scream rather than a source of genuine humor. The speaker, who has appeared on Kimmel's show and engaged in playful banter with him, expressed disappointment that the comedian only targets conservatives and never makes fun of Democrats. The speaker also shared an instance where Kimmel read an excerpt from the speaker's book on his show and forgot to include the link to purchase it, leading the speaker to tweet a video of himself scoring on Kimmel in basketball as a reminder of their past friendly competition. Despite enjoying comedy and growing up watching SNL, the speaker criticized the current state of late night comedy for its lack of impartiality and its focus on partisan attacks.

    • Essential issues: HealthLok savings and school choiceHealthLok saved members $130M, school choice is a civil rights issue for low-income families, especially those of color, and support is widespread

      Both HealthLok and school choice are essential issues that can lead to significant savings and better opportunities, respectively. In the case of HealthLok, it has helped its members save over $130 million. Regarding school choice, it is a civil rights issue that has been long advocated for, especially by low-income families and communities of color. The rich have always had the means to choose their schools, but it is the lower-income families who are often trapped in failing schools. The Democrat party, which is heavily influenced by teachers' unions, has hindered the progress of school choice. However, there is hope as states like Arizona and Florida have led the way in providing school choice, and Texas is currently having a major battle in its legislature to pass it. The support for school choice is widespread, with up to 80% of African American and Hispanic parents expressing their support. It is crucial to continue advocating for school choice to ensure every child in America has access to an excellent education, regardless of their race, ethnicity, wealth, or zip code.

    • Senator Ted Cruz's Aggressive Endorsement Approach in Texas PrimariesSenator Ted Cruz endorses frequently in Texas primaries based on legislators' voting records on school choice. He uses media ads and has successfully defeated opponents backed by teachers unions. Meanwhile, scrutinizing medical bills and ensuring their accuracy, even with insurance, can save significant amounts of money.

      US senators generally avoid endorsing in primaries within their own state due to the potential negative consequences. However, Senator Ted Cruz shares that he endorses frequently in Texas primaries based on legislators' voting records on school choice. He does this aggressively, using radio and TV ads, and has successfully beaten opponents backed by teachers unions. Meanwhile, the importance of scrutinizing medical bills and ensuring their accuracy, even with health insurance, was emphasized. HealthLock, a healthcare technology company, can help review claims for errors and save members significant amounts of money. Overall, Cruz's approach to primaries aims to encourage Republican legislators to make the right decisions, while the importance of checking medical bills to avoid overpayments is a reminder for maintaining financial health.

    • Preventing abortion and ensuring a good night's sleepPre Born saves 200 lives daily through ultrasounds, and Leesa donates mattresses to those in need, improving sleep quality and making a difference for $28 and through mattress donations respectively.

      Both the prevention of abortion and ensuring a good night's sleep are important causes deserving of support. At the beginning of life, a baby's heart starts beating at just three weeks, and by six weeks, eyes are forming. Pre Born saves 200 babies from abortion every day through ultrasound encounters that double their chances of life. For as little as $28, you can make a difference. Meanwhile, Leesa's natural hybrid mattress, made with premium natural materials and sustainable practices, not only improves sleep quality but also donates mattresses to those in need. Regarding national security, the intelligence suggests that an open southern border poses a significant threat, with terrorists on the watchlist crossing undetected. However, this information is not being adequately analyzed or reported, and intelligence officials should be asked to share their insights on the situation.

    • Media's lack of accountability fuels Democratic extremismThe media's abandonment of journalistic standards allows the Democratic party to make decisions pleasing international adversaries without facing scrutiny from their own constituents, contributing to geopolitical instability.

      The lack of journalistic accountability in the media has allowed the Democratic party to veer to the extreme left without facing any consequences at home. This dynamic has been exacerbated by the media's complicity in promoting the party's agenda, as seen in the manipulation of intelligence reports towards Iran and Saudi Arabia. The abandonment of journalistic standards has enabled the Democrats to make decisions that please their international adversaries, such as removing the Houthis from the terrorist watchlist and easing sanctions on Russia, all while avoiding scrutiny from their own constituents. This trend towards appeasement only emboldens bullies and tyrants, leading to conflicts and wars. The media's failure to hold politicians accountable has contributed significantly to the current state of geopolitical instability.

    • Biden's Middle East foreign policy: Weakening Saudi Arabia for Iran dealThe Biden administration aims to weaken Saudi Arabia to pursue a new nuclear deal with Iran, but concerns about Iranian influence within the administration add to controversy

      The Biden administration's foreign policy towards the Middle East, particularly towards Saudi Arabia, can be seen as an attempt to weaken the Saudis in order to pursue a new nuclear deal with Iran. This approach, which some view as problematic given the Saudis' role as a counterweight to Iran, is driven by a belief that engagement and appeasement will lead Iran to give up its nuclear weapons. However, concerns have been raised about the influence of Iranian operatives within the Biden administration, which has only added to the controversy surrounding this approach. During his tenure as Acting Director of National Intelligence under Trump, Richard Grenell managed to make significant changes in a short period of time, despite the challenges of taking on the deep state. His experience offers insights into the complexities of implementing foreign policy and the importance of staying committed to key alliances.

    • Hire outsiders for cabinet positions to make bold decisions and reform the systemTo make significant changes, hire outsiders for cabinet positions, eliminate excess personnel, freeze hiring, and seek legal means to cut labor force and eliminate outdated programs when new technologies or priorities emerge.

      When a Republican cabinet member faces career bureaucrats who may be ideologically opposed to a Republican president's agenda, it's essential to hire people from outside the Washington D.C. system. According to former Senator Ted Cruz, these individuals should not be concerned about their New York Times profile or their place in the Washington community. Instead, they should have the ability to make bold decisions and reform the system. Cruz shared his experience at the DNI, where he sent people back to their home agencies, got rid of excess personnel, and froze hiring. However, he also noted that in order to make significant changes, Congress must allow for the legal cutting of the labor force and eliminating programs when new technologies or priorities emerge. Cruz emphasized the importance of understanding the system and being able to manipulate it to achieve desired outcomes.

    • Exceptional Mattresses and Investment OpportunitiesLeesa offers comfortable mattresses with memory foam and cooling tech, plus risk-free trials and free delivery. US Oil and Gas and Labrador Energy present investment opportunities with potential tax benefits, but consult advisers before investing.

      Leesa's mattresses provide exceptional comfort and support with unique features like memory foam and cooling technology, and offer a risk-free trial period at home with free delivery. Additionally, for accredited investors, US Oil and Gas and Labrador Energy present potential investment opportunities. US Oil and Gas drilling is historically a tax-advantaged sector with sound returns, while Labrador Energy allows for tax liability reduction through strategic investment structures. However, it's important to note that all investments come with risks and potential losses. Be sure to consult with legal, tax, and financial advisers before making any investment decisions and refer to the prospectus for more information.

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