
    The One About Coronavirus

    enMarch 03, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Personal improvement and unfinished projects are priorities for 2024Byte offers affordable clear liners for a new smile, Thumbtack simplifies home care with local pros, and Silicon Valley Bank supports venture capitalists with banking services and insights

      Prioritizing personal improvement and tackling unfinished projects are key themes for the year 2024. For those seeking a new smile, Byte offers an affordable and convenient solution with clear liners, delivering doctor-directed treatment and financing options. Thumbtack simplifies home care by connecting users with highly-rated local pros for various home improvement projects. In the business world, Silicon Valley Bank serves as a valuable partner to venture capitalists, offering transactional banking services and unique industry insights, banking 50% of all venture-backed companies. These partnerships provide essential support, enabling growth and success in both personal and professional endeavors.

    • Measures to combat coronavirus spread and minimize economic impactDespite market volatility due to coronavirus, hope for positive resolution through effective measures and potential cure or treatment later in 2020

      The ongoing coronavirus outbreak is causing significant economic uncertainty and fear, leading to market volatility. Greg Becker, despite not being an expert on the subject, believes that the measures being taken by organizations like the CDC and WHO, as well as companies limiting travel, could help reduce the spread of the virus and minimize its impact. He also expects a cure or effective treatment to be available later in 2020. The widespread attention on the stock market declines has made even non-investors aware of the potential severity of the situation. Overall, while the situation is concerning and short-term in nature, there is hope for a positive resolution.

    • Maintaining Perspective Amidst Market TurmoilDespite the largest stock market decline since the crisis, we're still at higher levels compared to 2008-2009. Focusing on daily developments, such as travel restrictions, is crucial, but keeping a broader perspective and considering long-term implications is essential.

      While this week's stock market decline is the largest since the crisis in absolute terms, it's essential to keep things in perspective. We're still at much higher levels compared to 2008-2009. Although we're currently focusing on daily developments, such as the increasing number of infected individuals in Italy and the potential impact on travel, it's crucial to remember the bigger picture. Moreover, the current mindset of reducing travel and encouraging people to work from home if sick can be beneficial in preventing the spread of the virus. However, the relationship between easing monetary policy and stimulating travel or container ships remains unclear. As a member of the San Francisco Fed's board of directors, I must approach discussions about interest rates with caution, ensuring my comments do not represent the views of the Fed or any government agency. In summary, while the current situation demands our attention, it's essential to maintain a broader perspective and consider the potential long-term implications of the current events.

    • Silicon Valley Bank's debt financing strategy for tech companiesSilicon Valley Bank offers debt financing to tech companies to extend their runway before raising equity, based on specific milestones, despite market liquidity. The bank assesses risk carefully and advocates for the Fed to modify the Volcker rule to enable more venture capital investments.

      Silicon Valley Bank identifies opportunities to provide debt financing to tech companies that are looking to extend their runway before raising additional equity. This strategy is based on the understanding that these companies may not need a loan to augment fresh funds, but instead, they want to reach specific milestones to increase their valuation. Despite the abundance of liquidity in the market, the bank carefully assesses the risk involved in lending to these innovative, cash-burning startups. Historically, the bank's team has expertise in underwriting risk for such companies. The Federal Reserve is considering modifying the Volcker rule to enable banks to invest in venture capital once again, recognizing that the initial intent was not to limit banks' investments entirely. The bank has advocated for this change for a long time, believing that a portfolio approach to venture capital investments would be beneficial.

    • Medi Cal Coverage: Stay Updated for Smooth RenewalUpdating personal info maintains Medi Cal coverage, annual eligibility reviews, banks may re-enter VC scene, benefits Midwest economy, potential for more jobs and economic growth.

      Maintaining your Medi Cal coverage is important, as local offices review eligibility annually and members are often automatically renewed. Keeping personal information up to date ensures smooth communication. Meanwhile, in the business world, banks may soon re-enter the venture capital scene, which could lead to more jobs and economic growth in areas where access to venture capital is limited. This could be particularly beneficial in the Midwest, where the process of raising venture capital is more challenging. The relaxation of certain regulations could stimulate more investment in smaller businesses, potentially leading to higher paying jobs and increased economic activity. Overall, these changes could contribute significantly to the success of the US economy.

    • Disrupting traditional industries with massive market ideasEmbrace technology, innovation, and R&D to stay competitive and meet evolving customer needs. Disruption is not limited to banks and investing in new businesses and technologies is essential for staying relevant.

      The shift in mindset from entrepreneurs and venture capitalists towards tackling massive market ideas has led to the disruption and dominance of various industries, such as ride-hailing (Uber), home-sharing (Airbnb), and consumer banking (Chime). This trend, which has seen a significant increase in venture capital investment, is not a sign of an overdone market but rather a response to the larger market opportunities at hand. Institutions, including banks, should embrace technology, innovation, and R&D to stay competitive and provide differentiated services to their clients. The disruption of traditional industries is not limited to banks and should be a concern for every company that has been around for decades. Investments in new businesses and technologies are essential for staying relevant and meeting the evolving needs of customers.

    • Stay informed, adaptable, and proactive to avoid missing disruptive trendsAdopt a mindset of paranoia and preparedness to survive in rapidly changing business landscape, stay informed, adaptable, and proactive to prevent falling behind and losing competitive edge.

      According to Greg Becker, CEO of Silicon Valley Bank, a mindset of paranoia and preparedness is crucial for industries to survive in today's rapidly changing business landscape. Becker emphasized that this mindset, as described by Andy Grove, is essential for all industries to avoid missing out on disruptive trends and to prevent stumbling. This perspective highlights the importance of staying informed, adaptable, and proactive in the face of potential disruptions. Industries that fail to adopt this mindset risk falling behind and ultimately losing their competitive edge.

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    Ep 10 - ✈️ Covid-19 et Diapora

    Coupée d’une partie de chez elle, la diaspora africaine s’est regroupée, mobilisée et soutenue.


    Le coronavirus a imposé au monde une longue pause qui a figé les personnes à la place même où elles se trouvaient. Et pourtant, nous sommes aujourd’hui au cœur même de la saison où les visites au pays sont habituellement les plus nombreuses, or beaucoup de liaisons aériennes vers l’Afrique sont encore suspendues et beaucoup de frontières demeurent fermées.  

    Qu’est-ce que la diaspora a culturellement mise en place face à la suspension de lieux de production et de diffusion ? 

    Comment résoudre la question vitale de transfert d’argent au pays ? 

    Mais aussi comment rapatrier les corps ?

    Comme on dirait en Côte d’Ivoire, vraiment coronavirus là, il a mis du sable dans l’attiéké de tout le monde! 

    Nos invités:

    • Roch Amedet Banzouzi, comédien qui a joué dans une soixante de pays et fait partie de la célèbre Compagnie Punta Negra. En parallèle, il dirige l’espace Creatis-Cie Punta Negra et les ateliers Portes ouvertes sur l’Afrique.
    • Le sketch de Elisabeth Yaba, journaliste indépendante et blogueuse passionnée de lecture et d'écriture depuis Abidjan
    • Une initiative de Mireille Kameni, post-doctorante en virologie moléculaire camerounaise à l’Institut Pasteur de Shanghai. Elle finit actuellement ses études en Chine pour devenir biologiste et se spécialiser dans les virus type SRAS  
    • En musique avec Flavia Coelho, “Bonne nouvelle” 

    Et à retrouver chaque semaine:

    > Le tour du Web avec le collectif WenakLabs, le premier tech hub de N'Djaména, dans la voix de Pamela Bahdje (du Tchad)

    > Notre conteur Binda Ngazolo (du Cameroun)

    > La chronique en partenariat avec Le Monde Afrique

    « J’irai l’année prochaine » : les impossibles vacances « au pays » de la diaspora africaine de France 



    Hello! Episode 7 of MOOD SWINGS in Isolation is here and my guest is body piercer and tattoo artist NATHAN HAGUE. We discussed Nathan's new studio UTOPIA BODY ARTS, the challenges of opening a business during lockdown, UFC and combat sports, Anthony Bourdain as well as discussing some conspiracy theories surrounding coronavirus! Thanks Nathan! 

    Instagram: utopiabodyarts

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/utopiabodyart

    Jacinta Bowler on Science Journalism and Coronavirus

    Jacinta Bowler on Science Journalism and Coronavirus
    Jacinta Bowler from Science Alert (https://www.sciencealert.com/) talks about how she reports on the changing situation surrounding COVID-19. She discusses the challenges of reporting on uncertain science and making complex concepts clear for a large audience. Follow @TechCommUAH or email Ryan Weber at ryan.weber@uah.edu for more information about the show.