
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring resources for growth, connection, and learningFrom community networks and reskilling courses to fashion retailers promoting inclusivity, there are numerous resources available to help us build meaningful connections, prepare for the future, and continue learning throughout our lives.

      No matter where you are in life or what stage you're at, there are resources available to help you build meaningful connections and prepare for the future. Dr. Laurie Santos introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, emphasizing the importance of community and social bonds. Lisa Schneider, a future dog rescue owner, is an example of how reskilling courses with AARP can lead to a second act and financial security. Fashion retailer JCPenney emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and offering stylish and comfortable clothing for all body types. In a lighter moment, Robert Evans shared his knowledge of various gun nicknames, highlighting the importance of understanding cultural contexts. Overall, these stories remind us that there's always room for growth, connection, and learning, no matter our age or circumstances.

    • The Significance of Gun-Related Slang in American CultureGun-related slang is deeply ingrained in modern rap music and American culture, reflecting a complex relationship with firearms rooted in identity and community.

      The term "Blicky" is a slang term for a pistol, and it's deeply ingrained in modern rap music. The discussion also highlighted the extensive use of gun-related slang in American culture, which reflects the country's complex relationship with firearms. This relationship is often rooted in identity and community, particularly for people of color, as illustrated by the speaker's personal story about growing up and attending youth camp in inner-city areas. Despite the negative connotations associated with guns, they have become a significant part of American culture and identity, much like how food is for other cultures. This observation is not meant to be an evaluation, but rather an acknowledgement of the comprehensive influence guns hold in American society.

    • Group dynamics can mask true feelingsGroup dynamics can create a false sense of unity, potentially masking the true feelings of individuals within the group. Effective communication and standing up for oneself are crucial in addressing misunderstandings and conflicts.

      Appearances and group dynamics in youth environments can lead to misunderstandings and potential conflicts. The speaker shared an experience where a group of boys at a youth camp targeted him for unknown reasons, making jokes and attempting to confront him in a bathroom. Despite having made friends within the group, the speaker felt vulnerable and outnumbered, leading him to avoid confrontation. This incident highlights how group dynamics can create a false sense of unity and potentially mask the true feelings of individuals within the group. It also underscores the importance of effective communication and standing up for oneself in the face of bullying or intimidation. Ultimately, the speaker's experience serves as a reminder to challenge assumptions and strive for understanding in interpersonal relationships.

    • Group dynamics can escalate small issues into larger conflictsUnderstanding group dynamics and fostering open, nuanced conversations can help mitigate unnecessary conflicts and lead to effective solutions.

      Group dynamics, whether in a neighborhood or a larger societal context, can lead to unnecessary conflicts and divisions. People often follow the lead of those in charge, even if they don't fully agree, creating a snowball effect where small issues can escalate into larger ones. This phenomenon is not unique to specific communities or contexts. For instance, the gun control debate in the United States has been polarized into two extremes, with little room for nuanced discussion. Research shows that many gun owners support certain restrictions, but the narrative has been framed in a way that makes them hesitant to acknowledge this. The NRA has played a significant role in flattening the discussion into an either-or proposition, making it difficult for compromise and productive dialogue. Ultimately, understanding the psychology behind these dynamics and fostering open, nuanced conversations can help mitigate unnecessary conflicts and lead to more effective solutions.

    • Using politics to create single-issue votersPoliticians can manipulate complex issues into identity-driven debates, potentially hindering progress and understanding. Instead, focusing on specific instances and non-condescending solutions can foster more connected communities.

      Politics can be effectively used to turn people into single-issue voters by creating a strong sense of identity around that issue. This tactic, while potentially detrimental to the broader concept of democracy and human rights, can be politically brilliant. For instance, gun control is a complex issue with various laws that could reduce gun deaths significantly, but framing it as an infringement on human rights can be counterproductive. Instead, focusing on specific instances of violence and presenting solutions in a non-condescending way can be more effective. Radicalization, on the other hand, boils down complex issues to a sense of identity, making it difficult to challenge without feeling like one's personal identity is being threatened. To build more connected communities, it's essential to understand people's relationships to issues and find common ground without infringing on their sense of self.

    • Harlan Carter's Influence on American Gun CultureFrom a civic organization promoting gun safety to a powerful advocate for individual gun rights, Harlan Carter's impact on American gun culture is profound.

      Harlan Carter's impact on American history is significant, particularly in relation to gun culture and the militarization of the police. Before 1977, the National Rifle Association (NRA) was not the powerful organization it is today. It started as a group teaching gun safety and marksmanship to civilians, with a focus on responsible gun ownership. However, with the rise of groups like the Black Panthers, who began to assert their right to bear arms, the political landscape shifted. The NRA transformed into a more militant organization, advocating for individual gun rights and resistance to gun control. This period saw the beginning of the modern gun culture and the Supreme Court's increased focus on the Second Amendment. Lazarus Naturals encourages consumers to be informed about the safety and quality of their products, just as it's essential to understand the historical context and implications of Harlan Carter's influence.

    • The complex history of African Americans' fight for civil rights and the right to bear armsDespite initial support, African Americans faced resistance and manipulation when exercising their right to bear arms and vote, with historical context playing a significant role in shaping these struggles.

      The fight for civil rights and the right to bear arms by African Americans, specifically the Black Panther Party, was met with resistance and manipulation. Initially, after emancipation, African Americans didn't have guaranteed rights, leading them to arm themselves for protection. However, when they started to exercise their right to bear arms, there was pushback from those in power. The NRA initially supported this right but changed their stance once the Panthers gained influence. There was also an attempt to limit voting rights to prevent African Americans from having a say in their governance. The history of African Americans' struggle for civil rights and the right to bear arms is complex and often met with resistance and manipulation. It's important to remember that the context and historical context surrounding these issues are crucial to understanding their significance.

    • NRA's Complex Organization and Power of Lifetime MembersThe NRA's unique structure allows for significant power to its lifetime members through votes, enabling grassroots organizing and effective political maneuvering to influence the organization's direction.

      The National Rifle Association (NRA) functions as a complex organization with a legal framework in the United States. It has a board of directors, elected officials, and lifetime members who hold significant power through their votes. This setup allows for a "republic democracy"-like system where lifetime members can pass motions and even change the organization's charter through a plebiscite, or mass vote. However, the power lies with those who can effectively mobilize and rally support, as seen in the example of Harlan Carter and his team taking over the NRA by mobilizing a large number of lifetime members during a yearly meeting. This demonstrates the importance of grassroots organizing and effective political maneuvering in influencing the direction of an organization.

    • The Militarization of US Borders: A History of ControversyFormer border patrol leader Harlan Carter's violent past and Operation Wetback marked the beginning of a more aggressive approach to border control, leading to the militarization of the borders and the expansion of border patrol power. Recent Supreme Court ruling in Bivens case raises concerns about accountability.

      Harlan Carter, a former US border patrol leader, set the stage for the militarization of the US borders and the creation of a powerful and controversial border patrol agency. Carter, who grew up near the U.S.-Mexico border, killed a Mexican boy when he was a teenager and later led Operation Wetback, which aimed to remove undocumented immigrants from the country. This marked the beginning of a more aggressive approach to border control, leading to the militarization of the borders and the expansion of the border patrol's power. The recent Supreme Court ruling in the Bivens case raises concerns about the border patrol's actions and their lack of accountability. This history highlights the complex and contentious issues surrounding border control and immigration enforcement in the US.

    • Power and community in uncertain timesUnderstanding the dynamics of power and community can help us navigate complex issues and work towards positive change. The power of volunteer networks like Neighbor to Neighbor can counteract the influence of powerful organizations like the NRA.

      The power of community and connection is crucial in uncertain times. The discussion touched upon various topics, including white supremacy, gun control, and volunteer networks. In the context of the conversation, Harlan Carter was a conscious soldier of white supremacy, using violence to impose a system. In contrast, Neighbor to Neighbor is a volunteer network that empowers individuals to build stronger communities and support each other. The gun control debate was highlighted as a contentious identity flashpoint, with the NRA holding significant influence. The NRA's power can be attributed to its ability to mobilize its members and effectively lobby for its cause. Understanding the dynamics of power and community can help us navigate complex issues and work towards positive change.

    • Effective Period of NRA under Wayne LaPierre (1994-2010)The NRA, led by Wayne LaPierre, became the GOP's top fundraiser during 1994-2010, using fear to oppose gun control and securing Supreme Court victories, but its reputation suffered due to corruption.

      The period from 1994 to 2010 was the most effective in the National Rifle Association's (NRA) history due to the efforts of Wayne LaPierre, who took over from Charlton Heston. During this time, the NRA solidified its position as the most effective fundraising arm of the Republican party, giving large sums of money to campaigns, including those of George W. Bush and Donald Trump. In response to the passage of the assault weapons ban in 1994, the NRA used the fear of gun confiscation to mobilize its base and push for laws that made it difficult to research gun violence or sue gun manufacturers. The decade also saw the first Supreme Court cases recognizing the Second Amendment as an individual right, making it harder to pass productive gun control laws. However, rampant corruption within the NRA, particularly under LaPierre, led to its decline as an effective organization after this period.

    • NRA's Identity Politics and PolarizationThe NRA's identity politics strategy makes it hard for productive gun control discussions, leading to polarization and miscommunication

      The NRA's political power comes from turning gun rights into a defining identity and effectively setting the definition of related issues. This tactic makes it difficult for opposing sides to have productive discussions and can lead to toxic polarization. For instance, the NRA's stance on red flag laws is a contentious issue, with each side defining the term differently. While some view it as a means to take guns from violent individuals, others fear it could be used to target certain groups based on their politics or identities. This miscommunication and fear of potential misuse hinder constructive debates and create an environment where important discussions about gun control become nearly impossible.

    • Manipulating conversations through fearmongering and limiting termsRecognize manipulative tactics, refuse to let others define debate terms, and focus on productive discussions for marginalized communities.

      The use of fearmongering and defining terms in a way that limits productive discussion is a tactic used to manipulate and control conversations, as discussed in relation to gun control and critical race theory. This tactic, which can be traced back to the NRA's playbook, makes it difficult to have productive discussions and keeps people from thinking critically about important issues. It's essential to recognize this strategy and refuse to let others define the terms of the debate. This is especially important for marginalized communities, who are often subjected to this tactic in attempts to silence their voices. To move forward, it's crucial for those in politics to figure out how to effectively address these bad faith arguments and shift the focus back to productive, solution-oriented discussions.

    • Questioning the logic behind senseless issuesTrust your instincts, question mainstream narratives, and advocate for solutions that address root causes

      It's important to question the logic behind issues that seem senseless or unnecessary to us, even if the majority seems to be against our perspective. The speaker shares an experience of being confronted with the bathroom debate, where they felt the concern for gender neutral bathrooms was unwarranted. They encourage listeners to trust their instincts and not be afraid to speak up, even if it goes against the mainstream narrative. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of addressing the root causes of problems, such as white supremacy, rather than relying solely on passing laws or voting. They believe that everyone, regardless of income, should have the right to self-defense and bear arms. Overall, the takeaway is to trust your judgment, question the status quo, and advocate for solutions that address the root causes of issues.

    • Addressing social issues with effective solutionsUnderstanding root causes and taking proactive steps to address social issues like gun violence and political divisiveness is crucial. Effective democratic voters are essential to implementing solutions.

      It's important to address social issues, such as gun violence and political divisiveness, with effective solutions instead of just reacting out of fear or frustration. The speaker also emphasized the importance of understanding the root causes of these issues and taking proactive steps to address them. Additionally, they highlighted the need for democratic voters to be more effective in addressing these issues and not just relying on fear to drive people to vote. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of taking a thoughtful and informed approach to addressing complex social issues.

    • Lazarus Naturals and Grainger: Two Companies, Two ApproachesLazarus Naturals offers transparency and quality in their hemp products through their farm-to-door model and scannable labels. Grainger caters to professionals with professional-grade supplies and expert support.

      Lazarus Naturals and Grainger are two companies dedicated to providing high-quality products and exceptional customer service, each in their unique ways. Lazarus Naturals, with their farm-to-door model, ensures transparency, quality, and consistency in their hemp products by handling each production step. Their scannable labels provide customers with access to test results, ensuring safety and confidence. On the other hand, Grainger caters to professionals by offering professional-grade supplies and expert support. Their commitment to their customers is evident through their readily available team and resources, making it easy for customers to find what they need and get it done efficiently. In summary, Lazarus Naturals prioritizes transparency and quality in the production of their hemp products, while Grainger focuses on providing professional-grade supplies and expert support for their customers.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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