
    Podcast Summary

    • Ensuring Safety for National Geographic ExplorersNational Geographic's nurse Karen Berry plays a vital role in safeguarding explorers, photographers, and writers from potential hazards like Ebola outbreaks and natural disasters, providing aid to injury-prone team members like herpetologist Brady Barr.

      National Geographic's resident nurse, Karen Berry, plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of the organization's explorers, photographers, and writers, especially when they embark on extreme assignments in hazardous locations around the world. With potential threats ranging from Ebola outbreaks to natural disasters like volcanic eruptions, Karen is always on call and ready to provide assistance. Her most injury-prone patient is Brady Barr, a herpetologist and alligator wrangler, who has experienced various injuries throughout his career, including croc bites, snake bites, monkey bites, and even brain worms. Despite these challenges, Karen's dedication to keeping her team safe remains unwavering.

    • Nurse Manager Karen Barry's Role in Explorer SafetyNurse manager Karen Barry's unique background and dedication keep National Geographic explorers safe through teaching emergency preparedness, despite the inherently dangerous nature of their assignments.

      National Geographic's nurse manager, Karen Barry, plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of explorers despite the inherently dangerous nature of their assignments. With her personal experience of surviving a fire in nursing school, she brings a unique perspective and dedication to emergency preparedness. Unlike her previous role as a hands-on nurse in a hospital, her current role involves teaching and preparing explorers to handle emergencies themselves. This adjustment can feel strange, but she finds fulfillment in keeping explorers healthy and safe, as they embark on risky assignments to remote locations. The importance of her role becomes clear when considering the dangerous environments National Geographic sends its teams to, such as the Arctic, high mountains, and volcanic islands.

    • Anticipating explorers' hazards and preparing accordinglyEnsure safety for explorers by anticipating potential hazards, having appropriate first aid kits, and erring on the side of caution when faced with unclear danger levels.

      Ensuring safety for explorers involves putting oneself in their shoes and anticipating potential hazards. For instance, in rough ocean conditions, explorers could face concussions or deep lacerations, so bleed control kits are essential. At volcanic sites, there's a risk of burns, necessitating burn kits. When faced with unclear danger levels, such as malaria symptoms, it's crucial to err on the side of caution and withdraw explorers from the assignment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this meant preventing employees from traveling to high-risk areas. The most dangerous assignments often involve crossing vast, uncharted territories, where access to healthcare is limited, and wildlife poses a threat. In such cases, it's essential to rely on the expertise of experienced travelers and have comprehensive first aid kits tailored to specific risks.

    • Staying Safe from Dangerous Animals: Preparation and Professional HelpBe informed about potential dangers from venomous snakes and other animals in travel destinations. Carry essentials like a first-aid kit, but rely on professional medical help for antivenom administration to avoid allergic reactions and ensure proper dosage.

      When it comes to encountering dangerous animals, such as venomous snakes, proper preparation and having access to professional medical help are crucial. As heard in the discussion, elephants can give signs of their mood through their ear movements, and people must be aware of the potential danger of venomous snakes, especially in remote areas where medical assistance may not be readily available. A traveler to Northern India, for instance, was saved by a physician who carried antivenom for the local snakes. However, administering antivenom requires professional medical attention due to the risk of allergic reactions and the varying amount needed for each bite. Travelers should not carry antivenom themselves, but instead rely on the expertise of healthcare professionals. Despite the risks, the fear of snake bites keeps many people, including the speaker, up at night. The speaker, Karen, even has a personal connection to this fear through Brady Barr, a biologist who was attacked by a python in a cave and is featured on a National Geographic show. The discussion highlights the importance of being informed and prepared when traveling to areas with dangerous animals, but also emphasizes the need for professional help in case of emergencies.

    • From Everglades to National Geographic: Brady Barr's Passionate CareerBrady Barr's career journey from studying alligators to becoming a National Geographic scientist showcases the rewards of following passions, despite dangerous animals and extreme environments.

      Brady Barr's career began with studying alligators in the Everglades and evolved into an exciting role with National Geographic, where he travels the world and faces dangerous creatures like pythons in extreme environments. The iconic image of Barr facing down a python in a cave, known as the snake palace in Indonesia, represents the thrilling yet terrifying aspects of his job. The cave is filled with various dangerous creatures and poisonous gas, making the experience both horrifying and exhilarating. Barr's journey from animal enthusiast to National Geographic scientist demonstrates the rewards of following one's passions, even when they involve encountering dangerous animals in challenging conditions.

    • An encounter with a giant python in a dangerous caveExploring dangerous caves comes with risks, including encounters with dangerous animals. Being prepared and resilient is crucial to push through unexpected challenges.

      Exploring dangerous caves in search of the world's largest snake comes with its fair share of risks. During one such expedition, the explorer encountered a giant python that bit him on the leg, leaving him with a gaping open wound. The experience was reminiscent of a shark attack, filled with pain and chaos. Despite the injury, the team managed to subdue the snake and exit the cave. However, the adventure didn't end there, as the explorer had to deal with the embarrassment of staggering out of the cave in his underpants due to his shredded pants. This incident highlights the importance of being prepared for the unknown dangers that come with exploration and the resilience required to push through despite the challenges faced.

    • Encounters with Problem AnimalsExplorers face unexpected challenges from problem animals, but being prepared and having a medical consultant on hand ensures safety.

      Adventure and exploration often involve facing the unexpected and the bizarre. Brady Barr, a National Geographic explorer, shared stories of his encounters with problem animals, including a crocodile eating people in Africa and a snake bite in the Amazon. Karen Barry, his medical consultant, has been there to help him through these challenges, asking crucial questions and making sure they're prepared for potential complications. Despite the dangers, Barr continues to explore, reminding us that the world is full of wonders, both beautiful and terrifying. And, as a reminder, Barr's team always ensures that explorers are not alone in the field and will be brought home safely. The reticulated python, the longest snake species in the world, is just one example of the amazing creatures they encounter. So, whether you're an explorer or just curious, remember to be prepared for the unexpected and appreciate the beauty and wonder of our world. If you enjoyed this conversation, please consider supporting Overheard by rating and reviewing us in your podcast app and subscribing to National Geographic for more amazing stories.

    • Female Reticulated Pythons Can Give Birth Without MatingFemale reticulated pythons can reproduce through parthenogenesis, and the venom of various creatures could lead to medical breakthroughs.

      Female reticulated pythons are capable of giving birth without mating, a natural phenomenon known as parthenogenesis. This discovery was made when researchers observed these snakes in isolation. While these pythons aren't venomous, the venom of other snakes, ants, tree frogs, cone snails, and many other creatures could potentially lead to the next medical breakthrough. For more information on this story and other fascinating topics, be sure to check out the show notes in your podcast app. This week's episode of Overheard was produced by Brian Gutierrez, with contributions from Kyrie Douglas, Ilana Strauss, Jacob Pinter, Eli Chin, Carla Wills, Devar Ardalan, Julie Howe, Michael Tribble, Nathan Lump, and Peter Gwen. Stay tuned for more intriguing stories from National Geographic.

    Recent Episodes from Overheard at National Geographic

    Trapped in the icy waters of the Northwest Passage

    Trapped in the icy waters of the Northwest Passage
    For centuries, the Northwest Passage, the long-sought sea route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through northern Canada, was a holy grail of Arctic exploration. Even now, sailing through it isn’t guaranteed. Mark Synnott, a National Geographic Explorer, writer, and adventurer, attempted to sail his own boat through the Northwest Passage to retrace the doomed 1845 expedition of British explorer Sir John Franklin. None of the Franklin expedition’s 129 men made it home, but what exactly happened remains a mystery.   For more information on this episode, visit natgeo.com/overheard. Want more? Get the inside scoop on Mark’s Northwest Passage voyage and see gorgeous photos in the August issue of National Geographic. Watch Explorer: Lost in the Arctic, premiering August 24 on National Geographic and streaming the next day on Disney+ and Hulu. And to go even deeper, Mark will tell the full story in his book Into the Ice, coming fall 2024 from Dutton, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group. Also explore: On paper, Sir John Franklin’s expedition seemed to lack for little. There were ironclad ships, steam engines, libraries totaling 2,900 books, and even animal companions—two dogs and a monkey. Here’s how it all went wrong. Explore another polar expedition gone wrong—Shackleton’s expedition to Antarctica aboard Endurance—in the Overheard episode “What the Ice Gets, the Ice Keeps.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Playback: Modern Lives, Ancient Caves

    Playback: Modern Lives, Ancient Caves
    There’s a lost continent waiting to be explored, and it’s right below our feet. We’ll dig into the deep human relationship to the underground—and why we understand it from an instinctive point of view, but not so much from a physical one. (Hint: We’re afraid of the dark.) In an episode originally published November 2021, National Geographic photographer Tamara Merino will take us subterranean in Utah, Australia, and Spain, where modern-day cave dwellers teach us how to escape the heat. For more information on this episode, visit natgeo.com/overheard. Want more? Go below ground with National Geographic Explorer Tamara Merino to see how these communities have been living—quite comfortably—for a very long time. In Vietnam photojournalist and National Geographic Explorer Martin Edström created 360 images of the world’s largest cave, Son Doong. It’s so big that a forest grows inside of it. Ever zip-line to a remote island? Cartographers did, 30 miles west of San Francisco. What did they see when they mapped the hard-to-reach landform known as the Farallon Islands? Caves. China is home to some of the most intricate cave systems on the planet. These explorers used a laser scanner to capture never before seen images of undocumented caves. Also explore: South Dakota is famous among cavers for its web of cave mazes. Take a look at what they’ve found under the Black Hills. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Playback: This Indigenous Practice Fights Fire with Fire

    Playback: This Indigenous Practice Fights Fire with Fire
    For decades, the U.S. government evangelized fire suppression, most famously through Smokey Bear’s wildfire prevention campaign. But as climate change continues to exacerbate wildfire seasons and a growing body of scientific research supports using fire to fight fire, Indigenous groups in the Klamath Basin are reviving cultural burning practices that effectively controlled forest fires for centuries. In an episode originally published June 2022, National Geographic photographer Kiliii Yüyan introduces us to people bringing back this cultural practice and teaching the next generation how to use fire. For more information on this episode, visit natgeo.com/overheard. Want more? If you want to hear more from Kiliii, you can also listen to a previous Overheard episode where he shares stories from the many weeks he spent camping on sea ice with Native Alaskan whale hunters. And if you’re dying to see his photography, check out his website to see portraits of Indigenous people, Arctic wildlife, and more. Also explore: To learn more about Margo Robbins and her efforts to revive cultural burns, check out our article on the subject. The practice of cultural burning is just one of many subjects that Kiliii and writer Charles Mann covered about the ways Indigenous groups are trying to reclaim sovereignty. Read that cover story here.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Playback: Rooting, from Into the Depths

    Playback: Rooting, from Into the Depths
    National Geographic Explorer Tara Roberts is inspired by the stories of the Clotilda, a ship that illegally arrived in Mobile, Alabama, in 1860, and of Africatown, created by those on the vessel—a community that still exists today. The archaeologists and divers leading the search for the Clotilda lay out the steps it took to find it. In this last episode of the Into the Depths podcast, which published in March 2022, Tara talks to the living descendants of those aboard the ship. She admires their enormous pride in knowing their ancestry, and wonders if she can trace her own ancestors back to a ship. She hires a genealogist and visits her family’s small hometown in North Carolina. The surprising results bring a sense of belonging to a place that she never could have imagined. Want more? Check out our Into the Depths hub to listen to all six episodes, learn more about Tara’s journey following Black scuba divers, find previous Nat Geo coverage on the search for slave shipwrecks, and read the March 2022 cover story. And download a tool kit for hosting an Into the Depths listening party to spark conversation and journey deeper into the material. Also explore:  Dive into more of National Geographic’s coverage of the Clotilda with articles looking at scientists’ ongoing archaeological work, the story that broke the discovery of the ship, and the documentary Clotilda: Last American Slave Ship. Meet more of the descendants of the Africans trafficked to the U.S. aboard the Clotilda, and find out what they’re doing to save Mobile’s Africatown community in the face of difficult economic and environmental challenges.  Read the story of Kossola, who later received the name Cudjo Lewis, in the book Barracoon: The Story of the Last “Black Cargo,” by author and anthropologist Zora Neale Hurston. Learn more about the life of abolitionist Harriet Jacobs, author of “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl,” who escaped Edenton, N.C., through the Maritime Underground Railroad. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Playback: Ancient Orchestra

    Playback: Ancient Orchestra
    Sound on! From conch shells to bone flutes, humans have been making musical instruments for tens of thousands of years. What did prehistoric music sound like? In an episode originally published in November 2021, follow us on a journey to find the oldest musical instruments and combine them into one big orchestra of human history. For more information on this episode, visit natgeo.com/overheard. Want More? A conch is more than just a musical instrument. A mollusk lives in that shell, and it’s a staple food in the Bahamas—so much so that overfishing is threatening their existence, but a few simple solutions may solve the problem. The oldest musical instrument was once thought to be a cave bear bone flute made by Neanderthals, but recent evidence suggests that the holes were made by animals rather than tools. More information about each instrument: The organization First Sounds found and brought to life the recordings of Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville. Head to their website to learn more about that project. Bettina Joy de Guzman travels the world, composing and performing music on ancient instruments. You can read more about her work on her website. More information about the bells of Bronze Age China can be found at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Asian Art. Check out a virtual version of their collection.  The conch shell sounds you heard were research recordings of the approximately 3,000-year-old Titanostrombus galeatus conch shell horn—excavated in 2018 by John Rick and a team from the UNESCO World Heritage archaeological site Chavín de Huántar, in Perú. You can read more about that research at the Chavín de Huántar Archaeological Acoustics project website. National Geographic Explorer Jahawi Bertolli is collecting the sounds of rock gongs from all over the African continent. Learn more about his rock project on Jahawi’s website. Flutist Anna Potengowski specializes in recreating the sounds of ancient flutes. You can hear more of her work on her Spotify page. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Playback: A Skeptic's Guide to Loving Bats

    Playback: A Skeptic's Guide to Loving Bats
    Blood-sucking villains. Spooky specters of the night. Our views of bats are often based more on fiction than fact. Enter National Geographic Explorer at Large Rodrigo Medellín, aka the Bat Man of Mexico. For decades, he’s waged a charm offensive to show the world how much we need bats, from the clothes we wear to a sip of tequila at the end of a long day. The COVID-19 pandemic caused even more harmful bat myths and gave Medellín the biggest challenge of his career. In this episode originally published in 2021, learn why the world must once again realize that bats may not be the hero everyone wants—but they’re the hero we need. For more information on this episode, visit natgeo.com/overheard. Want more? See how Rodrigo uses a multi-pronged approach—involving field research, conservation, and tequila—to help protect bats.  In a Nat Geo short film, Rodrigo ventures into an ancient Mayan ruin to find two rare species of vampire bat. Curious about the connection between bats and Covid-19? Explore why it’s so tricky to trace the disease’s origins.   Also explore: Learn more about bats: They can be found nearly everywhere on Earth and range in size from lighter than a penny to a six-foot wingspan.    Why do bats get a bad rap? See how Spanish conquistadors and Dracula convinced us bats are more fright than friend.  Bat myths have real-world consequences. In Mauritius, a government campaign culled tens of thousands of endangered fruit bats.  For more bat info, follow Rodrigo on Instagram @batmanmedellin. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    How queer identity shapes Nat Geo Explorers

    How queer identity shapes Nat Geo Explorers
    Why would a scientist brave the stench of a car full of rotting meat on a 120-degree day? What can a unique whistling language teach us about humans’ connection to the natural world? And how does queer identity shape the research of National Geographic Explorers? In this episode celebrating Pride, we hand the mic to two Explorers: Christine Wilkinson, who studies hyenas and other large carnivores and created the TikTok series “Queer is Natural,” and Rüdiger Ortiz-Álvarez, whose soundscapes from the Canary Islands encourage us to slow down and listen to the world around us. For more information on this episode, visit natgeo.com/overheard. Want more? Why do some people prefer LGBTQIA+ instead of LGBT? See how society’s understanding of diverse sexual identities and gender expressions has grown more inclusive—and so has the acronym used to describe them. Before the Nazis rose to power, a German institute cemented itself as gay liberation’s epicenter. Discover the great hunt for the world's first LGBTQ archive. Although a large group of LGBTQ people celebrating their sexual orientation in public had been unthinkable just a few years before, the first Pride parades began in 1970 as marches commemorating the 1969 Stonewall uprising. See more National Geographic coverage of Pride at natgeo.com/Pride.  Also explore: Learn more about spotted hyenas, which live in female-led clans of up to 80 individuals. Practice your whistling and head to La Gomera in the Canary Islands, home to the Silbo Gomero whistling language and Garajonay National Park. Find Christine Wilkinson’s “Queer is Natural” series on her TikTok, @scrappynaturalist. And follow along with Rüdiger Ortiz-Álvarez on his Instagram, @rudigerortiz. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    A Mexican Wolf Pup’s Journey into the Wild

    A Mexican Wolf Pup’s Journey into the Wild
    For centuries, Mexican gray wolves roamed the Southwest. But as cattle ranches spread, wolves became enemy number one, and by the 1970s the subspecies was nearly extinct. But after the Endangered Species Act was passed, the U.S. embarked on an ambitious plan to save the iconic predators. We’ll meet the Texas trapper who switched from killing wolves to catching them to breed. And we’ll follow a team of biologists into the Gila Wilderness to introduce captive-born wolf pups into the wild. For more information on this episode, visit natgeo.com/overheard. Want more? Check out Peter Gwin's feature article on the Gila wilderness. Thinking of visiting the Gila yourself? We've put together a travel guide for you. Also Explore In 2021, a Mexican wolf named Mr. Goodbar crossed the border from Mexico into the United States, raising questions about how the border wall will affect animal migration. The Gila wilderness is also famous for one of the only venomous lizards in the world, the Gila monster. But climate change and human activity is threatening this charismatic reptile. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Playback: Deep Inside the First Wilderness

    Playback: Deep Inside the First Wilderness
    On assignment in the canyons of the Gila Wilderness, Nat Geo photographer Katie Orlinsky has a fireside chat with Overheard host Peter Gwin about telling stories through pictures. She chronicles how she found her way—from growing up in New York City to covering workers' rights in rural Mexico to the world’s most grueling dogsled race in Alaska.  For more information on this episode, visit nationalgeographic.com/overheard. Want more? To see some of Katie's photos from the Gila, take a look at Peter Gwin's article How to visit the Gila Wilderness. In her work on the Yukon Quest sled dog race, you can see what it looks like to cross 1,000 miles of Alaska on dog power. On Katie’s personal website, you can see more images, including from her time in Juárez. Also explore: And magazine subscribers can see Katie’s photos in our recent story about thawing permafrost. Sometimes that thaw creates pockets of methane under frozen lakes that scientists test by setting on fire. That story was also featured in our podcast episode about how beavers are changing the Arctic. If you like what you hear and want to support more content like this, please consider a National Geographic subscription. Go to natgeo.com/exploremore to subscribe today.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    She Sails the Seas Without Maps or Compasses

    She Sails the Seas Without Maps or Compasses
    For nearly 50 years, a group of Hawaiians have been sailing on traditional voyaging canoes using the methods that early Polynesian explorers relied on to navigate the Pacific Ocean—without maps and modern instruments, and relying on the stars, ocean waves, birds, and other natural elements to guide them. We meet National Geographic Explorer Lehua Kamalu, the first woman to captain a long-distance voyage on Hōkūleʻa, a double-hulled Polynesian canoe that was built in Hawaii in the 1970s. She describes what it’s like to navigate in incredibly rough waters, what it means to keep Polynesian navigation alive in the 21st century, and about her next big adventure: a four-year circumnavigation of the Pacific Ocean. For more information on this episode, visit natgeo.com/overheard. Want more? Learn about the Polynesian Voyaging Society and their upcoming voyage, Moananuiākea, a 47-month circumnavigation of the Pacific.  Read about Hōkūleʻa’s 2022 journey to Tahiti, which involved traveling 3,000 miles over three weeks.  Also explore:  A small number of people speak ‘ōlelo, Hawaii’s native language, which teetered on extinction during the mid-20th century. Learn about how some young Hawaiians are using TikTok and Instagram to make the language more accessible.  Hear Nat Geo Explorer Keolu Fox on a previous Overheard episode share how he’s working with Polynesian and Indigenous communities to study how their genomes have been shaped by history and colonialism, and how that data can help them reclaim land and improve health outcomes for their communities.  Visit National Geographic for more stories throughout Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    2022 OPTIC Conference Preview and Michael Kenna Encore Interview

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    This year’s OPTIC Conference runs from June 12–15, 2022, and includes presentations by Chester Higgins, Camille Seaman, Joe McNally, and many others. There are also opportunities to try the latest gear in specialized environments, expert-led panels, portfolio reviews, a sunset cruise, the OPTIC Challenge Print Competition, and OPTIC Signature Photo Walks sponsored by Lindblad Expeditions. Online participants can check the selection of available webinars.


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    Today’s episode is sponsored by Audio-Technica. Check out their AT2040 Hypercardioid Dynamic Microphone, ideal for podcasting!


    Guest: David Brommer  


    Above photograph © Camille Seaman

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